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The Order: 1886 Gets New Direct-Feed Screenshots From Obama

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The last few pages of this thread...

I don't understand. Why is this happening?

Its hilarious none the less.


a luck of sense?

" He also says the game could be done in 6-8 hours, which I'm assuming is what he meant from that. Now if the guy who made the video said there was 1.5-2.5 hours of gameplay which was 35% of the game and the other 65% was cutscenes, that would line up with 6-8 hours to beat it. That's all I was implying. I'm not saying the guy was right, he obviously didn't time every single section of gameplay, I'm just saying, if the game can be done in 6-8 hours, than what that guy said still applies as possible IF the whole 35% gameplay thing is true, which we know isn't from impressions on this board so far."

And yes they do make a lick of sense. Read it try to understand. I do not believe the 65/35 thing. I thought it was funny that when the particular poster I was quoting argued that sure you can beat the game in 6-8 hours, but not 1.5-2.5, when the guy didn't once argue he beat the game in 1.5-2.5 hours, just that of the 6-8 hours he played 1.5-2.5 hours of that were gameplay (thus 35%)

They don't make a lick of sense in that you're arguing something you don't believe, that probably isn't true, that doesn't even matter, for shits and giggles, I guess? For the thrill of rhetorical argument?


Where did I write that it was in regards to me? There are pages and pages of outrage on that guys negative opinion, when the people trying to debunk it, such as the example I posted, with info that actually lined up with what the guy was claiming. It goes beyond just that as well. I got into a debate trying to clarify that I'm not a concern troll about this game when I stated that generally in the gaming world when a game is receiving a lot of mixed impressions it comes out less than stellar. I still haven't been presented a game that received mixed impressions- to the orders extent mind you- where the game turned out great afterwards. Even if you could pull up 1 or 2, my point is that more often than not, where there is smoke there is fire, and it's not some conspiracy to hold a game or a console down, it's just that the game has its problems and that's ok, some will like it some wont.

Let's see if people accused you of being a concern troll BEFORE you started getting defensive? Which would be this right?

Lol the defense force in this thread is too much. I get some of what you say, but sometimes people actually believe what they write, not everybody is a console warrior.

Hopefully we can avoid the inability to criticize the game legitimately like the driveclub thread.

1) Let's start at one of your early comments when you expressed your opinion/ concern.
Im on a phone unfortunately, I just have seen some posts that are troubling. the amount of cutscenes, the talk about quick gameplay sequences squeezed in between cutscenes, better story than gameplay, and a post describing the annoying QTEs and whatnot. Again it's not necassarily negative negative, but it's mixed to a point. We'll see how the media responds to it.

Guess what? No ONE called you out or bashed your opinion for that quote.

But.. you responded again and this time claimed that you have been accused already (at least NOT in this thread):
I don't think anybody is going out of their way to "destroy" this game... I obviously can't speak for everyone, but I've been accused of trying not to like this game, but that's not it at all. RAD has done a very poor job of showcasing this game. They released 11 minutes of gameplay and it happened to be a very slow moving section that didn't ease the concerns of people worried about the gameplay/cutscene ratio. The impressions are nice to see and I've said earlier, I've already got this fully paid off and am getting it no matter what, but I will be shocked if this is above 80 on metacritic. I was expecting low 70s high 60s for a while. Recent streams and impressions have left me thinking- hey maybe they have just done a poor job showcasing the game, lets wait for it to come out.

People did respond to you for saying it was a poor job of showcasing:
There was a 30 min PSX demo. The game is a TPS. I'm not sure what exactly RAD is suppose to show off more.
There's a big difference between poor showcase (most of us acknowledge this) and the blatant lies going on like the game's short length claims, the amount of actual gameplay claims, etc.

There's even one outlet that's arguing that Sony is pushing the game too heavily lmao.
Guess what? That's all the responses.

Who was accusing you or bashing your concerns? Then you went on and on about not being unable to criticize the game when no one was criticizing you at all...... lol :p
@Rapier: Please tell me we get to witness moments like in the concept art. I am talking about the same area seen in the "hipfire.gif" but this time with actual people and stuff.
I'm buying this next Friday blind. I can't bring myself to view the review thread. It might set a new low.

Only to be beaten by Bloodborne.

Nah, I don't even remember the DSII thread being that bad overall. Bloodborne is tracking to be looked more fondly upon up to release (aka no major downgrade outrage). Worst that will happen is if some early review puts out a lower than expected score that causes an exaggerated meltdown until the rest of the reviews start pouring in.

