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The Witness is being heavily pirated. J. Blow says piracy could impact his future.

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...aand that's PC for you. Whenever you see people arguing over price point for Rainbow Six Siege being MP only or The Witness for god knows what, its clear that a whole side of gaming has been brought up feeling entitled by penny bundles and sales, unable to feel value. Just like on mobile.


Gold Member
The big question is, would these pirates have bought the game if they weren`t able to pirate it for free? Probably not.
The way I figure, if the price point is too high, the proper course of action is wait till ether you have more money, or the price drops. Using it as an excuse to pirate is just intellectually lazy to me.
...aand that's PC for you. Whenever you see people arguing over price point for Rainbow Six Siege being MP only or The Witness for god knows what, its clear that a whole side of gaming has been brought up feeling entitled by penny bundles and sales, unable to feel value. Just like on mobile.

What about PS4 sales though ? No bundles, no piracy... comparative sales. Your explanation ?


I'm not gonna lie. Back in the day I used to pirate games. Nowadays steam has made it too good to have all my stuff in one spot and go from there. Love steam!


The big question is, would these pirates have bought the game if they weren`t able to pirate it for free? Probably not.

Very much depends.

My friend literally said to me "I wanted to pirate Tomb Raider but apparently it's too much of a bitch, so I bought it" last night.

To say that it has no impact is silly. Saying it has a massive impact is also silly. We don't have numbers.


You're right. Let's not examine the economic variables that lead to high rates of piracy. Let's just blindly accept that it can never ever happen for a reason that could be studied and potentially reduced in order to maximize profit. Downloading games is disgusting and makes you a heartless monster and we need to have a zero-tolerance policy for it in all cases and not look at it at all for any reason because reasons.

I mean, could you apply this line or reasoning to any other thing that happens in the world literally at all?

I mean, people conduct huge studies and meta-studies to figure out why 486 people were murdered in Chicago in 2015, or why so many insurgents in the Middle East became militant. People attribute murders to poor economic conditions, or to social trends. States and Nations have managed to reduce drug usage by studying why people take drugs and addressing those issues in contrast to shit like "Just say no to drugs they're bad and only bad people do drugs and need to go to jail because reasons and drugs are reasons no excuse they're disgusting" and then throwing them in jail.

So, you're right. Let's just not talk about it. Let's not look at the relevant points of data that could influence the piracy of this product and how we could have maximized profits for Jonathan Blow, or at least reduced the rate at which his product is being pirated. It's disgusting point blank and deserves no form of introspection. Like every other bad thing that has ever happened, it's not important that we understand how or why it happens, merely to revolt at the fact that it does, and flail like children in response to it.

This, so much. Yes, piracy is Bad and Wrong, but those who equate analyzing why it happens with a defense of it ("theft is theft, wrong is wrong", etc) have more interest in feeling morally superior than in actually reducing piracy and getting more sales to creators.
Theres nothing comparable to PC sales and prices on console. To my envy, too.

I'm talking about the Witness though. Same game, same price, game selling the same on PC and PS4.
So what's your explanation because according to you, its expected on PC thanks to bundles and piracy.
Because, according to you, one side of gaming is entitled to penny prices. What about the other side though ?
wow surprised to see complaints about the price and saying its partly to blame

I personally do not enjoy puzzles games, but this one looks incredible and after reading reviews I was surprised it was $60
Is this some sort of price-shaming that's going on in this thread? ffs. We-re talking about a 60-hour long game with high production values that was 8 years in the making and you think it's his fault people are playing the game illegitimately for pricing it at $40?


wow surprised to see complaints about the price and saying its partly to blame

I personally do not enjoy puzzles games, but this one looks incredible and after reading reviews I was surprised it was $60

It's 40 dollars

This thread man. This shouldn't even be a discussion piracy is fucking stealing a product. It is no different than me walking into a store and walking out with a TV.

There is literally no justification for stealing or pirating. Literally none.

People need to take a good look at themselves and their values.
It always surprises me how laissez fair people who love video games are when it come to pirating. We as a community should be doing everything possible to prevent what amounts to scoundrels stealing the hard work of developers. I believe the community should publicly shame those who are doing pirating and advocate for the extreme criminlization of the sites that allow the thefts to occur.

Gamers should be the leading voice in this effort but instead we get dribble like, "well they wouldn't have bought the game anyway." You do not know this. And that's not a valid excuse in the first place.

The Community should be supporting devs like Blow and not just throwing up our arms and saying "oh well." It doesn't have to be this way. But it will remain so if we consider these thieves just minor annoyances.

/end rant
A bigger problem is it's not easy to find on the PS Store. Front page advertising would help. I had to search for it, if I wasn't aware of the game from Gaf, I would have never known about it let alone buy it.

