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The Order: 1886 Gets New Direct-Feed Screenshots From Obama

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Some people are filling this thread with crappy pointless posts v

We should have a filter, so I can see the what people that actually played the game say. No a she said he said nonsense. YouTube people want views, of course they'll say "1HOUR GAMEPLAY".

Anyways people really over estimate this replayO abilityO mumbO. The average person doesn't replay games again and again for slightly different out comes. I played Bioshock, and I was done with it. Paying 60$ had nothing to do if it had multiplayer or not, lasted 20+ hours... Just if it was a good game. last of us? I haven't even touched multiplayer. I don't know anyone that did. Heavy rain with its "no gameplay" was extremely enjoyable played it family. Great game.

Anyways kiddos may the trolls be with you. Some people really like beating on a game they have no interest it. It's extremely funny, but makes the thread hard to sort thur.


Incredibly Naive
Saying something is a "10" for you is a completely arbitrary thing. What a 10 is for you can be very different than what a 10 is for someone else. A person may focus on certain aspects more, grade harder, have weird tastes, be biased by fanboyism, etc. The best way to gauge a game is by reading detailed impressions, not reading some idiotic score.

I can agree with that, but that subjective number- let's take 8- can be high for that particular person. Something like metacritic can be stupid, but these numbers have been assigned value based on how people have trended in scoring games for years. It's why videogame scores have to be high to be acceptable. 6s are generally very poor in gaming, 7s are very meh, 8 is solid, 9 is damn good, and 10 is great. If the person gave it an 8 and said, I grade hard so an 8 for me is great, than it helps put into perspective for people so they can relate. You'll also often find that you can read impressions and be surprised that the verdict is that something is good not great, or vice versa because they didn't accurately portray their feelings in what they were writing.

Purest 78

He actually stated that he thinks the exact opposite if you cared to read.

Obviously you didn't, since you and others are completely misunderstanding the point of his post.

He threw that in after he kept repeating the same thing. Believe me I completely understood the point of his post.


Grandma's Chippy
Man people really want to hate on every big game that comes out. Some people need to dial back their care levels a bit lol.

If it's 5 hours, or it's 10 hours or it's 100 hours, who cares. Is it fun? That is what I care.

So far it sounds like it is, guess I'll have to wait and see for myself.


Can someone give me TL;DR? I went to sleep at like page 87... And now I see this?




Incredibly Naive
didn't see that thread, you said you were but.. didn't know you DID post it.. but it's a big forum... so it's not surprising if someone does accuse you lol I know it's a quick and reactionary fanbase, but like you said... it's both sides. There were many people who genuinely wants the game to turn out good, just as you.. and were as critical as you. But they didn't start using "defense force" and etc. From reading your comment, I thought someone WAS accusing you, until I backtracked. Just like you're jumpy from previous threads, I"m sure others are as well. So if I've jumped to any conclusion.. sorry. Guess we're all jumpy in these kind of threads :/

I dont necessarily blame you, but you threw a ton of accusations at me and put words in my mouth. I may not have posted perfectly clear, but luckily a neutral source was able to come in and help you understand my point. I think the reactions need to cool down. Different fanbases react differently. I hate reading review threads because the amount of hate and excuses coming out for a poorly reviewed game is ridiculous. People jump through hoops to discredit poor reviews and it's a little absurd. At the end of the day not everybody shares the same opinion, however you can get an idea of where that game lies in the public opinion based on the aggregate score/reception to a game. Some game get overrated, some are underrated, but nobody is conspiring to take your game down. There are trolls but they have NOTHING to do with how the public sees the game, so don't get wrapped up in that.


Incredibly Naive
He threw that in after he kept repeating the same thing. Believe me I completely understood the point of his post.

Than you didn't understand I didn't "throw that in" in fact, my original post was just stating that his claim matched up with the youtubers claim. Try reading it again, if it doesn't click than I can't help you, keep beating that horse though.


here it is in real time sir!

I think 6-8 is doable, but who really thinks otherwise? 6-8 would be anywhere from 4 to 5 times what the guy said, which is pretty embarrassing. I don't know why anyone would say something like that unless they were a liar or an asshole.

I think he was implying the game is about 6 or more hours, but less than half of that is spent plaYing the game.

