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The High-end VR Discussion Thread (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Playstation VR)

I'd be very curious to find out what your experience with Holoball is like if you ever buy it. It's unfortunately unplayable for me but others say they can go an hour or longer. The tracking breaks for me in less than 10 minutes.

From a guy who has a Vive but knows nothing about the PS4 or PSVR: why ten minutes? So it works when you first open the game but gets worse over time? Is there some kind of pre-launch calibration you have to do?


From a guy who has a Vive but knows nothing about the PS4 or PSVR: why ten minutes? So it works when you first open the game but gets worse over time? Is there some kind of pre-launch calibration you have to do?

Yep, it starts out ok (as good as the PSVR can track from ~8 feet away) and then at some point the headset just stops tracking properly for me. Like if I try to move forward, the entire world shifts to the side.

I assume it's because the headset drifts to the side, so as I'm standing in the same spot and in the same orientation, the hardware thinks I'm slightly angled to the side. If I keep going anyway, at a certain point, the world can even judder back and forth as I move around. It's nauseating and unplayable.

I've done hours of troubleshooting. I've spent more time troubleshooting the game than playing it. I've found that to be a very common thing for any standing game on PSVR. I've recalibrated the lights probably 20 times since the thing came out. I've tried all sorts of heights, angles, room lighting, ect. I've given up lol
Yep, it starts out ok (as good as the PSVR can track from ~8 feet away) and then at some point the headset just stops tracking properly for me. Like if I try to move forward, the entire world shifts to the side.

I assume it's because the headset drifts to the side, so as I'm standing in the same spot and in the same orientation, the hardware thinks I'm slightly angled to the side. If I keep going anyway, at a certain point, the world can even judder back and forth as I move around. It's nauseating and unplayable.

I've done hours of troubleshooting. I've spent more time troubleshooting the game than playing it. I've found that to be a very common thing for any standing game on PSVR. I've recalibrated the lights probably 20 times since the thing came out. I've tried all sorts of heights, angles, room lighting, ect. I've given up lol

But isn't that bizarre? Why does the system work at first and then stop working? You say the headset "drifts to the side" over time, but how does it know the headset's correct location at the onset.

It sounds like the PSVR may need a "pause and let me recalibrate" button a la Skyward Sword's recenter button for the Wii Remote Plus.

This Paperboy knockoff is coming for Vive and Touch.

I want this game. Where is this game? Why is this game not on my hard drive right freaking now?


But isn't that bizarre? Why does the system work at first and then stop working? You say the headset "drifts to the side" over time, but how does it know the headset's correct location at the onset.

It sounds like the PSVR may need a "pause and let me recalibrate" button a la Skyward Sword's recenter button for the Wii Remote Plus.

Bizarre is a good word to describe the PSVR tracking, in my experience. Every game other than Holoball that I've played lets you hold the Options button to re-center when the drift happens. I'm on the lookout for other people who have the same issues that I do with Holoball. I've had it happen with 2 headsets on my PS4. I wish I could pinpoint what's wrong since other people seem to not have the issue I'm having.

But yeah, the gyro drift is a well-known issue with these PSVR headsets. Cinema mode is incredibly annoying as a result. When playing a sitting game with the camera closer, I don't really have any complaints. Things work quite well. But every standing game I've tried has had major issues.


After playing the First Contact Touch demo a few times through Revive, I demand that all Vive developers get with the program and stop using Vive controller models, Mickey Mouse hands, or horror movie prop hands to represent my hands in VR.

Here's my playthrough.
After playing the First Contact Touch demo a few times through Revive, I demand that all Vive developers get with the program and stop using Vive controller models, Mickey Mouse hands, or horror movie prop hands to represent my hands in VR.

Here's my playthrough.
This kind of irrationally irks me every time lol. I get that it's the easy way to do it and it makes sense in certain contexts, but I find it kind of (and I hate to say this) lazy. It's a corner that shouldn't be cut unless the context totally affords it.
After playing the First Contact Touch demo a few times through Revive, I demand that all Vive developers get with the program and stop using Vive controller models, Mickey Mouse hands, or horror movie prop hands to represent my hands in VR.

Assuming there isn't some game-specific reason to change them, I actually prefer the Vive controller models, because they match what I'm feeling in my hands.


