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The Humble Monthly Bundle


For you.
No, Alien Isolation is part of the February bundle - you'll have to pay the month of Feb now if you want access to it now.

Lol, that's fucking hilarious.

The bundle has really good games, but once again, not really worth 12$. They have to stop with the dumb shit of putting games that have already been bundled several times and discounted to hell and back even more. This is a bundle you'd expect from a Weekly Bundle or numered Indie Bundle. But a fucking bundle that costs 12$ and you have to buy it without knowing what's in it? noooooope


I was in for Alien Isolation, but at least I get Talos Principle, Grim Fandango, and some other games I don't know out of it.

Still disappointed about the bait and switch, though.


LOL @ the fake out glitch/leaks, sooo very obviously intentional. Now they got people for 2 months.


Tales is 5$ on Steam rn. 2.5$ with 50% coupon.

Nah, Talos is $10 right now so it would be $5, but the coupon codes ran out. Also cheapest price for Mushroom 11 has been $10 on steam (unless there were other coupons).

That said, this bundle is definitely the worst thus far. I'm going to go ahead and cancel.
well this month I already had 3 of them and I have Alien Isolation too so this is the point where I start to think is this bundle worth it. Of the previous 12 games I owned 1 so that was fine but this time its getting tricky.....hmmmm
Mushroom 11 is one of the best games of the year and I just bought it for 10 dollars via the sale a few days ago. Please don't ignore this game if you bought the bundle, it alone makes it an incredible deal.
Been meaning to get Talos Principle for a while and didn't have most of the games, so this month has worked out pretty well for me again.


Well, that's a fast subscription cancellation.

I'll stick to their regular bundles.

Same here, at first i wanted just to try it for the 1st month and see will they deliver. Stupid me said the same thing after 2nd bundle. But i was disappointed month after month, for 3 months now.
Just unsubscribed this shit, and they will never see me again.

well this month I already had 3 of them and I have Alien Isolation too so this is the point where I start to think is this bundle worth it. Of the previous 12 games I owned 1 so that was fine but this time its getting tricky.....hmmmm

Do ys a favor and unsubscribe.


Unconfirmed Member
Mushroom 11 is one of the best games of the year and I just bought it for 10 dollars via the sale a few days ago. Please don't ignore this game if you bought the bundle, it alone makes it an incredible deal.

It's the only thing I got excited about - the rest are old news (although they're all great games)

wording for Alien Isolation CLEARLY stated FEBRUARY.

That's not true - the bonus game of the following month was always promoted this way and it was always the featured title of the previous month.


That's an awesome bundle even without Alien Isolation, but I guess Humble changed their model.

I feel bad since I posted that image that suggested Alien was in this one. :/


I'm happy with the selection, definitely gonna play The Talos Principle, Grim Fandango, Spelunky and maybe The Masterplan ot some point. The other two don't interest me.

But what a jerk move to make people be under the impression that A:I would be a part of this bundle. That's not how you win customers over, (not so)Humble guys.


This bundle is excellent and the wording for Alien Isolation CLEARLY stated FEBRUARY.

What are you guys on about?

the leaked material did not say alien isolation was in the feb bundle, but that if you paid for the feb bundle you'd be able to play alien isolation. Implying that it was the game you'd unlock from the previous bundle.


GAF's Ed McMahon
the leaked material did not say alien isolation was in the feb bundle, but that if you paid for the feb bundle you'd be able to play alien isolation. Implying that it was the game you'd unlock from the previous bundle.

They just changed the rules without telling anyone, kinda shitty.


That wording wasn't present in the leak.


This is the only leak I saw from yesterday and it says right there pay early for the February bundle to receive the game.
They just changed the rules without telling anyone, kinda shitty.

