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The thirst is real: a Destiny TTK quest is exclusive to Red Bull (Until Jan 1, 2016)


Is it real content or cross promotional bullshit shoe horned into the game. We don't know that. Where is the playstation exclusivity outrage, the kind that continues with TTK? Oh wait, this is GAF.

It's not any one thing, it's the culmination of things.

At release it was exclusivity, gated content.

The same old "oh we ran out of time" so the game is only a 1/4 of what was represented, come to find out much of DLC content was already shipped with game.

DLC packs were thin on content, thick on bugs and exploits dressed up with the exact same assets as original with the added bonus of running through the same game.....backwards. Squeeeee!

Game has a couple of "Win Buttons" for PvE and PvP that Bungie just can't seem to find the time to address. In fact, they cant seem to find the time to address a lot of things, ie, unplug Crota content (sword bearers), plug in HoW content (prowling wolves) but don't bother to remove/change associated bounties. In this case paid HoW content replaces paid TDB content.

Announce TTK and again show the same approach. The ketch in TTK is new area, though I'd wager the interior will be very familiar. Now tell players because different NPCs instruct you to go to the new area for different reasons, each time you go to the new area it's new content because you are there at someone else's request.

Also, different colors, resized mobs = new content. Because red mobs are so last DLC, need to buy the new DLC for the now in fashion green mobs.

Now throw in the eurogamer interview, red bull stuff.

Factor in Bungie's PR Deej saying that long time players will have even better stuff, you'll just have to wait for the weekly briefing!! Bullshit, he bought them time to try and figure out what that will be. Bungie had no intention of doing anything along those lines.

Have other games done similar, if not identical things? Sure, but few have checked all the "piss on your customer's shoe and tell them it's raining boxes" like Bungie has. They've even upped the ante a bit with a healthy dash of smugness.

Destiny had good will with fan base, good release timing, epic advertising budget and pissed it all away. People will still play, they will still make money hats but not as much as they could have, especially with destiny 2.
Beating Hard Atheon for the first time with my clan buddies felt epic to me.

Same thing for Hard Crota. Specially hard crota since it was bugged to hell and back and defeating him was almost impossible.

Also, defeating Skolas legit recently wasn't like epic, but it felt really good as it's a long fight that demands a lot of teamwork.

Edit: But you're right. No single "quest" in this game feels epic. That's only for endgame content and raids.

Was gonna quote you before your edit, but we're on the same page. The Raids in Destiny were great--I wish the regular strikes/missions took more inspiration from them in terms of going outside of the "go here, shoot, press button, repeat" design.
Not trying to defend here but i assume this exclusive quest is going to be something extremely gimmicky and not worth the uproar, the taken king fiasco on the other hand is not over yet. Back to the redbull quest i imagine its going to be something short and silly like the one queen mission that has you use a turret to kill enemies. I imagine there will be some jump you will have to make with your sparrow and if you make it you win...i cant imagine there is any depth to this quest.



April 14 - " I haven't bought a season pasS since. Probably won't ever again. I don't even have Destiny installed anymore. What a waste"

How many times are you going to uninstall Destiny?

That's pretty funny.

No, that would be this

That's also pretty funny.

On topic: yeah, this is getting pretty silly. I enjoy Destiny, especially since I have a group of friends that all get together and do stuff in Destiny, but we're starting to look at trying different games that we can all play together. PS2 and Driveclub couldn't come at a better time.


really glad I got off the treadmill with this game a few months back

I don't feel like I've missed anything, and their practices have been completely gross


i actually like red bull so if any of you caffeine/redbull haters just want the code, you can pay for my redbull and ill PM you the code lol


I have no problem whatsoever buying a can of red bull to get a free destiny mission. The outrage at every single destiny update is getting so tiring though.


Gold Member
You know what. Fuck this game and Activision. I am fucking done with it. I was even thinking of buying the xpac. I haven't played it since right before house of wolves and I sure as hell won't be playing it now. Even though I don't need the space on my Xbox one I'm going to uninstall it out of principal.

