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The Humble Monthly Bundle


I did not own any game last month. Ditto this month. Good deal in my opinion.

Plus I am spending less on games since I don't want to buy games that I could get in the monthly bundle.


I haven't decided how I feel about the bundle value wise but I feel so dirty knowing I gave the payday 2 creators some more money @_@


Well was a waste of money for me, that is me all cancelled

Payday 2 was in the E3 digital ticket from Humble Bundle.

I thought that none of these were supposed to have been in a bundle before...


This is really only good for someone who just got a PC in October and hasn't purchased anything. I guess there will be a good bundle that I want to buy, but I'm definitely not prepaying on any of them.


Plus you are missing a demo:

Be the first to try out Shadwen, the upcoming stealth game from Frozenbyte! The game is making its worldwide debut with this demo for Humble Monthly subscribers. Stay hidden, or the guards will capture you on sight. Manipulate time to your advantage -- rewind time when you make a mistake to gain an upper hand on the guards, and control your movements carefully and precisely to nail each move and try different strategies for the ultimate solution. Use physics and a freely attachable rope to drag and topple objects. Make deaths look accidental by letting gravity do the grave work. In Shadwen, there is only one rule: remain unseen.This is only a demo and does not include access to the full game once it's released.


Listing lowest prices. I didn't get a Payday 2 key either.

Banished - 4.99
Rust - 13.39
Chroma Squad - 8.11
Neon Struct Deluxe - 13.74
Company of Heroes 2 - 7.49

Apparently COH2 has been bundled multiple times before?
Edit: probably didnt get the payday 2 key cause it was also previously bundled?


bundle value check
company of heroes 2 - $7.49
western front dlc - $2.49
british forces - $3.24

Chroma squad - $8.11

neon struct - $9.89

payday 2 - $3.26
dlc value - $3.71

rust $13.39

Banished $4.99

total value $56.57 (total value created from lowest price ever on games not just lowest price on steam)

I didn't include a demo price :p

company of heroes 2 was in a single bundle before, a humble relic bundle as a beat the average game
payday 2 has been in stuff before but not sure if the dlc has been.


Already owned (and deleted) Payday 2... but happy for the rest. I would not have bought any of these on my own volition, but now I will give them each a fair shake. I like the well rounded nature of the games offered in this bundle.

I will probably stick around for one more month, but to echo someone else's sentiments: I worry about my rapidly growing backlog and the chance that I will already own most of the games offered... This simply can't go on forever. So many bundles.
For the second time, I don't own any the games so am pretty fortunate. Although wouldn't say I'm wildly excited by the selection, I can't grumble about the price and most of the games I've been interested in trying.


hmmm my bundle has payday 2 Gage Mod Courrier dlc as well even though it isn't listed on the page so I updated my previous totals.

I have a payday 2 key on my page.
Well 6 games I don't own is a plus but none of them seem to be up my alley which is a bummer BUT that is the point of bundles I think. Trying games you might not otherwise. So all in all 2nd month in and I'm fine with how this mystery bundle thing is going. Unless I play all 6 of these games and hate them of course :D


Better month for me but it still just feels like blind buying a decent Humble BTA for twice the price.


Last month's bundle was pretty much in line with my tastes, but I can't see myself playing any of the games in the current bundle. Hopefully my friends will find use for them.


Much better month for me, because I only owned CoH 2.

Neon Struct is the best. Actually, I very nearly bought it in the steam sale but I decided to hold off in case it was in the monthly. So that paid off. I'm getting the same feeling now as with PS+: it's much better if you don't buy games yourself!
Worth alone for Coh2 items (5$ game, 5$ western armies, 2$ British). No doubt it is a great deal for new Steam accounts. However, if you are a humble bundle/steam sales veteran, I am unsure if 12$/month is going to be worth it for your account.

Separate Steam keys are nice. If someone has a spare British Forces DLC key, let me know...

I wish I could just subscribe for it after the games are revealed. I really don't want to receive a bunch of games I have no interest in playing. Perhaps they could have an extra game for early subscribers and only 5 for post-reveal.


