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The Last of Us 2 VS Uncharted 4 | PS4 Pro | Graphics Comparison


I know even back in the 90's people thought the graphics were "so life like" and we never thought we could get any better. Now we're at this point........... I honestly don't know how much further we can go with detail. I'm good with this. This is enough for me personally. But it's beyond me to know how further it will go............. but more detail, more development time? If that's not true then wicked, keep pushing the envelope I guess,. But if it's more time, then eh I'm okay where we are. Maybe a few tweaks here and there.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
I'm happy with current day graphics.
Just increase the complexity of the environments and the animations. If we can get a game that is as large as GTA, with more options (like being able to have unique conversations and situations with NPCs), I'd be thrilled.


I'd say they are on par. Where TLoU2 shines tho is the animations, even just ordinary walking around is waaay more grounded, realistic. And it doesn't extensively overuse motion blur like UC4 does, which is a big plus.


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
Naughty Dog did wonders on a 1.8TF machine with a weak CPU that’s for sure.

It’s going to be crazy to see what they can do in the PS5.

Also please be careful not to reveal any spoilers here.
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likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
I'd say they are on par. Where TLoU2 shines tho is the animations, even just ordinary walking around is waaay more grounded, realistic. And it doesn't extensively overuse motion blur like UC4 does, which is a big plus.
Technically, TLOU is at worst equal in some areas but better in many others such as lighting, texture resolution, vegetation etc.


I LOVE both games but i think Uncharted 4 is my favorite graphics wise because of the colourful and vibrant environments and characters.

Seattle is the most in depth and realistic location they have ever had, but ultimately is still a pretty drab and samey location. It works in that game for what it wants to achieve but compared the Uncharted 4.


The technical people at Naughty Dog are so god damn talented.

Uncharted 4 still destroys everything but RDR2 and TLOU2.

Well and TLOU2 are the best graphics we have ever seen. The grand finale of this generation and only next gen can beat that. Nothing comes close and I can't even begin to imagine what Naughty Dog games are going to look like on hardware 10x as powerful as that and all the other advancements the PS5 is going to have.

PS : Please give me a nice RayTracing PS5 patch for TLOU2. Thanks!
Well to be fair, the renders/ in game cinematics look amazing but once you take control of the characters no way do you see such detailed beard or skin so Id say we still have a long way to go when Ellie actually looks like the cutscene-ellie quality.

This doesnt look...


...like this:

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Ulysses 31

Gold Member
I'm surprised studios don't make full length cgi movies with these asset quality, I'm sure plenty of people would still watch them and they won't cost anywhere near as much as pixar levels of cgi rendering.


Well to be fair, the renders/ in game cinematics look amazing but once you take control of the characters no way do you see such detailed beard or skin so Id say we still have a long way to go when Ellie actually looks like the cutscene-ellie quality.

Long way to go? It's right around the corner. Just like in game Nathan Drake in UC4 looks much better than cutscene Nathan Drake in UC3.
Thirty7ven Thirty7ven

Well 6 years difference is a long way. I never meant its going to happen in 30 years but Im saying, comparing renders and saying how we are almost there but when you see in game screenshots then you realize no, we are not that close. Check the image examples I left above. Same as UC4 cutscene Drake with every visible pore doesnt look even close to gameplay Drake.
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Thirty7ven Thirty7ven

Well 6 years difference is a long way. I never meant its going to happen in 30 years but Im saying, comparing renders and saying how we are almost there but when you see in game screenshots then you realize no, we are not that close. Check the image examples I left above. Same as UC4 cutscene Drake with every visible pore doesnt look even close to gameplay Drake.

I've seen the pics. Saying it doesn't look even close is the sort of hyperbole that kills any sort of rational discussion that can be had about it. It does in fact look pretty close, but it's not there yet. Same goes for Uncharted 4.

In fact the bigger differences come from outside the character model itself, lightning being the biggest factor here by a long shot.

Here's a gameplay pick of Uncharted 4's Nathan Drake face detail:

You're off and hyperbolic in your observations. By the way The Order 1886 came out in 2015, TLOU came out in 2013. Nobody will be waiting "6 years"(wtf).

Considering the I/O - RAM advantages of next gen, I would say Horizon 2 for example, will have the same exact Alloy in game and in cutscenes. It's the lighting and highlights that will change.


Gold Member
i think all the big sony exclusive (or ex-exclusive) are very close in term of graphics.

days gone
the order


Well to be fair, the renders/ in game cinematics look amazing but once you take control of the characters no way do you see such detailed beard or skin so Id say we still have a long way to go when Ellie actually looks like the cutscene-ellie quality.

This doesnt look...


...like this:

Looks good to me!
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I know even back in the 90's people thought the graphics were "so life like" and we never thought we could get any better. Now we're at this point........... I honestly don't know how much further we can go with detail. I'm good with this. This is enough for me personally. But it's beyond me to know how further it will go............. but more detail, more development time? If that's not true then wicked, keep pushing the envelope I guess,. But if it's more time, then eh I'm okay where we are. Maybe a few tweaks here and there.




I've seen the pics. Saying it doesn't look even close is the sort of hyperbole that kills any sort of rational discussion that can be had about it. It does in fact look pretty close, but it's not there yet. Same goes for Uncharted 4.

In fact the bigger differences come from outside the character model itself, lightning being the biggest factor here by a long shot.

Here's a gameplay pick of Uncharted 4's Nathan Drake face detail:

You're off and hyperbolic in your observations. By the way The Order 1886 came out in 2015, TLOU came out in 2013. Nobody will be waiting "6 years"(wtf).

Considering the I/O - RAM advantages of next gen, I would say Horizon 2 for example, will have the same exact Alloy in game and in cutscenes. It's the lighting and highlights that will change.

Im glad you saw the pics, while I played the game so I think im in a better position after finishing it twice to judge is TLOU2 gameplay as visually pleasing as the cutscenes. It aint. Its not bad by any margin but no, we are not there yet. The 6 years gap, I was talking about Uncharted 3 to 4 timeline, stop pulling shit out of your ass for stuff I never talked about. Your Drake gameplay picture is a great example, it looks flat and lifeless compared to the in-game render. Put that same drake in a dark cave while soaked wet and he will look quite off compared to the cinematics. Lighting is one, his facial muscles, the ones that give life to a face, its still limited. Thats why I say, we still have a ways to go to get that to a gameplay level. And it might take a while because that is heavy resource spent on a character which most of the time you see their back. Expect next gen to be 60fps at 4K as main focus and the games getting bigger. All that means need for more and more power. I think you are dilusional that PS5 and XSX will arrive and we would have our heads blown. We will, years down the line. Horizon looks amazing even today, Horizon 2 will be 4K 60fps with RTX and that comes with a price.
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