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The Humble Monthly Bundle


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but how do I cancel? Can't see the option anywhere.

(edit) argh, sorry, you can cancel from the your account page https://www.humblebundle.com/user/settings

Reason given: Own too many of the games. You guys were right, blind bundles is not a good idea. (I know PS+ and GWG are blind also, but to me they seem like slightly better value)


If anyone wants to sell their Valkyria Chronicles Steam key, just shoot me a PM. Looking for ~$1 (and yes, I have posted in BST).


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
if you subscribe now you will be signing up to get the unknown games in December. You can't buy the games in the monthly bundle after the bundle has been revealed.
That's not how this works

Yeah i was busy the last couple days and wanted to buy that bundle today only to realize that you cant get the games once unveiled. I understand why it works that way but you would think they would make an exception for the launch month, to get people on board....meh.


Seriously? If I sign up now I can't get this month's games? That's stupid.

it wouldn't be a blind buy then would it?

this model is based on people putting up money blindly and ideally you give enough content to make them feel like it was worth it while making others feel like they missed out while maximizing your profits by getting people to spend more money then they normally would on some months by giving them the thought "oh last month was good this was just an off month next month will be better."

the only other way to run this would to greatly increase the cost after it launches. so a $12 preorder and like $20 bundle after it launches, but really at that point they might as well just run a high end major bundle or introduce preorders in general like groupees.

if it helps, if they really don't step up their game for the next bundle it is likely this won't be a long term thing.


if it helps, if they really don't step up their game for the next bundle it is likely this won't be a long term thing.
I'm kinda curious which way this is going to go if they can't get the numbers they need. Is the price going to go up? Is the quality significantly going to drop? Is it just going to last like three months before they pull the ripcord?


I'm kinda curious which way this is going to go if they can't get the numbers they need. Is the price going to go up? Is the quality significantly going to drop? Is it just going to last like three months before they pull the ripcord?

they get plenty of money from their other bundles to goof with this for a while by default 20% of their bundle sales go to them. some people change it to more to the developers or chairty but the vast majority leave it at the 20% and just get the awesome bundle.

their current weekly bundle is at 53k, it's not special at all but still that is a little over 10k for humble themselves in a week.

their peanuts book bundle is at 128k or a little over 25k for humble
they have another book bundle at 80k but we will just worry about that later.
they had the humble jumbo bundle that sold 221115 copies I don't have the exact numbers but average price was likely around $5 per bundle which means that you can take that as 221k for humble over 2 weeks. they are taking a break from the major bundle right now but usually there is two major bundles a month. assume they are similar in success (using humble store sales to cover the difference) and you are looking at about 110k coming in a week from those.

the end result of this all is that humble should be around 150k that they make a week, just themselves. (default on charity is 15% and on developers is 65% so they make like 125k for charity and like 500k a week for developers of games a week)

either way we get that humble makes around 600k a month with their current bundles (more with good bundles or if people are using the humble store more than I give it credit for which is currently just a tribal balancing amount)

since humble includes a developers cut in the bundles it's safe to assume they don't pay out to much more to the developers than a percent of that cut. which means that humble merely uses that 600k to pay employees and site upkeep and what not which should leave them money left over to try other things unless their employees are really well paid.

in the past we knew of them working with companies to build linux versions of games and what not we still see that from time to time and they might use that funds there, but overall they are likely doing fine and can let the monthly bundle roll for a while.

I mean if they are smart they set it up as follows.

bundle is $12
we do the default splits so $7.80 is left for the developers or about $1 per game.
you give the bigger titles a better cut, but overall you just promise the companies X amount per bundle sold and the company will get the payout as soon as the bundle launches aka the company can count on a check on X day.

the end result of that is as long as there is still 50 people signed up the monthly bundle would still likely turn a small profit, but whether it would be worth the effort is another story.

like I had no issues with the bundle, it would have been a fine normal bundle... but I didn't pay blindly for a fine normal bundle. The sad thing is the jumbo bundle running when it launched was on par, gave more games and was cheaper lol.


I just got (auto) charged for December. Any rumors about the games like there were for last month?