Didn't take many threads after the E3 reveal for the message to be clear if any suspected console warrior crap is brought into a Bloodborne thread.
I demand a sequel.

From what I recall it was originally set to be a trilogy, so your demands may already be in the works to be met!


Incredibly Naive
I'm sorry I have to respond to this.

Finally, at least you have some self awareness. If you've noticed complaints on how the thread has gone to shit in the last few pages. You were the reason.

Advice next time, before you play the victim and call people console warriors because they don't like your post realize that shit posts are not mutually exclusive from genuine criticism. People are not liking your posts because it's obnoxious and disruptive with little value.

I've said this time and time again I'm not saying anybody got on me, I'm speaking for others in the thread or anytime one negative thing comes out. That being said I've been harped on PLENTY for posting negative stuff that I genuinely believe. No agenda, just criticism sorry to disappoint.

You don't believe the rumors but in most of your posts on this page you keep quoting that 1 source that has been proven wrong already. You never mention it's wrong, it's a "rumor." Why keep repeating a lie in disguise as a rumor? You want it to spread, that's why. And the impressions aren't glowing? What have you been reading? Most of the things I've read on this thread have been positive.

Edit: most of your posts on the previous page.

Oh wow it is? That's funny because that's bullshit. I've already explained why I brought up the 65/35 I have no idea how to make it any clearer to you.

Let's see if people accused you of being a concern troll BEFORE you started getting defensive? Which would be this right?


1) Let's start at one of your early comments when you expressed your opinion/ concern.

Guess what? No ONE called you out or bashed your opinion for that quote.

But.. you responded again and this time claimed that you have been accused already (at least NOT in this thread):

People did respond to you for saying it was a poor job of showcasing:

Guess what? That's all the responses.

Who was accusing you or bashing your concerns? Then you went on and on about not being unable to criticize the game when no one was criticizing you at all...... lol :p

And Finally again I didn't say it pertains to me in this thread, but I can bring up the last time I got into a similar argument for stating I was nervous about this game if you'd really like.
I'm done shitting up the thread with this argument. This is my final post on it or at least I will TRY my best to pull myself away from it and all the misunderstanding in regards to what I'm discussing here.

- I think the console warriors on both sides are ridiculous
- the snap reactions need to settle down towards anybody who has "concern" over the game. I'm anxious to see the scores of this game, i want RAD to thrive in the console environment, I want a nice new IP for this generation, but I'm not convinced yet
- I think the hypocrisy is funny I pointed it out that's all.

I don't believe the rumors, I'm curious about the impressions, which not all are glowing so far btw, and I'm excited to get my hands on the finished project
You don't believe the rumors, people who have played the game have debunked said rumors, yet you still make hypotheticals trying to make the absurd claim plausible; why is that? Then you try to stay above the fray by labeling "console warriors" on both sides. That's where you are running into trouble here; nothing seems genuine.
I'm done shitting up the thread with this argument. This is my final post on it or at least I will TRY my best to pull myself away from it and all the misunderstanding in regards to what I'm discussing here.

- I think the console warriors on both sides are ridiculous
- the snap reactions need to settle down towards anybody who has "concern" over the game. I'm anxious to see the scores of this game, i want RAD to thrive in the console environment, I want a nice new IP for this generation, but I'm not convinced yet
- I think the hypocrisy is funny I pointed it out that's all.

I don't believe the rumors, I'm curious about the impressions, which not all are glowing so far btw, and I'm excited to get my hands on the finished project

It's the opposite for me. I got the game for the a) graphics and also due to the recent positive impressions it has in neoGAF. Most of my friends don't even have this game on their radar too after their lacklustre previews the past few months. I'm practically their guinea pig for this :D

The Order's hype is fairly lukewarm outside of its threads, and I understand if you're unconvinced though.


Incredibly Naive
You don't believe the rumors, people who have played the game have debunked said rumors, yet you still make hypotheticals trying to make the absurd claim plausible; why is that? Then you try to stay above the fray by labeling "console warriors" on both sides. That's where you are running into trouble here; nothing seems genuine.

