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Thurrott: MS to announce a new standard Xbox controller and maybe Xbox Elite at E3

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If what Ekim heard is true about a dedicated event, which he said could also be something internal or for developers, it should at least mean something is being cooked up.


10 TFLOPS.. honestly...



Whatever this system ends up being I'm sure I'll be on board. I didn't realize the xbox one actually isn't that bad. If there is a newer higher spec xbox that has full backwards compatibility, it'll be my dream machine. The time warner app saved me money and being able to rent a movie on xbox and then resume watching it on pc is great. I do hope there some adjustments made to the analog sticks though. I feel like i'm fighting to aim properly. I wish their was a little more tension on the sticks which cause this issue of aiming, as I don't have this problem with my ps4 controller. Aiming feels more natural on the ps4.

One more thing if I don't hear any info soon, I'll start my own witch hunt.
If they don't announce anything else before E3, i just don't see a new Xbox reveal happening during E3. Not without at least a small sign of it and so far there has been nothing. Sony on the other hand hasn't said anything themselves, but plenty has been said from well known sites. It would suck bigtime though, i want my console of choice to improve as well. But we'll see i guess.


What is Polaris 11 supposed to be? ~3 Tflops? I know it's a smaller chip than 10.

AMD have been making noises about increasing VR capable PCs at more affordable prices which would suggest they're aiming at cheaper 970-level GPUs, so about 4TF?


I doubt that it will be 10 tflops. But I do think that they won't release an upgrade next year.. Instead I think that they will bury the bone and release a full next gen console.. 4 year gen like the OG Xbox

The bone is toxic and they know it.


Damn was hoping that maybe MS would have stolen some of the ideas from the DS4 like the built in head phone jack. Still wish Sony would update the DS4 aside from better thumbgrips on the sticks it could use some serious sprucing up.

It does have a built in headphone jack.
Because there is nothing out there that can do 10-20TF, let alone draw that low of power.

And splitting with current tech we know of, will make the power draw larger... hence one of the advantages of an APU design.

20tf is indeed out of this world, but I think 10 should be possible... Isn't Vega rumored to be in that ballpark? Perhaps not on the 200w envelope, but they I think it wouldn't need to go that far above 300w to make it possible either.

What I mean to say is, with the same design decisions that made Ps4 and xbone it's indeed impossible, but I don't think they are going that route again. With that power envelope the Neo does seems like the best you could get.


AMD have been making noises about increasing VR capable PCs at more affordable prices which would suggest they're aiming at cheaper 970-level GPUs, so about 4TF?

Not Polaris 11 , Polaris 11 is the low end cards that will go into laptops & small PCs/STBs they will be ~ 2TFLOPS at the most the memory interface is 128-bit.

Zeta Oni

What other thread? Am I missing some fun?

Someone made a thread about the eurogamer "leak"

It got several comments that all basically say "lol hell no", and then was promptly locked since the source was just some random fans.

Ekim was asking for opinions about making a thread containing the information from that leak.


Mike Ybarra just confirmed UI update to make the game scrolling in your games/apps section is being updated soon also.

I assume that will go with the big Win10 update in June.
I doubt that it will be 10 tflops. But I do think that they won't release an upgrade next year.. Instead I think that they will bury the bone and release a full next gen console.. 4 year gen like the OG Xbox

The bone is toxic and they know it.

They can bury the brand without the games though. Backwards compatibility, possibly with an opt-in upgrade for popular games a' la PS4 NEO, is a must.


my hard graphic balls
Mike Ybarra just confirmed UI update to make the game scrolling in your games/apps section is being updated soon also.

I assume that will go with the big Win10 update in June.

So I assume the My Games and Apps will have a vertical scroll now? To fit in with the rest of the UI.

I kinda miss the horizontal UI, though. Hmm...


Not Polaris 11 , Polaris 11 is the low end cards that will go into laptops & small PCs/STBs they will be ~ 2TFLOPS at the most the memory interface is 128-bit.

Leaving aside the amd statement and tne extra costs, whats to stop ms from going intel/nvidia? Does nvidia make any chips that would fit in a consoles power envelope to pair with an i3 or something smaller?

Or is nvidias answer just their arm socs.
If we're getting a Xbox One upgrade/half step specifically for VR, I don't think they'll use Polaris because it'll screw with the compatibility of base model Xbox One games, unless MS are making a completely new console. I can't remember what GCN version the Bone's GPU is, but I'm expecting the highest end version of that.

I don't think the Neo is using Polaris either for the same reason. It's probably a custom 7970.


