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The Witcher 3 Expansion Pass announced - $25


you speak so well
I was wondering this exact thing. You're not hallucinating - CD Projekt Red said they would release 16 DLC packs for free across all systems. Guess that has changed.

They made it pretty clear that those 16 DLC packs were really minor things like weapons and skins while bigger content (like this) would be paid for.


This doesn't seem like CDPR's decision, making this was probably part of their distribution contract with Bamco.

They never talked about paid DLC prior to release, bah, there weren't even any paid DLCs for the previous games at all.

Now all of a sudden they announce this a month and a half before release of the game.
Lengthy expansions, sounds good. Whatever they said about DLC before will just push them to actually deliver value for money now, so it's a win for us.


extra source of jiggaflops
I like this: "don’t buy it if you have any doubts. Wait for reviews or play The Witcher and see if you like it first."


Worships the porcelain goddess
I don't want to be mad. I am looking forward to this game. So, why does this irk me? I like expansions....but the timing of the announcement annoys me.

Not quite sure how I'm feeling about this. Yay more Witcher! But...


Yes, it will.

EVERYBODY check this out


I'm not out to call CDPR or GAF members hypocrites, I just find it interesting how people's perspectives might change.

EDIT: Wait, there was another thread about this that was a lot longer...

CDProjekt said:
And I'm saying we aren't giving out huge stuff, we aren't giving tens of hours of storyline here, we are giving small bits of pieces that don't cost a lot. And I think people would feel better about our game, and, so, they will enjoy the adventure even more.

No controversy to me, they'll give out weapon DLC or skins for free but the expansion will cost money. Seems fair to me, I think they should have waited till the game came out first to announce this kind of thing though.


When will developers learn to not announce DLC passes well before release.

This fucking industry really need to hold themselves from revealing too much of their work and its future before the game released. I know that they probably already finished with the content of the game and currently undergoing QA process, so this 20 hours expansion is not being cut content from the original to be sold separately. But please, even if this true, it still sound very scummy. It's like asking for more money on a game that you even haven't played yet. The Witcher 3 should big enough for what it is. If someone doesn't hold interest from the start, I don't think announcing shit like this will attract them.


It would've been wiser if they told that after the release. But as long as they make it after they finished development on the main game I'm ok with that.
People should go back and read their statement about free DLC very carefully

This announcenent

Hearts of Stone will take Geralt on an all-new, 10-hour-plus adventure into the wilds of No Man’s Land and the nooks and alleys of Oxenfurt, where he’ll try to complete a contract from the mysterious Man of Glass. Caught in a thick tangle of deceit, Geralt will need all his cunning and strength to solve the mystery and emerge unscathed.

Their statement about free DLC

“Because people just paid full price for our game,” Iwiński responded when we asked why the developer is releasing its next 16 DLC packs for free. “We owe them.”

“Yeah, we are making a statement,” he added. “We, as gamers, would like to be treated this way, 'Hey, give me free DLC.' It doesn't have to be something huge. And I'm saying we aren't giving out huge stuff, we aren't giving tens of hours of storyline here, we are giving small bits of pieces that don't cost a lot. And I think people would feel better about our game, and, so, they will enjoy the adventure even more.


They were already giving everyone a hint of what you would be paying for while telling you about their free DLC strategy.


I guess I am just happy that we are getting what sounds like good old proper expansions. Something to look forward to at the end of the year and for early next year.
I was wondering this exact thing. You're not hallucinating - CD Projekt Red said they would release 16 DLC packs for free across all systems. Guess that has changed.
Nah, that's still free.

Of course you have to be smart. Do you really think they are going to give away something big? Nah, surely the free dlc will be small stuff, like cosmetic skins and a few new items and maybe one or two small quests.


No controversy to me, they'll give out weapon DLC or skins for free but the expansion will cost money. Seems fair to me, I think they should have waited till the game came out first to announce this kind of thing though.
I don't see the controversy either. But watch there be one anyways.
Would be better to announce such "expansion packs" which are not DLC after the game releases.

