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Titan X announced, 12GB framebuffer, 8 billion transistors.


How much was that bad ass 8800 when it was first released? That's a damn mythical beast that trumped last gen consoles until the last day of their existence. And yes, I feel like 500-600 is solid. I'd really like to hope that these cards don't cost $300 to build. I mean it's fucked up already, but that's super fucked up.

My 8800 GTX cost me $650 back in Nov. '06. It was amazingly expensive back then but was still the best damn card I've had. Lasted me til 2010.


Yeah I'm actually starting to get cold feet on this card now. At first I was totally on board but that price is astronomical high.

I have no issue spending some cash on a good GPU. When I bought my 780ti it was $700 but dude, $1350 is freaking crazy.

The consumer version of it will likely launch shortly after for $700, but with less VRAM and no double precision, albeit similar performance. Much like the Titan and 780 Ti; they were virtually identical in most scenarios other than higher-res gaming where the Titan's 6gb VRAM made an impact.

Having a Titan, IMO, is partly "wow" factor and just wanting to say I have a Titan. I could be wrong, but that's how it worked out last gen. The wait is just getting tiresome because the GTX 980 is not a true generational improvement over the 780 Ti by any means. However, I still bought one (980) for the meantime, at least until we see how this Titan X/980 Ti/enthusiast consumer card pans out.

I think people like you and I, who owned 780 Tis, are partially salivating at the Titan X because it has been so long since our card has been on top, and nowadays it's becoming inadequate. GTX 980, as mentioned previously, is not really a huge improvement (other than power efficiency). I'll make do with my GTX 980 for now, watercool and overclock it, and pray that nVidia announces a 980 Ti shortly after Titan X...or cave and spend the $1350 on it.
The consumer version of it will likely launch shortly after for $700, but with less VRAM and no double precision, albeit similar performance. Much like the Titan and 780 Ti; they were virtually identical in most scenarios other than higher-res gaming where the Titan's 6gb VRAM made an impact.

Having a Titan, IMO, is partly "wow" factor and just wanting to say I have a Titan. I could be wrong, but that's how it worked out last gen. The wait is just getting tiresome because the GTX 980 is not a true generational improvement over the 780 Ti by any means. However, I still bought one (980) for the meantime, at least until we see how this Titan X/980 Ti/enthusiast consumer card pans out.

I think people like you and I, who owned 780 Tis, are partially salivating at the Titan X because it has been so long since our card has been on top, and nowadays it's becoming inadequate. GTX 980, as mentioned previously, is not really a huge improvement (other than power efficiency). I'll make do with my GTX 980 for now, watercool and overclock it, and pray that nVidia announces a 980 Ti shortly after Titan X...or cave and spend the $1350 on it.

Yep everything you described is me exactly. I like to have the top consumer card or close to it. The 780ti hasn't been for a bit now, but I don't feel like the 980 is big enough of a jump to really justify buying one when my 780ti works perfect.

I want this Titan X, because I'm ready for a new card and this is an actual substantial improvement over my current card but....holy shit at that price.
It's like...it just hit you all at once after being so hyped for it lol

Haha, yep. I'm not backing out yet man. Knowing me I'll still buy it but this will be far and away the most I've ever dropped for a single card. I know that the "780ti" version of this card will be out only a few months after this thing launches and be hundreds of dollars cheaper.

I'm just trying in my head to work out if its worth that extra cash to A) Have it now, and B) The extra RAM

tough call. I would say odds are about 85% still I'm buying a Titan X though haha


Yep everything you described is me exactly. I like to have the top consumer card or close to it. The 780ti hasn't been for a bit now, but I don't feel like the 980 is big enough of a jump to really justify buying one when my 780ti works perfect.

I want this Titan X, because I'm ready for a new card and this is an actual substantial improvement over my current card but....holy shit at that price.

I know how you feel, I'm right there with you. I parted out and sold my entire watercooled 4670K/780 Ti build late last year hoping for nVidia's announcement of a 980 Ti shortly after the 980 and 970 (much like they did with the 780/Ti), but no luck there. Now it's been months and STILL no sign of a 980 Ti. People were insanely excited about the 980 and 970 like they were the holy grail of cards, and I understand why to an extent -- the 980 brought performance levels that were previously only available at $700+ down to a solid $549, and that's a deal. But not really an improvement. I even saw someone in a separate thread saying they sold their 780 Ti to "upgrade" to a 970...I couldn't really believe it.

