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The Official UFC 100 Discussion Thread

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:D :D :lol :lol
Brian Fellows said:
How about Bonnar? He should look alot better his second fight back from knee surgery. At least I'm hoping that is the case.

bonnar looked to be in great shape, should be a good win for him tomorrow.


BamYouHaveAids said:
Mir weighed in at 245, 10 pounds less than normal. Regardless he looks fantastic.

He cut a lot of fat.



Can't believe the shape frank mir is in..

Lesnar is built like an ox

I am now a fan of Tom Lawlor





Hold the phone

Why did GSP give Dana.... a picture of himself??
What kind of gift is that?




I am Homie
To the guy who said "people say that brock is OMG huge" Its because when he was in the WWE he was freakish strong. what he benched, and squatted is much more than anyone in the UFC could, I Feel like I can confidently say. He lost a lot of weight since then, but he is still big, and strong.

Its just the fact that he use to be so huge (and hasn't completely lost it) that leads to all the hype imo. Plus judging by his hands/frame and speed at that size, he is just built to be a different breed of strong guy.
Brock actually looks like he lost a lot of water weight. Maybe it was just the angle but he looked a bit more vascular and less bloated than usual.

Mir definitely looks like he took this shit seriously.


Watched again, it was just the angle.


FootNinja said:
To the guy who said "people say that brock is OMG huge" Its because when he was in the WWE he was freakish strong. what he benched, and squatted is much more than anyone in the UFC could, I Feel like I can confidently say. He lost a lot of weight since then, but he is still big, and strong.

Its just the fact that he use to be so huge (and hasn't completely lost it) that leads to all the hype imo. Plus judging by his hands/frame and speed at that size, he is just built to be a different breed of strong guy.

he should compete in the strongman competitions


shitting in the alley outside your window
dagZ said:
is there anyplace in the U.S that's going to stream it?
you can usually find free streams. yahoo will also stream it for the same price as the reg ppv (45$)


Mir looks to be in fantastic shape, best shape I've ever seen him.
Alves looked quite thin after the cut but no doubt he'll walk into the fight at 180 once he gets some water down his neck.

Confident that Mir will win and hopefully make me some money :D
I'm a huge GSP fan but am thinking about maybe dropping a little bet on Alves, I'm not that confident that he'll win but the odds are pretty good. Anyone else putting money on Thiago?

I think Henderson is gonna manhandle Bisping, although Bisping has pleasantly surprised me in the past (against Evans)
To answer how I become a fan of the sports, it really is a very very recent turn.

I was familiar with the UFC from the early original days as a lot of young people at the time were as the videos would get passed around but the original just sort of struck me as Faces of Death videos for fighting or like a hyped up tough man compeition. I watched the early tapes but quickly forgot about it.

Year later during the rise of Tito I started watching highlighs again but once again was sort of turned off by the brutality.

Finally during the rise of Chuck Liddell I started watching again and I while I enjoyed it, it still struck me as a sport that was technically inferior to boxing which I've always been a fan of and still am. But there was definitely something compelling there for me (and it helped that the WWE was starting to go through a little bad spot that has only continued up until now). So the more I watched the more I started to understand that there was real actual technique not only within a fighting style but in the choice of how a person fights with his style and in turn has to defend another style. I started to appreciate the sport outside of just the highlight reel boxing style knockout.

It really has replaced WWE for me. Even in terms of the videogames I would buy and the time I would spend following the sport in my free time. It has the same colorful characters. It has the benefit of sport in that its not scripted. And you have some really talented and athletic guys comepting in it.

Even though its taken off now it really is a sport of the future. As more and more young people grow up they will take that old bias against the sport away that the older traditional sports media has against MMA away.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Amateur hour picks:


- Bonnar by 2nd round KO/TKO when Coleman's gas runs out.

- Fitch

- I'll jump on the Sexiyama bandwagon and pick him.

- Dunno here. Mind says Henderson, but he didn't look all that great against Franklin. Then again, Bisping is no Franklin, so I'll pick Hendo

- Can't really pick against GSP, so I'll pick him. Even though Thiago has looked impressive, he hasn't looked as impressive as GSP.

