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TITANFALL 2 is depressingly disappointing....


Yeah, that's the funnest part of it all. Despite it's problems Titanfall 2 is still better than the other shooters coming out =D

I mean I guess for my taste's it's technically better than those two (Not a big BF or COD fan). But i'm so picky with Shooters in the MP, it doesn't mean much for me. I can't see myself playing any of the three this holiday. Will probably just stick with Overwatch and Gears 4 for MP.


This is not necessarily a bad thing as it is forcing players to stop camping and continuing to stalk for their next kill.

I can only speak for my time with TF1 but I never thought there was a problem with campers . This seems like a fix for something that wasn't that big of a problem to me.
One of my favorite things about Titanfall is how your operators would chime in in a little window in the upper-right corner and give you constant status updates, even outside of Campaign Multiplayer.

That's just gone in this one and it feels a whole hell of a lot lonelier for it.

I wonder how much of them including an actual single player mode led them to cut all that stuff and the a.i this go around

If so very poor decision


I can only speak for my time with TF1 but I never thought there was a problem with campers . This seems like a fix for something that wasn't that big of a problem to me.

It was not a problem in TF1 but it might be in Titanfall 2, especially bounty hunt or hardpoint which at times feels like it is nothing more than people shooting from the roof tops, hiding behind cover and rinse and repeat.
This is why earning a titan is slow and annoying in titanfall 2, look at that orange part of the counter slowly degrade over time, forcing you to keep the kills coming otherwise you lose a lot of score.

Holy crap, that's horrendous. I had heard from people that the meter sometimes decreased, but actually seeing that GIF kills any remaining interest I had for this game.


It was not a problem in TF1 but it might be in Titanfall 2, especially bounty hunt or hardpoint which at times feels like it is nothing more than people shooting from the roof tops, hiding behind cover and rinse and repeat.

I can see that since one of thier new modes, amped hardpoint, encourages camping.


This is why earning a titan is slow and annoying in titanfall 2, look at that orange part of the counter slowly degrade over time, forcing you to keep the kills coming otherwise you lose a lot of score.


Oh terrible design and ideas it's like they removed all the pillars what made TF1 great.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
This is why earning a titan is slow and annoying in titanfall 2, look at that orange part of the counter slowly degrade over time, forcing you to keep the kills coming otherwise you lose a lot of score.


Jesus Christ. Just when I thought the game couldn't get more disappointing.


Wow the change to Titan timer is horrible. Unless they make huge changes I don't think I'll even touch this game.

Was hoping for TF1 with a cool campaign :/


So it's not just Titanfall 1 with a campaign mode?

That's all I wanted. I loved Titanfall's mechanics. This is sad news. :(
yeah i feel the same way

shame since i really enjoyed TF1 even bought the console bundle for it after renting it for 360

guess i'll either rent it for the campaign or ill buy it for cheap later


I didn't play TF1 but I was amazed at how quick the TTK in TF2 was. Wasn't impressed with the maps either, considering the maps I watched vids of for the first game. No way I'll pick this up unless changes are made. BF1 will get my money.

Does anyone know if Respawn reads GAF, I can't imagine what they're thinking if they're reading these comments.
I can't honestly work out why they would remove burn cards, attrition & Titan timers

Parkour didn't even seem much of a focus on these 2 maps either!

Did the lead designer leave or something?

Especially to remove all this and say hey PlayStation fans here is your first experience of Titanfall, by the way we have removed everything which made it fast, fluid and makes you feel as if you are participating in a game, to make it a camp grind fest

I actually came away from Titan fall 2 thinking I'm just not cut out for FPS shooters anymore.

Now I realise why! This isn't Titanfall!!


As a PS4 owner who never played the original Titanfall, I'm incredibly disappointed by the response to this beta. It's a shame that I won't be able to experience the "true" Titanfall game anytime soon.

