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The thirst is real: a Destiny TTK quest is exclusive to Red Bull (Until Jan 1, 2016)


The XP bonus thing we've seen for ages in other games. Dumb but inconsequential.

A questline tied to a beverage? Sigh. This is the kind of stuff I worried about when Activision was announced as the publisher. Well, not this specific kind of thing. I never really considered the possibility of a beverage-specific quest.

beverage themed quest..that would be pretty great if it had ANYTHING REMOTELY to do with energy drinks.

Caja 117

A game starved for content reserving some content for Red Bull drinkers while the maker of the content charges 40 dollars for the expansion. An expansion that once again also limits the amount of new content for a year to half of its consumer base. People need to stop blaming Activision. This is consistent with how Bungie has always acted.

Destiny is not starving on content, LOL


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Why do you collect XP in games?

Allowing you to achieve something that exists in the game faster does not mean it's providing you more content.

A quest is extra content.

The distinction should be pretty clear.

Caja 117

Allowing you to achieve something that exists in the game faster does not mean it's providing you more content.

A quest is extra content.

The distinction should be pretty clear.

Buying the redbull only get you faster to the Quest as the quest is timed exclusive, no?
The XP bonus thing we've seen for ages in other games. Dumb but inconsequential.

A questline tied to a beverage? Sigh. This is the kind of stuff I worried about when Activision was announced as the publisher. Well, not this specific kind of thing. I never really considered the possibility of a beverage-specific quest.

That would've been an odd thing to predict, that's true.

"Activision? Shit, better prepare to drink Red Bull."


Gold Member
Normally I wouldn't have a problem with this, but the base game and the dlc content that Bungie put out for this game so far has been lacking.

Now they're locking content behind what I can only really describe as a marketing paywall. As a person who owns the XB1 version, we also get the benefit of another strike being locked away from us for what looks like to be a year. At least that's what I interpreted during the Sony press conference.


Why not just sell the items in-world for real cash? Why force us to leave the game world, leave our homes, hop in our cars, drive 10-15 mins, hit up 711 with real cash, drive back home, log in, enter code, play game?
How labor intensive is that?
I work in parking, deal with getting validation programs up and running for retailers that have a parking structure connected to their retail property. If I ever offer a solution like that to any of my clients they would look at me like I was stupid!
You are asking the end user to do too much to get rewarded.


Allowing you to achieve something that exists in the game faster does not mean it's providing you more content.

A quest is extra content.

The distinction should be pretty clear.

SPOT THE JUNIOR, I mean person who has no understanding of what content means.

EDIT: referring to Broony's angry comment to be clear.


I don't know how I feel about these kinds of promotions. A bit slimy I guess. I'm just disappointed this expansion is $40. I suppose there must be a lot, a lot more than what was given in the previous two. House of Wolves was pretty big, at least it feels that way to me, and was only $20. They at least made an effort to tell a coherent story and present new characters, though I don't think anyone would claim the story they told was rich and the new characters compelling.

Caja 117

I said starved for content. And it is. In a huge way.

Compared to What? Ground Zeroes? The ORder? Ryse? Or You want to compare it agasint a game like Wow? FF14 which you pay a monthly fee? Yeah, The game is not starved for content based on what you are paying for.
Destiny is not starving on content, LOL
Oh yeah it is, there's maybe 12 hours in Destiny tops if you skip the repitition compared to 'pay to play' MMOs like Guild Wars it is tragically light. I bought into the repition but to say a quest line that might take a half hour to an hour is nothing is to say both DLCs were a rip off (two hours tops for those).

Compared to What? Ground Zeroes? The ORder? Ryse? Or You want to compare it agasint a game like or Wow? FF14 which you pat a monthly fee? Yeah, The game is not starved for content based on what you are paying for.
Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2 take a pick both had far more content than Destiny + both DLCs


semen stains the mountaintops
And the quest will be in the game for you on launch, but you won't unlock it until you either enter a code or wait until the first of January.

So instead of playing 4 matches to unlock that gun I now have to play 2 matches. This is the same to you as forcing people to buy a can of Redbull or make them wait four months?

You really don't see a difference between these 2 scenarios?