“Just when you think you have all the answers, I CHANGE THE QUESTIONS!” - Humble Monthly

If this is the leak from yesterday it says right there pay early for the February bundle to receive the game.

the way they did it previously was that the game you got for subscribing was in the previous month's bundle...so that is why people thought Isolation was going to be in the January pack

they changed it so that instead of using a previous month's game you just get 1 game early...so they changed the parameters
They leaked it so more ppl would buy January bundle, it was shady as fuck!
Also they are advertising Alien Isolation as 50$ game and it's 12.50$ on their store rn.

it's only $12.50 because of seasonal sales...it is normally a $50 game

but I agree about the "leak" being shady

dave is ok

aztek is ok
This is the only leak I saw from yesterday and it says right there pay early for the February bundle to receive the game.
You guys are making a problem where there wasn't one if you took the time to read the text on the image.
You realize that every month has said almost the exact same thing to get a game in the previous months bundle?
Up there where it says, "Pay now for February's bundle to Unlock Alien: Isolation immediately."
Yeah, and last week it said "Pay now for January's bundle to unlock Payday 2 immediately". Yet Payday isn't in January's bundle, it's in Decembers


The Masterplan is at 23k, Mushroom 11 at 4k, A Fistful of Gun at 10k. Let's see how those figures change over the next few days.


Drunky McMurder
This month's bundle looks great, I have Spelunky and Grim Fandango but even without those I wouldn't have minded paying $12 for this.

Still such a crapshoot that I won't, but it looks pretty good this time around.


Phew! Glad I passed on this. Only thing I would've wanted in that was Talos.

Speaking of which, I'd buy someone's key of Talos for $5.

Edit: Trade done! Thanks spindoc!


You guys are making a problem where there wasn't one if you took the time to read the text on the image.

Up there where it says, "Pay now for February's bundle to Unlock Alien: Isolation immediately."

They were giving game from current bundle to new subscribers. Do you understand that?
One (usually most expensive game) from current bundle was ALWAYS given to new subscribers for subscribing for the next bundle. So yes IT IS shady as fuck, because ppl thought that AI is part of January bundle given away to February subscribers, since that was always the case.


This is the only leak I saw from yesterday and it says right there pay early for the February bundle to receive the game.

the confusing part is they reversed it. This month you do not get a game for subscribing from the previous bundle, but instead a game from the next bundle.


Yeah, and last week it said "Pay now for January's bundle to unlock Payday 2 immediately". Yet Payday isn't in January's bundle, it's in Decembers

Well if that's the case then that's kind of shady. I didn't pay attention to it since I just let my subscription ride.

But I think the service is damn excellent so far... So I'm not going to try and burn them at the stake for offering me bundles of super cheap games that I can own or gift and I get to help out charities.

Don't support it if it's too shady and evil. They are pretty good about refunds. Just get your money back and don't support the service.
I'd trade some keys from the square enix bundle (BTA Tier except for TLR, JC, and FFXIV which I already redeemed) for a Talos key. Looking to gift it to my gf for our anniversary.


Can't complain. It was a rumor after all. Can't say I'm too happy about this months games, but I got Grim Fandango and A Fistfull of Gun out of it. Will probably get next months games for Alien Isolation.


For you.
the confusing part is they reversed it. This month you do not get a game for subscribing from the previous bundle, but instead a game from the next bundle.
Actually, you have to pay for the February bundle now if you want Alien Isolation.

Well if that's the case then that's kind of shady. I didn't pay attention to it since I just let my subscription ride.

But I think the service is damn excellent so far... So I'm not going to try and burn them at the stake for offering me bundles of super cheap games that I can own or gift and I get to help out charities.

Don't support it if it's too shady and evil.

Not much of a worthy service considering how many games were widely bundled or heavily discounted before.

The charity thing is also dumb as hell: The Humble Monthly gives a measly 5% to charity, with no options to change it. It's fucking ridiculous. The "it's for charity" doesn't quite work anymore.


Actually, you have to pay for the February bundle now if you want Alien Isolation.

Not much of a worthy service considering how many games were widely bundled or heavily discounted before.

The charity thing is also dumb as hell: The Humble Monthly gives a measly 5% to charity, with no options to change it. It's fucking ridiculous. The "it's for charity" doesn't quite work anymore.

Works just fine on my taxes. Can't be that dumb bro.


It's just good enough to keep me subscribed given I'm a sucker for bundles, but it remains basically a solid main page BTA... blind bought at twice the price with no control over where the money goes.
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