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The *Definitive* PSP RPGs for Vita Thread

It'll be so damn stupid if Dissidia loses to its own demo. Seriously, why wasn't 3rd Birthday or Final Fantasy IV CC on there if they weren't going to put on non-SE games anyway?

Something tells me Squeenix did this on purpose. They usually never have sales on their games so they may as well limit the amount of choices :(

XSeed should do a Y's bundle in celebration of Vita launch :D

Wait, so TO did lose?

No I think we find out on Tuesday. But judging by the reactions in the Vote thread most people seem like they already voted Dissidia
Something tells me Squeenix did this on purpose. They usually never have sales on their games so they may as well limit the amount of choices :(

XSeed should do a Y's bundle in celebration of Vita launch :D

No I think we find out on Tuesday. But judging by the reactions in the Vote thread most people seem like they already voted Dissidia

they should. so i can buy Ys 1 and 2 and OoF
I'm 20 hours into tits and I'm not really feeling it so far :(

Yeah, that's what I said a couple of days ago, it seems really bland to me. Then again I bought one of the Ys games and thought it was one of the worst RPGs I've ever played, so what do I know...

qcf x2

I'm 20 hours into tits and I'm not really feeling it so far :(

I like it, and I'm about 4.5 hours in. It reminds me a lot of Grandia 2, but I do hate the fact that you can't zoom out (or can you?). I've gotten lost in the same town far too often.

I also am enjoying Half Minute Hero, though I've only played 3 episodes so far. Great for those short breaks!

Edit: What's up with the PS3 download only titles? Are they gonna eventually fix that or what? I want VC and Jeanne D'Arc.


Yeah, that's what I said a couple of days ago, it seems really bland to me. Then again I bought one of the Ys games and thought it was one of the worst RPGs I've ever played, so what do I know...

I'm just waiting for something interesting/epic to happen. It's like I'm just going through the motions going from big city to big city.


If I've never played a Persona game before, would P3P be a good choice to start with? I just looked up some videos, and the game looks really fun.


Tragic victim of fan death
If I've never played a Persona game before, would P3P be a good choice to start with? I just looked up some videos, and the game looks really fun.

I'm playing through it right now. It's a blast and definitely a great entry point.


I'm playing through it right now. It's a blast and definitely a great entry point.

Great. I watched some guys review on youtube where he mentioned the first few hours seem like they're there to introduce newcomers, so I don't think I should have much trouble jumping into the game.

I don't even have a Vita, but I do have a PSP, and this thread has really made me realize how much I neglected it. There's so many games I plan on getting for it in the coming months. TitS, P3P, VCII, the Ys games, Dissidia 012, Half-Minute Hero, and Jeanne D'Arc (plus I still need to pick up Kingdom Hearts: BBS. I wish they had it in digital format). It's a shame I didn't appreciate how good the PSP's library was sooner.

Between all of that and Tales of Graces for PS3, I'm going to have one hell of a JRPG filled summer.
For those of you who buy Breath of Fire 3, don't worry about the not enough space on the memory card error you get when you first start it up, just continue anyway, it will let you save as normal once you reach the first save spot.


Picked up Tails in the Sky due to this thread. Man the game starts slow but I've been mowing through it recently and I really like it. Solid character development, decent lore with a bit of that old school Grandia/gamearts vibe, and great battle system. The battles seemed easy at first but when I got around to really tinkering with it, I'm impressed. Highly recommend for those who are looking for an rpg with a Grandia vibe to it. Stick wih it for a few chapters and you'll be damn satisfied.


What's the consensus on White Knight Chronicles? I'm thinking about picking it up (for the PSP though, don't have a Vita just yet).
The PS3 version of White Knight Chronicles II contained the *entire* first game, which has also been slightly updated. You can get it for about $30, or less, at most decent locations.

I can't comment on White Knight Chronicles: Origins since it wasn't released in the USA. I'd probably play it though, i find the PS3 games decent enough.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm trying to decide whether just to play TiTS on my PSP with my UMD Copy I bought, whether to buy and download it now to play on the Vita, or whether to buy it later when it potentially goes on sale for half off.

Anyone have advice?


Neo Member
Ill ask again since no one seems to know. For those of us who dont own a PS3, is there any way to load these games onto a vita?

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
How good do the psp fighting games look on the screen? I'm thinking of getting sfa3max whenever i procure a vita.

