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The No Holds Barred Castle Crashers Official Thread of Broken Netcode and Crash Bugs


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
TurtleSnatcher said:
Man some of you people need to enjoy just playing alone or with a real friend at your house..
That's the true, the best way to play is local. But the big selling point of this game was online cooperative play. It's even in the title.
I've actually been lucky. I can count the amount of times I've encountered problems on one hand.

But I can tell you, if I lost my save or couldn't play online like a some of the crashers here.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Man some of you people need to enjoy just playing alone or with a real friend at your house..
Don't know what you're talking about, its impossible when it won't save the levels you've been even in local play.
you guys are strange. if they had delayed it to fix the online, would you feel the same anger as you do now?

just act like it hasn't been released yet. :lol or, even better, get some buddies over and play the shit out of local while you wait.


After anothe crashy buggy horrible but fun online experience last night. We found that it's not just buying Pazzo in a 4 player game that freezes everyone's console. But EVERY pet in a shop. If you have 4 players, and one of those players tries to buy a pet in a store, everyone's console freezes and requires a hard reset.

How in fucks name did that get past testing?

Also, anyone else notice
the dig icon in the ending screen? Where you fight for the very last princess, if you run right, in front of a thief shooting constantly at a target. There's a dig icon. We've tried a number of things. One guy blocking while the other guy digs. But it doesn't do anything... It HAS to be there for a reason. It can't be coincidence a dig icon in front of a shooting thief on the ending screen.
Has anyone figured this out?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Mar_ said:
the dig icon in the ending screen? Where you fight for the very last princess, if you run right, in front of a thief shooting constantly at a target. There's a dig icon. We've tried a number of things. One guy blocking while the other guy digs. But it doesn't do anything... It HAS to be there for a reason. It can't be coincidence a dig icon in front of a shooting thief on the ending screen.
Has anyone figured this out?

Its a fake hole. It better be because I beat the
last boss
4 times on my own trying stuff out :lol

(trying the dog which makes you dig faster, dog that shows you where to dig, having a second person blocking the arrows(me controlling both players), digging all around it)

I guess they put it there just to fuck with us :D

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Mejilan said:
Wow, the catfish/boomerang exploit is ridiculous! :lol
It kind of is.
But it actually seems a bit useless after the mid20s.
Mar_ said:
Also, anyone else notice
the dig icon in the ending screen? Where you fight for the very last princess, if you run right, in front of a thief shooting constantly at a target. There's a dig icon. We've tried a number of things. One guy blocking while the other guy digs. But it doesn't do anything... It HAS to be there for a reason. It can't be coincidence a dig icon in front of a shooting thief on the ending screen.
Has anyone figured this out?
Not sure if it's fake or not but there is an animal orb that is easily obtained that makes digging go faster.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
man, that's the second time ive made a new post instead of editing today.

Uncle AJ

MarkMacD said:


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
hmm, in my experience the annoying fucking look on that catfish's face coupled with the fact that it's hard for me to reproduce every time makes me not want to do it all that often.

What it's great for though, is if you're a level or two away from a milestone (20, 30, 40) to just go and bang it out.


Running off of Custom Firmware
But it's so easy. I'm doing it every time and posting here while he ticks down to 0 health... :lol

Uncle AJ

I'm going to start a room in one last fleeting effort to get some online multi working before I write the review. Any takers? GT: Mo the Hawk

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Hmm... It usually takes me a few tries to get it to tick down his health more than a quarter.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Jtwo said:
Hmm... It usually takes me a few tries to get it to tick down his health more than a quarter.

Nah. Grab a log/dead fish/dead alligator/dead shark/whatever before the fight starts. One always spawns.

Stand just to the left of where the bubbles start, charging the boomerang to full power.

About 1-2 seconds before he emerges (same exact time every fight), unleash the boomer and back up to the king's ship. You can release the boomer the very second the bubbles start to dissipate. Don't move up or down. Kill the furball.

Hold L to block until the fight ends. He'll start by punching a few times. Cannon will hit him for the stun. He'll recover and start a new batch of punches. Without one whack from your weapon, he'll die before he gets to any other part of his pattern.

Rinse and repeat. If you do it right, he'll never sink back down or do the rest of his attacks.
Basically, charged boomerang, retreat straight left, and block ftw.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I've been waiting until he spawns.
Hitting the furball and then throwing the boomerang once he's incapacitated.

