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The Fighting Game Noob Thread: From Scrub to Master

ACE 1991

What are the essential Ryu combos in 5 and when should I use them? There are a lot of combo videos online but most of them don't seem necessary, so I'm trying to narrow down what I absolutely should learn.

What I have down:

cr.MK, fireball
jp.Hk, cr.MP, LK.tatsu
forward HP, HP.Shoryu (or doing this into a super)

Posting my question here because the OT is moving too fast.

Also, if some newbies want to play so games later, please add me on PSN: edkinator91
So here was my last match from yesterday:


First thing I personally noticed was I need a lot of work on defense. My first round threw me off so I just wanted to keep the pressure on and I played pretty stupidly. Next thing I really still need to work on is my predictability. I usually stick to the same stuff over and over because it seems to work best.

Preferably I want to get to a level where I'm mostly defensive and I'm punishing players, rather than just aggressively hoping to essentially out spam my opponents.

Any thoughts GAF?

Also: Do not be fooled by my first round, that was pretty much everything I had lol


Couple basic pieces of feedback:

- you showcased some patience against Mika, which is a valuable skill to have against grappler-esque characters. Karin also has better normals than Mika in this case, so taking advantage of your superior range with moves like her standing medium kick or crouching hard kick for example (both preferably nearing the tip of her feet) does a lot to help control the pace and avoid being caught in their command grab mix-ups. Have to be mindful of the likelihood of them throwing out armored attacks, mind you.
Yeah, if there's one skill I start with for this, it's patience. Need to practice it more, but I am not above playing "lame" if it means I don't get command thrown. Heck, I'll win by Time Out if I have to. I wonder if i should apply this to more fights than just grapplers.

- On that note: if Mika and Laura go for their Critical Art when you're standing up post-knockdown, you should normally be able to jump out of it as the animation ends, so just hold straight up to escape from that sort of predicament. Necalli's isn't a grab if memory serves, so you can block that instead. Zangief's has a 0 frame start-up, so if you're in range during the animation it's already too late.
I knew that as soon as it hit me. "Oh, wait. Mika has a super throw... I should have held up, but instead I get the butts. Next time."

- Watching your Ryu matches, two fundamental reactions worth mentioning... For one: if one starts throwing out fireballs from afar like these two did, there's two simple things you could do more often to avoid chip damage. One being simply neutral jumping and doing something about his next move, or jumping forwards when out of Shoryuken range. The latter could be done when closer too if the guy is being predictable, and with the recovery or long wind-up animation that most fireballs have in SFV, that'll net you the opportunity for a juicy punish. The other being (I believe it was) Karin's V-Skill, or whatever the input for her single-handed palm thrust is. This snuffs out one-hit fireballs outright and if it builds V-Meter too, then that's something worth practicing until better players start going on offense after their projectile pressure. I'm uncertain which of her command dashes (with the "Right there!" voice-over) go through or under fireballs, so have a look at this if any version at all has that trait.
As far as i can tell, the in-air part of her Ressenha jumping attack is fireball immune. It's why I use it to counter fireballs. Timed right and it should reach Ryu before he recovers. Timed wrong and it's unsafe on block... So, I should think more of neutral jumping until I'm sure I got the timing right to win the fireball war by hitting Ryu in the face. Ideally, Karin leavves the ground when Ryu says "Ha-".

- Another relatively easy adjustment once you have presence of mind: punishing whiffed or blocked Shoryukens with a Crush Counter. Moves like this (including Cammy's and Necalli) have this kind of innate vulnerability to them, and landing Karin's standing Crush Counter will give you another big opportunity for respectable damage. Worthwhile for gaining some V-Meter too, and plenty of Ryu's at your skill level like to throw an SRK out willy-nilly.
Noted. I will have to find out which button that is, but I'm thinking standing HK is her Crush Counter. I'm not sure exactly what Crush Counters do, but they're better than normal counters, apparently. They give more V-gauge or something?

- A more general critique: have to be a little bit more careful about pressing buttons on defense. Makes you susceptible to others dishing out the hurt after neutral jumping or via Crush Counters once you meet more aware players, and if need be you could always resort to V-Reversals until you're more accustomed to gaps in between block strings or knowing which moves leave the opponent at a disadvantage on block. V-Meter builds fairly quickly for characters with only two blocks, after all.
I panic, fall back to SF4 habits and spam jabs. That's no good in SFV. Even if cr. LP is three frames. I really need to calm down while on the defense. Respect that the opponent has initiative and sit tight until they don't.

