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The Leftovers |OT| Left Behind With Damon Lindelof - Sundays 10/9c

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who hella liked last night's episode.
I also actually really liked the priest episode.


What a phenomenal episode. I wonder how much longer before people start eating some crow.

Probably not going to happen. These character-focused episodes don't make up enough of the season to really turn the tide on this show. Overall, this show still has major problems.

And I honestly didn't think the episode was that good. It was passable, in my opinion. But the bar for this show is pretty low at this point.


you speak so well
Very good episode. The two secondary character focused episodes have been great, the rest not so much. The show's still sort of a mess overall but there's enough good poking through that I'm still sticking around at least until the end of the season.
For the people saying only two episodes have been good, I think you're not giving Gladys enough credit. The show has an emphasis on fleshing out secondary characters in intermittent episodes. Fortunately too, because the chief and daughter's storyline is dull as shit.


What a phenomenal episode. I wonder how much longer before people start eating some crow.
Why would they have to? If every episode of the show is this good or better until it ends, fucking rad, that doesn't mean anyone was wrong to shit on the show so far.


I always look at the ign review score (without reading the review) before I watch the episode. They are getting 9's and 10's on most of them. This episode was awesome.
A+ acting job from Carrie Coon, D script from the writers. Still miles and miles to go before this becomes anything other than a complete misfire.


Hunky Nostradamus
I actually didn't really like that episode. The "I'M IN SO MUCH UNIMAGINABLE PAIN!!!!!" schtick is starting to finally wear thin on me. I mean, this woman hires hookers to shoot her in the chest while wearing a kevlar vest (because she needs to be alive in order to feel what it's like to die!) and while listening to death metal (get it??) because her family disappeared? Good lord is this show ever melodramatic.

Still, Carrie Coon gave a good performance and I thought "Guest" did a better job of establishing the larger "Post-Departure" world than any of the previous episodes.


Don't really like depression in my fiction without something in return. I have enough issues in my life, I don't need to "escape" to a world of nothing but despair.

I don't know man... something about the tone has me really look forward to sitting down with it and a couple of beers every sunday night (I tend to not drink otherwise). It's my palate cleanser of existentialism before tackling the next work week. On the other hand, if things in my real life were majorly shittier than they are right now, I might not be in the mood.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Last two episodes have been good, but if this show goes for a second season, I think they need to start answer questions in the fourth episode otherwise it probably will piss me off again. I really like this show, when it does things well.


Watched up to episode 4 and i still have no clue if i'm liking it or even wtf is going on

Theroux is hot enough to make the show addicting though, damn

Funky Papa

It's like every character-focused episode is several tiers above the serialized ones. I could watch their downtrodden, fucked up lives all day long.

Watched up to episode 4 and i still have no clue if i'm liking it or even wtf is going on

Theroux is hot enough to make the show addicting though, damn
I'm as straight as they come, but Theroux oozes masculinity. I could only wish to have that hairline when I get older.


He rocks the aviators like a motherfucker, too.


meh this show is just blaa... I dont like any character at all. The only character I like a little bit is the main cop guy but I hate the actor lol... I'm just wait til all the episodes are out before watching again...
meh this show is just blaa... I dont like any character at all. The only character I like a little bit is the main cop guy but I hate the actor lol... I'm just wait til all the episodes are out before watching again...

Our of all the character you like the chief...really?


Our of all the character you like the chief...really?

I didn't like that he killed dogs in the first ep but I really dont like anyone... he's just the least annoying.... this show is just really dumb soo far. My best bet though it just to wait for the next 7 episodes and watch them back to back and if its not better at the end of this season im done...


at last, for christ's sake
meh, I cant bear another Lindelof tv show. Will wait until season's over to read some cumulative reviews


Another outstanding episode. Not quite as captivating as last week's, but still. Nora is a great character. There is no other show like this one outthere (besides Rectify maybe) - just life, as serious it can be. So it's no hard choice which show to watch first on Monday mornings. Loved her moment with Wayne. How he's first so flippant and disregarding only to turn on his hug-mode and give her what she deserves. I don't think, he has any "powers", butit's really interesting and intriguing how they play with the ambiguity of something like this.


Was that his magic? Or did they not show something?

No that's his magic. In the episode where his ranch gets raided the government agents in the office talking beforehand mention him selling hugs prior to deciding to approve the operation. He also offers to hug the Son when they have a one to one chat about the Asian girl.
I don't really like Wayne as a character. I want him to be a fraud, or to get owned or something. When they were hugging at the end I was hoping that her 'pain' he was absorbing would be too much for him and kill him.


I definitely liked the two more standalone, focused episodes about Matt and then Nora much more than the rest. They certainly felt the most compelling, but even there I had issues with both episodes. Basically things from the main episodes (like the GR and Wayne) creeping into both. Plus some other stuff (didn't care much for the shooting at the beginning of this one for instance). I also don't think it is a good sign that the best episodes of the show barely feature the main cast. But maybe they could possibly do similarly compelling episodes if they honed in on one of the regulars. As is once we head back to the rest of the gang, I feel I will be slogging through episodes just like the other four this season. I would certainly like to be wrong, but the show hasn't really given me the confidence to expect otherwise.
I don't really like Wayne as a character. I want him to be a fraud, or to get owned or something. When they were hugging at the end I was hoping that her 'pain' he was absorbing would be too much for him and kill him.

He's almost certainly a fraud.

Obviously there are supernatural elements at play in this world, be it God or extraterrestrials or whatever, but I'm almost positive that Holy Wayne is a 100% snake oil salesman/pervert.