Hopped back into T1 on PC recently and I've never had any problems finding a game. It is a shame that PS4 users miss out on the Titanfall experience though.


Ill give the tech test another shot this weekend, but I really dont think Ill be buying this game. At least not anytime near its release.

Its coming out within weeks of 2 other blockbuster FPS'es, and the things that made it amazing have been gimped down from the first game.

"Fixing" Titanfall 1 for a sequel should have been easy. (Personally I loved TF1 on my PC, and still do enjoy playing it, but I understand the reasons that caused others to leave.) Im pretty disappointed, but it makes the choice of which game to buy during that release timeframe a hell of a lot easier.


I only played the TF1 beta on PC and remember how fun the movement was. I hopped into pilot v pilot and got homestead 3 times in a row. That map really kind of killed the test for me, not a fan of bounty hunt or the design of amped hardpoint.

Was honestly just going to get this game as my shooter instead of battlefield out of spite for BF4s launch. Might be getting battlefield depending on impressions and if they have fucling squad search on launch. A feature that was in BF3 (looking at you BF4). Sorry to get off topic.

Also, didn't like the hook, felt slow to me.


Hopped back into T1 on PC recently and I've never had any problems finding a game.

That's cool to hear, been thinking about re-downloading the game on origin. Just wish the install size wasn't so bloated, I unfortunately have a bandwidth cap lol.


Hopped back into T1 on PC recently and I've never had any problems finding a game. It is a shame that PS4 users miss out on the Titanfall experience though.

Started playing on XB1 and lots of people still online playing it..went playing after i came back from gamescom.


I have the collector's edition on preorder but man, if they don't change this game I may not buy any version of it at launch. The changes that they've made to this game are just confusing to me, someone who consistently played TF since about a month or so after release. They could've added SP and improved customization and skins or whatever FPS players need to keep playing MP, without throwing what made TF unique down the toilet. Haven't been this letdown since Mass Effect 3.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Ridiculous. Hoping Respawn is seeing the feedback here and really considering a delay. It's the only thing that can possibly save is game now, and even then, that delay is going to have to be packed wit changes, and probably lot of post launch patches.

Please don't kill Titanfall like is Rspawn. Delay, and listen to the fans.


This is crazy.

The TF1 beta made me preorder the game immediately.

The TF2 beta is making me want to not get the game.

I am sure it's still very early to judge it based on two maps...but it just seems like they took away most of what made the original so damn great.
I had a feeling with EA launching the game the week between Battlefield and Call of Duty that their either have no confidence in it or are purposefully trying to kill it. They might be trying to pull a Bethesda and weaken Respawn enough to buy them outright.
This is crazy.

The TF1 beta made me preorder the game immediately.

The TF2 beta is making me want to not get the game.

I am sure it's still very early to judge it based on two maps...but it just seems like they took away most of what made the original so damn great.


not buying this game now [not even on sale, cause why pay anything for something i won't play?].

will stick to my under-populated TF1 on PC :/

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Never knew about requiring a killstreak to get a Titan. That's BS, I don't understand why Respawn would neuter their main feature like that.


Reading and seeing all this stuff is really sad. I am fan of Titanfall 1, played it on PC for 50+ hours, and it was awesome multiplayer experience, felt fresh and unique from other shooters. Second one though... I played the technical test on PS4 and didn't like it from the beginning, I thought maybe it's just my taste, but after so many negative opinions, man. I think this gets really intriguing here, will Respawn respond or react to all this somehow? I'm predicting 8 and 9 scores from reviewers anyway, we don't get that much criticism for AAA games nowadays, can't remember something big that came out and get 6-7.
I had a feeling with EA launching the game the week between Battlefield and Call of Duty that their either have no confidence in it or are purposefully trying to kill it. They might be trying to pull a Bethesda and weaken Respawn enough to buy them outright.

They are trying to weaken Call of Duty.