Wow, that "leak" reads like someone reads about technology but doesn't understand any of it.

Leaving aside the amd statement and tne extra costs, whats to stop ms from going intel/nvidia? Does nvidia make any chips that would fit in a consoles power envelope to pair with an i3 or something smaller?

Or is nvidias answer just their arm socs.

I'm not sure what you're asking. Money is the entire reason why Sony and Microsoft don't use Intel/Nvidia. Nvidia makes a wide range of chips and generally draw less power than their AMD counterparts, so they would fit well with consoles. It's just that AMD is hemorrhaging money and is willing to give Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo what they want for bargain basement prices. Intel and Nvidia make money hand over fist, so they have no interest in low margin consoles.


Gold Member
Leaving aside the amd statement and tne extra costs, whats to stop ms from going intel/nvidia? Does nvidia make any chips that would fit in a consoles power envelope to pair with an i3 or something smaller?

Or is nvidias answer just their arm socs.


That is what stops them. Those 2 are too expensive and have not played nice in the past.


Seriously?? After the shit storm around launch (that has never really gone away) through to the pretty impressive power gap. It's amazing that it has done this good.

This made me laugh.

I still don't believe in this "leak". Gotta see the receipts.


Leaving aside the amd statement and tne extra costs, whats to stop ms from going intel/nvidia? Does nvidia make any chips that would fit in a consoles power envelope to pair with an i3 or something smaller?

Or is nvidias answer just their arm socs.

The thing about MS getting devs to make UWP games instead of Xbox games it would allow them & other companies like Dell to make Multimedia Computers /STB with whatever hardware they want as long as it meet the standards put in place for UWP.
I see MS doing a XB1 slim at e3 (with a striking price... $250?) but I dont see a more powerful box. If anything I can totally see Phil giving a speech about how a half step console would be disrespecting consumers or something for cheap heat.

But I do fully expect MS to have a next gen xbox next holiday. Might not be as big of a leap as a traditional gen jump (10x) but it wont be pitched as a iteration like the neo. It will be positioned as the next gen console. No awkward "games have to be designed for both" stuff but it will still have BC.


Gold Member
This made me laugh.

I still don't believe in this "leak". Gotta see the receipts.

Um, dude, you should know this should never even be a 'show me the receipts' scenario.

This should be flushed down the toilet and forgotten about. There is no, 'well prove it', scenario here, lol.

Just more pipe-dream fan fluff that was done with the MisterX crap since launch.



That is what stops them. Those 2 are too expensive and have not played nice in the past.

It might be too expensive for MS to use for a standard console platform for the mass market but as a option as a ready made multimedia computer it could work.

People basically already buy what they would be trying to sell you so all MS has to do is workout a deal with Dell to promote the Alienware consoles as a place to play UWP games. this will work out for Dell & MS.



The idea is simple, even for games that are not device exclusive, make unique experiences between the console and the PC that PlayStation cannot emulate easily to help differentiate the console from its competitors.

I wonder how are they planning to do that without abusing their position on PC, and possibly making it harder for the competitor to offer similar experiences on Windows.


It might be too expensive for MS to use for a standard console platform for the mass market but as a option as a ready made multimedia computer it could work.

People basically already buy what they would be trying to sell you so all MS has to do is workout a deal with Dell to promote the Alienware consoles as a place to play UWP games. this will work out for Dell & MS.


Why do that, when they could potentially segment the market for themselves and just put out a 649 - 799 console with all the bells and whistles you'd come to expect in any ole Alienware pre-configured PC.

Nvidia 1080 i think. But it is expensive.

Damn, time flies. I was only looking to buy a 970 a few months ago.


That "leak" btw came from a MrX follower. Tells you everything you need to know. The latest from there is truly mind boggling 8)


Junior Member
What GPU out there at the moment is even capable of 10 TF at a mainstream consumer level?

Single gpu would be fury x at 8.6 tflops I believe. Otherwise you have to look at dual gpu solutions like a 295x, dual 390 board, or upcoming dual fury x, to actual get over 10 tflops in one package.

But then you are relying on crossfire support to actually deliver that kind of power.

The 1080 if it's even called that isn't out yet, and it's doubtful it will be a 10 tflop + part. That will be the 1080 ti / next titan.

Possible that the next amd gpu (Polaris 10) to release will
Push 10 tflops, as the fury x is at 8.6 tflops already. This is also unlikely though as it is rumored to be a fairly small die size.


Why do that, when they could potentially segment the market for themselves and just put out a 649 - 799 console with all the bells and whistles you'd come to expect in any ole Alienware pre-configured PC.