- Cock Chestnar wins. Seems like Mir has overinflated his own stand up skills after his win against staph/zombie-nogiuera, so he'll probably get caught standing up, and then be too rocked on the ground to pull out a sub. So Lesnar by GnP

Still, this has the feelings of a card where everything that isn't supposed to happen will, i.e. Bisping will knock Hendo out, Mir will KO brock on the feet, THiago will grind out a decision against GSP etc.

Anyway, I'll be setting the alarm at 4am to watch this.

As to how I got to watching MMA, my story is similar to Stoney Masons.

Rented some of the early UFC matches that was on VHS...dunno which event, but it had a Ninjutsu-guy try a flying jump kick at the bell, which the other guy side stepped and proceded to throw him to the ground and pound him out.

Then in college in 98-99 a friend had a bunch of UFC tapes which I borrowed. I remember fast forwarding thru 20 minutes of LnP:ing several times.

Then I had a hiatus, and only got back to watching in 04-05, where I watched Pride & UFC. Dunno exactly when I started watching really seriously but I have down to UFC 68 saved, although I think it was closer to UFC 50
Ninja Scooter said:
anyone watch that UFC 100 Countdown? Mir was pretty funny. Brock said he wants to punch the mustache off Mazagatti's face :lol

lol. I'm actually watching it right now at this very moment. The shit talking is pretty funny.


Brock just said it's a good thing he has those talking and pretty boy skills because he's gonna turn Mir into a commentator.


Stoney Mason said:
There is no doubt Brock is a dick but I just have a hard time believing Mir will be able to overcome that power.

I've always been a fan of skill prevailing over power and David vs. Goliath type situations. Plus, as you said, Brock is a dick.

edit: Also, wtf at that "pretty boy" comment. Mir is a pretty boy?:lol I guess aesthetic standards are different in UFC and the rest of the world.
lol. Mir is talking in this thing like he's got hands of stone. "I dropped Nogueira!".

Dude that ain't the Nogueria of old. That's not exactly a bold statement at this point.

Edit: OMG he just said he would win 99 percent of the time in a striking match with Brock. This has to be the best con job ever to actually try to convince Brock he's going to engage in a boxing match with him.


This countdown has me even more pumped for the event tonight.


Well, let's not start pretending that Lesnar is a brilliant boxer now. He is a master of sophisticated striking techniques as the hammer-fist though.
agrajag said:
Well, let's not start pretending that Lesnar is a brilliant boxer now. He is a master of sophisticated striking techniques as the hammer-fist though.

Honestly I'm loling at Mir because I'm be stunned dead if Mir actually stands and tries to box with Brock as a method of winning this match. It's a gameplan doomed to failure. Because even if he could stand with Brock and outbox him for a little bit Brock would eventually get one through and finish it. Yes Brock isn't a technical masterpiece of a Boxer but don't let that big nog fight fool you. Neither is Mir. He does the minimum of boxing well but he's never been some great stand up guy. And he won't have the power or the gas tank to do it for a 5 round match. Make no mistake in this match Brock is the athlete. Mir isn't. Brock has the power. Mir doesn't.

That being said Mir did such a good job of shit talking on this countdown you can't help but root for him somewhat.


He's just talking shit, of course he's not going to try to win this standing up. He'll try to sumbit him as soon as possible. And yeah, the shit talking is hilarious. The best part was how Mir admitted it and said something like "Brock must be really pissed, I beat him and I've been trashing him this whole time :lol "


Stoney Mason said:
That being said Mir did such a good job of shit talking on this countdown you can't help but root for him somewhat.

agrajag said:
He's just talking shit, of course he's not going to try to win this standing up. He'll try to sumbit him as soon as possible. And yeah, the shit talking is hilarious. The best part was how Mir admitted it and said something like "Brock must be really pissed, I beat him and I've been trashing him this whole time :lol "
Yeah, agreed here. I had quite a few laughs.