Where's my agenda in this? Where did I validate the youtuber? I just pointed out that y2kev was inadvertently agreeing with the youtuber.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Calm down baby girl, no need to be so defensive.

Practising that subtle troll. They say greed is the enemy of man.

Ah, hahaha. Yeah, bish is watching this thread like a game of whack-a-mole.

Practicing going more than a month without a ban. They say wisdom breeds caution.
I really need to understand why the hate for this game is so big....

I have almost never seen this for a video game, i don't know what RAD did to some people but it must be really serious...


Man people really want to hate on every big game that comes out. Some people need to dial back their care levels a bit lol.

If it's 5 hours, or it's 10 hours or it's 100 hours, who cares. Is it fun? That is what I care.

So far it sounds like it is, guess I'll have to wait and see for myself.

Everyone's a critic. For the most part I tend to avoid critics, reviews, etc. when it comes to games and movies. I also tend to enjoy most games and movies that others either don't like -or- received bad reviews.

Whatever happened to enjoying something simply for the experience?


Incredibly Naive
I really need to understand why the hate for this game is so big....

I have almost never seen this for a video game, i don't know what RAD did to some people but it must be really serious...

I've stated this before, but I really don't think it's much worse than some other games. The other game I compared it to in the other thread was RYSE, which was absolutely dumped on from day 1.


I've stated this before, but I really don't think it's much worse than some other games. The other game I compared it to in the other thread was RYSE, which was absolutely dumped on from day 1.

for some reason, it seems that most exclusives are a love/hate thing. I don't know if it was like this at the beginning of last gen.
I really need to understand why the hate for this game is so big....

I have almost never seen this for a video game, i don't know what RAD did to some people but it must be really serious...

Evolve, Titanfall, and Destiny receive(d) far more hate, though to give proper credit there are some valid reasons at the core of all the hyperbole and meltdowns.

Of course there's people biting at the bit at this game due to it being linear, 'cinematic', a TPS, and having QTEs. Also up until PSX it had a rather poor showing at events and with the media. As with most things on GAF, people think their personal tastes are an objective rubric over everything and everyone else, and can't resist plowing through a thread of which the subject matter is of no interest to them. Derrick has become Hydra if the past few years have been any indication.

Right now it just seems like an argument between 2-3 people derailing the thread, which often is how most Order threads tend to go down. So it's not really much of a hate issue atm but rather people not knowing when to drop it and the mods just waiting for that one slip-up where someone snaps.


Incredibly Naive
for some reason, it seems that most exclusives are a love/hate thing. I don't know if it was like this at the beginning of last gen.

It's not the case with every exclusive at all though. Another good one that was pointed out in this thread was destiny. Infamous had some questions prior to release but was mostly love after release, LBP had nothing but love prior to release, and then a breakdown post release. It's about perception of the game and how the media has been handled. I think RAD did a poor job showing off the game. I also think SP did a questionable job, but at the end of the day it ended up for the best since they just wanted to keep most stuff under wraps.


for some reason, it seems that most exclusives are a love/hate thing. I don't know if it was like this at the beginning of last gen.
Not a year in it wasn't
Alot of rush jobs so far this gen. Hopefully bloodborne turns out okay and full of content


I dont necessarily blame you, but you threw a ton of accusations at me and put words in my mouth. I may not have posted perfectly clear, but luckily a neutral source was able to come in and help you understand my point. I think the reactions need to cool down. Different fanbases react differently. I hate reading review threads because the amount of hate and excuses coming out for a poorly reviewed game is ridiculous. People jump through hoops to discredit poor reviews and it's a little absurd. At the end of the day not everybody shares the same opinion, however you can get an idea of where that game lies in the public opinion based on the aggregate score/reception to a game. Some game get overrated, some are underrated, but nobody is conspiring to take your game down. There are trolls but they have NOTHING to do with how the public sees the game, so don't get wrapped up in that.

I did prove what I said.

1) I said, you were not accused by anyone in this thread so I didn't know why you were being defensive. You were NOT accused (From looking through the thread and those that responded to you...as a proof).. since I was right.. You said, you were accused in other threads.