I'm with you, though, I might cave for a Titan X when it comes out. If anything to be able to look into my case and know I have a Titan X in there; and besides, the 12gb frame buffer means that dual-tri SLing them in the future would be entirely viable for VR and 4K+ gaming. I doubt the 980 Ti or equivalent will ship with > 6gb VRAM, but I guess 8gb is a possibility.
I know how you feel, I'm right there with you. I parted out and sold my entire watercooled 4670K/780 Ti build late last year hoping for nVidia's announcement of a 980 Ti shortly after the 980 and 970 (much like they did with the 780/Ti), but no luck there. Now it's been months and STILL no sign of a 980 Ti. People were insanely excited about the 980 and 970 like they were the holy grail of cards, and I understand why to an extent -- the 980 brought performance levels that were previously only available at $700+ down to a solid $549, and that's a deal. But not really an improvement. I even saw someone in a separate thread saying they sold their 780 Ti to "upgrade" to a 970...I couldn't really believe it.

I'm with you, though, I might cave for a Titan X when it comes out. If anything to be able to look into my case and know I have a Titan X in there; and besides, the 12gb frame buffer means that dual-tri SLing them in the future would be entirely viable for VR and 4K+ gaming. I doubt the 980 Ti or equivalent will ship with > 6gb VRAM, but I guess 8gb is a possibility.

Yep that RAM is probably going to be what pushes me over the edge. I mean that is going to help a ton with running games above 1080p with solid frame rates.


Haha, yep. I'm not backing out yet man. Knowing me I'll still buy it but this will be far and away the most I've ever dropped for a single card. I know that the "780ti" version of this card will be out only a few months after this thing launches and be hundreds of dollars cheaper.

I'm just trying in my head to work out if its worth that extra cash to A) Have it now, and B) The extra RAM

tough call. I would say odds are about 85% still I'm buying a Titan X though haha

Nothing will use that amount of VRAM before running out of performance. There's only a few games that came very close to hitting the 6GB VRAM ceiling on my Titan Black, and that was at 4k.
Nothing will use that amount of VRAM before running out of performance. There's only a few games that came very close to hitting the 6GB VRAM ceiling on my Titan Black, and that was at 4k.


Smokey you're always making me second guess my decisions.

Then again my next card I don't want anything less than 6gb. Do we think the "stripped down Titan X" card that's coming will have 6gb?



Smokey you're always making me second guess my decisions.

Then again my next card I don't want anything less than 6gb. Do we think the "stripped down Titan X" card that's coming will have 6gb?

I suspect that by the time a game has the capability to use 12GB of ram effectively, either the GPU won't be fast enough, or the memory bandwidth won't be sufficient. You have to remember that it will ship with a 384 bit GDDR5 interface.
I suspect that by the time a game has the capability to use 12GB of ram effectively, either the GPU won't be fast enough, or the memory bandwidth won't be sufficient. You have to remember that it will ship with a 384 bit GDDR5 interface.

I get that but there will certainly be games over the next 2 years that will use 6gb. I bet Bethesda next game will, their titles are massive.

I just want nothing less than 6 as I don't see anything less covering 1440p, Ultra, with good fps


My 8800 GTX cost me $650 back in Nov. '06. It was amazingly expensive back then but was still the best damn card I've had. Lasted me til 2010.

Yeah... See if they release this card at $700, this could be the next 8800 GTX. Hell even $800. But it ain't going to happen.


I know we are all eagerly awaiting the true specs and benchmarks, but does anyone feel that a single Titan X can run the most current demanding game at 4k/60fps at Max settings?


And the waiting game continues...


I know we are all eagerly awaiting the true specs and benchmarks, but does anyone feel that a single Titan X can run the most current demanding game at 4k/60fps at Max settings?

Like someone else said, I highly doubt it. The GTX980 struggles to absolutely max games at 1440p/60fps (although it succeeds in plenty of cases). If the Titan X managed to max out at 4k/60fps that would be an insane power increase. Likely still looking at 2 Titan Xs to push > 60 FPS in the most demanding games at 4k with bells and whistles like MSAA and AF.

mr stroke

I know we are all eagerly awaiting the true specs and benchmarks, but does anyone feel that a single Titan X can run the most current demanding game at 4k/60fps at Max settings?

Highly unlikely

With the rumored 2x980 Sli performance(what I am personally running now), a single Titan X would not be able to max high end games at 4k 60fps.
I know we are all eagerly awaiting the true specs and benchmarks, but does anyone feel that a single Titan X can run the most current demanding game at 4k/60fps at Max settings?

no it wont even come close. even 2 of them in sli wont be able to run some currently available games at max settings 4k/60


This whole talk of resolutions and FPS in general (that is, without naming specific games or settings) is rather pointless. I mean, I play the vast majority of the games I play at 4k, and my GPU is probably ~40% slower than this card will be.

