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The Leftovers |OT| Left Behind With Damon Lindelof - Sundays 10/9c

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I don't imagine this will follow the book too much atleast if it gets more than 1 season, which I hope it does. I think HBO will renew it, since it doesn't seem to be very expensive to make.


Going to throw out an opinion here that I'll probably be attacked for, but anyway: I actually preferred this pilot to True Detective's. I am not making any assumptions about the rest of the episodes which haven't aired yet, and I will obviously concede that True Detective was far better acted, but there's actually something about the entire pilot which just clicked for me. The premise is obviously a big hook, but I'm actually intrigued by (some of) these characters' motivations.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes, especially as the only other thing I have to watch right now is 24, which has been good but isn't enough by itself! (Should I be watching Rectify / OITNB?)


I appreciate the fact that Lindelof and co. are trying to tell a story within this world without divulging the mysteries of it, but I'm not sure most audiences will. How do you think audiences will respond if the event is never explained?
Going to throw out an opinion here that I'll probably be attacked for, but anyway: I actually preferred this pilot to True Detective's. I am not making any assumptions about the rest of the episodes which haven't aired yet, and I will obviously concede that True Detective was far better acted, but there's actually something about the entire pilot which just clicked for me. The premise is obviously a big hook, but I'm actually intrigued by (some of) these characters' motivations.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes, especially as the only other thing I have to watch right now is 24, which has been good but isn't enough by itself! (Should I be watching Rectify / OITNB?)

I'm definitely digging this more than True Detective. Something about that show just didnt click for me. Watch Banshee if you haven't. I just plowed through 2 seasons in like a week. Such a great show. Fargo is another one I jut watched and it was fantastic also. Orange is the new black is a good show and it's something you can get through quick.

-edit- To the poster above, I feel like they will explain the mystery on the show. It will have to diverge from the books and become its own thing if it gets more than one season.


I appreciate the fact that Lindelof and co. are trying to tell a story within this world without divulging the mysteries of it, but I'm not sure most audiences will. How do you think audiences will respond if the event is never explained?

I think, given the nature of television, you would need to explain the central mystery of a show like this. A film (or, a novel) is different -- your social contract with your audience in TV requires the team behind a serialized show such as this to provide some semblance of closure or some answers.

Which is why if this show isn't interested in those answers, maybe it should've been a film.
Looking forward to seeing where this goes, especially as the only other thing I have to watch right now is 24, which has been good but isn't enough by itself! (Should I be watching Rectify / OITNB?)

If you haven't watched Rectify or OITNB I have no idea why you'd be wasting your time with this. I know this show has only aired its pilot, but I can't imagine it ever being as good as those two.


Hunky Nostradamus
I think, given the nature of television, you would need to explain the central mystery of a show like this. A film (or, a novel) is different -- your social contract with your audience in TV requires the team behind a serialized show such as this to provide some semblance of closure or some answers.

Which is why if this show isn't interested in those answers, maybe it should've been a film.

Is this your way of saying that all of our questions will be answered on Helix?!


Dude, I'm right there with you. 13 million people vanishing is definitely world changing, but I just can't buy it having this type of effect. 140,000 people die each day, not excluding times of war. It'd be a more widespread sad party, but things would go back to normal within months.
Well, only human beings have disappeared, it was a baffling, literal disappearance that flies in the face of science, that baby and his clothes were gone whereas the baby car seat remained... It all points to a cause that 1) is intelligent, 2) is interested in humans and 3) has crazy "god-like" powers. So, yeah, I'd say that's world-changing, and I don't know about "back to normal"...
But other than that, I agree: I don't buy the type of effect(s) displayed on the show.
I caught most of the pilot episode last night and was pretty interested by what I saw. I heard some buzz about the show before noticing it was on so that's what made me check it out. I missed the first 10 or 15 minutes but still caught enough to learn the characters and realize what was going on. I'll definitely give it a chance and see where it goes. According to what some others have said, some reviewers say the show gets going even more around episode 3 or 4. I wouldn't give up on it after the first episode unless this type of thing really doesn't interest you at all.
There needs to be more breadcrumbs/clues/hints at what the eventual explanation for the disappearances. I know it's suppose to be more about the characters than the plot. But if you want to keep me interested you have to leave me at the end of the episode trying to figure out what happened.

Just some spitballing here but I think if this show continues past season 1 there will be another disappearance that leads to more focus on the plot than the characters. That may very well be where the show begins to shine.

The pilot was good. Not great and I'm not hooked yet. But I'm willing to give the show a chance.

Hell I'm easy to please, I loved shows like Jericho and Flashforward ( shows which most people shit on).


I don't know guys, I'm still not completely sold that this is a sci-fi show. :-\

I mean, when I finished watching Lost season 1, I was convinced it was a sci-fi show as well, and we all know how that turned out.

I probably think this will turn out to be in the same vein as Jericho/Flash Forward/The Event, but I'll be glad to be proven wrong.
I don't know guys, I'm still not completely sold that this is a sci-fi show. :-\

I mean, when I finished watching Lost season 1, I was convinced it was a sci-fi show as well, and we all know how that turned out.

I probably think this will turn out to be in the same vein as Jericho/Flash Forward/The Event, but I'll be glad to be proven wrong.

It's not a sci-fi show.


I don't know guys, I'm still not completely sold that this is a sci-fi show. :-

I mean, when I finished watching Lost season 1, I was convinced it was a sci-fi show as well, and we all know how that turned out.

I probably think this will turn out to be in the same vein as Jericho/Flash Forward/The Event, but I'll be glad to be proven wrong.
Who said it was sci-fi? You should keep watching. It's already pretty interesting at this point, unless you only watch sci-fi shows.


Do you only watch Scifi shows?

Mostly, yeah.

Almost Human (what a missed opportunity)
Warehouse 13
Person of Interest (I consider it sci-fi)

I do watch HBO shows that GAF recommends, though. (True Detective, The Wire)

I think The Leftovers can be a great sci-fi show, but I get that it'll be a drama show, mostly.
Yeah, I'm done with the show. I don't find any of these characters compelling enough to stick around for.

I don't see this making it past the first season for HBO.


"I remember"

Oh jesus fucking christ, Everyone Remembers!

Like, where are all these people who are trying to forget? Where are all the people who aren't wallowing in the fucking depression of the event that happened 3 years ago? These cults seem poised to fight an invisible opponent.

It's all just so heavy-handed. I feel like this idea is just too big for Lindelof.
"I remember"

Oh jesus fucking christ, Everyone Remembers!

Like, where are all these people who are trying to forget? Where are all the people who aren't wallowing in the fucking depression of the event that happened 3 years ago? These cults seem poised to fight an invisible opponent.

It's all just so heavy-handed. I feel like this idea is just too big for Lindelof.

Yup. This show is fucked. Built on over promising and under delivering. This show WILL be cancelled.


The One and Done™;119831729 said:
Yup. This show is fucked. Built on over promising and under delivering. This show WILL be cancelled.

I mean, every show gets canceled eventually. So yeah. It WILL be canceled.
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