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The Official UFC 100 Discussion Thread

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Fersis said:

How the hell is that legal ? He could broke the guys arm.

EDIT:Its broke or brake? Broken English FTL!

That's what submissions are - physically pressuring the other guy until they give up. Pretty much every single one will lead to either something breaking or the other guy going unconscious if they don't tap or the ref doesn't stop it. It's very rarely the case when something goes wrong, but it has happened. Most fighters aren't looking to significantly injure their opponents - injuries are just a by-product of the sport, albeit quite rare considering what the sport involves.

Most often, guys will tap when they're not necessarily in pain if the guy has locked the submission in, because it usually isn't worth the risk to linger in it.

Several moves are illegal, i.e. moves that involve the small joints. Meaning, you can't grab someone's finger and just start twisting it.
Fersis said:

How the hell is that legal ? He could broke the guys arm.

EDIT:Its broke or brake? Broken English FTL!

...that's kind of the point. It hurts so bad that you submit, hence the term "submission".

The ref called it before it ended in major damage. He could have completely destroyed that shoulder.
Zeliard said:
I can't believe Fedor is still not the consensus #1 p4p. The guy never loses (legitimately), while GSP and Silva both have legit losses on their records. The "lack of competition" argument is BS as well. He's destroyed Nogueira twice, giving him 2 of his 5 total losses. He destroyed Cro Cop when the latter was a beast (Fedor even outstruck him standing up). He has successful title defenses, and two different heavyweight championships.

Fedor should be #1 p4p until he's shown any evidence that he's even capable of losing at this stage. Nearly all of his fights are completely one-sided. The only fight that's ever been remotely close is probably that early Ricardo Arona fight, which was only Fedor's 4th MMA fight (and had those shitty Rings rules which greatly limited ground striking).

Fedor tends to be matched up against a lot of "past their prime" fighters. That's where the contention comes in.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
mhmmh yeah BUT in boxing you have forbidden blows like: Elbows, Low blows,Hit to the kidney, etc etc.
That was i meant.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Fersis said:
mhmmh yeah BUT in boxing you have forbidden blows like: Elbows, Low blows,Hit to the kidney, etc etc.
That was i meant.

You have illegal shots in MMA as well. It is up to the ref to stop a fight from illegal as well as illegal blows before serious injury occurs.


Fersis said:
mhmmh yeah BUT in boxing you have forbidden blows like: Elbows, Low blows,Hit to the kidney, etc etc.
That was i meant.
there are banned things like Zeliard said small joint manipulation being one of them no finger locks or toe locks. Here are some MMA rules

The following are fouls, as set out by the Nevada State Athletic Commission:[5]

Putting a finger into any orifice or into any cut or laceration on an opponent. (see Gouging)
Clawing, pinching or twisting the flesh.
Grabbing the clavicle.
Kicking the head of a grounded opponent.
Kneeing the head of a grounded opponent.
Stomping a grounded opponent.
Spiking an opponent to the canvas on his head or neck. (see piledriver)
Holding the shorts or gloves of an opponent.
Spitting at an opponent.
Engaging in an unsportsmanlike conduct that causes an injury to an opponent.
Using abusive language in the ring or fenced area.
Attacking an opponent on or during the break.
Attacking an opponent who is under the care of the referee.
Attacking an opponent after the bell has sounded the end of the period of unarmed combat.
Flagrantly disregarding the instructions of the referee.
Timidity, including, without limitation, avoiding contact with an opponent, intentionally or consistently dropping the mouthpiece or faking an injury.
Interference by the corner.
Throwing in the towel during competition. (forfeit)

The following acts are universally considered fouls in the mixed martial arts world:

Eye gouging.
Hair pulling.
Attacking the groin.
Strikes to the back of the head and spinal area. (see Rabbit punch)
Strikes to, or grabs of the trachea.
Small joint manipulation (control of three or more fingers/toes is necessary).
Intentionally throwing your opponent out of the ring/cage.
Running out of the ring/cage.
Purposely holding the ring ropes or cage fence.
Grabbing or putting a hand inside the trunks or gloves of the opponent.


