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The Order: 1886 Gets New Direct-Feed Screenshots From Obama

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Saw some of that one hour footage, the game is pretty cool. Plus there's hints of
Jack the Ripper?
in like the first 10-15 minutes of the game.


Saw the vid. Without saying what, some pretty cool stuff, including one thing I was waiting to see and it was nice. So ye, better impressions


What boggles my mind is that we have a pinnacle of rendering, technology, and design - and some of you guys aren't excited?

I know a lot of people on GAF have a thing for atmosphere, story telling, and Steam Punk as a genre. This should be right up your alley.

What I don't understand is people prematurely calling the game a failure, a movie, or 5 hours long.

It's like threads to the Order suddenly dissolve into chaos where the relevance of Metacritic scores, sales numbers, and I fucking kid you not - "what defines a game" are argued for page after page.

Both sides are equally bad, and I wish people would offer context to the opinions and not just shit on a thread never to be seen again.

I don't like the looks of The Order myself, but I can also admit that it's just not the type of game that appeals to me. I watched a few of the leaked videos last night, and they confirmed my feelings. I would be pulling out my hair out in rage with all of the forced walking, cutscenes, and QTEs (amongst other complaints). That doesn't mean it's a bad game, just undesirable for me personally. For someone who likes those things, it looks to be the pinnacle of its genre.

I am really excited by the art direction. It's some of the best I've ever seen in a video game. I do wish the game played differently, but it is what it is. I'll probably pick up the game when a new copy runs for cheap.
Holy shit at that Hardcore gamer article.

I've seen people concerned about The Order before, but concerned that "The Order is being advertized too much"? That has to be the most bizarre concern I have ever seen.

Why is Sony paying money to advertize The Order? Those monsters.

Also hasn't the biggest complaint on Sony's side been lack of marketing on their exclusives? Now it suddenly is too much? It is weird indeed.
I think I'm gonna bail on these topics until release. I'm getting very hyped and not sure if I can resist clicking on all the gameplay/spoiler videos. I don't even wanna see the Gifs, even though I of course do want to see them.


You've obviously no interest in the game, seemingly don't care for the TPS genre and I doubt you've even any interest in a PS4. Why are you even in this topic?
Well, I was interested in the graphics and proceeded to provide an answer to someone's query on Chromatic Aberration. Then I did the mistake of posting an opinion on the game itself. Then I got ridiculed by typical silly fanboys who are overly and forcefully generalizing things and totally unable to think critically of the game they are drooling about.

Right now, at this very moment, I am giving this thread a 5-GAF™ rating, like so


...and am saying good-bye to this thread to protect my sanity.


Well, I was interested in the graphics and proceeded to provide an answer to someone's query on Chromatic Aberration. Then I did the mistake of posting an opinion on the game itself. Then I got ridiculed by typical silly fanboys who are overly and forcefully generalizing things and totally unable to think critically of the game they are drooling about.

Right now, at this very moment, I am giving this thread a 5-GAF™ rating, like so


...and am saying good-bye to this thread to protect my sanity.

You should indeed. Specially after the bold. Stay sane.

Implying that people with large amounts of muscle mass aren't nice people? lol, children...

He was a regular "un-jacked" joe once. I remember seeing a video about RAD where he pretty much detailed why he went into body-building.


While I have some serious reservations about the footage I've watched (first hour of the game, specifically), I am not noticing an alarming number of QTEs at all. But maybe I just have a different definition of QTE than most. Cutscenes, sure. Forced slow walk, not so sure. But QTEs? No more than any other TPS.
While I have some serious reservations about the footage I've watched (first hour of the game, specifically), I really am not noticing an alarming number of QTEs at all. But maybe I just have a different definition of QTE than most. Cutscenes, sure. Forced slow walk, not so sure. But QTEs? No more than any other TPS.

I think a lot of the concern comes from the overall direction of the game. In the first hour, there are a lot of cutscenes and some of them have QTEs.

