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The Witcher 3 Expansion Pass announced - $25

Anyone angry about this has been too busy reading headlines and not busy enough actually listening to what they've said over the years. Even in the Witcher 2 days they said anything RPG expansion sized would be paid content. They never got around to making one for Witcher 2 though.

Waiting until after release probably would have been good though. Then again, Pillars of Eternity mentioned working on expansions a month or so before release too so maybe they were just following suit.

On the bright side, one expansion using Oxenfurt, and featuring characters "both new and dearly missed" sure sounds like people looking for it will finally get their Shani fix.
Yeah. Bioware charges $15-20 for about 3-5 hours of content. That's why I usually wait for half-price DLC from them. Anyone know how long the Jaws DLC is for Dragon Age?

10 and 20 hour expansions are pretty meaty.

While true, I'm never crazy about a vast, 50-200 hour game (assuming their claims are true) that cost me $60 offering additional content that covers a much smaller area/time for say, half the cost of the full game (which I'd wager this pass will be).


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Jesus Christ on a stick, so many people who equate DLC with full blown expansion packs that add new world regions. CDPR said times and times again that they'd absolutely charge for that kind of expansion packs.

For those that missed the initial signs I'd say the disappointment stems from this being a change from the "Enhanced Edition" updates that, while smaller (4 hours or so of campaign-expanding content), were provided for free, and then there's the fact that the 16 free pieces of DLC currently look to be all fluff. The former coupled with CDPR's initial non-committal stance on pricing is what leads me to believe that charging for these expansions wasn't CDPR's decision in the end, with my guess being it would have preferred to see the matter dictated by sales -- if they were below expectations, then charge for the DLC in an attempt to close the deficit, but if not, then use it to reward existing owners and entice future purchases from the more hesitant.


Not sure why people are so surprised by this, they always said the expansions with large content wouldn't be free. The small DLC stuff is free.

This. It's good to see that CDProjekt and other devs still see the value in releasing quality expansion content post-release, rather than deeming them non-profitable and thrusting bite-sized, overpriced dlcs down peoples throats. Bring on the expansion I say.


Taking preorders before showing the game to the public? "Take all my money!"
Making 20 hours expansions? "How fucking dare you..."
DLC/expansion tomato/tomato. It's literally the exact same thing, simply referring to method of distribution. And as has always been from the start DLC/expansions are only as valuable as the content found within and pricing, which is always a case by case basis. There's amazing DLC, and there's abhorrent DLC, both with varying sizes and prices.

And so, assuming that I am satisfied with and enjoy The Witcher 3, I am happy to pay a reasonable price for sizable, enjoyable supplementing content.

Exactly. If these expansions end up being as meaty as they are described there should be zero issue with charging for it. Its not like its free for CDProjekt Red to make them. If they are truly large scale content they have to pay a decently sized staff to make it.

All the smaller stuff we are getting for free anyways, which is MUCH better than almost any other dev out there right now.


Well, hopefully they're good sized expansions, if they really are 20+ hours, then I'm on board. I've pre-ordered the game on both PS4 and PC, so I'm still 100% in for it regardless, and have no doubt the main game's content alone with justify the purchases.
They didn't lie at all




Announcing this ahead of release seems really strange. I don't even know if the game is good yet. I loved the other two, but the open worldiness and the procedural generation of the world has me worried. Definitely not going in on this until after I play the game.
Wait.... so CDPR makes a 10 hour expansion and a 20 hour expansion ontop of an already 50+ hour game and some people in this thread expect it to be free???

Get a grip. This is the Video Game Business, keyword Business. There are staff members who have families to feed and spend hours upon hours working on content getting ready for launch.

The game is huge already, you don't "need" these expansions to play the game.... The audacity of some comments here is maddening....

GAF is funny. The other day there was a thread that was begging for DLC to be included in Bloodborne and all the posts seemed positive. Now look at the reactions in here, just wow.

People don't know what they want. The phrase never rang so true.


Excellent news.
Getting told in advance there well be a couple of hefty expansions coming is is a good thing imo.



Fuck season passes. Charge people for expansions when they're ready and they can make an informed decision.
Whoa, they told us exactly what content we get with the expansion pack and how long each expansion is. Are they allowed to do that?
While true, I'm never crazy about a vast, 50-200 hour game (assuming their claims are true) that cost me $60 offering additional content that covers a much smaller area/time for say, half the cost of the full game (which I'd wager this pass will be).

Which would still be be a better value than greater than 90% of the DLC released today. Using a game's length like that that way overdelivers on typical value as an argument against DLC prices seems unfair to the developer IMO. In any event, you can always just wait for a price drop on the DLC when it meets your value requirements.