Outcast2004 said:
Fedor tends to be matched up against a lot of "past their prime" fighters. That's where the contention comes in.

Did Fedor not slap Nog and Mirko around with relative ease when they were in their primes and destroying everyone else? He's going to commit murder on Josh Barnett in a couple weeks, who's considered either the #2 or #3 heavyweight in the world, and then what will the argument be? Fedor has to do something to deserve not being #1 p4p. As it stands, he has wins over several former UFC and Pride champs. Easy wins.

And not only does he never lose, but he rarely ever even gets hit. Has he ever taken more than one big punch (Fujita) in his 30+ matches? And that punch didn't even knock him down.

The arguments in favor of Fedor as #1 p4p grossly outweigh the arguments against it.
Dana just said on First Take that Brock's next opponent will be Cain or Carwin. He also talked a bit about Skip saying that the UFC was fake.


Zeliard said:
Did Fedor not slap Nog and Mirko around with relative ease when they were in their primes and destroying everyone else? He's going to commit murder on Josh Barnett in a couple weeks, who's considered either the #2 or #3 heavyweight in the world, and then what will the argument be? Fedor has to do something to deserve not being #1 p4p. As it stands, he has wins over several former UFC and Pride champs. Easy wins.

And not only does he never lose, but he rarely ever even gets hit. Has he ever taken more than one big punch (Fujita) in his 30+ matches? And that punch didn't even knock him down.

The arguments in favor of Fedor as #1 p4p grossly outweigh the arguments against it.

Look at how well Mirko did in UFC to average competition.

The argument that former UFC champs lost to him is moot. Tim Sylvia and Arlovski suck balls and always have.
Zeliard said:
Did Fedor not slap Nog and Mirko around with relative ease when they were in their primes and destroying everyone else? He's going to commit murder on Josh Barnett in a couple weeks, who's considered either the #2 or #3 heavyweight in the world, and then what will the argument be? Fedor has to do something to deserve not being #1 p4p. As it stands, he has wins over several former UFC and Pride champs. Easy wins.

And not only does he never lose, but he rarely ever even gets hit. Has he ever taken more than one big punch (Fujita) in his 30+ matches? And that punch didn't even knock him down.

The arguments in favor of Fedor as #1 p4p grossly outweigh the arguments against it.

Ray Mercer has a win over a former UFC HW champion and he did it in 9 seconds, it took Fedor 36 sec.

i kid......i kid

that Fujita punch scared me, first and only time Fedor had been somewhat rocked, any other HW woulda been K.O.d by that punch Fujita threw.


It's Really hard to say AA "Sucks" dude has the best hands and footwork in the HW divison, and also has a legit Sambo game. the only thing that sucks about AA is that Glass Jaw of his.


as much as I like Cain I don't see him standing a chance against Lesnar. He took too many big shots by Kongo and I'd venture to say Lesnar hits harder. Lesnar's ground game is better than Kongo too.
Hopefully after Fedor beats Barnett (which could be a tough fight) and Brock beats the next competitor then both sides will realize that it's time to cash in here.

On Danas side maybe he'll be a little more willing to give in if he thinks Brock can actually win that fight (and he does have a shot). Instead of Fedor holding the belt and running shit world wide if Fedor gets beat then Dana has his own little pet running shit in the division and can officially destroy all claims that the best fighters in the world fight @ UFC.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The Lesnar hate is because he is a former WWE wrestler ?
Because you know : Rey Mysterio > Fedor :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
UFC 102 Headliner Randy Couture will be signing autographs and taking pictures with his fans at the Rose Quarter Tuesday, July 14 at 7:00pm. This event is free and is open to the public.
Zeke said:
as much as I like Cain I don't see him standing a chance against Lesnar. He took too many big shots by Kongo and I'd venture to say Lesnar hits harder. Lesnar's ground game is better than Kongo too.

