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The No Holds Barred Castle Crashers Official Thread of Broken Netcode and Crash Bugs

M.J. Doja

i think i set up the DMZ thing right for my router and i was able to run a 4 player game for a good few levels, then a fellow dropped but all went great. i still get the "game is no longer available" a lot though. =/

FoxHimself said:
What kind of bullshit logic is this? They released a game that has a broken online portion, and should get crap for it.

i'd quote your avatar but it wont make sense. anyway the logic is that we get to semi-enjoy a game RIGHT NOW as opposed to waiting however long for the bug free product. yes we paid for it, but i'd advise you to have faith in that they will patch these bugs.
M.J. Doja said:
i'd quote your avatar but it wont make sense. anyway the logic is that we get to semi-enjoy a game RIGHT NOW as opposed to waiting however long for the bug free product. yes we paid for it, but i'd advise you to have faith in that they will patch these bugs.

Wait, what? So we should be happy we can SEMI-enjoy a game that's broken?

So if Nintendo hurries and releases a new Zelda game just to meet a date and it's broken, people's saves gets deleted and all that, we should still be glad they didn't postpone it's launch?! We should be glad we can semi-enjoy it as opposed to enjoy it much more a few months later?

When I buy a fucking game I pretty much expect it to be FINISHED and WORKING. I love Castle Crashers, but the online is unbearable.


M.J. Doja said:
i think i set up the DMZ thing right for my router and i was able to run a 4 player game for a good few levels, then a fellow dropped but all went great. i still get the "game is no longer available" a lot though. =/
I'm clueless when it comes to network configuration. Got any helpful links or quick advice for doing this?

I've been getting much better luck since Friday, but I'm still getting relatively frequent lock-ups and kicks.
Mejilan said:
Wow, fuck this game.

I did about 75% of the game offline, alone. Got about half of the weapons, most of the animals, and my blue knight was level 63.

A buddy and me teamed up for the first time and finished the game, beating it. We also racked up some of the achievements we were missing. I even got the final boss to drop his weapon, which I then shared with my buddy.

Saved and quit.

My guy's still level 63, and is showing the icon that I beat the game, and has all stages unlocked. But all I have left is the weapon I had equipped and some consumables. All of the special items, animals, and weapons are gone.

Fuck this game.

Jesus was that an online game you guys were playing. Are the developers aware of how serious these problems are. Heads need to roll at MS QA.
I hope we get news of some sort of fix soon, I really want to jump online for a bit of co-op action with some friends, but no way do I want to lose all my orbs, weapons and lvl 50 orange dude.

And now for something completely different, today I found the boomerang and tried out the catfish exploit. Works a treat! :D


Jesus Christ what the hell is up with all the damn lag? I tried getting on with another Gaffer and we couldn't even stay in a game for more than five minutes before it lagged out and sent us back into the main menu. :(

Totally sucks to see a game that was meant to be played cooperatively have such shitty connection issues..


Unconfirmed Member
g35twinturbo said:
nice, I currently have 62 weapons and I know that I am missing like 1-2. I wish we knew exactly how many they put in the game.
Couldn't you just look at how many slots there are in the armory?


Intrepidly, I'm soldiering on with the game a bit with my brother and hoping not to have any of the missing animal or weapon issues.

Got Hawkster today. :D

Edit: Forgot to mention, another glitch:

At the end of the sandcastle, in the Volleyball match, my co-op partner somehow managed to be hurting most of the enemy team by attacking the line. At this point I knocked the ball over a few times, before knocking it so far that my character went off screen. When the ball was finally knocked back by one of the enemies, my character was gone. Luckily my partner won the game and all was well. But it was weird.


i beat the game for the first time with Blue Knight a few days ago (thanks for the help Chimera!). great stuff.

im getting a little paranoid about loosing all of my stuffs too, thought ive had very few glitches and no save problems at all so far. *knock on wood* just the usual connection issues. almost impossible getting a steady 4 player game it seems.

im also annoyed that the behemoth site has been down since launch. fix that shit guys! and give us an official update on how you are addressing these bugs please.