Announcing this ahead of release seems really strange. I don't even know if the game is good yet. I loved the other two, but the open worldiness and the procedural generation of the world has me worried. Definitely not going in on this until after I play the game.

Perhaps it is part of their strategy to both gauge interest in expansions and also get people to buy a game they know will get supported post release since it has no MP component.
Lol at the people complaining. The Witcher 3 still looks insanely good and seems to have insane value. I almost never get games on day one, but I will be getting Witcher 3 as soon as it launches, and if I like it as much as I think I will, I'll definitely be getting the expansions.


I'm okay with this. Bioware has been releasing crappy 15$ DLCs for years. I'm sure these expansions will have a lot of content. But I think they should have waited after the release of the game.

Announcing this ahead of release seems really strange. I don't even know if the game is good yet. I loved the other two, but the open worldiness and the procedural generation of the world has me worried. Definitely not going in on this until after I play the game.

GameStop advised every publisher to do this because they're super good at selling season passes to people at launch.

This is why every game has one announced before release.


Worships the porcelain goddess
There's a humongous difference between Bungie and CD Projekt Red though.

I know what you mean by this but...

One has the biggest launch of a new IP in the history of games and the other has The Witcher series.

GameStop advised every publisher to do this because they're super good at selling season passes to people at launch.

This is why every game has one announced before release.

This is absolutely 100% dead on correct. It's a retail based move. And GameStop is really good at selling passes.


Announcing this ahead of release seems really strange. I don't even know if the game is good yet. I loved the other two, but the open worldiness and the procedural generation of the world has me worried. Definitely not going in on this until after I play the game.

Isn't this just basic business sense though?

I know what you mean by this but...

One has the biggest launch of a new IP in the history of games and the other has The Witcher series.

Pretty much. Bungie counted on their name to sell Destiny and the "expansion pass" which it did. CDProjekt still hasn't reached those numbers or even Bioware numbers so they have to actually deliver on their content. Horrible I know.


Also it should be noted that they're being upfront with what is being included with the expansion pass. Often, it is never stated what you get with the expansion pass, only that it is a "good deal".


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
GAF is funny. The other day there was a thread that was begging for DLC to be included in Bloodborne and all the posts seemed positive. Now look at the reactions in here, just wow.

You have to announce it afterwards, because that matters somehow.


It's like some of you have never even played an expansion.

Are you really surprised? When I think expansions, I think of ones for old school PC games. Not exactly something a lot of people around here have experience with as opposed to consoles and your average DLC.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Announcing this ahead of release seems really strange. I don't even know if the game is good yet. I loved the other two, but the open worldiness and the procedural generation of the world has me worried. Definitely not going in on this until after I play the game.

This is how I feel too. They should have waited before announcing this.


This. It's good to see that CDProjekt and other devs still see the value in releasing quality expansion content post-release, rather than deeming them non-profitable and thrusting bite-sized, overpriced dlcs down peoples throats. Bring on the expansion I say.

this... there is a very clear distinction between an expansion and DLC. anyone who has been gaming before the 7th generation of consoles would know.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Announcing this ahead of release seems really strange. I don't even know if the game is good yet. I loved the other two, but the open worldiness and the procedural generation of the world has me worried. Definitely not going in on this until after I play the game.

This is by far the smartest attitude to have, and I mean, it's laid out in the PR. I could understand people getting pissy about day one pre-order DLC bullshit, but Hearts of Stone won't be available until months after launch, and Blood and Wine won't hit until next year.

For those wary of content value and/or enjoyment of The Witcher 3 design and/or fear of burning out on the main game's content; just don't bother buying. You gain nothing from buying now. Hell, you might gain a discount if you wait, and you'll make a more educated decision later down the track.


All I care to know now is: Where in the progression of the story/"character level" do these expansions fit? I'd hate to finish the game and find that expansion A is really best experienced early on in Geralt's development.



Fuck season passes. Charge people for expansions when they're ready and they can make an informed decision.

But it when it's ready and you can make an informed opinion?

These passes are shitty i wholeheartedly agree but they don't rob you of choice.


Gold Member
Do people really not understand the difference between typical DLC and an actual expansion?

The first of the two sounds very much like "typical DLC" to me. New quest line spanning a couple of hours (doubt it will really take 10 for decent players), probably a few new characters, maybe some items, but no new landmass to explore. Just a new short story set in the same world. The second one sounds more like an expansion, but let's not pretend the first one does.

That said, if the game turns out to be as good as it seems, and I still have the urge to keep going after a few months, I'll likely jump on this (if it's sanely priced).
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