I see can doing fairly well against Lesnar, their Wrestling will more than likely cancel each other out and turn the fight to primarily standing, Don't forget that Kongo is a legit Kickboxer who has won world class kickboxing events and has stand up better than Lesnars. So if the fight were to stay standing i do think Cain has better technique and would more than likely give Brock a lot of problems.

but, Fedor Aside, i think Carwin has the best shot at beating Lesnar. He has good wrestling and is Very heavy handed. The only thing in question about Carwin still is his cardio seeing as he's never been out of the 1'st.


Fersis said:
The Lesnar hate is because he is a former WWE wrestler ?
Because you know : Rey Mysterio > Fedor :lol
I'm sure some of it comes from being a wrestler for me it was his early title shot and now him acting like a dick to fans
EraldoCoil said:
I see can doing fairly well against Lesnar, their Wrestling will more than likely cancel each other out and turn the fight to primarily standing, Don't forget that Kongo is a legit Kickboxer who has won world class kickboxing events and has stand up better than Lesnars. So if the fight were to stay standing i do think Cain has better technique and would more than likely give Brock a lot of problems.

but, Fedor Aside, i think Carwin has the best shot at beating Lesnar. He has good wrestling and is Very heavy handed. The only thing in question about Carwin still is his cardio seeing as he's never been out of the 1'st.
if Carwin and Lesnar I fight its going to be a slug fest I can't see that match going to the ground and staying there. I could be wrong tho Lesnar might not want to stand if he gets hit with some good shots. Mir threw some good knees and they looked like they hurt him and Lesnar took it back to the ground after that.
Zeke said:
I'm sure some of it comes from being a wrestler for me it was his early title shot and now him acting like a dick to fans

I never understood the point of hating on fighters for getting early title shots. That's not their decision in the long run. If they can take advantage of it, something Brock and even Anderson Silva have done, then they deserve those titles. Anderson has cleaned on his division and Brock hasn't had much trouble at all in his.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Druz said:
Look at how well Mirko did in UFC to average competition.

The argument that former UFC champs lost to him is moot. Tim Sylvia and Arlovski suck balls and always have.

Druz said:
Fedor fights hasbeens and people who are just bad matchups for him.

Troll or moron?


Zeke said:
I'm sure some of it comes from being a wrestler for me it was his early title shot and now him acting like a dick to fans

I love it. He is totally playing the heel role. :lol

I'm sure Dana loves it also. Stuff like this brings buys.


EraldoCoil said:
It's Really hard to say AA "Sucks" dude has the best hands and footwork in the HW divison, and also has a legit Sambo game. the only thing that sucks about AA is that Glass Jaw of his.

Yeah just a minor note of having a completely GLASS JAW. His focus is like a little kids.. hurt self esteem when he started to get knocked out on a whim so he wouldn't attack anyone. He was doing pretty good against Fedor I thought, until he got too excited and ran in.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Zeke said:
I'm sure some of it comes from being a wrestler for me it was his early title shot and now him acting like a dick to fans
Well, Lesnar was a great heel. Maybe he still does 'heel' promos!
Zeke said:
I'm sure some of it comes from being a wrestler for me it was his early title shot and now him acting like a dick to fans

if Carwin and Lesnar I fight its going to be a slug fest I can't see that match going to the ground and staying there. I could be wrong tho Lesnar might not want to stand if he gets hit with some good shots. Mir threw some good knees and they looked like they hurt him Lesnar took it back to the ground after that.

If Lesnar were to get hit with one of Carwins Power punches he'd immediately try to Clinch or shoot for a double and keep the fight there. but i'm fairly confident that Carwin wouldn't get taken down that easy. But the deeper that fight goes i think it gets worse for Carwin.

but thats all just hypothetical, first we gotta see how good Cain and Shane both look when they fight at 104.