Glix said:
1. dunno exactly. I've heard something about picking up weapons in a multi online game, but I'm not sure.

ive swapped a bunch of weps and animals online and havent had any probelems so far.


Running off of Custom Firmware
IcebergSlim3000 said:
Jesus was that an online game you guys were playing. Are the developers aware of how serious these problems are. Heads need to roll at MS QA.

I did the bulk of the adventure offline. Today was the first time I ever went online with the game. My buddy as well, I believe.
Here's what they said over on the Xbox forums

Hey All,

I'm sitting here in Seattle right now after a hectic week at the Penny-Arcade Expo. Our flight leaves in a few hours and I'm writing this from the hotel lobby. Let's get straight to business.

We're aware of the issues that have come up for some of you and we've already resolved a few and are working hard on some others. As soon as we can confirm they are fixed we will work with Microsoft to update the title. We've been gathering all of the reports that have been sent in since launch day and have had our programmers looking at each one. I'm making this post now because our websites are still freaking down. I've been screaming at our hosting provider to get our sites back but with running the booth at PAX it was difficult to get anywhere with them.

When I get our websites back up (Wednesday I hope!) I will post a list of what will be fixed in the update but in the meantime if you have any issues or concerns that you need for us to take a look at please email them to games@thebehemoth.com and we'll try to verify them as quickly as possible.

I want to thank everyone who has downloaded the game so far for your amazing support. We're looking at the leaderboards and we see over 140,000 users listed in just 5 days of the game being out!

Well that's all for now, I'll check back here after our flight lands and try to get some responses as I know many of you will have more questions. Thanks again and we hope you had a relaxing weekend.

When I get our websites back up (Wednesday I hope!) I will post a list of what will be fixed in the update but in the meantime if you have any issues or concerns that you need for us to take a look at please email them to games@thebehemoth.com and we'll try to verify them as quickly as possible.

That's the info that I'm looking for. Wonder if they plan on fixing the boss exploits.


formerly cjelly
Awesome, as soon as the update is out I'll be able to play solo to level up; I have finished the game and got tons of weapons and orbs and haven't touched it since for fear of having everything deleted.


I'm another victim of the shitty save system. I share a HDD between multiple consoles and I'd inadvertently switched consoles. 20 hours of gameplay down the tube. The "fix" some people have claimed works did nothing for me unfortunately.
Glad to see the Behemoth's on it; having had no problems with anything other than 4 player co-op (only managed 3 at most), I'm torn between waiting the ineveitable 2 or so weeks it'll take for any patch to arrive and risking losing all my shit by playing. Decisions decisions.


Wizpig said:
Update the thread's title when this list is out.
Please, do it

Seriously. Castle Crashers epicness deserves that much.

Cerrius said:
I wish I could get a refund on this game.

le sigh

No you dont. Then you'd have to buy it again once they fixed the online...which will be very soon.
Teknoman said:
Seriously. Castle Crashers epicness deserves that much.

No you dont. Then you'd have to buy it again once they fixed the online...which will be very soon.
Well I want a refund until they fix offline.
I have played online ONCE, a few days back, and nothing happened, if I don't go back online will my save/info/weapons still be safe or will they randomly be erased? Because I'm thinking of staying the hell away from it until they fixed it
Plaguefox said:
I'm not sure if this bug has already been noted, (not terribly interesting or oh exploitable)
but if you beat all of the baddies inside the sand castle and then try to backtrack through the door you came in you can force yourself outside of the world, get the cat orb that is behind the window, and walk quite haphazardly into the sky. My wife and I couldn't figure out how to get back into the real world, so we just exited to the map. Thankfully we still had the orb; I haven't figured out how to get it otherwise.
Bombs on the crack when inside next to the window.


