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The Leftovers |OT| Left Behind With Damon Lindelof - Sundays 10/9c

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Is episode 2 better?

I'm pretty forgiving with shows and typically endure more than the average person.

This show is dull. Second episode and I'm using my phone more than watching.


Tagged as I see fit
"I remember"

Oh jesus fucking christ, Everyone Remembers!

Like, where are all these people who are trying to forget? Where are all the people who aren't wallowing in the fucking depression of the event that happened 3 years ago? These cults seem poised to fight an invisible opponent.

It's all just so heavy-handed. I feel like this idea is just too big for Lindelof.

Exactly why I didn't start with this show. I still feel burned from Lost :(


I still can't wrap my head around why anyone would want to join the Guilty Remnant. Well other than the name, that's freaking cool.


I still can't wrap my head around why anyone would want to join the Guilty Remnant. Well other than the name, that's freaking cool.

Somewhere, deep within the Naughty Dog offices, someone is kicking themselves over Tom Perotta beating them to the perfect subtitle for The Last of Us 2.


I'm pretty forgiving with shows and typically endure more than the average person.

This show is dull. Second episode and I'm using my phone more than watching.

Yup. I'm out. This episode was actually worse then the first. Shame. The premise had potential.


Somewhere, deep within the Naughty Dog offices, someone is kicking themselves over Tom Perotta beating them to the perfect subtitle for The Last of Us 2.

There's flipped over desks, crushed Starbucks cups and coffee on the walls and a voice going hoarse from the rage of not thinking of "The Last of Us: Guilty Remnant."
Is it worth watching for the hate watch at least?

No, it's not like that, it's just boring.

I feel like I'm flipping channels when watching it. The plots don't connect very well, I'm not invested, it's just background noise with no inspiration.


No, it's not like that, it's just boring.

I feel like I'm flipping channels when watching it. The plots don't connect very well, I'm not invested, it's just background noise with no inspiration.

Exactly. It's probably the most boring damn show I've seen in a long time. then of course you combine that with everything else you listed and yea it's just not a good show.


Considering the hype it's been getting, this is the worst dialogue I've heard in a premium show. What kind of humorless people could write something like this


Right now I'm only interested in the Chief. The silent cult and Liv Tyler are less than nothing. The sex offender cult is boring too. At least the Chief has things going on. His crazy dad talks to ghosts or angels or angels' ghosts. He's visited by a magic bald man that gives away trucks and likes shooting feral dogs. His girl and her friend can see the bald man. And the bagels were real. Chief's wife looks about 10 years too old for him though. That's one relationship I'm not buying.
Gotta say that I loved the opening credits. Didn't like this episode as much as the pilot, but I did enjoy it. It's awkward and rather bizarre, and while I like it I could easily understand why some wouldn't. Justin Thoreau's character is probably my favorite. Kinda sad that his sanity rested on finding a missing bagel. Interested in seeing where all this is heading.

The tone in the cult scenes irritates the shit out of me with all the note writing tho.

Gray Matter

Goddammit was this a disaster compared to the pilot, which I really liked. So many inaccuracies, how the fuck do you escape a SWAT raid, fucking impossible. And no one can find the fucking truck then it suddenly appears in the dudes driveway with no records or anything, later the bald guy comes with a pack of beer, WTF?

The pilot, altho some were really critical of, I enjoyed and thought was really good, but this episode lost me, pun not intended.

I still have enough curiosity to keep watching, but it better improve!

Also, can someone who read the novel explain why the cult refuse to speak, with the least of spoilers as possible please.


Only seen the first ep, it was alright but I gotta say I don't give a damn nor sympathize for any of the characters, every single of them is unlikeable. Not sure if I want to continue watching this.


I enjoy the cop character because I imagine the lines and subtleties coming from Coach Taylor from Friday Night Lights, the Peter Berg influence I guess.


I'm genuinely puzzled at the critical reception this show has gotten. Not only is it poorly written, it's incredibly melodramatic (is that final scene with her chopping down the tree meant to be taken seriously?), says nothing about the characters, and worst of all inserts just enough mystery to tease people but be able to say "it's all about the characters" when it turns out to be a whole lot of nothing


I liked it. I'm enjoying the subdued approach the showrunners are taking. We know as much as the characters and both of us are trying to figure out what's real, are we going crazy, and most importantly what happened? We're watching the characters figure how to cope in such a world and I find that absolutely fascinating and relatable.


I liked it. I'm enjoying the subdued approach the showrunners are taking. We know as much as the characters and both of us are trying to figure out what's real, are we going crazy, and most importantly what happened? We're watching the characters figure how to cope in such a world and I find that absolutely fascinating and relatable.

Yep. It's comical reading the reactions of the people that don't get it. It's no wonder Boardwalk Empire never completely took off. Modern television viewers just can't handle a slow burn. Fucking instant gratification society.


Just saw the pilot episode and .......yeah, not sure I'm down to stick around with another one of these "mysterious, people doing random things with no explanation", especially with the way LOST ended. I'll probably watch a few more, but this might just a quick look at the wiki page for the book and then I'm out.
Yep. It's comical reading the reactions of the people that don't get it. It's no wonder Boardwalk Empire never completely took off. Modern television viewers just can't handle a slow burn. Fucking instant gratification society.

Slow burns are fine by me. Soul sucking tedium, like much of Boardwalk Empire, and the pilot to this aren't.

But hey, keep up the whole condescending "You just don't get it man" crap if you want.


Yep. It's comical reading the reactions of the people that don't get it. It's no wonder Boardwalk Empire never completely took off. Modern television viewers just can't handle a slow burn. Fucking instant gratification society.

Let's not confuse bad writing with people needing instant resolution or explanation.
Oof. It's like everything I hated about LOST and nothing that I liked about it.

I haven't read the book but I was so bored with the show so far I decided to scan the book's wiki page.
Blah, no explanation for the event, horrendously cheesy and trite drama going forward, much tedium. I'm out.


I agree with some people here about the Chief being the only thing worth a damn in this show. Every time GR stuff comes up I want to shoot myself in the face. The other stuff isn't much better. Will watch next week for what is apparently the Doctor's episode and reevaluate from there.
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