Xater said:
I love it. He is totally playing the heel role. :lol

I'm sure Dana loves it also. Stuff like this brings buys.
I'm sure Dana loves it too he's making serious bank off Lesnar


Druz said:
Look at how well Mirko did in UFC to average competition.

Uh, Fedor whooped Mirko back in 2005, when Mirko was in his prime and considered the greatest striker in the world. He hardly is anymore (sadly).

Druz said:
The argument that former UFC champs lost to him is moot. Tim Sylvia and Arlovski suck balls and always have.

This is such a specious, excuse-making argument. Fedor beats everyone he faces down mercilessly, whether or not they once held a belt. He just destroys everybody. What do you think he would do to Frank Mir? Fedor's beaten every type of fighter imaginable, from your wrestling bruisers to your devastating strikers to your BJJ masters. Nobody's had an answer for him yet that didn't involve an illegal elbow and a cut.

Who can beat him? The only current UFC (or otherwise) heavyweight that even stands a chance is Brock due to his enormous size and quickness. Barnett will get smashed, and Overeem would get smashed as well. People like to talk about Fedor's lack of competition, but they simultaneously give pretty much nobody else a shot to beat him. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

I can see it now. Fedor kills Barnett in two weeks, and all of a sudden "Barnett sucks".


SolidSnakex said:
I never understood the point of hating on fighters for getting early title shots. That's not their decision in the long run. If they can take advantage of it, something Brock and even Anderson Silva have done, then they deserve those titles. Anderson has cleaned on his division and Brock hasn't had much trouble at all in his.
I've never liked the idea of fighters getting early title shots. You should cut your teeth and run thro the division


Zeliard said:
Uh, Fedor whooped Mirko back in 2005, when Mirko was in his prime and considered the greatest striker in the world. He hardly is anymore (sadly).

This is such a specious, excuse-making argument. Fedor beats everyone he faces down mercilessly, whether or not they once held a belt. He just destroys everybody. What do you think he would do to Frank Mir? Fedor's beaten every type of fighter imaginable, from your wrestling bruisers to your devastating strikers to your BJJ masters. Nobody's had an answer for him yet that didn't involve an illegal elbow and a cut.

Who can beat him? The only current UFC (or otherwise) heavyweight that even stands a chance is Brock due to his enormous size and quickness. Barnett will get smashed, and Overeem would get smashed as well. People like to talk about Fedor's lack of competition, but they simultaneously give pretty much nobody else a shot to beat him. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

I can see it now. Fedor kills Barnett in two weeks, and all of a sudden "Barnett sucks".

Frank Mir is terrible too. Highlight of his career was breaking Tim Sylvias arm. Ever since his accident hes just a lumbering quickly gassed fighter. Tim, Frank, and Arlovski are the extent of my INCREDIBLY overrated UFC fighters.

I know pretty little about Barnett but he seems pretty legit (if hes still as good as hes always been)

Fedor is a beast but maybe the division is just crap. I want to see current champions fight him.
Zeke said:
I've never liked the idea of fighters getting early title shots. You should cut your teeth and run thro the division

I understand why people don't like fighters getting early shots. I'm just saying I don't understand why people think negatively of a fighter because of that. No fighter in their right mind would turn down a shot at a title if they thought that they had a legitimate chance of winning it.
Honestly i believe that Barnett is the overrated one here, his Biggest win being against Randy back at UFC 36, and the split decision over big Nog.

Cro Cop walked through em 3 times, and doesn't really bring too much to the table against Fedor. i honestly believe that AA posed a bigger threat to Fedor than Barnett does.


Druz said:
Frank Mir is terrible too. Highlight of his career was breaking Tim Sylvias arm. Ever since his accident hes just a lumbering quickly gassed fighter. Tim, Frank, and Arlovski are the extent of my INCREDIBLY overrated UFC fighters.

I know pretty little about Barnett but he seems pretty legit (if hes still as good as hes always been)

Fedor is a beast but maybe the division is just crap. I want to see current champions fight him.