What GPU are you running, if I may ask?
A GTX 970.
Is that 12gb of "good ram" or is there another technical wonders that allowed them to have 10.5gb RAM that performs as well as expected and 1.5 that doesn't?


That performance looks like expected (assuming those benches are real).

I can only hope (this wont happen because AMD is just a ragdoll at this point), that the AMD card coming out pushes the price of this or the 980 down.


My 270X cries in the corner.

But I won't upgrade until there are 16nm GPUs with HBM for under 200€.

So 2016 it will be....

I'll probably just get a 290x. That thing runs everything, and its pretty cheap now. But ya, love my 270, but gotta upgrade soon,.
That performance looks like expected (assuming those benches are real).

I can only hope (this wont happen because AMD is just a ragdoll at this point), that the AMD card coming out pushes the price of this or the 980 down.

You do realize that the 390X will most likely be equal to, or better in performance to the Titan X right?


Many of you act as if the only reason people got a Titan was for gaming. It was selling well to people who did research as well.


You do realize that the 390X will most likely be equal to, or better in performance to the Titan X right?
Its almost 50% more powerful than a GTX980. It will take something pretty special from AMD to actually best that, much less equal it.

Also, this is still on 28nm, right?
This whole talk of resolutions and FPS in general (that is, without naming specific games or settings) is rather pointless. I mean, I play the vast majority of the games I play at 4k, and my GPU is probably ~40% slower than this card will be.

A GTX 970.

I really need to push my GTX 970 a bit more and make more use of DSR, but usually I don't bother since it is often annoying while alt tabbing out of games.

So, 2x 980 or 1x Titan X? Purely for gaming?

We don't know a price for sure and gaming benchmarks will probably close the gap a bit compared to synthethic ones. But it might be that 2 x 980 is about as expensive or even less expensive for a lot more performance so I guess that, even though I don't like going for SLI.


I know how you feel, I'm right there with you. I parted out and sold my entire watercooled 4670K/780 Ti build late last year hoping for nVidia's announcement of a 980 Ti shortly after the 980 and 970 (much like they did with the 780/Ti), but no luck there. Now it's been months and STILL no sign of a 980 Ti. People were insanely excited about the 980 and 970 like they were the holy grail of cards, and I understand why to an extent -- the 980 brought performance levels that were previously only available at $700+ down to a solid $549, and that's a deal. But not really an improvement. I even saw someone in a separate thread saying they sold their 780 Ti to "upgrade" to a 970...I couldn't really believe it.

I'm with you, though, I might cave for a Titan X when it comes out. If anything to be able to look into my case and know I have a Titan X in there; and besides, the 12gb frame buffer means that dual-tri SLing them in the future would be entirely viable for VR and 4K+ gaming. I doubt the 980 Ti or equivalent will ship with > 6gb VRAM, but I guess 8gb is a possibility.

As has been repeated ad nauseam since its release, the GM206 powering the 980 has all its units enabled. There is nowhere to go for GM206 except an increase in clocks, which anyone can do themselves with adequate cooling and power.

As for GM200 junior, 8GB is not going to happen on the GM200's 384-bit bus. A reasonable assumption is that it'll be 6GB on the $700 card.
Its almost 50% more powerful than a GTX980. It will take something pretty special from AMD to actually best that, much less equal it.

Also, this is still on 28nm, right?

Yeah, this is a fairly massive die at 600mm2. The AMD one was taped out at 550mm2, but it has an HBM interposer which saves a lot of die space and uses a lot less power than a GDDR5 memory controller. 4000 or so SPUs, 2.5D HBM, plus the GCN 1.2 or 1.3 improvements like delta color compression. If you want a sample, look at the r9 285. Its pixel fill rates were through the roof.


SLI performance is impressive. I've managed to talk myself out of buying this card right away. I don't need 12GB of VRAM, I'll wait for the cut down card later this fall or see what the 390X has to offer.

Its almost 50% more powerful than a GTX980. It will take something pretty special from AMD to actually best that, much less equal it.

If an AMD card has ever sounded special...

EDIT: And it looks about 30% faster than a 980, not 50.


We don't know a price for sure and gaming benchmarks will probably close the gap a bit compared to synthethic ones. But it might be that 2 x 980 is about as expensive for a lot more performance so I guess that, even though I don't like going for SLI.

Cost considerations aside, the 2x 980 might be faster but 1x Titan X will be a better experience in my opinion.

Why is SLI bad? Sorry for the questions, I'm building my first ever gaming pc right now lol.
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