How the mighty have fallen, this is worse fall from grace than when Bioware went to EA.


Bet you Bungie is regretting that deal with Activision now.

They both deserve all the bad press they are getting now.

- i bet bungie is going to sell destiny 2 just fine
- i bet people will buy red bull the same
- i bet bungie made a ton of money with activision and is looking forward to making more

you, me, and the other angry gaffers/redditers are like a drop in the bucket of the 3million daily user base
sigh. I'm not that happy with Destiny in the first place, but I do have good times playing with friends just doing stuff despite all the flaws. I don't even mind paying money for a decent expansion, though $40 is steep, $30 seems more appropriate if it is indeed half the games original content in size. This is just overkill, so weird to keep splitting up your expansion into other things you have to buy when you're already charging $40 for it.

It reminds me of all those pre-order bonuses that are exclusive to each retailer, it really rubs me the wrong way. Oh well. Not getting the Red Bull unless it's been one of those long nights from my screaming kids.
- i bet bungie is going to sell destiny 2 just fine
- i bet people will buy red bull the same
- i bet bungie made a ton of money with activision and is looking forward to making more

you, me, and the other angry gaffers/redditers are like a drop in the bucket of the 3million daily user base

This is very true, and kinda makes me sad.


So if I want everything that this dlc has to offer, then I need to buy the collectors edition at $60 after purchasing the full game AND a red bull for $4? Fuck off Activision and bungie. Hopefully they'll learn their lesson for destiny 2, but it'll probably be just the opposite. If anything, they're learning that people will pay any sum of money regardless of how they actively try to screw the consumer.
Buy Red Bull, get a quest. And items that increase XP.


Long as it doesn't affect PVP or alter the meat of the game in any way I don't really give a shit. I'd laugh at a fool wearing a Red Bull shader, or flying a Red Bull ship. Maybe it'll be a ghost skin.


So if I want everything that this dlc has to offer, then I need to buy the collectors edition at $60 after purchasing the full game AND a red bull for $4? Fuck off Activision and bungie. Hopefully they'll learn their lesson for destiny 2, but it'll probably be just the opposite. If anything, they're learning that people will pay any sum of money regardless of how they actively try to screw the consumer.

The Physical Collectors edition was sold out day 1.... so yeah... the consumers are telling Bungie/Activision that this is OK


I don't have a problem with it in most games, but Destiny is a content starved game. A single quest is a pretty large amount of content in the context of what the game has to offer. They can do all of the XP boosts they want, I don't care, but holding back actual content for promotional use in a game that desperately needs more content is gross.

Is it fuck. If you had played the game you would know that the quests in destiny, usually last about ten minutes. Its fuck all. Its fucking nothing.

Besides, its supposed to be timed until January, so everyone gets it anyway.

Destiny and Destiny: The Taken King required to access Quest, sold separately. Quest exclusive to Red Bull promotion 9/18/15 – 12/31/15. No code required to access quest after 1/1/16. Destiny required to use Bonus XP, sold separately. Code for Bonus XP must be redeemed by 7/31/16.

Internet drama about fucking nothing,.

Nobody remember this:


or this:


Or any other promotion from the last 5 years?

One interview, which came across badly, probably because tone of voice and perception hasn't come across when transcribed, and suddenly every little kid who usually shits up every destiny thread, is going fucking mental with fake outrage over anything related to the game.

Spot the fucking junior.


I think of all the effort and money involved. New cans, a world's worth of promotional materials, display stands, millions of man hours and excutives clucking in big meeting rooms.

This is a metaphor for the human race; how we waste time and resources. How we waste the earth. For absolutely nothing of value. The promotion reminds me how pitifully pointless our civilization can become. Was that their point?
Was gonna quote you before your edit, but we're on the same page. The Raids in Destiny were great--I wish the regular strikes/missions took more inspiration from them in terms of going outside of the "go here, shoot, press button, repeat" design.