Worth alone for Coh2 items (5$ game, 5$ western armies, 2$ British). No doubt it is a great deal for new Steam accounts. However, if you are a humble bundle/steam sales veteran, I am unsure if 12$/month is going to be worth it for your account.

Separate Steam keys are nice. If someone has a spare British Forces DLC key, let me know...

I wish I could just subscribe for it after the games are revealed. I really don't want to receive a bunch of games I have no interest in playing. Perhaps they could have an extra game for early subscribers and only 5 for post-reveal.
$12 a month along worth it for my account.... NOPE!
$12 a month with selling the keys I don't want off, most likely.

I doubt there will be a ton of competition with getting rid of my extra keys as the risk vs reward hasn't been good so far, but it will at least keep me funded for the next month so I can keep blindly giving money to humble >.<


Neon Struct will get overlooked forever but you should give it a go, stylish stealth done right. Or at least listen to the soundtrack.


Not bad for new PC gamers, but I'm glad I decided to cancel after the first one (which I thought was pretty decent, actually).


Yeah, I don't mind this month so much. I have almost bought Chroma Squad a few times, and COH2 looks interesting too.

I guess maybe I will do one more.


so I just sold Rust and Payday 2 + DLC for £9, so covered this month.... I can tell a whole load of people cancelled after the first month as I practically gave away last months keys for free...all down to a £1 in the end as the market was flooded

this month not so much


so I just sold Rust and Payday 2 + DLC for £9, so covered this month.... I can tell a whole load of people cancelled after the first month as I practically gave away last months keys for free...all down to a £1 in the end as the market was flooded

this month not so much

yeah I have only seen a handful of people in the buy sell trade thread here, last time there was a lot more so sales had to be way down.


I haven't purchased that many games after 2012 and I don't read. Last month really blew for me as I bought SR4 and Valkyrie Chronicles during Summer sales but haven't got around to play them yet :)P). I really enjoyed playing Besiege and I'll definitely play Legend of Grimrock 2 in January (no time for games this month). But I have no games from this month's bundle and discovering something like Neon Struck is really nice, on top of getting Company of Heroes 2. Frankly I don't have time (or will) to read game previews or reviews anymore so something like this ("here's a selection of games we chose for you, hope you enjoy them") works for me, but probably not for many people otherwise. $144 a year is a lot of money and it can cover a lot of excellent games (bought during seasonal sales) suited specifically for your tastes.


I ended up only having Banished, so it actually works out for me pretty well. Most interested in Chroma Squad, so that's a pretty big win for me.

I don't mind it so much. I don't think the quality of the games will ever satisfy everybody. For that to happen they'd have to offer something completely unrealistic, like, a recently released AAA game. Just something that won't happen, most likely.

Count me in for another month, Humble. I'll see how it goes next year and if it gets too repetitive for me I'll cancel.


i dont like the trend. Its basically a "gamble sale" like gog is doing right now. I just dont like it.....
That said, the first two months of this have been good value. But i think as time goes by humble will have to weight it more and more with games that arent selling in order to keep it generating +$. For now at least its essentially 70-90% off on recent-ish titles.


i dont like the trend. Its basically a "gamble sale" like gog is doing right now. I just dont like it.....
That said, the first two months of this have been good value. But i think as time goes by humble will have to weight it more and more with games that arent selling in order to keep it generating +$. For now at least its essentially 70-90% off on recent-ish titles.

It is blind but at a high price point, so Humble cannot really sell bad games or everyone will unsubscribe. It is not the same kind of blind bundles as $1 ones, I think it cannot ever be if they want the business to keep going.


It is blind but at a high price point, so Humble cannot really sell bad games or everyone will unsubscribe. It is not the same kind of blind bundles as $1 ones, I think it cannot ever be if they want the business to keep going.

Yup it need to retain the quality it has now at the very least or else people will drop their subscriptions like stones (it seems many did just after the very first one which was good but not mind-blowing). It'll be interesting to see Neon Struct on SteamSpy over the next few days, the game has pretty much no userbase (3k owners), so it should be good to gauge the number of subscriptions.


I know this isn't exactly the B/S/T thread, but I thought it would get the most exposure here. I'd be glad to pick up Company of Heroes 2 from someone for 3-4 USD if possible. I apologize if this isn't the place to ask for this.
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