- Your Rekkas after V-Trigger activation could use a tad more variety as well. I think she has four options to choose from? Either way, you only changed it up once in those three matches, so improving on this could prove to be helpful with opening up defensive players when they're pushed into the corner for example.
Yeah, I need to do the other variants, find out what they're for. She has a throw one that I just find baffling what it's for. Takes like half a second to hit where she's just spinning in front of the opponent, and it's an attack, not a throw, so it can be blocked. What the heck is that move for? I will accept "For styling on the opponent" as the answer, of course.

But the fakeout, the overhead and I think she has a low one, too, should all be part of my tools. the fakeout would work so well against a Shoryuken spammer. Get blocked, command backdash, watch Ryu soar, do it for real.
- If an enemy is pressing buttons a lot on you when you're knocked down, her EX Uppercut-y move could be a good enough "get off me" move on wake-up at this skill level. Very unsafe if you're predictable with this and certainly something you absolutely have to be cautious about against better players, but versus these Ryu's it would've bought you some breathing room... and you didn't utilize much of your EX meter regardless. Not that saving up for your Critical Art is incorrect if you're confident and can execute it during combos.
Yeah, I have to rely on match experience here. Some characters probably need to be EX'd to get in, others i can save up for a super. I think Ryu might be one where I have to use EX moves more. Fireball immunity is a nice thing to have at perfect Hadoken range. If he thinks that's safe against Karin... it's not.

Not much character-specific stuff relating to Karin unfortunately, but hopefully the above standard decision-making proves helpful.
Very helpful. I need to up my punishes and just gain more matchup experience is what I take from this. And work on my execution some more so I can use my super exactly when I need to. I figure that's an appropriate punish for a missed Shoryuken, too. I mean, if raw super damage is offered, I should take it. I wonder if the super is projectile immune, too. That seems worth taking to Training to find out.


Noob question. So far I have only played as Ryu (Story, Online, Training). Am I better off just sticking with him until I've started getting the mechanics down or should I bounce around from character to character?


Guys thank you so much for this thread, I ended up doing pretty well against my friends who have been playing Street Fighter for years last night. The literature linked along with the tips really go a long way.

ACE 1991

We should make some kind of PSN group (if this doesn't already exist) for all the new scrub tier SFV players for lobbies once they start working. Or maybe a google spreadsheet so PC players can join as well.
- Since I don't know Chun-Li: any particular reason why you didn't use her standing Crush Counter move after those repeated blocked Shoryukens? Is she unable to get anything off of it, even if it's at point blank in this scenario? Reason why I ask is: you would've bought yourself more time for following up on punishes and (more importantly) in the process it would've provided you a sizeable amount of V-Meter all-in-all too. Unless of course you ended up feeling flustered against a player like that, which is understandable when learning a new fighting game!

I wasn't thinking about crush counter. Getting used to new system and all. Thanks for reminding me!
Everyone please post your SFV and steam/psn usernames:

Cindi - ScrubLi (PSN) / Nomida (SFV)

What are the essential Ryu combos in 5 and when should I use them? There are a lot of combo videos online but most of them don't seem necessary, so I'm trying to narrow down what I absolutely should learn.

What I have down:

cr.MK, fireball
jp.Hk, cr.MP, LK.tatsu
forward HP, HP.Shoryu (or doing this into a super)

Posting my question here because the OT is moving too fast.

Also, if some newbies want to play so games later, please add me on PSN: edkinator91

Work on adding a dp after any tatsu combo if it's possible.

Also know that cr MP cancels into fireball.


Welp, these are my day 1 matches on PC. I like watching SF matches on twitch and youtube but I haven't played a fighting game since street fighter 2 so I picked Ryu because I still remember his inputs. One thing to keep in mind is that every time I do an uppercut it's an input error, I'm basically trying to do a fireball but sometimes an uppercut comes out so you can see that I'm trying to put some distance between me and the opponent because my rationale is if I throw a fireball but accidently get an uppercut there's enough space that he can't punish me. I can do fireballs consistently against the cpu in training mode but once I'm playing a human opponent my muscles clench up and my mind freezes and my patience just goes out the window. Anyways, any advice would be helpful, thanks.