Uncle AJ

Hey, I got a 3 player game going! And we all got kicked as soon as we exited the armory! :/

Also, we were all using Hawkster. :lol


Running off of Custom Firmware
Stitch said:
the giant bat is easier and gives more exp :D

But you have to fight through the slimes each time, and it doesn't look like all that much more exp, really... Though there is loot after the battle...

Yeah, just did the bat one, only 40 exp more than the catfish.
So I'm running all my characters through to the Barbarian boss fight. Pretty good way to shore up cash. Gonna have to start focusing on some full runs through the game though, get some of nem unlockable characters and shit.

Giraffey is the patron saint of unlocked characters.


Gold Member
Bat: 693 EXP with Giraffey
Catfish: 659 EXP with Giraffey

To kill the slimes i just spam my superi0r firemagic which kills them in 2 seconds


Gold Member
In the Desert. Don't know the exact place but when you pick up the shovel you can dig on spots with an X and in one of those spots you can find Giraffey.
Alaskanbullworm said:

Well by looking at the knight profile picture up top for the Necro Knight and that picture, I'd say it's very likely that the rest are genuine unlockables. No one has any ideas yet, except that something might happen when they beat the game with all characters.

Chainsaw, come to me. :(
Oh jesus, there's a chainsaw? I have a feeling that I'll be playing this for far too long to be good...


Insane mode is fucking tough. We're trying to do it in 3 player co-op (lvl 73 green knight, 61 orange knight, etc) and getting slaughtered only halfway through - the desert level.
Just got my green knight up to 42ish

Agility is so imbal.. I love it :p

I did the Barb and Thieves arena.. The others are a bit tough .. gotta come packed full of potions.


Meh, my save died after bringing the HD over to a friend's place to play local co-op.

Now I don't have anything unlocked...
winnarps said:
Meh, my save died after bringing the HD over to a friend's place to play local co-op.

Now I don't have anything unlocked...

Meh, I bought the game using my profile while at a friends house and when I got back home my game will not save at all...


how does the exp system work? Would hitting a boss more time with a weak attack get more exp than smashing it with my strong attacks fewer times?
The game rocks, too bad i'm already hanging for a sequel or another beat-em-up exactly like this. Screw Streets of Rage and D&D....every beat-em-up needs to be like Castle Crashers!

Anyways can anyone confirm the amount of unlockable characters, animals and weapons. Just a number figure? For example 26 animals, 40 weapons etc.

The Alien Hominid character is CRAP!!! I bought the game basically just for this character and he can't use any of the other weapons!! What a joke, I really feel as if people should've been warned about this before purchase, I mean i would've bought Alien Hominid anyways (need to support Behemoth) but I dunno....i just feel ripped off cuz I did it for the character initially.....anyways here's hoping they can patch the Alien to use other weapons cuz his magic is awesome but i'm stuck with a stupid pitchfork and not even his normal gun (Yea i know it's a glitch).

Anyways so much cool stuff, even little things like knocking dudes down flights of stairs and the fish and reptile living in harmony.


hey guyz

exactly how many animals are there? i got 26 following gamefaqs, but still that animal achievement is locked...


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
How do you trigger insane mode? I cleared it with my red knight, have the skull next to his portrait but I don't see any option for insane anywhere.


Sinatar said:
How do you trigger insane mode? I cleared it with my red knight, have the skull next to his portrait but I don't see any option for insane anywhere.

Head to the spot on the map after the Barbarian King stage and head down.


Sinatar said:
How do you trigger insane mode? I cleared it with my red knight, have the skull next to his portrait but I don't see any option for insane anywhere.

It's on the map. I think it's right below the barbarian camp level.


So thats what twinturbo was talking about earlier.

Also forget what I said earlier about needing a custom soundtrack. Castle Crashers default soundtrack is great. We made it to Lava town tonight...some of the bosses in this game are insane. Once we found the pattern though, it came crashing down pretty easily.


Wow that catfish leveling trick is insane. I got my Eskimo up from lvl 7 all the way to 39 today. A few were legit, but alot of that was catfish leveling.


because I want to get my guy up to insane mode. I already beat the game legit. This just allows me to have more then one character available for insane mode for whenever multiplayer is fixed.
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