Do it like Dark Souls 1 and 2. Hopefully Bloodborne soon.
DLC isn't inherrently bad. It's when it's created just to suck more money out of the consumer is when it sucks. An extra 30 hours of content sounds great and this...

While we’re offering the Expansion Pass now, we want to make one thing clear: don’t buy it if you have any doubts. Wait for reviews or play The Witcher and see if you like it first. As always, it’s your call,” Iwiński concludes.

...is a really honest and proper way to speak to fans. Not trying to shove it down your throat like MKX or every other game.


When will developers learn to not announce DLC passes well before release.

Why can't developers have a long term plan for their games? It's pretty expensive to make a game, why not plan ahead and let the costumers know what they're working on? It is not like this is something removed from the main game? Usually this way of working will keep the script writers occupied when they're finish working on the main game, and then CD projekt red don't have to fire them.


To be honest EA did better job with DA:I DLC announcement/release. All happened in 2 days and it was surprise reveal. Only bad thing was that timed exclusivity.


Would have hoped for something with someone else as Main Character. Like Ciri or Triss.
Already seems a bit like a wasted chance that way.

Also the last time i heard someone talk that way about their expansions was Skyrim, and those were not only super bad (the writing was unbelievable bad even for Bethesda standards), but also managed to make the base game worse with those stupid Vampire Atacks! And cultists that were brought in the main Game.....always disbale them on PC. Let's hope CD Project do better.


I got fucked once buying the digital expansion for Destiny so ill wait until it releases and if im still in the mood to play more of The Witcher in October then ill buy it. Its tough though because if the game really is as long as they say then I might be burnt out on it by then.
I don't want to be mad. I am looking forward to this game. So, why does this irk me? I like expansions....but the timing of the announcement annoys me.

Not quite sure how I'm feeling about this. Yay more Witcher! But...
Pretty much how I feel about this. I have no doubt the base game will be feature complete and these expansions should be more than worth their price tag, not to mention it's obvious CDPR is already working on something else since the game should be pretty much done now, but it's still annoying to hear this a month before release.


30+ hour worth of content? that sounds more like an expansion to me, seems fair to charge for that. I see no problem here..


Unconfirmed Member
Sounds like I can wait for the inevitable Witcher 3: GOTY edtion or DLC included version that comes out a year or so later, then. I guess that's ok. I do have my hands full with Pillars of Eternity for the forseeable future.
Yep will be buying this at launch. No regrets either.

I like expansions to my games personally. Its one thing when they are small and just designed to only milk consumers but the stuff for Skyrim was 100% worth it. If its bigger than that or around the same size fine with me

Demon Ice

Gonna get it. CDPR are a truly quality dev, and more Witcher is never a bad thing, especially since these seem to be actual, meaningful expansions with a good amount of new content.


For what its worth Destiny's downloadable content was also labeled as "Expansions".

I'm taking this with a huge ass grain of salt.



Did you read that article? They specifically state "small" dlc.

"Marcin Iwiński tells IGN that the developer is releasing 16 free The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt downloadable post-launch content packs to make a statement against the “steeply priced” paid DLC economy."

"And I'm saying we aren't giving out huge stuff, we aren't giving tens of hours of storyline here, we are giving small bits of pieces that don't cost a lot. And I think people would feel better about our game, and, so, they will enjoy the adventure even more."

He doesn't say anywhere they arn't charging for DLC, just not charging for the small stuff.


The article title was totally misleading if you read the content. He only ever said that *small things* shouldn't be charged for.

Yet it's always perception that matters most, isn't it? I had a feeling this PR ploy would backfire on them.

To be fair, it's only backfiring on self-entitled brats who somehow think that 30 hours worth of expansion content should be included in an already massive $60 game.

Everything here is completely reasonable. People are insane to question this. They're basically just promising expansions down the line. And one of them nearly a year out. It's clearly not stuff that they're holding back.

Or do people suddenly hate Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls too now?


Destiny has soured the concept of an expansion pass. Let us hope CDPR is one of many developers that will actually deliver on the once beloved term "expansion".
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