The First Contact demo is well-done and in general the Oculus hand models feel good. I'd definitely like to see it more, regardless of the controller.


Assuming there isn't some game-specific reason to change them, I actually prefer the Vive controller models, because they match what I'm felling in my hands.

The Vive controllers aren't as natural of a fit for mimicking the hand's actions as the Touch controllers. They're more like tools, so yeah, I agree that having a prop in VR that's close to what we're physically interacting with in real life is more natural. In the very least it's certainly not any less natural than puppet hands. The hands in Raw Data sure don't feel any more natural to me.

The prototype controllers Valve was showing would work better for that sort of stuff, but anything short of full hand tracking is going to give a bit of a "puppet hand" feeling.


Just tried the Oculus Rift for the first time, I played a demo of The Unspoken.

Coming from PSVR, the finger tracking of the Oculus Touch controllers impressed me the most. The rest did not leave such a good impression though. The screendoor effect was quite noticeable and it wasn't as comfortable, the PSVR's design is lightyears ahead in that regards.

I have no idea what kind of computer the game was running on and whether it is one of the better looking ones, which I would guess it is. The graphics looked clearer than what I have seen of PSVR games on the OG PS4 so far but not significantly better.

Have yet to try the HTC Vive but I guess I should be happy that Sony joined the VR race because it offered me a somewhat affordable VR solution. I had a PS4 anyway and haven't bought a new gaming PC in nearly a decade.

The Unspoken itself was ok. It was just the practice battle/tutorial against the AI so I can't really say anything about it. Would have liked to try more demos like The Climb but some kid wanted to try the demo station (which he wasn't allowed to afterwards because he was too young) so I had to stop.


Assuming there isn't some game-specific reason to change them, I actually prefer the Vive controller models, because they match what I'm felling in my hands.
The Vive controllers aren't as natural of a fit for mimicking the hand's actions as the Touch controllers. They're more like tools, so yeah, I agree that having a prop in VR that's close to what we're physically interacting with in real life is more natural. In the very least it's certainly not any less natural than puppet hands. The hands in Raw Data sure don't feel any more natural to me.

The prototype controllers Valve was showing would work better for that sort of stuff, but anything short of full hand tracking is going to give a bit of a "puppet hand" feeling.
When you're at the peak of Everest, you don't mind that you're in a warm room. When you're in a laboratory, you don't mind that you feel soft carpet under your feet. When you dive under water, you don't mind that you feel dry. Similarly, when I have the ability to perform hand gestures, I don't mind that I feel a plastic wand. And even with Touch and the Vive 2 wand, I'd still feel a piece of plastic.
When you're at the peak of Everest, you don't mind that you're in a warm room. When you're in a laboratory, you don't mind that you feel soft carpet under your feet. When you dive under water, you don't mind that you feel dry.

Well on the other hand, if we had a feasible way to adjust the room temperature, or floor texture, on the fly to match the in-VR environment, I think a lot of people would be into that. I know I would, at least.

(I have a distinct memory of playing Vivecraft during the summer, turning on the ceiling fan because I was hot, and thinking how weird it was to feel a phantom breeze with no apparent source)

I am not arguing that the controller model should never change. It should, in situations where doing so will have a substantial benefit on the game or world. But in the event that it doesn't really matter, I would personally encourage devs to choose the option that matches what we see with what we feel.

And I'm not saying this because it makes some sort of philosophical sense—I'm saying it because I have personally noticed a substantial increase in overall immersion when games display the default Vive controller.
How badly is my Vive going to run with a Q9550?

Want to bring it over to someone's house for the weekend; I can't bring my whole desktop but I could bring my GTX 1080 and put it in the existing desktop. But that cpu...
I found a channel on youtube that is all about VR news, Epyx911. The dude talks about anything VR related and has a new video almost every day. He deserves more love, he scours every corner of the web in regards to VR, highly suggest it.


The Birthday Skeleton
Watching PSX 2016 I can't believe how fast Sony Vita-ed the PSVR. Even Vita got highlighted more. That's a shame for the VR market in general.
Watching PSX 2016 I can't believe how fast Sony Vita-ed the PSVR. Even Vita got highlighted more. That's a shame for the VR market in general.