2) I said, what you were saying originally were confusing. It was. You were defending the you tuber's ability to express the opinion but that you end up agreeing with the majority of the gaffers. The proof of the confusion is based on many people responding to your 1.5 hour as a possible true statement. When I was wrong, I edited. Did I not?


Incredibly Naive
Not a year in it wasn't
Alot of rush jobs so far this gen. Hopefully bloodborne turns out okay and full of content

That's the other thing is the first year of next-gen has been largely underwhelming, at least for me and I know a lot of other people. The threads I frequented early last gen were mostly quiet since sony was at rock bottom with motorstorm, heavenly sword, etc. After that though there was mostly love outside of david cage games.


Incredibly Naive
I did prove what I said.

1) I said, you were not accused by anyone in this thread so I didn't know why you were being defensive. You were NOT accused (From looking through the thread and those that responded to you...as a proof).. since I was right.. You said, you were accused in other threads.

2) I said, what you were saying originally were confusing. It was. You were defending the you tuber's ability to express the opinion but that you end up agreeing with the majority of the gaffers. The proof of the confusion is based on many people responding to your 1.5 hour as a possible true statement. When I was wrong, I edited. Did I not?

1.You proved what you said by saying I was not accused by anyone in this thread? Good job I never said I was. Ready... you never talked about SNES in this thread. See I'm right.

2. I wasn't defending the youtubers ability to express his opinion in my original argument... lol damnit I thought you finally understood.

here is the original post.

I think 6-8 is doable, but who really thinks otherwise? 6-8 would be anywhere from 4 to 5 times what the guy said, which is pretty embarrassing. I don't know why anyone would say something like that unless they were a liar or an asshole.

I think he was implying the game is about 6 or more hours, but less than half of that is spent plaYing the game.

All I did was say the guy was supporting his argument. Damn you and others have taken this and ran with it.

edit- what you're doing right now btw is called moving goal posts. You didn't prove a damn thing, your original argument was that I was claiming I was called out in this thread.


Has the game leaked or something? Being played by reviewers? I keep seeing opinions about the game being flung around here and elsewhere, but I didn't think the game came out for a few more weeks.
I can agree with that, but that subjective number- let's take 8- can be high for that particular person. Something like metacritic can be stupid, but these numbers have been assigned value based on how people have trended in scoring games for years. It's why videogame scores have to be high to be acceptable. 6s are generally very poor in gaming, 7s are very meh, 8 is solid, 9 is damn good, and 10 is great. If the person gave it an 8 and said, I grade hard so an 8 for me is great, than it helps put into perspective for people so they can relate. You'll also often find that you can read impressions and be surprised that the verdict is that something is good not great, or vice versa because they didn't accurately portray their feelings in what they were writing.
And that scoring method is absolutely bunk and moronic since it effectively takes the ten point scale and makes a 5 point scale out of it. Again, showing us just how silly scores are. Even if we add nuance of things like a "9.5," that gets more subjective still and even more unintelligible. What's the quantifiable and understandable difference between a 9 and a 9.5? There isn't one really. I don't relate to scores because generally they don't mean anything really.

The review text may not accurately portray their feelings, but scores sure as hell don't do it either.
I dont care about graphics, FPS, or resolution whatsoever.

But I see barely any gameplay or anything interesting at all besides "cinematic" QTE's and a mediocre TPS covered in a gray filter.
Then this game obviously isn't for you.
Has the game leaked or something? Being played by reviewers? I keep seeing opinions about the game being flung around here and elsewhere, but I didn't think the game came out for a few more weeks.
Some places seem to have broken street-date


Has the game leaked or something? Being played by reviewers? I keep seeing opinions about the game being flung around here and elsewhere, but I didn't think the game came out for a few more weeks.
It comes out in five days and stores are breaking street date
Has the game leaked or something? Being played by reviewers? I keep seeing opinions about the game being flung around here and elsewhere, but I didn't think the game came out for a few more weeks.

Yeah, there's leaks. Good number of videos up on YT at least a couple hours ago. Some people are saying one thing, others are saying something else when it comes to game length and cutscene:gameplay ratio. Some are saying game is around 8 hours on Hard, while a recent ending vid had someone remark about 5 ½ hours (difficulty not specified afaik).