Versus Necalli
Versus Karin
Versus laura
Noted. I will have to find out which button that is, but I'm thinking standing HK is her Crush Counter. I'm not sure exactly what Crush Counters do, but they're better than normal counters, apparently. They give more V-gauge or something?
You gain V-Gauge / meter off of a Crush Counter like you said, and beyond that it's simply a fancier counter-hit with a much larger time window for beefier punishes. Hard kick / sweep Crush Counters are also the only consistent way to create a hard knockdown in this game too, for what it's worth.

I wasn't thinking about crush counter. Getting used to new system and all. Thanks for reminding me!
Cool, I wondered is all. Someone like Vega can only connect his slide after a fierce punch Crush Counter for example even when right up the enemy's face, so I was curious if Chun-Li was in a similar position.


Posted in the OT but it's moving fast so I don't think I will get any feedback.

How do people feel about the Hori Fighting Commander 4 Fightpad? I'm just not feeling comfortable using the d-pad. I think it is keeping me from consistently pressing the same combos (mainly Ryu's Dragon Punch and Fireball). When I try to do either combination it feels like either one is likely to come out.
Posted in the OT but it's moving fast so I don't think I will get any feedback.

How do people feel about the Hori Fighting Commander 4 Fightpad? I'm just not feeling comfortable using the d-pad. I think it is keeping me from consistently pressing the same combos (mainly Ryu's Dragon Punch and Fireball). When I try to do either combination it feels like either one is likely to come out.

What d-pad setting do you have it to set to?
So here was my last match from yesterday:


First thing I personally noticed was I need a lot of work on defense. My first round threw me off so I just wanted to keep the pressure on and I played pretty stupidly. Next thing I really still need to work on is my predictability. I usually stick to the same stuff over and over because it seems to work best.

Preferably I want to get to a level where I'm mostly defensive and I'm punishing players, rather than just aggressively hoping to essentially out spam my opponents.

Any thoughts GAF?

Also: Do not be fooled by my first round, that was pretty much everything I had lol


2. That Cammy costume is DOPE AS FUCK.

3. Cammy's theme owns.

4. Nice fight.

You did some nice stuff. You (unlike me) capitalized on damage and hit crush counters when necessary. On the second round you (like me) pressed far too many buttons though and got hit with unnecessary damage. Try working on that. You played a very patient game with that Cammy. Nice gaps and pauses in between the action if only briefly, allowing you to react really well.

No tilt on the d-pad and I haven't adjusted the dial bottom of the controller.

Try adjusting it to loose. That's what I have mine and it's pretty good.

As for the FC4, it's a great pad but it was enough for me to realize pad isn't for me.


You sure age doesn't matter? I mean not to sound defeatist, but if you want to be competitive in a competitive game to the point where you do well in local tournaments, aren't you gonna have to be as good as or even better than some middle schooler who spends all his days playing the same game?


Any thoughts GAF?

Also: Do not be fooled by my first round, that was pretty much everything I had lol

Just a quick rundown but from what I saw :

- When you get poked and hit, stop trying to go in. Block and wait your turn. The amount of counter hits in a row I saw was surprising (from both sides mind you)

- The range at which you start your slides are very unsafe. You will get punished hard against an opponent who can block.

- Practice a punish combo you can do after a whiffed DP. That guy gave you all the time in the world by whiffing/wasting ex dp in your face for no reason.

- Full screen supers are not good habits to have unless you have a hard read on your opponent.

What are the essential Ryu combos in 5 and when should I use them? There are a lot of combo videos online but most of them don't seem necessary, so I'm trying to narrow down what I absolutely should learn.

What I have down:

cr.MK, fireball
jp.Hk, cr.MP, LK.tatsu
forward HP, HP.Shoryu (or doing this into a super)

Posting my question here because the OT is moving too fast.

Also, if some newbies want to play so games later, please add me on PSN: edkinator91

I didn't even tried Ryu in V yet but I'd switch cr.MP to cr.HP by reflex. Better damage and force stand a crounching opponent but that was in all the old sf. Dunno if it's necessary in this one.

Everyone please post your SFV and steam/psn usernames:

GAF/Steam/CFN = Kioshen (beginner - intermediate)

You sure age doesn't matter? I mean not to sound defeatist, but if you want to be competitive in a competitive game to the point where you do well in local tournaments, aren't you gonna have to be as good as or even better than some middle schooler who spends all his days playing the same game?