I think most of the complaints around this game will be the sheer amount of interactive/non-interactive cut scenes versus control.


Yes, i think is personal, i'm not saying that The Order is bad, it's an impressive looking game, as good as Ryse, they're pretty comparable

Ryse looks fantastic, and it is easily one of the best-looking games of all time.

But The Order looks straight CGI. To this day I still can't believe how good it looks. You have to look VERY hard to find any imperfections that makes you think "Yes, this is being rendered in real time."

The Order will be THE best-looking game at the time of its release, on any platform.
LOL! Comparing The order and Ryse? The order wins easily, it's no competition.

As it should be. Ryse came out at launch and everyone has said the XB1 tools sucked then. The Order should look magnitudes better than Ryse.

I think the only apt comparison between the two games is the amount of depth/gameplay beneath the pretty visuals.


Ryse looks fantastic, and it is easily one of the best-looking games of all time.

But The Order looks straight CGI. To this day I still can't believe how good it looks. You have to look VERY hard to find any imperfections that makes you think "Yes, this is being rendered in real time."

The Order will be THE best-looking game at the time of its release, on any platform.

So far I have to agree. I'll get a better impression when I'm playing it in 10 days and I see it on my tv and I'm in control.


Isn't that our daily routine anyway? :)

Viveks86: Gee, Dinjooh, what do you want to do tonight?

Dinjooh: The same thing we do every night Viveks - try to take over all of the NeoGAF!

i am so fucking close to entering that spoiler thread


Sure, Ryse is comparable technically. As for art direction, The Order stands above it, imo. Full of embellished objects, furniture, people, language, etc.

I believe that, since the story has been a priority from the start, the borders have more of a creative benefit than a technical one. It is fitting of the style of game they set out to make.


As it should be. Ryse came out at launch and everyone has said the XB1 tools sucked then. The Order should look magnitudes better than Ryse.

I think the only apt comparison between the two games is the amount of depth/gameplay beneath the pretty visuals.

Obviously, video games are more than just graphics.
Sorry. No. But sure. Keep that narrative going.

What narrative am I trying to keep going? In no way does Ryse look as good as The Order. All I am saying is that the only reason they get brought up together is because Ryse got killed for being pretty but shallow. The Order will be the prettiest game out there when it releases. The only question is how well does the gameplay itself hold up? From what I'm seeing it looks like it will be a really fun game with more depth than Ryse.

The early previews emphasized this concern amongst the gaming media.


Sure, Ryse is comparable technically. As for art direction, The Order stands above it, imo. Full of embellished objects, furniture, people, language, etc.

I believe that, since the story has been a priority from the start, the borders have more of a creative benefit than a technical one. It is fitting of the style of game they set out to make.

It may just be my opinion, but beating Crytek in the art department is not that big of a win. They've never been really good at it.
I think a lot of the concern comes from the overall direction of the game. In the first hour, there are a lot of cutscenes and some of them have QTEs.

I think most of the complaints around this game will be the sheer amount of interactive/non-interactive cut scenes versus control.

Yeah this will probably be a complaint. I had to reevaluate my expectations based on the leaked gameplay from last night. I was expecting something like TLOU where's you're walking and talking but there's multiple points where its a cutscene for mundane things. Specifically there's a cutscene in that 1-hour gameplay video at the 40:20 mark where Galahad is just walking across the street and its a cutscene. When I saw it I was like but why?
Why all these comparisons to Ryse? Yes, Ryse looks good, but come on. The Order clearly looks better, heck, I'd argue even titles from last year like Infamous were also technically superior. Of course, if you have a beefy PC running Ryse at super high resolutions and all the effects turned up it'll look really damn great, but we're talking about a $399 console. Ryse has no place in that conversation.

What narrative am I trying to keep going? In no way does Ryse look as good as The Order. All I am saying is that the only reason they get brought up together is because Ryse got killed for being pretty but shallow. The Order will be the prettiest game out there when it releases. The only question is how well does the gameplay itself hold up? From what I'm seeing it looks like it will be a really fun game with more depth than Ryse.