Anyways.. Got my Green Knight to about 73ish.. Now just going through all the arenas..

I have all the achievements I can get that doesnt require online. I will wait on online for a bit :p

I'm also lvling up a red knight.. He is about 22 now.. Lightning is pretty amazing. It does some insane dmg.

I need to find me some weapons still. My green knight is still using the Steak (meat) as a weapon.. Seems to be the best that I have at this time.
DarkAngelYuna said:
No but companies stealing my money and giving me a completely busted unplayable product is.
Plays fine for me. You just had different intentions on using it. Play it by yourself or invite some friends over (if you have any)


TurtleSnatcher said:
Plays fine for me. You just had different intentions on using it. Play it by yourself or invite some friends over (if you have any)

:lol :lol :lol

Whatever man, this has been promoted as a 4 player live coop game for about as long as it was known. I bought it solely for the reason of playing it with gaffers.

So it IS completely broken. Especially with the bugs that you lose all your shit ( like what happened to so many ppl ).


I must be lucky, no issues at all with losing save progress or anything. And I've been playing it constantly since release, both local and online co-op (3-4 players).

Now that I said this I probably jinxed myself, but oh well.
MMaRsu said:
:lol :lol :lol

Whatever man, this has been promoted as a 4 player live coop game for about as long as it was known. I bought it solely for the reason of playing it with gaffers.

So it IS completely broken. Especially with the bugs that you lose all your shit ( like what happened to so many ppl ).
I'm not saying its NOT broken. I'm just saying it isn't "Completely" broken like what you claim and the other guy.

I'm enjoying it just fine on my end ;)
TurtleSnatcher said:
Plays fine for me. You just had different intentions on using it. Play it by yourself or invite some friends over (if you have any)
You didn't seem to read the thread. The game doesn't even fucking save what levels has been beaten in local solo play for a lot of people.


Affeinvasion said:
There is something decidedly not "local" about console swapping. Hmm.

I've never played online. So what have I played? It's only been local. Both single and multi. All players on the same console. That's local. I swapped my HDD between my consoles (as I do all the time without issue) and my saves got wiped. It's a shitty system and it's definitely broken.

Remember how you can take your HDD around to your friends place and load up your saves on their console. Well you can't do that because Castle Crashers wipes your save. Real good save system.

M.J. Doja

its not *completely* broken and there are ways to enjoy it in the meantime.. trust me i feel you on the BS. but demanding a refund is just playing off of your own emotions, seemed irrational to me.

oh and can any of you super high lvls run my lowbie through the last boss so i can get the
red cardinal
?? GT is MJ Doja


DarkAngelYuna said:
You didn't seem to read the thread. The game doesn't even fucking save what levels has been beaten in local solo play for a lot of people.

It does, you just gotta make sure you see it actually say saving. If you are not sure, just go to shop area and then exit, it will be saved for sure then.
Pimpbaa said:
It does, you just gotta make sure you see it actually say saving. If you are not sure, just go to shop area and then exit, it will be saved for sure then.
No fucking duh. It always says its saving when you exit the store or any level to the map. It still doesn't fucking save which levels you've beaten for people, just their stats and weapons which are fucking useless when you're still on the first level and you play again.
I've played local, and 2/3/4 player online with no hitches at all. I don't doubt people are having problems at all but if I personally didn't visit game forums, I would have no idea this game had any problems at all.
DarkAngelYuna said:
No fucking duh. It always says its saving when you exit the store or any level to the map. It still doesn't fucking save which levels you've beaten for people, just their stats and weapons which are fucking useless when you're still on the first level and you play again.
I blame your negative attitude good sir! :lol
I've been playing with my friend who only lives a few miles away and my games with him have been perfectly fine. However, I've played with a few other people online and that's when I've really experienced any sort of problem.

It's too bad this is the initial problem, since playing this game by yourself is a) difficult and b) not nearly as much fun as paying it with friends. Maybe people will have to result to playing with people IRL :lol .
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