I've explained it man what else do I have to do? God damn. Read it from start to finish, it may come off as strange, all I did was this-

He claims you can beat the game maybe in 6-8 hours but no way it can be beat in 1.5 hours. I simply posted that the guy never said he beat the game in 1.5 hours, he said the game had 1.5-2.5 hours of gameplay. I was pointing out how people try to debunk things without even thinking about what they're posting.

edit- I also pointed out that I think it's funny that the people who have "debunked" the rumors are technically just as reliable as some guy on youtube. That being said given track record and good faith I believe them over some random guy on youtube.


in-engine target render

final game

target render

final game


I've explained it man what else do I have to do? God damn. Read it from start to finish, it may come off as strange, all I did was this-

He claims you can beat the game maybe in 6-8 hours but no way it can be beat in 1.5 hours. I simply posted that the guy never said he beat the game in 1.5 hours, he said the game had 1.5-2.5 hours of gameplay. I was pointing out how people try to debunk things without even thinking about what they're posting.

edit- I also pointed out that I think it's funny that the people who have "debunked" the rumors are technically just as reliable as some guy on youtube. That being said given track record and good faith I believe them over some random guy on youtube.

Just leave the fucking thread


I'm sorry I have to respond to this.

I've said this time and time again I'm not saying anybody got on me, I'm speaking for others in the thread or anytime one negative thing comes out. That being said I've been harped on PLENTY for posting negative stuff that I genuinely believe. No agenda, just criticism sorry to disappoint.

Oh wow it is? That's funny because that's bullshit. I've already explained why I brought up the 65/35 I have no idea how to make it any clearer to you.

And Finally again I didn't say it pertains to me in this thread, but I can bring up the last time I got into a similar argument for stating I was nervous about this game if you'd really like.

so NO ONE was accusing you in this thread (as I proved) but you started being defensive in THIS THREAD because of how you were treated in OTHER THREADS? .... ok. got it. ........
Okay, back to TO. I'm jonesing hard here, especially since I have the next 3 days off. Anyone have any luck with Walmart? It's snowing here, but I'll make the trip before it gets bad if there's a chance to pick this up.


Incredibly Naive
It's the opposite for me. I got the game for the a) graphics and also due to the recent positive impressions it has in neoGAF. Most of my friends don't even have this game on their radar too after their lacklustre previews the past few months. I'm practically their guinea pig for this :D

The Order's hype is fairly lukewarm outside of its threads, and I understand if you're unconvinced though.

I generally get flagship first party titles. I even got LAIR :(. Basically no matter what I was going to end up with this game. I think regardless of good or great I'm going to enjoy at least a play through... hell I found a way to enjoy duke nukem forever. That being said my concern isn't over whether the game is good, I more want it to become a bi-annual franchise. We'll see where that goes. I also don't want "concern" taken out of context as if I'm sitting here panicking over it 24/7. In this particular topic it's about the order, and when I discuss it I share that particular feeling about it. Can't wait until I get my hands on it for myself and I'm hoping it's received well.


Okay, back to TO. I'm jonesing hard here, especially since I have the next 3 days off. Anyone have any luck with Walmart? It's snowing here, but I'll make the trip before it gets bad if there's a chance to pick this up.

Friend of a friend (of a friend) was able to get a copy from Walmart. Thinking about making the ~45 minute drive in the morning when I get off work to see if I can pick up a couple of copies. This is around Atlanta, btw.
I've explained it man what else do I have to do? God damn. Read it from start to finish, it may come off as strange, all I did was this-

He claims you can beat the game maybe in 6-8 hours but no way it can be beat in 1.5 hours. I simply posted that the guy never said he beat the game in 1.5 hours, he said the game had 1.5-2.5 hours of gameplay. I was pointing out how people try to debunk things without even thinking about what they're posting.

edit- I also pointed out that I think it's funny that the people who have "debunked" the rumors are technically just as reliable as some guy on youtube. That being said given track record and good faith I believe them over some random guy on youtube.
Wait what? Someone did say that? Can I have a legit source for that because I find it extremely hard to believe? :eek:
The notion that this or any Sony exclusive is a sacred cow is the funniest thing I've read and the opposite of the truth. Especially The Order man, one of the most trolled games in years. In the last year there has been one generally positive thread on it I think. Its like I'm in bizzaro world sometimes.

Same with Driveclub. You know I've never heard the term "corridor racer" in my life until this game came out. I can't believe that was a thing. Goes to show opinions can be wrong.

Regardless, I have my reservations about this game but I'll voice them after I've played it, I'm sure it will have its share of faults, but the game isn't shit until proven otherwise like a lot of people like to preemptively label Sony exclusives as.
Friend of a friend (of a friend) was able to get a copy from Walmart. Thinking about making the ~45 minute drive in the morning when I get off work to see if I can pick up a couple of copies. This is around Atlanta, btw.
Man, I'm tempted. It's 2am here in NJ, but fuck it. Gonna get dressed now.