Everyone wants to see Fedor vs. Brock, and I'm pretty confident it will happen. The money that every party involved stands to gain is too big for it not to eventually happen, and Fedor in particular can increase his visibility an enormous amount in the States.

Probably the only thing that comes close to that fight is GSP vs Anderson Silva, which will probably also happen. As someone else pointed out earlier, this would be the perfect time for GSP to take a year off with his groin injury and pack on some pounds for the Silva fight. Not like GSP has that much left in his division anyway, when he's beaten the #2 and #3 WW guys (Alves and Fitch) in one-sided matches. Nobody wants to see GSP roll through Swick when he could be fighting Anderson.


GSP vs Silva is scary. I think Silva would win it by KO.

between Brock and Fedor, I'd call Fedor by submission. If it ever happens.. exposure is nice but his undefeated status is also on the line.

It just sucks that Fedors weight class has such little range of fighters. I wish the dude were lighter(and younger).


I'd put money down on Silva beating GSP. Silva is devastating with his knees and elbows. It would be one of the great UFC fights if those two were to meet up and fight.
I agree with Druz I would take Fedor with a submission I seriously see that as the only way anyone can get Lesnars belt.


SolidSnakex said:
The way GSP was talking after the Alves fight made is sound like he didn't want to fight Anderson.

No, it made it seem like he just doesn't want to move up in weight, period.

He stated he's already kinda pushing it at where he's at now.

That said, he'll move up due to pressure.
Bisping speaks about loss

“I honestly don’t know what happened to me out there. I will just have to accept what the organizers say in their rules about when I fight next and take it on the chin. But I do know that I have the ability to bounce right back and succeed in my aim of lifting the world title. Henderson won it fair and square and I have nothing but praise for him. I have seen people like my training partner ‘Rampage’ Jackson lose fights in one or two rounds and still go on to become one of the best light-heavyweight fighters of them all, so I am not disheartened in any way.”



SolidSnakex said:
The way GSP was talking after the Alves fight made is sound like he didn't want to fight Anderson.

I think it's just an issue of timing with GSP. Anderson will be cutting down in weight and will have a much easier time of it, since he does it all the time. GSP has to go up in weight to about 195 to put on some bulk and then cut back down to whatever the catchweight is, which is considerably more difficult and time-consuming.

Having said that, from what I've heard from GSP, he really wants to do it. The dude's all about his legacy, and he wants to be the greatest MMA fighter ever. He's said that about a million times, especially leading up to the Alves fight, and he realizes that fighting Anderson Silva will go a long way towards that if he can manage a win.
EraldoCoil said:
Bisping speaks about loss

“I honestly don’t know what happened to me out there.

You don't listen to good advice. That's the main thing that happened. When a guy is constantly loading up one hand to try to lay your ass out, don't circle toward that hand.


EraldoCoil said:
Bisping speaks about loss

“I honestly don’t know what happened to me out there. I will just have to accept what the organizers say in their rules about when I fight next and take it on the chin. But I do know that I have the ability to bounce right back and succeed in my aim of lifting the world title. Henderson won it fair and square and I have nothing but praise for him. I have seen people like my training partner ‘Rampage’ Jackson lose fights in one or two rounds and still go on to become one of the best light-heavyweight fighters of them all, so I am not disheartened in any way.”

I'll tell you what happened Bisping you kept going to Hendo's strong side and paid for it by having one of the most spectacular ko's I've seen


Zeke said:
I'll tell you what happened Bisping you kept going to Hendo's strong side and paid for it by having one of the most spectacular ko's I've seen

Pretty much. No idea what he was thinking with this "tactic". :lol


SolidSnakex said:
You don't listen to good advice. That's the main thing that happened. When a guy is constantly loading up one hand to try to lay your ass out, don't circle toward that hand.

And particularly not when the guy is well-known for his right hook. It's almost like circling to the right vs Mirko Crocop, though that would be even dumber.
Zeliard said:
And particularly not when the guy is well-known for his right hook.