Yeah. Im in the US too, and on Tuesday when I went to buy it(at noon, mind you), it was no where to be found in the front page or the 'new arrivals' section. I had to use the search function as well in order to find it.
I suspect this trend of piracy to grow even more since entertainment overall is expensive and is a big part of most people's lives. It's getting harder and harder for people to justify their entertainment budgets but people still want to remain part of the pop culture scene.
Isn't this an example of pricing yourself out of the market? I mean, piracy is completely wrong, but I doubt the vast majority of pirates would have paid $40 for the game in the first place.

Probably not. It's a very nice looking game with some ~40 hours of content, and so $40 isn't bad at all. I doubt if it were $30 or $20 that pirates would have pirated it less.
You think it's easier to crack a game now than when all you had to do was give someone a code sheet? A copy of an .exe?

That's objectively false. Piracy is getting harder and harder and encryption technology will likely reach the point where cracking these games is functionally impossible. We're already almost there with Denuvo.

Does this sound like the golden age of game piracy? http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-01-08-denuvo-game-crack-success
Call when every game uses this.

Call me when GOG goes DRM only.

Call me when Humble Bundle goes DRM only.

Call me when every game uses the exact same uncrackable technology and we will have this talk.

Until then the whole "b-b-b-but the FUTURE OF DRM!" talk completely evades the current situation and isn't a reflection of NOW. It isn't representative of the current landscape at all. Cracking games now is a lot more difficult than an .exe - you are correct, but you are neglecting how quickly crackers can amass to defeat a DRM vs back in the day when pirating meant swapping floppies. Shit travels instantly now due to ease of availability and there are a lot more pirates. Its 2016.

Tell that to Just Cause 3 lol
Good for JC3? Doesn't make my statement any less true.


...aand that's PC for you. Whenever you see people arguing over price point for Rainbow Six Siege being MP only or The Witness for god knows what, its clear that a whole side of gaming has been brought up feeling entitled by penny bundles and sales, unable to feel value. Just like on mobile.

Smh at these stupid fucking post
Is this some sort of price-shaming that's going on in this thread? ffs. We-re talking about a 60-hour long game with high production values that was 8 years in the making and you think it's his fault people are playing the game illegitimately for pricing it at $40?



Why are you people complaining the game is 40$? Isn't it like 40 hours long with AA quality level graphics? Just because a game is indie, doesn't mean it can't go above 20$. As for pirating, yeah it sucks. Got to love people who spend 1000$ on a PC and then pirate more than half of their games. :\

I've always wondered that myself


This, so much. Yes, piracy is Bad and Wrong, but those who equate analyzing why it happens with a defense of it ("theft is theft, wrong is wrong", etc) have more interest in feeling morally superior than in actually reducing piracy and getting more sales to creators.

As fast as this thread is moving I think everyone missed this post I made here.

The people in this thread that continue to assert that a potential explanation for the occurrence of a crime is justification of that crime and therefore condones that crime are being purposefully intellectually dishonest.


The big question is, would these pirates have bought the game if they weren`t able to pirate it for free? Probably not.

A lot of people I know hide behind this sentence in order to justify not buying games so that they can upgrade more frequently pc hardware


I think another aspect that might be interesting to consider about pirates is some of them might be your best advertisers for the game. making youtube videos, recommending others to buy the game (lol) helping others on forums/bumping threads etc.


Of all the PC gamers I've met in real life I'd say about 90% of them pirate games.
It also does seem that the fancier the computer the more likely they are to be a pirate.

Weirdest one was when I was talking about buying games off steam, they told me that they had paid so much for their computer, so why would they pay for games.

I don't know how much of an effect this has though. Like ios users spending way more than Android on apps, I think there may be two communities in the world of PC.

There's the people who would be more in touch with the industry of which as smaller percentage would pirate. Then the general game community where a later proportion do.

The Witness sits in the first one imho.


Why are you people complaining the game is 40$? Isn't it like 40 hours long with AA quality level graphics? Just because a game is indie, doesn't mean it can't go above 20$. As for pirating, yeah it sucks. Got to love people who spend 1000$ on a PC and then pirate more than half of their games. :\

Ethics and morals aside, if you can save hundreds by simply pirating games, what incentive is there for people to buy full-prices games at launch?

This is why stuff like Denuvo is fantastic, and hopefully it will lead to even better DRM in the future.


News flash! New and popular game is number one on game pirating website!

I mean come on. You'll be all right Jonathan.
I think another aspect that might be interesting to consider about pirates is some of them might be your best advertisers for the game. making youtube videos, recommending others to buy the game (lol) helping others on forums/bumping threads etc.

Pirates are basically free advertising! What a twist!


Darkness no more
A bigger problem is it's not easy to find on the PS Store. Front page advertising would help. I had to search for it, if I wasn't aware of the game from Gaf, I would have never known about it let alone buy it.

This. I scrolled through all the menus and could not find it. I eventually had to do a search for it to get it to pop up. If I did not read GAF I would not have noticed the game came out.
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