He's almost certainly a fraud.

Obviously there are supernatural elements at play in this world, be it God or extraterrestrials or whatever, but I'm almost positive that Holy Wayne is a 100% snake oil salesman/pervert.

Placebo effect is a helluva drug ...

Loved this episode and have loved the series so far ... The show also urged me to watch Lost again (almost done with season 1) ...


Hunky Nostradamus
i thought the death metal was just to mask the sound of the gunshot

Yes, that's what I thought when watching and I'm still thinking it was because of that.

Sure, but it wasn't there "just" for that reason.

My best bet though it just to wait for the next 7 episodes and watch them back to back and if its not better at the end of this season im done...

There are only 4 episodes left, not 7.


I'm as straight as they come, but Theroux oozes masculinity. I could only wish to have that hairline when I get older.

He rocks the aviators like a motherfucker, too.

Between him and Matthew Fox, Lindelof definitely has a type for leading men. :lol

Sure, but it wasn't there "just" for that reason.

But...it was? It's not like we see her sitting in rooms alone listening to death metal any other time. She only turns it on right before she has the hooker shoot her.


But...it was? It's not like we see her sitting in rooms alone listening to death metal any other time. She only turns it on right before she has the hooker shoot her.

Quoting to agree. Plus, she puts the disc in the player and it didn't have anything else in it. I think there's enough context in the scene to assume that she plays loud music to mask the gun shots.


Quoting to agree. Plus, she puts the disc in the player and it didn't have anything else in it. I think there's enough context in the scene to assume that she plays loud music to mask the gun shots.

Well that much is obvious.

But shes listening to Death Metal while getting shot by a hooker because she wants to know what death feels like without actually killing herself. It was still a pointless and heavy-handed scene. We didn't need it to know that Nora Durst is fucking miserable. Misery is the only read we've been able to get from her character all season, so that opening scene just came off as the writers looking for an OUTRAGEOUS way to drive home a point they'd already made...several times. And the show is littered with moments like that.

Even though that particular episode was shit overall, the scene with the GR lady getting stoned to death was so far the only intense scene that felt grounded in something that an audience could believe would really happen to that character.

Nora Durst calling a stripper to come shoot her in a Kevlar vest? Didn't buy it.


So did I miss something or was that not her husband calling and leaving a message on the answering machine?

Edit: Never mind it was her brother.


Yeah, the character-specific episodes do seem the better ones in this show. The acting was good but i had issues with the played-out character that suffered a loss and now lives in misery and does eccentric stuff to either feel alive or brush with 'death'.

I also didn't feel right with that the episode climaxed with Nora turning a new leaf after another slump when up until this episode and in its beginning, she was making strides towards it by herslf. She learned about her husband's infidelity; she gradually warmed up to Kevin and in this ep she finalized her divorce and it was she who asked Kevin out of the blue to go to Miami with her.
So it felt odd that the scene after was Nora buying and replacing the products and groceries to retain the exact same situation it was when her family Departed. I know that was part of the point of her tendency to seek pain and misery back again if there was starting to be a light in the end of the tunnel, but it still felt weird and sort of out-of-place in terms of Nora's path of learning to live with it\overcome it we've seen so far.

And yes, it is iffy that she gets a hug and starts anew so to speak. Seems cheap and kind of a shortcut. OK, what would have happened if she reached the realization and then had to actively to something to follow through rather than accept a hug to make all the bad feelings go away? Which again, seems misplaced because she was making progress on her own so this episode didn't seem natural to me in the way it pulls Nora down to have that climax of getting Wayne's hug and 'officially' starting over.


Hunky Nostradamus
But...it was? It's not like we see her sitting in rooms alone listening to death metal any other time. She only turns it on right before she has the hooker shoot her.

Quoting to agree. Plus, she puts the disc in the player and it didn't have anything else in it. I think there's enough context in the scene to assume that she plays loud music to mask the gun shots.

Thematically there's a reason she used that kind of music instead of opera, kpop or what have you, is what I'm saying.

Slayer is not death metal. Sorry, I had to say it.

Slayer is thrash metal and death metal is a subgenre or it (or whatever), so they're close!


Thematically there's a reason she used that kind of music instead of opera, kpop or what have you, is what I'm saying.

I don't think there's anything thematically going on. When you think of really loud music to hide a gunshot, metal/rock is the way to go.


Finally cought up on the last episode. I was in awe in the frist 10 minutes alone. Not to mention the whole scene with "Holy Wayne", it was amazingly depressing. Def. the best episode along with third one.


New episode today:
Season 1: episode 7 "Solace for Tired Feet"

After learning his father has escaped the psychiatric hospital, Kevin orders an APB to track him down. Jill attempts to break an endurance record. Holed up in Indiana, a disillusioned Tom makes an unsettling discovery.


The endurance record is the longest an actress has gone without conveying an emotion, unluckily for her, Kristen Stewart is just in a whole other league.


I don't think Wayne has any powers. I think he's just super charismatic. My prediction (haven't read the book or anything) is that he is either going to be the anti-Christ or is going to be one of the anti-Christ's minions in the end of days.

You might think I'm crazy. If you catch up on your biblical lore however, it talks about the anti-christ being a guy that comes to the world pretending to save it. Everyone usually loves him initially at least before people begin to slowly realize he's preaching the complete opposite of Christ's message.

The real Christ wouldn't want you to 'forget' the departed. 2% of the planet is now in the afterlife on the show, I think everyone else will be 'tested' eventually about what will happen to their souls.

Fascinating show. The most depressing part of it however, is that it hasn't been renewed yet for a second season. Dohhh!
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