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Thurrott: MS to announce a new standard Xbox controller and maybe Xbox Elite at E3

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Yeah, whoever made that claim is full of nonsense clearly. I think some people are going to be really disappointed when all MS does this E3 in terms of hardware announcements is a slim Xbox One. People are setting themselves up for a let down and they shouldn't. Not one single sign of a real hardware upgrade has been mentioned and i think that's quite telling. Just go in with low expectations.
They sold the XBO at a loss, and they probably still are. The question isn't if they will sell at a loss, it's how much of a loss they are willing to take. MS is in a position where they need to get back some of the mindshare, and they are also heavily focused on user acquisition. With the digital marketplace being so massive these days and their desire to get people into the Windows 10 ecosystem they are probably more willing to take a loss than they were when the XBO launched. I don't think they would be willing to take as big of a loss as they did on the 360, but even a $100 loss on a $500 system without Kinect could produce an absolute beast of a system. With the XBO already on the market at a low price point I could see them targeting $500 and pushing it as the Elite tier system in a multiple console ecosystem.
Xbone and PS4 are sold at a profit from day 1.

That's why they are so underpowered, and specially in Ms' case, why they couldn't have an on die memory and still have comparable or more processing power there (like they did with 360, which despite the edram had a gpu comparable in size of the RSX)
Hahaha, what magical tech is out there in a SoC APU with thermals and low power draw at 10TF?

Fucking stupid. I swear, they act as if there are people who do not pay attention to the computer graphics/tech world. MisterShillX levels.

Please tell me you are trolling, lol.

That's assuming they are going with an APU or low powered again. Both decisions were made to keep costs down, if they are willing to lose money discrete cpu and gpu, as well drawing 200W+ are not out of the question.


I actually can believe its faster than PS4 Neo ( I hate the name PS4K). But a 10tflops system isnt believable. As someone already said, there isnt a chip out that can output that type of performance for the amount of power in a 100-150 watt box.

But what of you use two chips?

Could dx12 help with that performance?
Yeah, whoever made that claim is full of nonsense clearly. I think some people are going to be really disappointed when all MS does this E3 in terms of hardware announcements is a slim Xbox One. People are setting themselves up for a let down and they shouldn't. Not one single sign of a real hardware upgrade has been mentioned and i think that's quite telling. Just go in with low expectations.

I'm on this train. If they had a major upgrade cooked up, we would have heard about it by now (when has MS ever been able to keep a secret?).

I think it's going to be a modest redesign, and plenty of schadenfreude (from Sony fans) and tears (Xbox fans) will follow in its wake.
I'm on this train. If they had a major upgrade cooked up, we would have heard about it by now (when has MS ever been able to keep a secret?).

I think it's going to be a modest redesign, and plenty of schadenfreude (from Sony fans) and tears (Xbox fans) will follow in its wake.

Yep. But what others have said is entirely possible too, looking back at how MS kept Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book a secret could be an indication of how they manage to keep this a secret as well. I can understand that people expect a new Xbox because it's a bit hard to believe MS would stick with a console that is already weaker than the competition, not to mention the new PS4. We'll have to wait and see.

Ah yes, and BC indeed.


Yep. But what others have said is entirely possible too, looking back at how MS kept Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book a secret could be an indication of how they manage to keep this a secret as well. I can understand that people expect a new Xbox because it's a bit hard to believe MS would stick with a console that is already weaker than the competition, not to mention the new PS4. We'll have to wait and see.

I simply refuse to get my hopes up. I expect a slim XB1 and nothing more.


Will the new standard controller not suffer from random disconnects? Or do I need a new Xbox too?

If anything has clipped my Xbox's wings, its that.

It's weird. I don't disconnect when the Xbox is on, but I can never turn on the system with the controller.


They did pretty well last year with backwards compatibility.


but 10tf I'll believe it when i see it

Zeta Oni

I'm on this train. If they had a major upgrade cooked up, we would have heard about it by now (when has MS ever been able to keep a secret?).

Just saying, we know next to nothing about their E3 this year compared to what was known last year.

In terms of new IP, in terms of revival of older IP's, in terms of showing stuff we already know about, in terms of hardware, etc.

MS is a total wildcard right now. So they have gotten somewhat better at keeping things quiet.

Although, yeah the 10 TF buiness is complete nonsense.


Gold Member
I suppose MS could have thought, can't beat them, open a new category. Still, seems ludicrous.

I think it is silly for those to think the new CEO and how the shareholders have been, will take a huge loss, just to earn e-points.

Just saying, we know next to nothing about their E3 this year compared to what was known last year.

