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The Witcher 3 has been delayed to May 19, 2015.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Good, more time for my backlog and this will ensure a better product.

Why do people keep saying this? Delays do not ensure a better product in the end. It offers the chance, but never ensures. If this game is having that much trouble, three months won't help that much (which would essentially be two months wouldn't it? Game needs time to hit production/replication, etc).

Better for a big ass day 1 patch. =P
Not if it's reviews don't hold up.

I'm not talking about the critical response, I'm talking about competition. Bloodborne's been delayed and now so has The Witcher 3. All The Order has to go up against in February is Evolve, at least to my knowledge anyway, and the most notable thing about that game is how hard the gaming press are trying to get the general public to care about it.


From October (for the lazies who don't click the link):

it looks like many gaffers are painting CDP as some magical dev studio with only the best of interests of the gamers in mind. Trust me they are not. The bullshitting with the Witcher 3 started from day 1. PR is creating an overblown vision of a game that doesn't exist while the team is in crazy crunch time for over a year now. There's some bad shit going on that if GAF knew GAF would not like.

Well in the end it's my words vs CDP PR. I mean why should You belive my if I have no solid evidence to show? But that's kind of my point, CDP build a very good realationship with gamers and now it's paying off as oppose to say EA. I do have inside knowledge, I did have contact with the game but again NDA and such plus I'm just a dude on the internet. my only point is that GAF should take everything CDP says with a grain of salt.

EDIT: Just to some up my messy line of thinking - don't preorder tha game (especially on consols) wait for the reviews, then decide or don't pay attention to a random dude on the internet and do what you want with your money.

Cyberpunk 2077 hype has now deflated a bit.


Nork unification denier
Extremely likely, in my opinion.

Nobody expected for DA:I to be as big as it is. Shit is crazy.

Seriously, people who are bummed about the delay for Witcher 3 need to pick up DAI - you will be playing it up to May easy - I just passed 100 hours on my first playthrough as a human noble and I haven't even gotten to the second main story mission yet. And there is still Dwarf, Elf, Qunari to roll and then there's the mp.

Just a massive, massive game.
So they announced the 2015 delay way back in March of this year and then it took them another 3 months to announce the February date. Now they're pushing it back 3 additional months.

If the insider dude is right and they've been crunching hardbody for a year and still need an additional 3 months of super crunching to get the game to where they want it then this game has had some major issues.

Shit, it really has been that long since the first delay was announced. Hell, they said they wouldn't need another one way back in May.

How reassuring.



I actually felt a sense of relief, this game can only be better by that time.

I ploughed through all 7 books in a span of 1 month, and that was kinda slow. Replaying TW2 3 or 4 times and you will be set.
I read slowly, 2 books a month at most, my reading time is somewhat limited :)

btw, Witcher 2 came out in may as well, so in total the game will be in development exactly 4 years.

Which for ambitious multiplatform open world RPG from a team that never built a game like that, is pretty ok.


Don't care for the Order, so February is pretty empty for me now. Thank god for Grim Fandango, or it'd be a long wait until mid-March.


I kinda see your point

but maybe, we are being a bit disingenuous about game development lately because of the barrage of sequels we have been getting on a yearly or 2,3 year cycles that do little in terms of evoultion

we are always complaining about how games feel very similar to previous iterations. Maybe they are indeed trying some evolution. And that takes time

We will see

I'm of two minds, the vetted insider from October pretty much claimed that the project was way far behind and the marketers have over-promised on this game and warned to wait for reviews and release code because all is not right in CDPR land.

First comes some screens and trailers that look to have downgraded the visuals and we have gotten another delay.

On the one hand I am scared this delay is signaling that things are so far behind that even with an extra 12 weeks this game may have issues.

On the other hand maybe these 12 weeks will be served to insure the game lives up to its early promises both mechanically and graphically with extra polish.

Either way I am all for a delay. Heck delay it til December if that's what it takes.


I mean it gives me time to play through the other two games again, but I'm worried that this game might be a disappointment.
Wow I didn't see this. I've been on a media and news blackout for this. It does not strike me as very good. Who wants to bet we'll see a second delay. :(

So many games this year that shouldn't have been shown until they were really ready. Witcher 3, Arkham Knight. All that hype built up only to delay to 2015,then delay again.


Devs please stop your PR departments fucking your shit up.

hmmm, ok Sony send me that mail asking me if i want a refund or to keep the game because of the delay. thank you


Very, very sad I won't be playing this in February, but much better to delay than to release a broken game, as we've seen this holiday.


Junior Member
I just realized they put out a trailer last week with the Feb. release date lol. Gotta love that.


Well, seems the rumors are probably true. That being said, I'm glad they are delaying it rather than trying to release it as is. Hopefully when they finally find it ready to release, it is as awesome as they want it to be.

Also... if it releases near No Man's Sky (yes, I know I'm being optomistic but I swear I heard first half of 2015) then I'm going to have a problem deciding which to start first as I suspect both games will last me a long time.


Without the delayed The Witcher 3 will face the same parity problem like AC:U

To be honest I feel like this is what most likely to happen if they released it at feb - Parity bs just like AC:U

Their word just can't be trusted, even with the delayed I still highly doubt it they wouldn't resort to parity and yes it will affect PC version too in some way or another.

I'll just post this here since my thread got locked. Are we sure the PC is the lead dev? not Xbox One?
this game is going to be a total mess by the time it comes out isn't it :(
I assume it would have been if they released it as planned. At least they made the right decision and can maybe fix it in time. I'm pretty sure the insider thought CDPR would try to ship a broken game in February.


Good. It gives me time to actually play the other ones. Plus we have had enough broken games lately, better that it's polished.

Slightly off topic but is it worth/essential playing witcher 1, I've heard it's pretty poor compared to the second but it's very rare I don't start games from the beginning of a series.


Doesn't bother me, it seems like they need the extra time.

Just hoping Persona 5 for February in Japan to fill the slot.


Neo Member
Not terribly disappointed since this gives me more time to catch up on my PC backlog (which will likely grow with the upcoming Christmas sale). Also, I'd like to replay the Witcher 2 before 3 since I've only ever played through one of the two paths.
Also is not like there isn't anything to play. The market is saturated with great indie titles and many other AAA games and this just means that we should be working on improving that backlog of ours.


Nork unification denier
lol, it's a big game but this is a little silly.

Well, I rp my rpgs so I'm going to play them as different people - pro-mage in this playthrough, but my Qunari is going to fuck them over. And there's different dialog for the elf and Quanri Inquisitors, so yeah, I feel like there's a lot of potential for replay with DAI (and I'm a person that usually doesn't replay).


People saying "I don't care, more time for polishing, good news" are totally missing the point. Yes, of course more time for polishing is good. And yeah, it's better that they take their time instead of releasing something like AC:Unity. But when a game has been delayed and then delayed again after promising it won't happen, well, maybe just "polishing" is not the thing that TW3 needs and the issues are much bigger...


Good. More polish is always better and it leaves me more time with Pillars of Eternity and Bloodborne.

Also, holy hell. So many people jumping to conclusions, it's not even funny.
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