I've not paid that much attention to the tech test, didn't even bother to download it. Seemed like a certain buy for me because I really enjoyed the first, maybe not now. Titan as a killstreak is stupid af, and all that other stuff.


What is more depressing there handling like a new IP...i cannot understand why there are thinking this. You had some huge fantastic pillars for the first one and where probably listening to reddit who never touched the game or the whiners who wanted change and it did happen.
I've not paid that much attention to the tech test, didn't even bother to download it. Seemed like a certain buy for me because I really enjoyed the first, maybe not now. Titan as a killstreak is stupid af, and all that other stuff.

It's kind of a kill streak, it charges based on points from kills and Titan kills and you can die between the charge and not Lose the full meter.

Game is bullshit though and I support everyone including myself for not buying this if they don't revert back to the madness which is Titanfall!

They surely have to! And I hope they do for this next weekend beta as they are bound to lose sales if they don't


always chasing the next thrill
as i suck at mp fps games.
i enjoyed the feeling i could kill things like ai.
and sometimes also killed pilots when i got into my titan,

so both points that made this game cool got killed ?

such a shame
will get it after they patch the hell out of it and say sorry to old noobs like me :p


I thought my percentage to titan was dropping but figured it had to be my imagination when playing. Wow.

Im just really glad I bought the xbone bundle back then because I got to play a better game than what this is shaping up to be. Dont know whether to keep my ce preorder or not.


Holy crap, that's horrendous. I had heard from people that the meter sometimes decreased, but actually seeing that GIF kills any remaining interest I had for this game.


I was wondering why it was taking so damn long to get a Titan.

At least in Titan Fall 1 it's like everyone can have a titan in the game at least 3 to 4 times (in battle of attrition)

In the new mode it seemed like I could only get 1 maybe 2 if I was lucky in the match


I feel bad for Respawn tbh because word of mouth spreads quick
they can still save it though, their support of TF1 after launch was pretty amazing as any fan knows
they made a lot of good decisions too just being drowned out as good things tend to be
if we had a pc test we would already have like a billion direct comparison videos and everything would be worse so maybe they did know


It's kind of a kill streak, it charges based on points from kills and Titan kills and you can die between the charge and not Lose the full meter.

Game is bullshit though and I support everyone including myself for not buying this if they don't revert back to the madness which is Titanfall!

They surely have to! And I hope they do for this next weekend beta as they are bound to lose sales if they don't

Ahh right, thanks! Rich get richer though I guess, I liked how in Titanfall everyone got the chance to get one even if they were garbage, if the meter ticks down I guess you could go a full game without getting one?

I'll try get on it this weekend, with it not being on PC I didn't bother but I guess I'll dust off the PS4!
What is more depressing there handling like a new IP...i cannot understand why there are thinking this. You had some huge fantastic pillars for the first one and where probably listening to reddit who never touched the game or the whiners who wanted change and it did happen.

Reddit is really down in the game as well.


Titans are a killstreak bonus now? First I've heard of it. That's awful.

They are not. They are attached to scorestreaks. So in other words, your progress is not completely wiped after you die. Maybe Respawn will reconsider and bring back the timer system after all this feedback.

hao chi

Damn, it sucks to see that the general consensus of the test isn't good at all. Maybe they'll make huge changes with patches to help improve the game, but criticisms of the map design are alarming and aren't really something that can typically be fixed with a simple patch.
This is why earning a titan is slow and annoying in titanfall 2, look at that orange part of the counter slowly degrade over time, forcing you to keep the kills coming otherwise you lose a lot of score.


Maybe is the game mode but Bounty hunter you can get your titan easily by doing the objectives even if you get assists or damage the enemy titan


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
They wouldn't stick it right next to Battlefield if that was the only idea. Battlefield has been their direct competition with COD for years. I would have expected Titanfall 2 to be a February or March release.

EA doesn't care if you buy BF1 or TF2 as long as you aren't buying CoD. They really wanna weaken CoDs momentum.
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