Me too. That takes balls without giving any hints at all.

I'll stick iout for December and see what pops up, since November was actually decent for me (if also underwhelming when stretching that out to the future).


A week before the games come out and they're charging? I'd forgot to cancel and now Im a bit pissed lol. See if I can claim a refund.


The information is right there on the support page:

How do I cancel?

You can cancel your membership at any time, but you’ll need to cancel at least a week before new content unlocks to avoid subscribing and paying for the next month.

Just head to the Account Settings page, then click "Cancel my subscription" as shown below:

If you didn't like the first month offerings or the subscription terms why would you keep it active for the next month?


Thought bundle was decent, no dlc is a deal breaker though, made the bundle feel more like a way to lure people to pay more, let's hope this month's bundle will include both dlc and good games.
I cancelled my subscription a few days ago. What actually made me do it is that I bought a few games on the Steam Sale and I was under the impression they may be in this bundle or the next. Not worth it for me.

They had one chance with me and blew it away.


so colour me concerned, there has been almost no promo for the December bundle, nothing on their twitter, no teases.....nothing.

this says to me it is going to be a stinker, you would not know they are doing a monthly bundle, seen no promo anywhere


so colour me concerned, there has been almost no promo for the December bundle, nothing on their twitter, no teases.....nothing.

this says to me it is going to be a stinker, you would not know they are doing a monthly bundle, seen no promo anywhere

Come on, it is December. This is the perfect month for a good bundle.


Come on, it is December. This is the perfect month for a good bundle.

lets hope, but we all said that they would go in for a explosive start, and whilst it was not a bad bundle, I don't think it was that good either


so colour me concerned, there has been almost no promo for the December bundle, nothing on their twitter, no teases.....nothing.

this says to me it is going to be a stinker, you would not know they are doing a monthly bundle, seen no promo anywhere

Yeah, its almost like they want this to fail.


so colour me concerned, there has been almost no promo for the December bundle, nothing on their twitter, no teases.....nothing.

this says to me it is going to be a stinker, you would not know they are doing a monthly bundle, seen no promo anywhere

it's simple.
either it will be a good bundle that will get press because people missed out on it and regret missing out on it.

or it will just be okay again and fools like myself who like blind buys like this will just cancel their sub and buy the better bundles the site offers for less without a blind buy >.>;


I stayed subscribed after the first month and the backlash, to see how Humble react. If this month is great, they have my subscription for January. If not, I'm out. 2 out of 2 bundles being poor would not be a good start if they expect people to blind buy.
I am a little torn about this. One one hand the first month was real value for money if you owned none of those games and wanted them, but my problem is I owned most of them already so it wasn't at all worth it at all. I'm giving December a skip for now, lets see how they work out a second months of games. That said their is a tiny but noisy part of my brain right now screaming at me to resubscribe and that I am gonna miss out on something great.


it looks like the bundle that releases tomorrow will have 6 games.


seems to be in line with last month (grimrock would have effectively been the game included with the bundle from the previous month plus 6 new games to everyone subscribed)


Unconfirmed Member
Do you think its a good idea to jump in now? I'm thinking maybe they've done something to improve the quality of the bundle since the first month.


Do you think its a good idea to jump in now? I'm thinking maybe they've done something to improve the quality of the bundle since the first month.

I personally would assume a very similar quality to the first month. so it's really the question if for $12, $30 or so in games is worth it to you ($30 is gotten by taking the sale prices of games)

I'm mostly hoping at the very least they will have learned to not include just the base game of something and run a really good sale on the complete version of the game at the same time as they release the bundle >.<;

I really wish they would discuss this bundle more, it feels really odd that they won't comment on it at all, and have stopped talking about it.

It might be a case where they already know it is going to fail but have enough games lined up for x months so will have to keep it alive for x months.

who knows, maybe tomorrow will be awesome... and by tomorrow i mean 8 hours from now (man I need to go to bed lol) and people will be sad they didn't get in on this bundle. but when your headlining game for the month is a $15 game that has been under $4 on steam that is coming up on two years old(TowerFall Ascension as that is the game you get if you order the bundle and didn't order last month) I seriously doubt anyone is really going to be wowed by the quality of the second months bundle.