CAR105 3

Making people wait to play actual game content for a promotion is annoying. But at least at the bare minimum it goes to everyone in a time after. Versus before which was "never".

Sgt. Johnson is STILL locked away for everyone in ODST. Since 2009.

I have Johnson unlocked, but I really hate pre-order bonuses like this that lockout content forever


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
And the quest will be in the game for you on launch, but you won't unlock it until you either enter a code or wait until the first of January.

How generous of them.

I think the phrase "Destiny consumers are used to paying a premium for downloadable content similar to this quest" tells you all you need to know about how their view their fan base.

I'll leave it at that as clearly we won't be reaching any kind of agreement.
Oh yeah it is, there's maybe 12 hours in Destiny tops if you skip the repitition compared to 'pay to play' MMOs like Guild Wars it is tragically light. I bought into the repition but to say a quest line that might take a half hour to an hour is nothing is to say both DLCs were a rip off (two hours tops for those).

Both Guild Wars games are Buy to Play (Pay to Play denotes a subscription) and your time estimates for the questline content in both DLCs for Destiny are short by a quite a decent margin.

Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2 take a pick both had far more content than Destiny + both DLCs

GW and GW2 are so completely different from Destiny in so many ways that this comparison is really poor. The only thing the games have in common are some RPG and MMO mechanics. Literally everything else about the games is completely different.


Neo Member

Check this info snipet ( from reddit).
Bungie and Activision deserve all the hate for the way they treat their fanbase.
Access to an exclusive multi-stage quest within the game that is unlike anything that exists elsewhere, including stages that mirror Red Bull's brand traits of adventure, fun and camaraderie.

Red Bull confirms it: Destiny lacks adventure, fun and camaraderie.


So instead of playing 4 matches to unlock that gun I now have to play 2 matches. This is the same to you as forcing people to buy a can of Redbull or make them wait four months?

You really don't see a difference between these 2 scenarios?

It makes something unlock quicker. Something you will eventually get anyway. Its not something important or significant. Its a little quest.


How generous of them.

I think the phrase "Destiny consumers are used to paying a premium for downloadable content similar to this quest" tells you all you need to know about how their view their fan base.

I'll leave it at that as clearly we won't be reaching any kind of agreement.

Cool. enjoy your day.

Caja 117

Oh yeah it is, there's maybe 12 hours in Destiny tops if you skip the repitition compared to 'pay to play' MMOs like Guild Wars it is tragically light. I bought into the repition but to say a quest line that might take a half hour to an hour is nothing is to say both DLCs were a rip off (two hours tops for those).

Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2 take a pick both had far more content than Destiny + both DLCs

So Witcher 3, So does Fallout, Do does Skyrim, different games will have different amount of Playtime, at the end, Starved on content is an incorrect definition applied to a game like Destiny, When You have a multiplayer PvP component and the social co-op aspect which most console games dont have.


Destiny has entered the realm of self parody. As someone who played for hundreds of hours I ain't even mad. This is hilarious.
Both Guild Wars games are Buy to Play (Pay to Play denotes a subscription) and your time estimates for the questline content in both DLCs for Destiny are short by a quite a decent margin.
No difference in the model for GW or Destiny, you buy a game, you play as often as you want for no more cash, both include SP and MP content, both have raids, both have world events.Just one has far more content for the $60 than the other.

Nope finished all SP content in HoW in two hours last night. Sure there's PoE and MP (don't care for PvP) but those are inherently mechanical repeatable experiences so you get as much out as you put in but in unique content terms, two hours.


formerly Oynox Slider
AAA publisher uses AAA publisher marketing strategy.


More importantly. Are pre orders up for the Red Bull yet?

I don't even know what to say anymore at this point.

I genuinely feel that Bungie are just taking the piss right out of me and laughing while doing so.

For someone who was super excited about playing their first ever Bungie game, what a major disappointment.


Check this info snipet ( from reddit).
Bungie and Activision deserve all the hate for the way they treat their fanbase.

I mean look at the wording there, the tone used. It basically echo's Luke Smiths attitude during the Eurogamer interview. It's a common theme of what Bungie thinks of their userbase.

It's disgusting.

