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The Order: 1886 Gets New Direct-Feed Screenshots From Obama

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From what I've seen, it seems like the game is using the wide framing to bring your attention to necessary information. The visual composition of this game seems painstakingly thought out.

That much is obvious given how consistently it has been presented.
Unlike other games (Borderlands).


The explosion/fire effects have come a long way from the reveal. They looked awful in the first trailer.

We still haven't seen the exact same scene in the new build though. Their latest marketing videos still have the same fire effects for that scene. They were either using the old build for that footage or the thermite rifle has a different fire effect.


Looks good.
Now reboot the Resistance franchise using this engine.

I don't know, I really like the feel of Destiny, but the beauty of Cryengine. Can we get a marriage of those two instead for the reboot? Give us some Resistance. Maybe RAD can actually develope it?


I'd be in the dick
We still haven't seen the exact same scene in the new build though. Their latest marketing videos still have the same fire effects for that scene. They were either using the old build for that footage or the thermite rifle has a different fire effect.

The thermite rifle effect has definitely looked better in recent trailers. A couple of the marketing videos have used old footage. The effect in the Conspiracy trailer looked a lot better.


Will probably pick this up on a bargain bin. Cinematic genre isn't my thing and while it does look gorgeous, all the previous "reveal" keeps confirming what I fear (or rather, what I expect this game to be) that it will be more of a handholding experience. I hope at least that all the interesting ennemies won't be QTEs because that would be a huge waste of a good boss battle :p

But for what RAD is trying to achieve, it does look stunning. I've rarely seen a game as beautiful as this. Uncharted 4 (EDIT: And PT/Metal Gear actually) are the only one that could come close in terms of pure realistic style and that ain't out yet. But it's yet to see the relevance that The Order will have once the next graphical powerhouse will come along and then people start talking gameplay about it


The thermite rifle effect has definitely looked better in recent trailers.

I'd still like to see a wide area of impact like the one in the first trailer. I'm sure it's improved, but would be great to get a before/after image comparison. Was odd to see the same old effect show up in their recent trailer that showed that portion.


There are lots of things I do with my girlfriend that I wouldn't do with a videogame.

Even in that ridiculous scenario you have used, there are times when she might ask why I think she looks beautiful at that particular moment.

If you genuinely want proper discussion, and not just a big circle-jerk hype thread (which I think is what some of you really want) justifying why you think a game looks good isn't too much to ask.

I hate to jump in here, but from experience, it is definately easier to BS your way through why your GF looks beautiful, rather than explain why she looks bad.

Just sayin'...


I'd be in the dick
I'd still like to see a wide area of impact like the one in the first trailer. I'm sure it's improved, but would be great to get a before/after image comparison.

If we don't get a good one from other means, I'll take a shot myself when I get the game.
There are lots of things I do with my girlfriend that I wouldn't do with a videogame.

Even in that ridiculous scenario you have used, there are times when she might ask why I think she looks beautiful at that particular moment.

If you genuinely want proper discussion, and not just a big circle-jerk hype thread (which I think is what some of you really want) justifying why you think a game looks good isn't too much to ask.

That's kind of ridiculous actually. If someone is to say the game looks amazing graphically, they don't really need to justify that. Because the rest of us can see the game looks amazing graphically. We're not blind. It would be a different scenario if the game wasn't a graphical powerhouse.

But if someone says that the game is entirely brown, of course people are going to call that person out on it. There are several pictures that show quite to the contrary.


chromatic abomination being used?
Yes. Check out the reddish outlines on the weapon in this example.

(enlarged by 300% using nearest neighbour)


There are lots of things I do with my girlfriend that I wouldn't do with a videogame.

Even in that ridiculous scenario you have used, there are times when she might ask why I think she looks beautiful at that particular moment.

If you genuinely want proper discussion, and not just a big circle-jerk hype thread (which I think is what some of you really want) justifying why you think a game looks good isn't too much to ask.

Without further derailing this thread, if you can't see the difference in saying you like something as opposed to not liking something and not expecting different results from the posters around here regardless of if it's about video games or not then I don't know what to tell you. But I'll make sure that when I see you in a thread about something I like, I'll detail it out for you exactly why I like it so you can understand and not feel that I'm just shitting up the thread by saying how great it looks.

Back on topic:
These screenhots finally show what we are getting into with the new hardware on these consoles. IMO, there has not been a game with better facial work, textures and cloth physics from what I have seen so far. The detail in the explosions is also something else. We've come a long way from a simple flash of light to what we are seeing with the order. They wanted to make a film like experience in a video game and they accomplished it, at least in my eyes. And someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think Galahad's coat is Blue right, not Brown?


The thing though is that I can often predict the kind of comments of many gaffers just by seeing their avatars. And I'm just a junior (though I've been lurking here for a couple of years)!!! A lot of people aren't neutral when it comes to consoles and it's quite easy to see a pattern in their posts. I'm certainly not the only one to see this, so maybe that's why some people gets called out (other than the obvious drive-by comments).

The same thing happens in Xbox-related threads.

This is so well put. When it is so easy to predict a user's opinion just by their avatar that is when you know we are dealing with fanboys. I would say just ignore them as best as you can . Just accept that they lead some fairly insecure lives and move on.
I need a survival horror game that looks like this.
Wouldn't even mind the black bars. ;p

I'm hoping this will have quite a lot of slower-paced almost horror-esque scenarios. It would certainly fit narratively if you're fighting some relentless Terminator style head Lycan who can take loads of punishment before slowing down. I hope RAD have observed the masterful pacing in The Last of Us and have developed sections similar to the hotel basement in that game.


I'd be in the dick
This is so well put. When it is so easy to predict a user's opinion just by their avatar that is when you know we are dealing with fanboys. I would say just ignore them as best as you can . Just accept that they lead some fairly insecure lives and move on.