I'm 32 and feel fine playing fighting games really. I've met plenty of people in their 30s - 40s in tournaments and they've been doing fine also.
You sure age doesn't matter? I mean not to sound defeatist, but if you want to be competitive in a competitive game to the point where you do well in local tournaments, aren't you gonna have to be as good as or even better than some middle schooler who spends all his days playing the same game?

Maybe I have the wrong definition of competitive, then. I just meant being able to fight other people online competently.

I actually have way more free time now than I did in school when I was always busy with studying and assignments but I guess for people who have kids and stuff that may not be the case, in which event I'd argue its less an issue of age than lifestyle/circumstance.

That said I have no experience with fighting games so I don't know what sort of time commitment is required to be competitive
Anyone up for some sparring right now? My Cammy is getting wrecked out there, need more practice.

Speaking of anyone have any good in depth vids on her? Maybe it's too much to ask but if one exists where things get slowed down and the button prompts are provided would be really awesome.


Santa May Claus
So here was my last match from yesterday:


First thing I personally noticed was I need a lot of work on defense. My first round threw me off so I just wanted to keep the pressure on and I played pretty stupidly. Next thing I really still need to work on is my predictability. I usually stick to the same stuff over and over because it seems to work best.

Preferably I want to get to a level where I'm mostly defensive and I'm punishing players, rather than just aggressively hoping to essentially out spam my opponents.

Any thoughts GAF?

Also: Do not be fooled by my first round, that was pretty much everything I had lol

Round 1: Cammy was mashing on wakeup and refused to block. You capitalized on it appropriately with meaties, so great job. Your slide to catch the jump back was very smart, but refrain from using slides at point blank range like you did earlier in the round unless you have a good read. It's very very punishable, and a player with better defense will make you pay for it. Know your ranges. Also, when you had Cammy in the corner, you threw her our of the corner. Try to avoid doing that because if gives up your positional advantage. It resulted in a stun, so it's moot in this scenario, but just something to look out for.

Round 2: Don't be afraid to block on wakeup and react to tech a throw. You can also backdash on wakeup to avoid throws (though it makes you susceptible to crush counters). You got hit a few times on wakeup because you were pressing buttons. I liked the idea of trying to catch Cammy's jump with V-trigger, it was just a bit late. Good crush counter hard knockdown off of the blocked Cannon Spike. I'm not sure what Vega specific options there are on hard knockdown, but you'll want to investigate if he has any mixup opportunities in that scenario. Really, you lost this round just because you mistimed meaties. The Cammy wasn't adjusting and was still mashing buttons on wakeup. If you'd copied most of what you did in Round 1, you probably would have taken it.

Round 3: You tried to combo V-trigger into Super, which would have been great, but you dropped the Super. And then you did the Super anyway and it worked, heh. It worked in this scenario, but I'd really advise against doing this. Even if you had a hard read that she was going to jump, you should be able to react at that range to a jump and not risk it all. Besides the punish you'd receive, it's also a complete drain on meter.

gah, I'm getting destroyed online. haven't won a match yet with chun li x.x

help please.......

You can record your matches with the share function and post 'em here. That way, people will be able to better see your current skill level and what options you might not know.


Wrote this five tips for learning and staying motivated, thought it might help y'all out:


Will read the article later today but I wanted to thank you for the video content you've been doing recently on these subjects. It was a nice perspective even for an old hand like me.


Capcom has just uploaded an official character guide for Ryu. They should have integrated this in the game ... https://youtu.be/LZGql2q-G1k
What are my options on wakeup as Chun Li? Since SFV has no invincible backdash I'm struggling of what to do on wakeup besides crouch block and ex sbk and it's making me intention known.

2. That Cammy costume is DOPE AS FUCK.

3. Cammy's theme owns.

4. Nice fight.

You did some nice stuff. You (unlike me) capitalized on damage and hit crush counters when necessary. On the second round you (like me) pressed far too many buttons though and got hit with unnecessary damage. Try working on that. You played a very patient game with that Cammy. Nice gaps and pauses in between the action if only briefly, allowing you to react really well.

