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Titan X announced, 12GB framebuffer, 8 billion transistors.


If the performance is only about 21% better than a factory OC'ed 980, I don't think it's going to be worth $1000. $570 for the G1 Gaming card, and in respect to that, it would be about $750 to $800? Or is my math off?

That's about right, but Titan has never had the same price/performance ratio. This is much cheaper than I expected. Also comparing it to a OC'd card isn't apples/apples, since you can do the same on the Titan as well.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Where are these $999 rumblings coming from? I'm very suspicious.

At $999, I don't know if I can resist. At $1350, I can comfortably say I don't need it ;p


$999 is actually better than I was expecting. I'm also hoping AMD dis'mantle's the whole GPU pricing trends with an impressive contender. Based on the rumours, the 390x should be pretty close in performance to this, but there's no chance it will be more than $600.


This is way better than I expected. It seems overpriced by a couple hundred dollars, but given it's a Titan, it's not much. Holy shit I might actually get a Titan X! So glad I waited. How confident are people about the price and release date?

1000 $/£/€ seems very likely and I cannot see Nvidia teasing this card two weeks before their GPU Technology Conference and then not releasing. The product packaging is already finalised, which is something that happens in the run up to product release. A price of 1350, which has been rumoured by some, would be very hard to justify to me. Yes, the die is massive, but this is a mature 28nm process.

Pricing is hard to predict precisely though, because when it releases, there will be no single faster GPU available and this means Nvidia could set whatever price they want. They are sitting on a 70% share of the market and do not have to place price pressure on AMD.


An overclocked GTX Titan X is 62% faster than a stock 980 (and 47% faster than a factory OC'd 980). That's pretty damn good IMO. Would get two if it's indeed $999.


1000 $/£/€ seems very likely and I cannot see Nvidia teasing this card two weeks before their GPU Technology Conference and then not releasing. A price of 1350, which has been rumoured by some, would be very hard to justify to me. Yes, the die is massive, but this is a mature 28nm process.

Pricing is hard to predict precisely though, because when it releases, there will be no single faster GPU available and this means Nvidia could set whatever price they want. They are sitting on a 70% share of the market and do not have to place price pressure on AMD.

Yeah I'm a little skeptical about that price. Really hope it's true. I'm getting back to pc gaming after 10 years and this could be a good start!

mr stroke

No chance at $999 guys

NVIDIA would be leaving money on the table
(Please be wrong please be wrong please be wrong)


So apparently we've got a Titan X demo unit at work.

Problem is, we have no rig with a big enough PSU to handle it, unless I started breaking out power from optical and hard bay drives. Haven't even run the Titan Z we've got for the same reason.
So apparently we've got a Titan X demo unit at work.

Problem is, we have no rig with a big enough PSU to handle it, unless I started breaking out power from optical and hard bay drives. Haven't even run the Titan Z we've got for the same reason.

You dont have a PSU at work with an 8 and 6 pin? That is really weird.


No chance at $999 guys

NVIDIA would be leaving money on the table
(Please be wrong please be wrong please be wrong)

Sadly you're probably right. They may well launch at 1350, as the Titan X will be supply constrained (the yields on a 600 mm2 GPU can't be that great) so you know it will sell out, even at that price.
Fiji XT launches in Q2 for what is likely to be 550-650 and comparable performance. Titan X could have the shortest reign at the top for a GPU in recent memory.


My expectation was that it would be able to overclock to around the level of an R9 295-X2, so I guess I may have been fairly close, if the numbers are accurate. I wonder if the thing can overclock much more than what they did though.


You dont have a PSU at work with an 8 and 6 pin? That is really weird.

Most of our computers are Mac Pros, which have dual six pins to the motherboard. If I wanted I could draw power from a hard drive bay and the optical bay and get enough power, but that's finicky as anything.
We've got Dells that have similarly small PSUs, and then two HPs Z820s that already have last-gen Quadros and Teslas in them, and given how finicky early access drivers have been for Nvidia it's not worth possibly taking them out of commission.

The nice thing is that this only requires 8+6. The Titan Z required dual 8 pins and nothing but the 1125W chassis for the Z820s we had would support that kind of draw to the cards.


If the performance is only about 21% better than a factory OC'ed 980, I don't think it's going to be worth $1000. $570 for the G1 Gaming card, and in respect to that, it would be about $750 to $800? Or is my math off?
Ok, I'll try and clear this up a bit better.

TitanX(stock) - 7427
Gigabyte 980 - 5884

On the graph, TitanX is 100%(which means its the basis for comparison) and the GB 980 is 79%. What that means is that the GB 980 is 79% as powerful as the TitanX.