Wait what? Someone did say that? Can I have a legit source for that because I find it extremely hard to believe? :eek:
He doesn't have a legit source... he's comparing that one youtuber's statement verses many other that have said the opposite that youtuber. But somehow agreeing but not agreeing also... I honestly don't know what he's saying anymore....

edit- I also pointed out that I think it's funny that the people who have "debunked" the rumors are technically just as reliable as some guy on youtube. That being said given track record and good faith I believe them over some random guy on youtube.


Incredibly Naive
so NO ONE was accusing you in this thread (as I proved) but you started being defensive in THIS THREAD because of how you treated in OTHER THREADS? .... ok. got it.

I didn't get defensive and you haven't proven anything lol. I stated that I think the defense force for this game is rabbid, and it appears to me that it is, just stating my opinion on that. I'm not saying that pertains to anything I've said, I'm saying it pertains to the reactions to any sort of negative impression or thought surrounding the game. Yes I'm bringing up the old order threads, I've posted my thoughts any time news or new write-ups come out including this one a few days ago.


Watch as conspiracies abound now that I planted the seed to cover up my true agenda!


Also this is one of the posts in question where after I stated that I considered that the media and gaf as a whole had been overwhelmingly negative towards the order and that was concerning. Poor choice of word I suppose, however IMO in the realm of gaming the negativity surrounding this game has been overwhelming, especially when compared to other games and how they are handled by the media.

As I've said before, show me a game that ended up well received after a similar sort of reception. I'm not saying it's impossible, just saying in the gaming industry there are a ton of trends, and it's pretty to see where they are headed. The Evil Within got mostly mixed reception and it turns out that's my favorite next gen game so far... that being said I would say it's far from universally loved.


I've explained it man what else do I have to do? God damn. Read it from start to finish, it may come off as strange, all I did was this-

He claims you can beat the game maybe in 6-8 hours but no way it can be beat in 1.5 hours. I simply posted that the guy never said he beat the game in 1.5 hours, he said the game had 1.5-2.5 hours of gameplay. I was pointing out how people try to debunk things without even thinking about what they're posting.

edit- I also pointed out that I think it's funny that the people who have "debunked" the rumors are technically just as reliable as some guy on youtube. That being said given track record and good faith I believe them over some random guy on youtube.

Less than three hours of gameplay? Cripes, that's depressing if true. Though I can't say the game looks too interesting past the graphics I hate to see agame with that little gameplay be released in this year of our lord 2015


Incredibly Naive
He doesn't have a legit source... he's comparing that one youtuber's statement verses many other that have said the opposite that youtuber. But somehow agreeing but not agreeing also... I honestly don't know what he's saying anymore....

Umm excuse me do you have a "legit" source on your end? NOPE. That's my point and you proved it. Have you ever heard of devils advocate?
Good lord. I leave the thread to go play some Wolfenstein
which is still freaking amazing
and this is what I return to? Cripes mate. If this is what happens when you've entered other threads, no wonder you've been run out of them. Jesus. De-railathon, petty-fest up in here.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
There's no air of superiority. I was explaining to you something that companies focus on. Companies exploit this kind of behaviour to varying degrees. Loyalties don't stem from marketing alone, but more extreme cases aren't what you'd call sensible. Ignoring this for a moment since I don't want to go in-depth with marketing nonsense for a second. Let's keep it simple. You grew up with Playstation, so naturally you're fond of it. You mention you had an arrogant and snide picture of the Xbox brand due to how others were seemingly attacking the PS3 (and due to your existing opinion about Microsoft), but at the same time, SCE wasn't above that kind of rhetoric at times either. It's not like they put their best foot forward leading into the PS3, so I don't really see how it'd be hard to understand that shift. Why do you remember the Xbox moments in particular that painted such a picture for you? Why don't you remember the Playstation moments? Even if they may not have happened in 2008 around the launch of MGS4, they happened shortly prior.

No one is impartial. Everyone has preferences. This is true. This isn't the same as the kind of extreme behaviour you see amongst diehards though. The fact that a lot of the gaming press is juvenile doesn't justify this as somehow being evident of what's absolutely necessary either. They catered for a certain audience, but that doesn't mean that's the only audience. If someone doesn't like something you do, does that justify an impassioned response which borders on attacking the other person, or in some cases does just that? Is it justified because others are doing the same thing?

Why did you assume I was neutral for example? The original Playstation is the system that had the most impact on my gaming preferences. Not to mention, I have a few other million reasons now. It doesn't mean I care enough about being "loyal" without good reason though. I bought the 360 before a PS3 simply because I liked what I was seeing better. I didn't pay attention to the internet segment at the time, and even today, a significant portion of the gaming market doesn't. These people are all technically neutral.