Agreed. What I mean is this quest is probably type of stupid mission nobody wants to repeat after they done it once. It's not like this is the mission that "turns" destiny's story around.

In short, the game has a lot of issues, this promo being a very uninportant one. The pricing stuff is way more important.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Is it fuck. If you had played the game you would know that the quests in destiny, usually last about ten minutes. Its fuck all. Its fucking nothing.

Besides, its supposed to be timed until January, so everyone gets it anyway.


Internet drama about fucking nothing,.

Nobody remember this:


or this:


Or any other promotion from the last 5 years?

One interview, which came across badly, probably because tone of voice and perception hasn't come across when transcribed, and suddenly every little kid who usually shits up every destiny thread, is going fucking mental with fake outrage over anything related to the game.

Spot the fucking junior.

Neither of these seems to give you quest content.
Is it fuck. If you had played the game you would know that the quests in destiny, usually last about ten minutes. Its fuck all. Its fucking nothing.

Internet drama about fucking nothing,.

One interview, which came across badly, probably because tone of voice and perception hasn't come across when transcribed, and suddenly every little kid who usually shits up every destiny thread, is going fucking mental with fake outrage over anything related to the game.

Spot the fucking junior.

I dont think the open hostility you're displaying is really necessary, it's fine that you dont agree with certain people but there must be a better way of doing it.

Back on topic, curious to see if all the negative press Bungie is getting recently will make them rethink things or if they're going to just plow ahead with it.
The fuck does that matter? You get a exo suit in one that gets you different abilities, and XP in the other. It changes the game. Its content.

I didn't play much of AW, but I thought all exo suits were the same? Your abilities only change through different perks/loadouts IIRC


Is it fuck. If you had played the game you would know that the quests in destiny, usually last about ten minutes. Its fuck all. Its fucking nothing.

Besides, its supposed to be timed until January, so everyone gets it anyway.


Internet drama about fucking nothing,.

Nobody remember this:


or this:


Or any other promotion from the last 5 years?

One interview, which came across badly, probably because tone of voice and perception hasn't come across when transcribed, and suddenly every little kid who usually shits up every destiny thread, is going fucking mental with fake outrage over anything related to the game.

Spot the fucking junior.

Neither of those games are Bungie. This thread is about how low and shitty Bungie has gotten, not if a similar promotion has happened before.
ugh, i'm starting to feel a little dirty ever having bought this game (digital too, can't resell, fucking idiot me)...

i need to cleanse my soul. whats a good game released recently that had zero or close to zero unethical marketing? maybe Bloodborne or Witcher 3? Witcher 3 at least will have substantial free DLC right? and it already has a ridiculous amount of content compared to Destiny. i think i'll buy it. but first i'll finish Bloodborne.
Beating Hard Atheon for the first time with my clan buddies felt epic to me.

Same thing for Hard Crota. Specially hard crota since it was bugged to hell and back and defeating him was almost impossible.

Also, defeating Skolas legit recently wasn't like epic, but it felt really good as it's a long fight that demands a lot of teamwork.

Edit: But you're right. No single "quest" in this game feels epic. That's only for endgame content and raids.

The first time I did the array on Earth felt epic. Huge satélite building in the background. Hive boomships dumping rounds of enemies. Same for recent quests. Especially when we
reach the top of venus!!

Neither of those games are Bungie. This thread is about how low and shitty Bungie has gotten, not if a similar promotion has happened before. But I guess casuals gotta casual.

Publisher makes the calls on Cross Promo like this. So Halo 4 shows that MS is willing to do it and CoD shows that it's a common Activision promotional tactic.

This topic in particular shouldn't be about Bungie directly but people are already mad at Bungie for other reasons and the internet loves a pile on.

Caja 117

I dont think the open hostility you're displaying is really necessary, it's fine that you dont agree with certain people but there must be a better way of doing it.

Back on topic, curious to see if all the negative press Bungie is getting recently will make them rethink things or if they're going to just plow ahead with it.