Game comes out in 5 days.
That post doesn't really shed too much light on the matter, honestly. I'm sure the original claim of 1.5 to 2.5 hours was exaggerated, even considering the YouTuber said he wasn't counting the QTE stuff, but "very few cutscenes and lots of action" doesn't exactly tell me how much of that one hour he spent actively interacting in the game. Nor do I know his skill level and if any of that was dying/reloading, etc.

I'm sure there's plenty to the game, but I don't really see how that constitutes a debunk.
Really, is it that important? Is this a thing now, measuring how much you actually interact vs cutscenes in a game? If these are the little meta games that people play in their minds nowadays, then gaming has lost what little soul it has left. I just don't get it, but I'm old school I guess. The overall experience is what's important to me.


Just watched a lot of the game. Never done that before. Glad I did. Not my cup of tea at all. Hope some people enjoy it. Looks shocking to me.


Incredibly Naive
And that scoring method is absolutely bunk and moronic since it effectively takes the ten point scale and makes a 5 point scale out of it. Again, showing us just how silly scores are. Even if we add nuance of things like a "9.5," that gets more subjective still and even more unintelligible. What's the quantifiable and understandable difference between a 9 and a 9.5? There isn't one really. I don't relate to scores because generally they don't mean anything really.

The review text may not accurately portray their feelings, but scores sure as hell don't do it either.

Then this game obviously isn't for you.

Some places seem to have broken street-date

I agree it's broken, but it's tangible and it exists, it's easy to understand why one would ask for a scale rating. Even if the video game scale is broken a 1-10 scale is necessary, nothing is black and white when it comes to content like this. You can't just have hot and cold you have to have degrees.


Really, is it that important? Is this a thing now, measuring how much you actually interact vs cutscenes in a game? If these are the little meta games that people play in their minds nowadays, then gaming has lost what little soul it has left. I just don't get it, but I'm old school I guess. The overall experience is what's important to me.
And what many consider the overall experience in games is the part you actually play. If cutscenes vastly outnumber the gameplay then I'm not sure that this was intended to be a game at all but an animated movie with gameplay strapped on as a necessity. I might be oldschool too though but in a different way.

This is all if the claims are true of course
I agree it's broken, but it's tangible and it exists, it's easy to understand why one would ask for a scale rating. Even if the video game scale is broken a 1-10 scale is necessary, nothing is black and white when it comes to content like this. You can't just have hot and cold you have to have degrees.
I really disagree. When a friend asks for a "review" or a recommendation on a game I give it to them straight. I tell them my impressions and then end on a "buy" or "don't buy" verdict. Pretty hold and cold answers. The "nuance" and "degrees" of a 10 point scale are a farce. There is no nuance.
And what many consider the overall experience in games is the part you actually play. If cutscenes vastly outnumber the gameplay then I'm not sure that this was intended to be a game at all but an animated movie with gameplay strapped on as a necessity. I might be oldschool too though but in a different way.

This is all if the claims are true of course
Games have to fulfill a requisite "gameplay" counter to be a "real game" now?


Incredibly Naive
I really disagree. When a friend asks for a "review" or a recommendation on a game I give it to them straight. I tell them my impressions and then end on a "buy" or "don't buy" verdict. Pretty hold and cold answers. The "nuance" and "degrees" of a 10 point scale are a farce. There is no nuance.

That's fine,but I find it hard to believe you don't see why a scale works for people.


Uh am I missing something? Why does a topic about six screenshots have 5,000 replies? Is there an Uncharted 4 trailer hidden in the pics? This is the Playstation Experience thread all over again.
That's fine,but I find it hard to believe you don't see why a scale works for people.
I think it "works" for them because they believe it works. Not because scores are actually functional. There's a whole unhealthy psychology (confirmation bias, expectations, etc) that comes out of scores which could easily explain why people think "they work."

Now that I've thought about that, I need to go check a psych database to see what research has been done.


Uh am I missing something? Why does a topic about six screenshots have 5,000 replies? Is there an Uncharted 4 trailer hidden in the pics? This is the Playstation Experience thread all over again.

people getting the game early and giving impressions


Uh am I missing something? Why does a topic about six screenshots have 5,000 replies? Is there an Uncharted 4 trailer hidden in the pics? This is the Playstation Experience thread all over again.
Find the six key phrases in the thread and say them aloud to achieve 「HEAVEN」
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