But it is *not* the same thing to say that the TitanX is only 21% more powerful than the 980. The basis for comparison has changed. The 980 is now the 100%, in which case the stock TitanX is actually 27% more powerful than the GB 980.

So, here we have

1) Stock TitanX is 40% more powerful than stock GTX980.

2) Stock TitanX is 27% more powerful than the Gigabyte 980.

3) Overclocked TitanX is 63% more powerful than the stock GTX980.

4) Overclocked TitanX is 47% more powerful than the Gigabyte 980.


Nvidia gonna milk that titan for a looooooong time. :p

Oh yeah. And I think Nvidia will need two cards because of AMD's 390 and 390x. The 390x should be equal or better and the 390 will be 20% faster or more than a 980 therefore they will need to do something about it.
Oh yeah. And I think Nvidia will need two cards because of AMD's 390 and 390x. The 390x should be equal or better and the 390 will be 20% faster or more than a 980 therefore they will need to do something about it.

Well, the 780 was released 3 months after the Titan. And the Ti came 5 months after that.

It would be nice if it came out in those time frames (albeit.. 3 months is rather long when one considers the time span of previous card gens). I guess we have to see what AMD is doing and pricing.
Hmm. have no idea what triple buffering is, but it SLI system is actually going to detrimental and cause issues, then I can see why buying a single powerful card like Titan X might be worth it.

Also, I wonder if a single 980 will be enough to run Witcher 3 at 60 fps with bells and whistles at 1080p on HDTV. Decisions decisions.

EDIT - I appreciate the advice guys. Guess I'll be speaking with my build guy to make some changes, or at least wait until more details on Titan X come out.
No, I remember someone mentioning that a 980 or 970 ran the witcher at 40-50 fps.

Found the source:http://neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=149331596#post149331596 If I remember correctly there's also an ultra preset too.
For non=Polish readers, I can confirm that both articles state that the preview build of the game was played on I7-4790 + GTX 980 and had framedrops when played on High preset (and generally ~30 fps).
Ok, I'll try and clear this up a bit better.

So, here we have

4) Overclocked TitanX is 47% more powerful than the Gigabyte 980.
Ok not too bad, around 50% improvement. Hoping the next generation cards will be a 50% upgrade over this too. Now I just wish the damn CPU's started to get better. I swear it's the same shit since 2500k.
Ok, I'll try and clear this up a bit better.

TitanX(stock) - 7427
Gigabyte 980 - 5884

On the graph, TitanX is 100%(which means its the basis for comparison) and the GB 980 is 79%. What that means is that the GB 980 is 79% as powerful as the TitanX.

But it is *not* the same thing to say that the TitanX is only 21% more powerful than the 980. The basis for comparison has changed. The 980 is now the 100%, in which case the stock TitanX is actually 27% more powerful than the GB 980.

So, here we have

1) Stock TitanX is 40% more powerful than stock GTX980.

2) Stock TitanX is 27% more powerful than the Gigabyte 980.

3) Overclocked TitanX is 63% more powerful than the stock GTX980.

4) Overclocked TitanX is 47% more powerful than the Gigabyte 980.

Well 980 can be overclocked too - so it should end in 35-40% better area compared to overclocked 980.


What's with the original post calling out Xbox and PlayStation?

Also I swear I keep hearing 8 billion transistors. Maybe I'm just getting tired of hearing nvidia batman physx PR.

Though I do wonder the actual application for this card this time since the other titans were more for cuda stuff but could still push games easily.
$2000 btw


What's with the original post calling out Xbox and PlayStation?
Well it's the first GPU on PC which can rival the PS4, so understandably this is celebrated. We've waited one year and a half for that. Before that they were no GPU as fast as the 8gb of GDDR5 of the PS4.
Don't let any PC elitist tell you otherwise.

Also I swear I keep hearing 8 billion transistors. Maybe I'm just getting tired of hearing nvidia batman physx PR.
Physx was anything but PR in Batman games. You might want to play them with Physx enabled. It impacted all three games tremendously IMO.

Though I do wonder the actual application for this card this time since the other titans were more for cuda stuff but could still push games easily.
$2000 btw
The two previous Titans were 1.000$. The Titan Z was a dual GPU, this new one is a single one and will be priced between 1.000$ and 1350$.
In regards to application you can be sure this is a gaming card. It's advertised as such (this card has been running VR demos from Epic, Occulus and Valve).
It's Nvidia's top card, and after the 970 fiasco, what do you think?

You must be new if you think this is the 970 is the first fiasco. I also don't understand what you stand to gain for defending a corporation that doesn't have your best interests in mind.

Given that the 970 was released so recently that's an even greater reason for us to be skeptical of any surprising specifications.

Assuming corporations like Nvidia are innocent just after they've done wrong to their consumers is a very poor decision in my opinion.
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