As long as the game keep selling how it is, why would they?

With all due respect to anyone who is outraged, concerned or is been vocal about it, I personally don't care what Bungie/activision say or Do, as a Player is not affecting the time I spend inside the game, is not like if Im paying 30 Dollars for a short demo.


ugh, i'm starting to feel a little dirty ever having bought this game (digital too, can't resell, fucking idiot me)...

i need to cleanse my soul. whats a good game released recently that had zero or close to zero unethical marketing? maybe Bloodborne or Witcher 3? Witcher 3 at least will have substantial free DLC right? and it already has a ridiculous amount of content compared to Destiny. i think i'll buy it. but first i'll finish Bloodborne.

What constitutes "unethical" when it comes to marketing? Marketing, by definition, is trying to get you to buy something.

Her Story is five dollars, was mostly made by one dude, and has next to no marketing.



Neither of those games are Bungie. This thread is about how low and shitty Bungie has gotten, not if a similar promotion has happened before. But I guess casuals gotta casual.

1. Who do you think runs the marketing and promotional tie-ins? Bungie or Activision?

2. How much control do you think Bungie has over third party promotions?

3. Who do you think sets the pricing for game and DLC releases? The developer or the publisher?

Naïve gotta naïve.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
The fuck does that matter? You get a exo suit in one that gets you different abilities, and XP in the other. It changes the game. Its content.

How does XP change the game?



That gif is amazing.

So how does it work? you buy a can of red bull, punch in the code for the bonus XP then when TTK comes out if you got an XP boost from Red Bull you get the missions too?

Is there a separate code? I can get red bull relatively cheap sometimes and could pick up a few cans to distribute codes.

I don't think the timing of this announcement could be worse given the EG interview. I don't envy Deej's job right now.


As I said earlier, this makes it even worse IMO. It seems like it was content that was supposed to be included but instead it's held back unless you spend even more money on an unrelated product to unlock it early.

This is pretty scummy.
If I have a choice between

A) only being able to access something by paying extra, or

B) being able to wait 3 months for access to get it for free, or also being able to pay extra to get it right away

I'm going to be happier with Option B, especially because I'm pretty tight on cash right now. I'm not naive enough to think that Bungie and Activision won't be brokering marketing deals for some of this, so the idea of being able to wait it out is fine by me.

But for some people this will be a matter of principle. That's fine, really, so long as people understand the operational difference between "I'm okay with this concession of theoretical principles of consumerism" and "I am a corporate slave and love to be taken advantage of by greedy monocle-wearing capitalist pigs." I think it's totally great that if you don't like this action, you can stop playing Destiny or speak out or whatever. But it's the blanket shit-talking and the false dichotomy of "you're either with us or against us" that has left me with such a bitter taste for any sort of Destiny thread here (or the Internet in general on any topic, really).

Edit: re: timing of this announcement, part of me thinks that this is why DeeJ decided to punt and wait for the weekly update before responding to this media explosion over Destiny's (admittedly pretty hefty) shortcomings!


I'm sure Bungie has the final say so. I blame them just as much as Activision.

That level of naivetè is... impressive.

You can blame Bungie for making a deal with the devil in the first place. But they would have virtually no say in marketing shit like this.


The XP bonus thing we've seen for ages in other games. Dumb but inconsequential.

A questline tied to a beverage? Sigh. This is the kind of stuff I worried about when Activision was announced as the publisher. Well, not this specific kind of thing. I never really considered the possibility of a beverage-specific quest.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
"Stages that mirror red bulls brand traits"

Groan. Is there anything more soul-crushing than marketingspeak?


I see no problem here... it is just a mission and for a period of time... I don't see a big deal here.

A game starved for content reserving some content for Red Bull drinkers while the maker of the content charges 40 dollars for the expansion. An expansion that once again also limits the amount of new content for a year to half of its consumer base. People need to stop blaming Activision. This is consistent with how Bungie has always acted.
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