Unconfirmed Member
I personally would assume a very similar quality to the first month. so it's really the question if for $12, $30 or so in games is worth it to you ($30 is gotten by taking the sale prices of games)

I'm mostly hoping at the very least they will have learned to not include just the base game of something and run a really good sale on the complete version of the game at the same time as they release the bundle >.<;

I really wish they would discuss this bundle more, it feels really odd that they won't comment on it at all, and have stopped talking about it.

It might be a case where they already know it is going to fail but have enough games lined up for x months so will have to keep it alive for x months.

who knows, maybe tomorrow will be awesome... and by tomorrow i mean 8 hours from now (man I need to go to bed lol) and people will be sad they didn't get in on this bundle. but when your headlining game for the month is a $15 game that has been under $4 on steam that is coming up on two years old(TowerFall Ascension as that is the game you get if you order the bundle and didn't order last month) I seriously doubt anyone is really going to be wowed by the quality of the second months bundle.

The lack of any teases is what worries me the most. As in, they're not bothering to promote this at all because.... the backlash would be even worse?


The lack of any teases is what worries me the most. As in, they're not bothering to promote this at all because.... the backlash would be even worse?

To be fair, if I were them, I'd be uncomfortable with the fact that pretty much the entire lineup of the last bundle was deduced from the promo hints, which works against the blind-buy aspect of it. You don't want to encourage people to wait-and-see for a blind buy package!
To be fair, if I were them, I'd be uncomfortable with the fact that pretty much the entire lineup of the last bundle was deduced from the promo hints, which works against the blind-buy aspect of it. You don't want to encourage people to wait-and-see for a blind buy package!

I'm of this opinion too. It is kinda impossible to tease things on the internet, you select one eighth of a obscure screenshot from an obscure indie game and someone will still work it out and spread the news everywhere. You either tell or you don't, and telling as you say isn't really to Humbles interest.


To be fair, if I were them, I'd be uncomfortable with the fact that pretty much the entire lineup of the last bundle was deduced from the promo hints, which works against the blind-buy aspect of it. You don't want to encourage people to wait-and-see for a blind buy package!

you have to give people a bone though.
especially when people weren't wowed by your first bundle.

you don't have to give hints for all of the games, but at least tease one of the big ones.

I mean loot crate started an anime bundle. I know the theme of the bundle (which these humble monthly bundles likely should have themes) and that I will get an item from two different franchises (both I like) I don't know what items, I don't know what other franchises, but it's enough to get me to think about grabbing it even though I wasn't wowed by the first one.

this humble bundle. there is nothing. all I have is knowledge that the active bundle was more impressive than this monthly bundle last time, that I didn't even get complete versions of older games. And that they refused to comment to fans at all about the bundle whether they thought it was good or bad. There is a blind bundle and then there is a blind faith bundle, and blind faith bundles don't work unless you are wowing people.

I'm of this opinion too. It is kinda impossible to tease things on the internet, you select one eighth of a obscure screenshot from an obscure indie game and someone will still work it out and spread the news everywhere. You either tell or you don't, and telling as you say isn't really to Humbles interest.

telling the whole bundle, not in their best interests.
telling a single title to get people to jump on board in hopes the whole bundle is that good, absolutely in their best interests.

I love humble bundle, I buy a good chunk of their bundles, but unless this bundle is amazing I'm done. If they can't be bothered to talk about the bundle or respond to people's thoughts on the bundle why should I give them money for something they don't care about?

I mean you don't even have to say the exact games, you could tease the week leading up.

there will be 6 games.
The value of the games is over $130
none have been in a humble bundle before
all of them have trading cards.
one is a multiplayer game
one is a shooter.

you can give a ton of hints without really giving anything meaningful away to at least seem like you are hyping up something and caring.


you don't have to give hints for all of the games, but at least tease one of the big ones.

Do that, and people will mentally start to assume everything is 'smaller' than that (because why promote a title that's not the most interesting?), and they start apportioning value accordingly.

