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The thirst is real: a Destiny TTK quest is exclusive to Red Bull (Until Jan 1, 2016)


I just deleted this bullshit game last night after discussing The Taken King fiasco with a friend. I just woke up this morning and this is the first thread I saw. Almost spit my coffee out. I've never had a sip of Red Bull in my life and I sure as shit wasn't going to start now, even if I didn't uninstall Destiny.


April 14 - " I haven't bought a season pasS since. Probably won't ever again. I don't even have Destiny installed anymore. What a waste"

How many times are you going to uninstall Destiny?
So is there really a quest to get here? Or do you only get XP from the Red Bull cans, and the epic quest is to actually drink the foul chemical mix that is Red Bull?


So Kotaku and a few other places are reporting that this is a timed exclusive - as in the whole Red Bull nonsense is for early access to the quest, and it will be available for all users (or at least The Taken King folks) potentially in January.

If you want to keep your outrage fists a-shakin', at least tone it down to the same levels of vibration that people did for the PS-exclusive quests. At least, if you want a leg to stand on.


This is really a thing?



I love those marketing presentations, so much spin. I see them occasionally from company that I underwrite, so inflated and filled with fluff. "Sold more Destiny on Day 1 than the FIRST CoD (new IP when so many games were WW2 based) and more than Halo Day 1 (only on one platform).

Even if I gave a shit, there are no 7-11s within a 100 miles of where I live. We have all Mapcos. Looks like it'll expand to other outlets but still...
In less than a year Bungie has come to be the culmination of everything I dislike about the modern day gaming industry. This is a disgusting deal.
Just catching wind on this had me rolling on the floor.

Reading the actual press release killed me. Especially this part.

The limited edition Destiny can will also feature Red Bull athlete, member of professional eSports organization OpTic Gaming, and Destiny super-fan Michael “Flamesword” Chaves. Chaves will offer his expertise and experience as an eSports athlete and coach to help guide players through the quest. His inclusion on the cans will also mark the first time an eSports athlete appears on a limited edition Red Bull® Energy Drink can.


its exclusive until 1/1/16. so 3 and a half months then free for everyone that bought the taken king. I happen to buy red bull every now and then so its not a huge deal for me. but remember this stuff probably wouldn't have existed without red bull paying activision.
I honestly don't even understand how it's "exclusive".

It's a drink. You can buy the cans and throw them out. All that's standing between getting it is a trip to the 7-11 and dropping $5.

Is it a region thing? Is that why people are upset? Is it that it's launch DLC? I don't really get it.

The second that box leaked I was like "Okay. Looks like I'll get a box and pour it down the toity and play my video game."

If the outrage was that "Well, now TTK costs $45" I could understand that.
HAHA Bungie is on a roll...seriously this sucks. I really enjoy Destiny, but damn if between the interview and now this if I'm not ready to just uninstall it and go find something else to play.

I honestly don't even understand how it's "exclusive".

It's a drink. You can buy the cans and throw them out. All that's standing between getting it is a trip to the 7-11 and dropping $5.

Is it a region thing? Is that why people are upset? Is it that it's launch DLC? I don't really get it.

The second that box leaked I was like "Okay. Looks like I'll get a box and pour it down the toity and play my video game."

If the outrage was that "Well, now TTK costs $45" I could understand that.

It's the combination of everything that's enraging everyone. The cost of the expansion, the forcing year one players to rebuy the entire game, the insulting interview a few days ago, and now this. Literally making you pay full game price for DLC THEN locking away content in in already content starved game behind a shitty energy drink no one wants to buy.


It's as if Bungie/Activision went out to develop the perfect drug called Destiny and are now screwing over all the addicts.



Check this info snipet ( from reddit).
Bungie and Activision deserve all the hate for the way they treat their fanbase.

Came here to post this!

Our customers are used to getting fucked by our policies, so they won't mind having to buy red bull to be allowed to play a chunk of their $40 dlc.

And yet people will still buy into this. And it'll just get worse.


You know guys, its ok to like the game and still not feel compelled to defend the bullshit Bungie subjects you to.
I don't defend everything they do, I am fully aware the game has issues but there is nothing wrong with this especially since the mission is going to be available to everyone eventually. It's the way to do it since it sucks if the content is never released.


So Kotaku and a few other places are reporting that this is a timed exclusive - as in the whole Red Bull nonsense is for early access to the quest, and it will be available for all users (or at least The Taken King folks) potentially in January.

If you want to keep your outrage fists a-shakin', at least tone it down to the same levels of vibration that people did for the PS-exclusive quests. At least, if you want a leg to stand on.