This is why I always try to not do blind hype posts often and try to engage with people who disagree with me. It's quite obvious that I like the games Sony has been putting out the past few years but I don't want to get called a blind fanboy.


If only this was a PC game, we could see what it really looks like under all the filters and motion blur, it's hiding detail that could be there or not really there.
If only ;_; Then we could also put in actual gameplay mods and stuff :eek:.
Not being serious at all.


This is why I always try to not do blind hype posts often and try to engage with people who disagree with me. It's quite obvious that I like the games Sony has been putting out the past few years but I don't want to get called a blind fanboy.

Yeah you always articulate your opinion well. But there is no point in you engaging with people who form their opinions of games based on the platform it is in and not on the game itself. There is nothing to gain from such discussions. So while I appreciate your effort in engaging people who disagree with you, I would say engaging some people is futile. Props to you if you still want to engage them though.

And that's perfectly fine, it's quite a common and normal thing to have a "preference".

But you also don't go in Xbox threads to show "concerns" or being negative about a game. (or at least I don't notice you there). =P

Plus this.
I'm not sure why folks are getting so worked up over filters, colors and aspect ratios. It's all a choice, just like using chunky pixel art or locking the FPS. It's just one game. *shrug* Personally I think it's looking pretty awesome. I'll wait for impressions on this one but I'm about ready for another immersive, cinematic game that my wife can enjoy watching and I can finish without needing to devote 20 sittings to it.


fuck you rad pre order cancelled :p
The filmic look is one thing but (if I had a PS4) the main reason I would not touch this with a ten-foot pole is the fact that the gameplay, when there manages to be some amidst all the cut scenes and QTEs, looks incredibly dull.


The filmic look is one thing but (if I had a PS4) the main reason I would not touch this with a ten-foot pole is the fact that the gameplay, when there manages to be some amidst all the cut scenes and QTEs, looks incredibly dull.



And that's perfectly fine, it's quite a common and normal thing to have a "preference".

But you also don't go in Xbox threads to show "concerns" or being negative about a game. (or at least I don't notice you there). =P

That's kind of a silly statement though no ? Like it's another form of fanboyism: "Only fans of the console/game/people interested by the game should be allowed to criticise" ? Of course, some people would unabashely criticize the game on platform alone, but there's also plenty of like games at large.

It's like these Call of duty threads when you can only criticize call of duty based on other call of duty games but not on the spectrum at large. There's different type of criticism you can make for a game

Anyway, not to the point of the thread really.

One thing I do like is the colour palette though. As an illustrator myself, it kinda reminds me of the romantic period that was prevalent also around that time, and that i'm always a fan of


The filmic look is one thing but (if I had a PS4) the main reason I would not touch this with a ten-foot pole is the fact that the gameplay, when there manages to be some amidst all the cut scenes and QTEs, looks incredibly dull.

So you are just not a fan of Third Person Shooters then? That's cool.


What boggles my mind is that we have a pinnacle of rendering, technology, and design - and some of you guys aren't excited?

I know a lot of people on GAF have a thing for atmosphere, story telling, and Steam Punk as a genre. This should be right up your alley.

What I don't understand is people prematurely calling the game a failure, a movie, or 5 hours long.

It's like threads to the Order suddenly dissolve into chaos where the relevance of Metacritic scores, sales numbers, and I fucking kid you not - "what defines a game" are argued for page after page.

Both sides are equally bad, and I wish people would offer context to the opinions and not just shit on a thread never to be seen again.
Too much motion blur, too much film grain, not colourful enough, the chromartie absolution is out of control and the black bars make me want to slice off the top and bottom of my monitor.



I'd be in the dick
What boggles my mind is that we have a pinnacle of rendering, technology, and design - and some of you guys aren't excited?

I know a lot of people on GAF have a thing for atmosphere, story telling, and Steam Punk as a genre. This should be right up your alley.

What I don't understand is people prematurely calling the game a failure, a movie, or 5 hours long.

It's like threads to the Order suddenly dissolve into chaos where the relevance of Metacritic scores, sales numbers, and I fucking kid you not - "what defines a game" are argued for page after page.

Both sides are equally bad, and I wish people would offer context to the opinions and not just shit on a thread never to be seen again.
No matter what you think about this game itself, there's no denying it gets people riled up like no other.


So you are just not a fan of Third Person Shooters then? That's cool.
Oh, I very much am, but this game just looks awful, gameplay-wise. The Order 1886 feels like it's Ryse for the PS4, but even more dull, if that's possible.

Pretty on the outside, empty on the inside seems to be the trend.


Oh, I very much am, but this game just looks awful, gameplay-wise. The Order 1886 feels like it's Ryse for the PS4, but even more dull, if that's possible.

Pretty on the outside, empty on the inside seems to be the trend.

Do you mind showing me some pre-release trailers for third person shooters you did like so we can compare them to trailers for the order so I can see what was so great about them that you could tell from the trailer itself?? Because I'm not seeing what you are saying about the order looking terrible compared to other games.

IMO, it looks better then any game ever released and has amazing shooting mechanics. If you are a fan of TPS, how could you not be excited for this?


Do you mind showing me some pre-release trailers for third person shooters you did like so we can compare them to trailers for the order so I can see what was so great about them that you could tell from the trailer itself?? Because I'm not seeing what you are saying about the order looking terrible compared to other games.

IMO, it looks better then any game ever released and has amazing shooting mechanics. If you are a fan of TPS, how could you not be excited for this?

He doesn't own a PS4. What's so impossible to understand?
No matter what you think about this game itself, there's no denying it gets people riled up like no other.

Two main things that get some people riled up here are: good looking games; perceived or actual downgrades. This falls into the former. The material rendering in this game is very impressive.
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