It was really one of the strangest fights i've seen. His corner was telling him to stop circling in that direction and he just kept doing it. Bisping seemed to have no strategy at all going into the fight. All the shit talking he did leading up to the fight and he had absolutely nothing to back it up.


good credit (by proxy)
All this talk about Fayehdoor demolishing cro cop, but I don't remember it that way. If I remember correctly, I thought cro cop won a close first round, followed by fedor winning the second two. I also remember an unlucky slip going in fedors favor that allowed him to hold cro cop down for a long ass time. I'm gonna watch it again.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
SolidSnakex said:
The Jon Jones fight was pretty damn entertaining


Yeah but he's still extremely sloppy. There were a couple of times there in that fight where he left him self so wide open that anyone with even adequate striking would have tatoo'd his face. Luckily for him O'boring has just about the worst stand up in the UFC. Then again maybe Jones knew that and figured he could take extra chances against such a weak striker.

I couldn't help but laugh my ass off when Rogan said O'boring has good boxing. Its like jesus Joe have you ever seen the guy fight?

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Fersis said:
Well, Lesnar was a great heel. Maybe he still does 'heel' promos!

Yeah but he sucked at promos in the WWE. He could never get himself this "over" as heel back then. That was Heymans job.

Which leads me to believe the guy is just a dick.


Brian Fellows said:
Yeah but he sucked at promos in the WWE. He could never get himself this "over" as heel back then. That was Heymans job.

Which leads me to believe the guy is just a dick.

Real dicks make the best heels?


good credit (by proxy)
Timedog said:
All this talk about Fayehdoor demolishing cro cop, but I don't remember it that way. If I remember correctly, I thought cro cop won a close first round, followed by fedor winning the second two. I also remember an unlucky slip going in fedors favor that allowed him to hold cro cop down for a long ass time. I'm gonna watch it again.

Nevermind. First round to Fedor. Fedor didn't do a whole lot, in the stand up it was pretty even, but he got ground position off the slip and landed a couple okay shots on the ground. Some of the shots the announcers were crowing about by Fedor didn't even land or didn't land solidly at all. Fedor only because of the slip/takedown.


Outcast2004 said:
Fedor tends to be matched up against a lot of "past their prime" fighters. That's where the contention comes in.

who was really past their prime when fedor beat them? i'd like to know, i mean you can argue he's faced a few freak shows, but past their prime guys come on

big nog was in his prime the 3 times they faced off, not the corpse formally known as big nog or zombie nog that has been in the ufc

prime crocop was the destroyer of worlds in pride, OWGP crocop was a scary dude

prime arlovski

was tim sylvia past his prime when he fought fedor? debatable i guess

and when fedor destroys barnett in a few weeks, he will be past his prime too i guess

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
yacobod said:
who was really past their prime when fedor beat them? i'd like to know, i mean you can argue he's faced a few freak shows, but past their prime guys come on

big nog was in his prime the 3 times they faced off, not the corpse formally known as big nog or zombie nog that has been in the ufc

prime crocop was the destroyer of worlds in pride, OWGP crocop was a scary dude

prime arlovski

was tim sylvia past his prime when he fought fedor? debatable i guess

and when fedor destroys barnett in a few weeks, he will be past his prime too i guess

Sylvia no.

Arlovski yes.

Arlovski has been a broken fighter ever since Timmy knocked him out. He was afraid of Werdum. He needed the refs help to beat Roy Nelson. Hell he was even looking like shit against Marcio Cruz until the undefended punch.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Jon Jones is going to get knocked clean out the first time he fights a real top level fighter, you can bank on that.

Yea he does ccahhhrazzzyy shit when he fights, but he leaves himself so fucking open when he does it that a stone cold KO is all but inevitable. He also needs to learn how to pivot his hips when he kicks. He throws all kinds of kicks but they have absolutely no power or speed to them.
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