Maybe the trick is to increase the price as you decrease the uncertainty, with the subscription remaining at the base $12, but going up to $15 for the initial month on the reveal of the first new game?

As I've mentioned upthread, I think perhaps the best key here is to actually push for brand-new releases at a discounted price. Since they're new, people won't already have them and it'll get new indie games an initial audience so word of mouth can start spreading. That, I think, is where the HMB can be a win/win.


Do that, and people will mentally start to assume everything is 'smaller' than that (because why promote a title that's not the most interesting?), and they start apportioning value accordingly.

groupees does a ton of mostly blind preorders where they let one or two of the tiles go. they have themes (which some themes i will buy regardless)
and the games they tease will sometimes get me to preorder even if I wouldn't likely buy the bundle after it comes out.

yes the other games might not be as big, but at the same time it's really if that one big game is worth it at all for you.

in an ideal world you have a bundle brand strong enough that people will continue to blindly give you money because they have faith the bundle will be good.

groupees does not have that faith and that is why they do it that way and it works a lot better than when they just completely blind preorder something.

humble bundle a few years ago likely had that rep, but with the weak first bundle and number of weaker other bundles I can't believe there are a ton of fools like myself willing to give them money blindly. I am a complete sucker for blind stuff from companies I like, but I am about to bail on this unless this bundle is great, thus I can't imagine there is a huge line of people signed up for this bundle at this point.

I mean with no teasing at all you are just going to assume all the games are on par with towerfall. Which isn't a bad game, but really only worth $4, so technicalyl $4*6 is $24 and thus $12 is a good deal for that, if you want all the games. if all the games aren't on par with that value though the value is less, if you own games already it is less. $12 is just way to much to ask someone to blindly give up unless they can expect something on par with the witcher 3 for their blind faith (which isn't going to happen)

I'm still hoping this bundle is great and what not, but i mean I can name 10-20 humble bundles that were half the cost of the last bundle and way way more impressive with games which really isn't how your most expensive bundle based on blind buying should be.

as for pushing for new releases that is totally possible. but at the same time there are only going to be so many quality games released each month that fail to get traction enough on steam that they would be willing to bundle near launch, and a monthly bundle like this needs to be about quality.

something like saints row was a fine choice but it needed to be the complete pack as other wise people feel like they are missing out. plus a lot of people own saints row but a number likely skipped the dlc so giving the dlc has value to them unlike the base game.
I'm going to pull the trigger on this, and if I feel burned I'm going to lose my shit. $12 for a bunch of games I likely already own! woohoo


as for pushing for new releases that is totally possible. but at the same time there are only going to be so many quality games released each month that fail to get traction enough on steam that they would be willing to bundle near launch, and a monthly bundle like this needs to be about quality.

I'm not talking about bundling near launch, I'm talking about bundling at launch (or rather, launching formally after the bundle's released). It's a risk, I grant you, but with the frequent complaints about indies suffering from lack of exposure in a saturated market, getting some copies out there to spur on word-of-mouth might not be a bad idea.


Looking forward to the announcements shortly, but I do not think I will do another one after this. I own too many games on Steam and the chances are far too high that I will get duplicates. I got lucky with November and only owned Lethal League (and had a friend I wanted to play against) so I got away with that one, I mean sure if I am interested in all the games (and I do not own them) then maybe just maybe I will chance it again.

I really just need to stop buying bundles, that steam backlog.......


I think a lot of us are in the same boat about canceling if this month sucks. I know I am.

well it's easy to do the following logic.

1. it's their first bundle it will be great to lure people in.

or not hmmmmmm.

2. their first bundle didn't wow people they need this to wow people to keep them around so their second bundle will be great.

it's a lot harder to go from there to.

their first and second bundles were not great. they are just getting used to things because they are new to this the third will be great I know it.

given a. they haven't shown any signs of giving a crap about this thing anymore. and
b. they have been in the bundle business for a while, it's not like they should have growing pains.


Bought it this month and last month.

Only had Payday 2 this month so I'm definitely a lot happier than last month when I already owned every game except Saints Row IV.
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