In terms of new IP, in terms of revival of older IP's, in terms of showing stuff we already know about, in terms of hardware, etc.

MS is a total wildcard right now. So they have gotten somewhat better at keeping things quiet.

Although, yeah the 10 TF buiness is complete nonsense.

That's true as well. The only thing we had recently was a tweet by Phil Spencer that he had reviewed their E3 show pland and it was looking nice. But nothing similar to tweets like ' Greatest lineup in Xbox history' not at all, a very tame tweet. So that could be intentionally to completely surprise folks with something crazy at their show or actually trying to keep people's expectations realistic.

I expect more footage from the already announced games and maybe some release date changes for better or worse. Hopefully finally some footage of Recore too. Apart from that...no expectations at all. Surprise us MS.
I've been predicting for a while now that MS will release an appliance PC based on the Windows 10 store that can also play Xbox games. They could sell it for a loss because they would be assured that they could make up the money on Windows store sales. It could be what the Steam Machine should have been. A fixed spec, mass produced, cheap yet powerful PC that you could buy in Walmart. Game developers could optimize for it just like they do for consoles and owners would be be assured that everything "just worked".

The device could justify a higher price tag because it would be a PC. It'd be capable of running your word processor, Photoshop, or whatever you want so long as it was offered on the Windows 10 store so Microsoft can get a cut off of every sale. You'd then be able to stream from this device to your XB1 in order to be able to enjoy the higher quality games in your living room instead of your office where this would be likely to go. I could also see Microsoft releasing a $99 media extender to be paired with this computer appliance for just this purpose.
Is the article saying it will be announced before E3 this year, but not released earlier than next Spring? Google Translate didn't execute perfectly for me.


my hard graphic balls
And run at 3-500watts, lol.

I mean if they make it for VR and to be an enthusiast, top-of-the-line home console, when people pay $800 for it they will probably know that it needs more juice to run. If they're informed enough about what it is for, that is.


Ekim don't get banned! You finding really interesting things is always fun to read especially with E3 just a month away!
Fucking necessary. The ergonomics of the Xbox One controller were meant for giant hands. Maybe we'll get bumpers that are usable this time.


Damn was hoping that maybe MS would have stolen some of the ideas from the DS4 like the built in head phone jack. Still wish Sony would update the DS4 aside from better thumbgrips on the sticks it could use some serious sprucing up.
Meh, it can wait till the DS5


Gold Member
I mean if they make it for VR and to be an enthusiast, top-of-the-line home console, when people pay $800 for it they will probably know that it needs more juice to run. If they're informed enough about what it is for, that is.

True... I do not see it, at least not yet however.


Fucking necessary. The ergonomics of the Xbox One controller were meant for giant hands. Maybe we'll get bumpers that are usable this time.

Huh? It's not a Duke and if you have a controller with the headphone jack, the bumpers can be pressed from any spot.
Fucking necessary. The ergonomics of the Xbox One controller were meant for giant hands. Maybe we'll get bumpers that are usable this time.
I have tiny Asian hands and I actually think the X1 controller is the most comfortable I've used. Which is a suprise to me because I didn't think they could top the 360. Held that controller the other day and I felt like my hands were arthritic.


I mean if they make it for VR and to be an enthusiast, top-of-the-line home console, when people pay $800 for it they will probably know that it needs more juice to run. If they're informed enough about what it is for, that is.



I've been speculating this for weeks


Ok don't do it if you're not sure but aren't you allowed to give your own educated guesses at the rumor without being banned, I mean everyone else is. Just tell us what you think about this rumor

My educated guess is: event before E3, release next year. Event could also be just something internal or for devs like the Durango Dev training where crytek leaked the codename for Xbox one in 2012 or 2013.


What's the flop requirement for Oculus rift? Out of interest....

970 is minimum spec - about 4TF.

10TF is probably even more than the upcoming pascal chips will have. The 1080 might outpace the 980ti by 25% or so, but that'd put it at about 8TF. I doubt we'll see 10-12TF chips until Titan/1080ti next year.

So even if MS wanted to, I literally don't think there would be a chip they could use. Also they'd have to switch to a separate CPU/GPU which'd fuck with their architecture, although they might be able to work around that but it wouldn't be simple.


This rumor is totally bullshit. 10TF my ass. Vega isn't even finalized and 10TF is not 5 times the supposed Neo specs its 2 1/2 times the spec. That console would cost a lot more than the inital $399 (w/o Kinect) for the current SKU. Not happening!

Pure nonsense from another attention seeker ahem "insider"!
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