Take a look at your last point on its own. Then realise we're talking about games. Even if you have preferences, taking sides sounds a bit strange, does it not? Whose side are you taking? Why is there a need to take a side? You can like something. Someone else can dislike it. Of course, there's plenty of condescending elitist attitudes on GAF, as well as the whole concern trolling business, but that's different. I'm referring specifically to the tone of aggression that seems to be constant in a lot of these discussions.

It's not strange at all. For me it stems from a place of fairness. It was about getting my early gaming memories stomped on. Really, being an immature adolescent MGS fan/forum dweller was tough shit back in '06. lol The only loyalty I had back then was with my following of the MGS, and even though PlayStation PR outright lied about what was being shown on their E3 conferences, I still associated the brand with assured quality. It was frustrating having to wade through people moaning about the decision to make MGS4 an exclusive because PlayStation as a brand was practically dead, etc, etc... I just associated MGS with PS and all my early gaming memories, so it soured me to have to read so much negativity.

Anyway, back to The Order....

Sigh... It's like you're all conspiring to keep me from finishing this FUCKING GAME! LOL


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
He doesn't have a legit source... he's comparing that one youtuber's statement verses many other that have said the opposite that youtuber. But somehow agreeing but not agreeing also... I honestly don't know what he's saying anymore....

It's pretty clear what he's saying. YouTube guy says 1.5~2.5 hours of gameplay (probable exaggeration) and for whatever reason, less intelligent people interpreted that as a claim that it takes only 1.5~2.5 hours to complete the game from start to finish, and started talking about playthrough lengths in a desperate attempt to debunk.

He just called that kind of bullshit for what it was, even if the YouTuber's claim in the first place is also bullshit.


Incredibly Naive
It's pretty clear what he's saying. YouTube guy says 1.5~2.5 hours of gameplay (probable exaggeration) and for whatever reason, less intelligent people interpreted that as a claim that it takes only 1.5~2.5 hours to complete the game from start to finish, and started talking about playthrough lengths in a desperate attempt to debunk.

He just called that kind of bullshit for what it was, even if the YouTuber's claim in the first place is also bullshit.

Oh my good god thank you! You have no idea how good it feels to read this haha.
Less than three hours of gameplay? Cripes, that's depressing if true. Though I can't say the game looks too interesting past the graphics I hate to see agame with that little gameplay be released in this year of our lord 2015
Lol, read the thread dude. I don't think you have anything to be concerned about.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
@Rapier: Please tell me we get to witness moments like in the concept art. I am talking about the same area seen in the "hipfire.gif" but this time with actual people and stuff.

Oh, yeah. I said it a while back. This game fits the "painting come to life" description.

A lot of picturesque places to have firefights in. Very pretty.


Umm excuse me do you have a "legit" source on your end? NOPE. That's my point and you proved it. Have you ever heard of devils advocate?

I never said I had a legit source. The poster ASKED if you had a legit source, I said NO. And I said exactly WHAT YOU SAID... that you agree with that one youtuber vs. many other's... which is what you said in that edit. And that you do agree more with the others but...you somehow still believe youtuber too ..... so... what did you prove?

edit- I also pointed out that I think it's funny that the people who have "debunked" the rumors are technically just as reliable as some guy on youtube. That being said given track record and good faith I believe them over some random guy on youtube.
so you believe them? or the random guy? You said you believe them... which I stated but was still confused.


Incredibly Naive
I never said I had a legit source. The poster ASKED if you had a legit source, I said NO. And I said exactly WHAT YOU SAID... that you agree with that one youtuber vs. many other's... which is what you said in that edit. And that you do agree more with the others but...you somehow still believe youtuber too ..... so... what did you prove?

so you believe them? or the random guy? You said you believe them... which I stated but was still confused.

Jeez you're really struggling to follow along and luckily the poster above summed up my argument nice if you care to read it.


It depends where, I've barely heard any noise about this game outside of GAF. And most discussed on GAF doesn't mean much in the real world.

Tracking pretty well on Amazon. #11 in video games, #4 if you only count games. Only MM 3DS and FC4 (PS4/XB1) are above it, and FC4 was just on sale yesterday.

Purest 78

Umm excuse me do you have a "legit" source on your end? NOPE. That's my point and you proved it. Have you ever heard of devils advocate?

Haven't gaf members who have proven they own the game debunk The time thing? You are doing some grade A shit posting.
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