The early previews emphasized this concern amongst the gaming media.

Ryse was a very, very linear game, with a mediocre story, and completley reptitive, button mashing gameplay. For the $20 bucks I paid for it, I was entertained but seriously, it in no way is similar to the Order (neither are the way they're being received, from the onset we knew there were issus with Ryse, not so for the Order outside of people who hate it for what it is).

Gameplay wise, what we've already seen from the Order puts it above Ryse. Like seriously, did you even play Ryse?


It may just be my opinion, but beating Crytek in the art department is not that big of a win. They've never been really good at it.

true. If comparisons are the order of the day, I'd place it alongside the art of Final Fantasy XII, or even Vagrant story (I'm visualizing Guildenstern).


Why all these comparisons to Ryse? Yes, Ryse looks good, but come on. The Order clearly looks better, heck, I'd argue even titles from last year like Infamous were also technically superior. Of course, if you have a beefy PC running Ryse at super high resolutions and all the effects turned up it'll look really damn great, but we're talking about a $399 console. Ryse has no place in that conversation.

Please. Ryse on Xbox One deserves to be a mark for comparison. People can bring up things like 900p all they want (hello, 1920x800). The character models and lighting in Ryse is great. Some of the best faces and hair I've seen, easily beating Infamous. I believe that's where the big comparison is coming from: the character models.


What narrative am I trying to keep going? In no way does Ryse look as good as The Order. All I am saying is that the only reason they get brought up together is because Ryse got killed for being pretty but shallow. The Order will be the prettiest game out there when it releases. The only question is how well does the gameplay itself hold up? From what I'm seeing it looks like it will be a really fun game with more depth than Ryse.

The early previews emphasized this concern amongst the gaming media.

The only comparison that is "apt" is technical. One might be better than the other, but it is appropriate to compare the technology used and the amount of details put in. Plus you can make subjective comparisons on what you like better. But trying to compare two entirely different games based on some arbitrary and nebulous definition of "depth" is not apt. It's lazy.
Why all these comparisons to Ryse? Yes, Ryse looks good, but come on. The Order clearly looks better, heck, I'd argue even titles from last year like Infamous were also technically superior. Of course, if you have a beefy PC running Ryse at super high resolutions and all the effects turned up it'll look really damn great, but we're talking about a $399 console. Ryse has no place in that conversation.

Ryse was a very, very linear game, with a mediocre story, and completley reptitive, button mashing gameplay. For the $20 bucks I paid for it, I was entertained but seriously, it in no way is similar to the Order (neither are the way they're being received, from the onset we knew there were issus with Ryse, not so for the Order outside of people who hate it for what it is).

Gameplay wise, what we've already seen from the Order puts it above Ryse. Like seriously, did you even play Ryse?

Yes I did play Ryse, and didn't I state in my post that The Order's gameplay looks more in-depth than Ryse? I'm pointing out the only reason they are being compared is because people are concerned the game will be all a visual spectacle and limited on the gameplay side.

Do I believe this is true? No.
Why all these comparisons to Ryse? Yes, Ryse looks good, but come on. The Order clearly looks better, heck, I'd argue even titles from last year like Infamous were also technically superior. Of course, if you have a beefy PC running Ryse at super high resolutions and all the effects turned up it'll look really damn great, but we're talking about a $399 console. Ryse has no place in that conversation.

Ryse was a very, very linear game, with a mediocre story, and completley reptitive, button mashing gameplay. For the $20 bucks I paid for it, I was entertained but seriously, it in no way is similar to the Order (neither are the way they're being received, from the onset we knew there were issus with Ryse, not so for the Order outside of people who hate it for what it is).

Gameplay wise, what we've already seen from the Order puts it above Ryse. Like seriously, did you even play Ryse?

i completely agree that Infamous looks much better than Ryse. I just beat First Light last week and almost forgot how beautiful this game runs.
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