Ha I was just using his Easy Survival colors but I am glad you like it. Cammy's costume is sick and I luckily have it as well, I plan on using her as a secondary. Thank you for the tips, I definitely gotta spammy in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. Need to work on my patience like you said as well. Thanks!

Just a quick rundown but from what I saw :

- When you get poked and hit, stop trying to go in. Block and wait your turn. The amount of counter hits in a row I saw was surprising (from both sides mind you)

- The range at which you start your slides are very unsafe. You will get punished hard against an opponent who can block.

- Practice a punish combo you can do after a whiffed DP. That guy gave you all the time in the world by whiffing/wasting ex dp in your face for no reason.

- Full screen supers are not good habits to have unless you have a hard read on your opponent.

Yeah, I am wayyyy to slide happy, and definitely need to work on incorporating that in my game better than spamming it and using it as a fast means of travel. I plan on trying to get more punishing combos in, but the only one I really successfully know is the one I demonstrated a few times on wakeup and stun (two HP and then MP+MK combo). In regards to the full screen super, I was meaning to tie it into the V-Trigger but it didn't successfully go through. I just spammed it again out of habit but yes I normally try to avoid doing that. Thank you!

Round 1: Cammy was mashing on wakeup and refused to block. You capitalized on it appropriately with meaties, so great job. Your slide to catch the jump back was very smart, but refrain from using slides at point blank range like you did earlier in the round unless you have a good read. It's very very punishable, and a player with better defense will make you pay for it. Know your ranges. Also, when you had Cammy in the corner, you threw her our of the corner. Try to avoid doing that because if gives up your positional advantage. It resulted in a stun, so it's moot in this scenario, but just something to look out for.

Round 2: Don't be afraid to block on wakeup and react to tech a throw. You can also backdash on wakeup to avoid throws (though it makes you susceptible to crush counters). You got hit a few times on wakeup because you were pressing buttons. I liked the idea of trying to catch Cammy's jump with V-trigger, it was just a bit late. Good crush counter hard knockdown off of the blocked Cannon Spike. I'm not sure what Vega specific options there are on hard knockdown, but you'll want to investigate if he has any mixup opportunities in that scenario. Really, you lost this round just because you mistimed meaties. The Cammy wasn't adjusting and was still mashing buttons on wakeup. If you'd copied most of what you did in Round 1, you probably would have taken it.

Round 3: You tried to combo V-trigger into Super, which would have been great, but you dropped the Super. And then you did the Super anyway and it worked, heh. It worked in this scenario, but I'd really advise against doing this. Even if you had a hard read that she was going to jump, you should be able to react at that range to a jump and not risk it all. Besides the punish you'd receive, it's also a complete drain on meter.

On second look I definitely see how the first round throw out of the corner was a bad idea, I just wanted some space to work with but your absolutely right that can be a game changer if it wasn't a stun. Like I said before, I definitely plan on working the slide into my game better than simply using it to move quickly and catch the opponent off-guard occasionally.

In the 2nd round I definitely failed to capitalize. I need to work on stopping throws, but a lot of times I noticed I through out throws to block theirs but I still get hit, probably just need to work on my timing.

And yes, in the 3rd round you caught I totally whiffed on the Super from the V-trigger but went on it anyway. I was just pissed I dropped it so spammed it again in a "Fuck it why not" situation. Worked, but it mostly likely won't so duly noted next time to avoid doing that if I drop it initially.

Thank you everyone for the time and write ups, I really appreciate it!

PSN: Ahhhhhkmon
CFN: Camp1nCarl
PSN/cfn sketchsanchez

I decided to upload my first four ranked battles and get some feedback. I'm prone to panic and mash, hopefully that gets better over time. I also struggle to link special moves so I often wiff combos. Anything else people notice would be great.

Vs. Karen
This was the first fight of the day, I have a lot of issues fighting karen this may be the closest i've ever gotten? I dunno.

Had yet to fight this character until now, I was just super confused that entire first round. THen I remember I can block and things seem to go okay but then I panic and forget again.

Vs. Ken
I felt like I was actually executing (almost) everything I wanted in this fight for once. But even here I am just at a loss sometimes at what to do when they're in the corner or how to keep the pressure (momentum?) on once i've knocked them down

Vs. Charlie
I feel like what i wrote above applies herem, just that I lost this time.

I really wish lobbies worked right now, I just want to get sets going. Like i'd love to have played that Ken and Nash again a few more times.
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