I still think Mir is gonna stand up. :p
Randy Couture: The meaning of 100

If you click the link there they also have comments from Gracie, Griffin, Hughes, Liddell, Miletich, Ortiz, Shamrocks, Silva, and GSP.

Prior to UFC 100, SI.com had the chance to speak with many of the promotion's elite fighters -- past and present. Here's what Randy Couture had to say about Saturday's card, his career in the cage and much more.

Having competed in UFC 13 as my first UFC, and now getting to see UFC 100, it's pretty interesting to see the progression of the sport and how far it's come.

Being a part of the UFC and witnessing its growth first-hand, it's been an amazing ride. I think the fact that we're still here 100 shows later -- there was a big patch in there where we thought the sport was going to die and there wasn't going to be anymore UFCs -- says a lot.

I don't think I had any idea how far this sport would go. I entered the sport on a whim just because it was something I wanted to try. And here I am, 12 years later, still competing.

Georges is going to pick Thiago apart. And I think Lesnar is going to get Mir this time. I don't think Mir will be able to find the easy submission. I think that Henderson is going to be too much for Bisping. Between his power in his right hand and left hook, and the wrestling background that he brings, he's going to overwhelm Michael.

Georges St. Pierre is one of the more dynamic fighters in the sport right now, so anytime he fights it's going to be a special event. I think that the fact that there's a unification of the two heavyweight titles makes it interesting, at least for me.

We're winning more and more mainstream fans all the time. I think people are understanding this more and more. The more they get exposed to the fighters and the sport, and the technical nature of the sport, they realize that it's not mindless brawling. That there's a lot more to it.

I think my family was skeptical at first. In fact they gave me that cross-eyed look like I was nuts, but quickly kind of listened how I said fights would go and what I was training on and learning to deal with particular opponents. They realized I wasn't crazy and there was something to the sport. They've been fans ever since.

The UFC's biggest obstacle right now is finding a happy medium -- keeping fighters happy with ancillary rights and all the other stuff going on with pay scale and branding and those sorts of things, and still being able to keep the top promotion and being the biggest brand in the sport.

I'm most proud of the integrity that I've tried to represent as an athlete in the sport -- not getting caught up in the success and titles and the sport exploding the way it has. I've kept it simple.

Everybody loved Muhammad Ali. But one of my favorite fighters to watch, just his style, was Joe Frazier. The peak-a-boo hook, the way he plodded forward -- I just thought he was an amazing athlete and great boxer.

The best part of being a fighter is being able to compete.

During that stretch with Chuck 2 and Chuck 3 -- that was a rough time for me. I wasn't enjoying the training and competition at that time, which ultimately led to me retiring.

The guy that hasn't been in the UFC in a couple years that should be in there right now, especially at 185 pounds with Anderson Silva, is Matt Lindland. He's not a pretty fighter. He's a very tenacious fighter. But I think he has a skill set that I think would give Anderson a lot of trouble -- assuming he didn't get caught and knocked the hell out. As I analyze styles, that's the kind of style that will give Anderson problems: a guy that will get his hands on Anderson, get him on the ground, tie him up and rough him up.

Overrated? I don't know that there's an overrated guy there. Each guy poses a unique set of skills and problems for an opponent. On any given day anybody can be beat. I don't know how you make somebody overrated that way.



GameFan Alumnus

I would love for Brock to keep it standing and just destroy Mir, but I have little faith in his self-control. I think it would be good for the division if Alves beat GSP. If GSP wins, he has the Anderson Silva 'super fight' then there's nothing left for GSP to do. Don't really care one way or the other for Hendo/Bisping. Pulling for impressive wins by Sexyama, Jon Jones, and Stungun. And why is Mark Coleman still in the UFC?
Eggo said:
If GSP wins, he has the Anderson Silva 'super fight' then there's nothing left for GSP to do.

Dana said at a UFC 100 press conference that he wants to see GSP defend his title a few more times if he wins tonight, and then a GSP vs. Silva fight might happen. He went on to say maybe next year for that fight.
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