Even if there were zero announcements or pr disasters, Destiny threads are always some combination of "I hit level 20 and quit" "I deleted/sold the game and never looked back" "fuck Bungie/Activision" "ten year plan" and of course "500 million dollars". Repeated a thousand times. It's the gift that keeps on giving.


You enjoy content being taken from the game and used to sell soft drinks and energy drinks? Man, gamers really are their own worst enemy.
I see no problem here... it is just a mission and for a period of time... I don't see a big deal here.


I'm actually pretty shocked that this would be the breaking point for people. The other thread has actually turned into a bunch of true believers talking about getting the same weapon drops 8 times. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here.


Given that Destiny's main issue is the lacking amount of content, this is disgusting.

It's really not anymore. There is so much weekly content now that I don't have time to do it all in the week before it changes to different stuff.


Don't see this any different than missions and quest you get in others games for preordering from a a specific store. At least everyone will get this someday if they want it. Both practices are lame but I could really care less.
How about people outside the US?
Typical modern Bungie. At least Halo 5 looks good. RIP to my ex-favorite developer

I'd like to think it's just an Activision thing. I mean I saw shit like this coming years ago when the collaboration was announced but people are apparently shocked nonetheless.


Destiny threads are always entertaining - whether it's the latest patch, DLC, expansion, timed exclusive content, balance, single player, Peter Botlidge or whatever else. Bungie and the fans are keeping me pretty engaged - that's a positive aspect of all this BS. I might buy it one day if the release GOTY edition on PC just to see what all the fuss is about.


I love those marketing presentations, so much spin. I see them occasionally from company that I underwrite, so inflated and filled with fluff. "Sold more Destiny on Day 1 than the FIRST CoD (new IP when so many games were WW2 based) and more than Halo Day 1 (only on one platform).

Even if I gave a shit, there are no 7-11s within a 100 miles of where I live. We have all Mapcos. Looks like it'll expand to other outlets but still...

This alone is reason to call the whole promotion a load of crap.


I don't even get the defending Bungie thing. Many of the community here weren't even people who gave a shit about Halo or the Bungie of old so trying to deflect blame on Activision is hilarious.


At this point, I'm all for this. In fact, the more odious it gets, the better. Get early access with proof of a Destiny tattoo on your forehead! Exclusive dance moves to those who cut off an ear and mail it in! Murder grandma for an exotic hand cannon!

I genuinely want to see where the ceiling is.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
So Kotaku and a few other places are reporting that this is a timed exclusive - as in the whole Red Bull nonsense is for early access to the quest, and it will be available for all users (or at least The Taken King folks) potentially in January.

If you want to keep your outrage fists a-shakin', at least tone it down to the same levels of vibration that people did for the PS-exclusive quests. At least, if you want a leg to stand on.

As I said earlier, this makes it even worse IMO. It seems like it was content that was supposed to be included but instead it's held back unless you spend even more money on an unrelated product to unlock it early.

This is pretty scummy.
I don't even get the defending Bungie thing. Many of the community here weren't even people who gave a shit about Halo or the Bungie of old so trying to deflect blame on Activision is hilarious.

I'm not defending shit, this is hilariously stupid, I'm just saying it doesn't surprise me especially after it became an Activision joint.


pretty soon we are going to have a spreadsheet that looks worse than Arkham Knight and Watch Dogs for how to obtain all the DLC in this damn game.
Even if there were zero announcements or pr disasters, Destiny threads are always some combination of "I hit level 20 and quit" "I deleted/sold the game and never looked back" "fuck Bungie/Activision" "ten year plan" and of course "500 million dollars". Repeated a thousand times. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

Don't forget saying that people who enjoyed it are mentally ill.
[Call-Me-G];169640363 said:

Lol. After 50 hours playing this game, I've never seen anything EPIC yet.

Beating Hard Atheon for the first time with my clan buddies felt epic to me.

Same thing for Hard Crota. Specially hard crota since it was bugged to hell and back and defeating him was almost impossible.

Also, defeating Skolas legit recently wasn't like epic, but it felt really good as it's a long fight that demands a lot of teamwork.

Edit: But you're right. No single "quest" in this game feels epic. That's only for endgame content and raids.


Activision deals with all the marketing and wording of promotions. I'm really not sure why people are upset with this when we've had video game promotions related to junk food ever since like 2007. But yea let's just keep complaining like this has never happened before.

Bungie is truly the worst.
I don't have a problem with it in most games, but Destiny is a content starved game. A single quest is a pretty large amount of content in the context of what the game has to offer. They can do all of the XP boosts they want, I don't care, but holding back actual content for promotional use in a game that desperately needs more content is gross.


Wow. I had a great time with vanilla Destiny, played for maybe 30 hours, then traded it in. I was considering a day one purchase of TTK since it would get me all the DLC I missed, but man... this kind of crap is tough to stomach.
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