Because it would be less hassle for them if they could get Dell & others to make the high end hardware just like with PC's.
Some people seem to think MS won't be coming with a new Xbox until 2018 or even 2019. Even though it would not surprise me if they don't have a new one at E3, i definitely don't believe they will ride this out until 2018/2019.

We're going to be seeing games that take advantage of the Neo's hardware and when the comparisons between Xbox One and Neo come, it will be a embarrassment for sure. Even the most loyal of Xbox gamers will buy a Neo eventually if that's going to be the case.

If not E3, then maybe a announcement sometime next year before E3 and a launch during the holidays. Just speculating here, it's all we can do really.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
The rumor of 10 TFLOPS sounds ultra crazy so i don't believe it.

I doubt that it will be 10 tflops. But I do think that they won't release an upgrade next year.. Instead I think that they will bury the bone and release a full next gen console.. 4 year gen like the OG Xbox

The bone is toxic and they know it.

I agree with you and they have to do it in my opinion.The xbox one is a shame for the brand xbox and microsoft.Is a bad joke from the begining with a very weak hardware and they have to kill it fast and release the next Xbox.I don't want an slim xbox one,or a little upgrade,i want a new generation now and forget the xbox one.


Gold Member
It might be too expensive for MS to use for a standard console platform for the mass market but as a option as a ready made multimedia computer it could work.

People basically already buy what they would be trying to sell you so all MS has to do is workout a deal with Dell to promote the Alienware consoles as a place to play UWP games. this will work out for Dell & MS.


I get that... but that is not going to be in the mainstream relm that most on here are hoping/expecting in the 'console' market.


I agree with many, no way we will get a home console with 10gflops anytime in the next few years. I can see a 6 gflops machine sometime towards the end of 2017 or so, but expecting a 10gflop machine sometime next year is pretty far out there.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
I dont believe in the power being described here, but I do know that if Panos' team are working on this it will be something special.

If they can squeeze and i7 and 16GB of Ram into a Surface that stays cool and quiet, it would be fucking frightening to see what that team could do with a box half the size of the Xbox One.

But the idea that arguably the best engineering team in the world is making a gaming console with the ultimate goal of "make the fucker powerful" is very exciting.
If they can squeeze and i7 and 16GB of Ram into a Surface that stays cool and quiet, it would be fucking frightening to see what that team could do with a box half the size of the Xbox One.

But the idea that arguably the best engineering team in the world is making a gaming console with the ultimate goal of "make the fucker powerful" is very exciting.

Ehh, I have the i5 with 8 gigs of ram and it does get decently hot when playing a video at full screen or have too many browser tabs open at the same time(I blame flash). I expect the team to make something slick and cool however. The xbox one does need a redesign badly. That was one of the failures of the Xbox one announcement.
10 TFlops is just too incredible to believe. Not only would it be expensive as hell, I just don't see Microsoft seeing the Xbox as a high enough priority to go for broke like that.

With the Slim, how hard would it be to re-spec the current chip with a faster cpu/memory, and a GPU roughly comparable or more powerful than the current PS4 GPU? Possible with the die shrink, or is the ESRam still a big bottleneck? That's the most I could see happening now.


If they can squeeze and i7 and 16GB of Ram into a Surface that stays cool and quiet, it would be fucking frightening to see what that team could do with a box half the size of the Xbox One.

But the idea that arguably the best engineering team in the world is making a gaming console with the ultimate goal of "make the fucker powerful" is very exciting.

You realise although it has 'i7' on the chip, it's a massively cut down CPU for uktrabooks. It's only 15W and dual core. Surface pro is nice but it isn't doing miracles


I want a super duper Xbox and I want it now.

Seriously though, if MS don't bring out a beefed up console while Sony does, then that's a very dangerous move for them.

Personally I see them getting involved in VR and bringing out a new Xbox with Oculus rift.. however, what would the cost of that thing be? About £800???


No idea why some of you are excited about Panos and his team designing the new Xbox. Surface devices are expensive as fuck.

My educated guess is: event before E3, release next year. Event could also be just something internal or for devs like the Durango Dev training where crytek leaked the codename for Xbox one in 2012 or 2013.

This doesn't make any fucking sense. Why would they do that? It will only lead to killing Xbox sales momentum.
In Microsoft's announcement yesterday they said there will be new tech. Do universal apps fall under that as well? Because that could very well be it, with a slim Xbox announcement at best.

Aside from the report that MS was testing different prototypes of Xbox, there isn't anything to really suggest a much improved Xbox, right?
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