I've got Max on Vita. Looks beautiful, especially with the zero ghosting/blurring on dat OLED. Plays great too with the Vita d-pad. Loads instantly being DD. It's a really cheap way to have a great FG to play with, at its price. Specially since Max has a billion modes and single player activities.


Anyone have advice?

After using the vita for a few weeks, I can't go back to the feel of the psp. Don't know about you but I'd just wait for the sale. It's inevitable. Digital psn sales of psp games have to be up right now due to the launch but when those numbers drop, they should have a sale. Can only milk the cow for so long.


Unconfirmed Member
Anyone have advice?

I think the PSN version has better load times, but they aren't bad on PSP so it's not a huge improvement. And like most games it will probably look better on the Vita screen. Can't really go wrong either way.

No unless you go to a friends house or wait until sony fix this

Wonder how long it's going to be before Sony gets everything up on the Vita store, and how many technically "compatible" games will never be available.


Something tells me Squeenix did this on purpose. They usually never have sales on their games so they may as well limit the amount of choices :(
they had a sale on nearly everything on the EU store a couple of months ago.
What's the consensus on White Knight Chronicles? I'm thinking about picking it up (for the PSP though, don't have a Vita just yet).
Don't do it. White Knight Chronicles is a good game, had me hooked for a while but I stopped playing because it felt more of a chore that everytime you leveled up, you'll be changing everything about your setup.

White Knight Chronicles Origins is awful. Nothing like the first and second game, probably one of the worst PSP games I've ever played.

Edit: Anyone have Phantasy Star Portable 2? Are you able to transfer JPN DLC over to the Vita? IIRC, you had to download it from the website and copy it over to PSP.


People are referencing a $22.99 VCII bundle but I can't find it through the system (no results at all for VCII) or Media Go which just shows the $39.99 standalone game. Anyone have a direct link?

Also, what's up with PSone classics? Are they expected to be compatible at some point?
People are referencing a $22.99 VCII bundle but I can't find it through the system (no results at all for VCII) or Media Go which just shows the $39.99 standalone game. Anyone have a direct link?

Also, what's up with PSone classics? Are they expected to be compatible at some point?

It's on there, but a little buried. I can't give exact directions ATM, as PSN is undergoing maintenance :S

And yes, PSOne classics will be patched in at some point, though we haven't even been given so much as a release window yet.


.... Has SEGA just removed Phantasy Star Portable 2 from the EU store?

Not showing up on PS3 nor Vita, was about to buy too.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
So I take it that, other than the anime pandering, VC2 was a pretty good sequel?


No I think we find out on Tuesday. But judging by the reactions in the Vote thread most people seem like they already voted Dissidia

Terrible people, all of them!

People are referencing a $22.99 VCII bundle but I can't find it through the system (no results at all for VCII) or Media Go which just shows the $39.99 standalone game. Anyone have a direct link?

Use a PS3 and then search Valkyria. Not sure if it's still on sale, though.

It doesn't show up when checking via the Vita, I believe.


Anyone try Class of Heroes? Seems very Etrian Odyssey.

I enjoyed it, but then I like pretty much every first person dungeon crawler. The best comparison would be the Wizardry game available for the PS3 on PSN, it's the same dev so the basic gameplay is almost identical (though CoH has a lot more options for character creation). There's a demo for Wizardry, so if you have a PS3 that's the best way to see if you'd like CoH.

It's certainly a good pickup if you're looking for a dungeon crawler, though I wouldn't say it's as good as Etrian Odyssey. It's also $40 right now, so I'd wait for a sale/price drop. At $15-20, I'd probably rebuy it to have it digitally.


White Knight Chronicles Origins is awful. Nothing like the first and second game, probably one of the worst PSP games I've ever played.


White Knight Chronicles Origins is just that bad. The funny thing is, I knew it had to be terrible simply by watching some YouTube vids, but I still bought it out of morbid curiosity.


So I take it that, other than the anime pandering, VC2 was a pretty good sequel?
It also had unnecessary grinding, blatant level re-use, and claustrophobia-inducing levels due to memory limits.

But considering the amazing base it was working off it's still a pretty good game. Just not a good sequel.


Edit: wow, I didn't realize I posted that reply above in this thread. Sadly I can't merge the posts.

Is there any decent PSP dungeon crawler available on the European PSN? I'm itching to play that style of game.


P3P was a release day purchase (on Vita, lol) for me, and I have >95 hours played on it so far. For me, it was worth $40 :p

I can easily see how $40 is a stretch for most people though, that's pretty expensive.
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