Sony hasn't really been into showing off VR games on stage. I wouldn't take that as a sign they've "Vita-ed" it, especially since the thing literally just came out. I didn't watch, but I read they did announce a few games for it.


The Birthday Skeleton
Sony hasn't really been into showing off VR games on stage. I wouldn't take that as a sign they've "Vita-ed" it, especially since the thing literally just came out. I didn't watch, but I read they did announce a few games for it.

Watch it. You'll understand. Especially since it just came out it should have been in the focus and there should have been some more "major" games in development to show for it.
Watch it. You'll understand. Especially since it just came out it should have been in the focus and there should have been some more "major" games in development to show for it.

Eh, I don't really have time to watch it so I'll just have to take your word on it. Maybe I'd feel different if I were a PSVR owner, but from my perspective I saw two major games (RE7 and Ace Combat) that I'd really love to play but are unfortunately exclusive.

VR gaming for the time being is going to be sustained by indie developers and those games typically don't get announced on a big stage like that. It's like that on all platforms but but bigger developers are slowly starting to jump on as adoption increases.


Well on the other hand, if we had a feasible way to adjust the room temperature, or floor texture, on the fly to match the in-VR environment, I think a lot of people would be into that. I know I would, at least.

(I have a distinct memory of playing Vivecraft during the summer, turning on the ceiling fan because I was hot, and thinking how weird it was to feel a phantom breeze with no apparent source)

I am not arguing that the controller model should never change. It should, in situations where doing so will have a substantial benefit on the game or world. But in the event that it doesn't really matter, I would personally encourage devs to choose the option that matches what we see with what we feel.

And I'm not saying this because it makes some sort of philosophical sense—I'm saying it because I have personally noticed a substantial increase in overall immersion when games display the default Vive controller.
I agree that rendering a remote is appropriate in games where a remote device with abstract inputs is a primary tool. On the other side of the coin, games like Gnomes and Goblins have little to no justification for rendering Vive controllers. Articulating hands would have greatly enhanced the immersion and emotion of that experience.

Most Vive games that do render your hands have the grab function assigned to your index finger. Mechanically speaking, the grip button is a more realistic input. It's a beefy 3-finger action that better matches how we grab objects. Further, I would like to see those kinds of games supporting the articulation of Oculus Touch hands. It enhanced my emotional connection toward the NPC in First Contact, as well as for my own amusement and the amusement of anyone watching. A Chair in a Room is the only Vive game I recall that took mechanical advantage of the grip button to affect hand pose. Squeeze it, and your ndex finger points so you can interact with small objects like a number pad on a security box, or the play button on an answering machine.

It might be too late to retrofit existing games for hand articulation, as they might have the inputs mapped to some other functions, but I think in the future we'll see more games designed from the get-go for these control schemes. It's definitely something I'd like to see more of. Every time I end the First Contact demo and I'm booted to the SteamVR environment, the sight of the Vive wands is like having my headset pulled off.


I am really disappointed with the lack of SLI support. Particularly in Elite dangerous. I feel like my extra 980 is just gathering dust. Do tou guys think its worth it to upgrade to a single 1080ti from a 980 sli config?




I am really disappointed with the lack of SLI support. Particularly in Elite dangerous. I feel like my extra 980 is just gathering dust. Do tou guys think its worth it to upgrade to a single 1080ti from a 980 sli config?

I got off of the SLI bandwagon years ago. They just aren't worth it anymore. Go with an as-fast single card from here on out.


Looks like Touch reviews are starting to go up. Here's RPS:


All told, they’re a nice item. I really like just holding them, which may not be something I’ve ever said about a game controller before. The weight’s just right, they’re comfortable (if perhaps ever so slightly slippy), my hand just falls into place, the trigger and thumbstick movement is nice and, well I suppose it feels vaguely like wearing some kind of cyberpunk knuckleduster.

My fear for these things was that I’d be getting either a differently-shaped Vive wand at best, or a glorified PS Move at worst. I’m glad to say it’s both much better than the latter and a more versatile prospect to the former, even if its baseline ‘where my hands at?’ feature is effectively identical.

As for the in-practice differences, and specifically how it uses its finger tracking ‘touch’ element, I’ll be covering those in a separate piece once I’ve trialled a few more apps/games.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
My touch is stuck somewhere in UPS... says the address is wrong, but the address didn't change in the system from when my Rift was shipped.