Then, and I hope I'm wrong, I bet this is US exclusive, so on top of being regarded as pos by Bungie, on top of being gouged by Bungie, on top of being made to feel like a fucking idiot by Bungie, on top of paying 50% in the UK for TTK by Bungie, we still don't get the full package in the UK.

What a fucking disgusting company.

Microsoft should have kept them.

I will never buy another Bungie game. Any good will I had for them is gone. I've had enough.
So Witcher 3, So does Fallout, Do does Skyrim, different games will have different amount of Playtime, at the end, Starved on content is an incorrect definition applied to a game like Destiny, When You have a multiplayer PvP component and the social co-op aspect which most console games dont have.

Your willingness to replay the content does not make it count twice or three times or dozens of times over.

Caja 117

Your willingness to replay the content does not make it count twice or three times or dozens of times over.

Then no game is bigger than another game as you are basically repeating everything over and over, so far I spent x amount of hours on Witcher 3 Killing the same types of enemies over and over and over. how is this different from playing PvP against different players over and over and over? Just because you dont like a particular part of the game doesnt mean is not part of the content of the game.
No difference in the model for GW or Destiny, you buy a game you at as often as you want for no more cash, both include SP and MP content, both have raids, both have world events.Just one has far more content for the $60 than the other.

Nope finished all SP content in HoW in two hours last night. Sure there's PoE and MP (don't care for PvP) but those are inherently mechanical repeatable experiences so you get as much out as you put in but in unique content terms, two hours.

There's inherent differences in the model in that GW and GW2 allow players to buy cosmetics directly. Arena Net also didn't have to build to 4 different spec machines each with different strengths and weaknesses which don't allow the end user to adjust settings on their end to account for shortcomings, nor does Anet have to pass QC and pay money to those machines manufacturers anytime they patch to add or fix content.

The marketing strategies may be similar (not the same as Destiny has no cosmetic purchases with which to profit from) but the actual details that would help or hinder content creation and delivery are very different in addition to the fact that the very way the games are designed changes the amount of content that can reasonably be delivered at launch. If you're going to ignore that then where are the complaints that Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Halo, CoD, or even Tell Tale games don't offer the same amount of content as the average MMO does at launch?

Edit: And if you finished all the HoW content in only 2 hours, you must have some Dev-only weapon or something. Playing that content solo, blind, does not get cleared in only 2 hours. Something like 5 Quests, a set of Bounties and a Strike (as the strike needs to be completed to complete the quest line). The strike alone is 30 minutes. Bounties require you to wait for a Public Event to pop before you can do those. And a Quests isn't always just a single mission.


Then no game is bigger than another game as you are basically repeating everything over and over, so far I spent x amount of hours on Witcher 3 Killing the same types of enemies over and over and over. how is this different from playing PvP against different players over and over and over?

Jesus christ


Splatoon Amiibos unlock like 20 on-disc special missions, right? Is Destiny-Bull Quest worse? GAF sure acts like it.
That's an actual gaming related product you can use in multiple games, or something you keep as a collectable. Red Bull has nothing to do with gaming and it's kind of embarrassing. Yes, they somehow made something more embarrassing than a squid toy.


Then no game is bigger than another game as you are basically repeating everything over and over, so far I spent x amount of hours on Witcher 3 Killing the same types of enemies over and over and over. how is this different from playing PvP against different players over and over and over? Just because you dont like a particular part of the game doesnt mean is not part of the content of the game.
If you can't tell the difference, you're in too deep.


Then no game is bigger than another game as you are basically repeating everything over and over, so far I spent x amount of hours on Witcher 3 Killing the same types of enemies over and over and over. how is this different from playing PvP against different players over and over and over? Just because you dont like a particular part of the game doesnt mean is not part of the content of the game.

If you can't tell the difference, then good for you. You must get endless replay value out of a cup and a ball.
What constitutes "unethical" when it comes to marketing? Marketing, by definition, is trying to get you to buy something.

Her Story is five dollars, was mostly made by one dude, and has next to no marketing.

well i'm not an expert but i would bet trying to persuade gamers to consume an unhealthy product (that has nothing to do with the game) so that the makers of that product profit is surely unethical. i can't convince myself otherwise no matter what kind of mental gymnastics i try.

what if it was a pack of Marlboro? this isn't too far from that. you know they'd do that too if they could.
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