Super pissed.


Looks like a few of the games and apps Oculus are releasing for free this week, Medium, Quill, and Dead and Buried are only free if you activate Touch on your Oculus account. ReVive users without Rift/Touch will have to purchase them.


Looks like a few of the games and apps Oculus are releasing for free this week, Medium, Quill, and Dead and Buried are only free if you activate Touch on your Oculus account. ReVive users without Rift/Touch will have to purchase them.

When you say "activate" do you mean enter a product key that comes with Touch or simply sync the Touch hardware in the Oculus app?


I got off of the SLI bandwagon years ago. They just aren't worth it anymore. Go with an as-fast single card from here on out.

I think I may just do that. Any recommmendations for a good overclocked 1080? I hear that there are some models that are "VR" ready that have extra hdmi ports and stuff like like.



Geez... are they going to release this thing.. or only for IMAX experience centers. :/

curious what type of machine you'll need. o_O


Played the Bullet Train demo for Touch, it actually has some pretty cool ideas in it. I'm a bit more excited now for Robo Recall next year.


Do you need to jump through any hoops to play the free oculus touch experiences on the vive (except using revive, which is a given)?

StarVR announced months ago that they are targeting corporate, not individual consumers.
After spending so much time in VR, I lost the ability to appreciate my tv a little. I'm sitting very close in front of it so that I can see every detail of the colorful and sharp graphics.

Now I look at it and it feels like this


I haven't even played a regular game on the tv for weeks now, I don't know if I can return to that :(



Are there any VR games out there that let you select between a deferred renderer and a forward one? I'm doubting it, but if there are I'd love to see them.

My game Horizon Vanguard makes use of some visual options that aren't available in UE4's Forward Renderer. While I'm planning on sticking to the standard UE4 renderer as the default suggestion (the game's visual style isn't busy and I find supersampling does the job well enough on its own), I've been toying with exposing the option to switch to the Forward Renderer to users that really want that IQ boost. This would involve doing some hopefully minor work in making sure that the things using incompatible effects are still presentable (I've been very selective on visual effects in general), so it's not something I'm ready to commit to 100%, but I'd like to try it.

edit: the more that I think about this, the worse it sounds lol


Are there any VR games out there that let you select between a deferred renderer and a forward one? I'm doubting it, but if there are I'd love to see them.

My game Horizon Vanguard makes use of some visual options that aren't available in UE4's Forward Renderer. While I'm planning on sticking to the standard UE4 renderer as the default suggestion (the game's visual style isn't busy and I find supersampling does the job well enough on its own), I've been toying with exposing the option to switch to the Forward Renderer to users that really want that IQ boost. This would involve doing some hopefully minor work in making sure that the things using incompatible effects are still presentable (I've been very selective on visual effects in general), so it's not something I'm ready to commit to 100%, but I'd like to try it.

There might be one among the hundreds of releases on Steam, but I certainly haven't come across any that gave the option.


Do you need to jump through any hoops to play the free oculus touch experiences on the vive (except using revive, which is a given)?

No it's fairly straightforward. Basically just install Oculus home and download games, then install Revive. When in SteamVR you will see a Revive button near the bottom, which will display any installed Oculus games.


If you have any issues, make sure you're running the lastest Revive version by right clicking on the systray icon and selecting Check For Updates. The icon won't appear unless SteamVR is running.


Neo Member
Do you need to jump through any hoops to play the free oculus touch experiences on the vive (except using revive, which is a given)?

Some of the free games are only free with a Touch preorder (Unspoken, VR Sports)
Ripcoil is only free after you buy something else in the store
And then three titles are only free if the Oculus software sees you set up Touch controllers on your computer (Dead & Buried, Medium, Quill)
Screens from my Star Wars Battlefront VR Mission playthrough

Definitely turn off the G-Force effect to get rid of the tunnel vision and turn off all HUD elements to really make this shine.





Some of the free games are only free with a Touch preorder (Unspoken, VR Sports)
Ripcoil is only free after you buy something else in the store
And then three titles are only free if the Oculus software sees you set up Touch controllers on your computer (Dead & Buried, Medium, Quill)

Thanks for informative answer.
So can you "convince" Oculus software that you have touch using Revive (like with Lucky's Tale) to get the games?
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