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TITANFALL 2 is depressingly disappointing....

On paper Titanfall 2 should be the most straight forward sequel to produce as it just needed the amount of content expected in a shooter of today. A deeper progression/unlock system, more customisation and obviously new maps/modes. The single player campaign I could take or leave but can totally see why they added one in.


I'd be in the dick
Watching some videos of the first to see what's different.

I really hope the presentation improves a lot. The added chatter and more scoring bonuses added a lot to the first. Stuff like "Doomed Titan" is statisfying when it shows up.


This is why earning a titan is slow and annoying in titanfall 2, look at that orange part of the counter slowly degrade over time, forcing you to keep the kills coming otherwise you lose a lot of score.


Respawn, what the hell are you doing?


Wow. Seeing people in This thread trying to do damage control is kind of pathetic. The arguments are god awful too.

"You can do that in tf2 too! You just need this perk and this and this and that and you can do it"

Or "Titans weren't that strong in the first game! If you hit them enough they die too!"

Well no shit.

The Dude

Glad to see I'm not the only one. Game felt like cod fodder. Titanfall had a great feel to it, this is nothing but cod wrapped in the TF brand


I played like 10 hrs of TF1 last week with the 2 day demo they give you on Origin. Had a really great time with it, but could see why people would have wanted more content at launch. I came out of that really excited for TF2 because I thought that it would just be TF1 but with more. All the changes Respawn are making don't sound fun though, and some seem to go against what made TF1 special.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
OP just talked me out of titanfall. Everything in that list is what I loved about TF1. Fuck.

As someone who is extremely dissapointed with this tech test, you should still try it out. It's a good game, just not a good titanfall game.
holy shit I sound like halogaf talking about halo 4


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Speaking of tf1, I noticed my left stick was drifting playing this earlier. It's a newish elite that works absolutely fine with every other game including halo 5 with controller settings set to 0 deadzones. Was this a known issue?


Why is there no 32 vs 32 multiplayer?

Whoops that's what I meant I just worded it weird. I know Titans were easy to kill in titanfall one but it titanfall 2 it feels like you have almost have no shot now unless your far away spamming the charge rifle. Theirs no running from roof to roof blasting the Titan with the sidewinder while it tries to get you.
But you don't know if we'll have a sidewinder in this game or not. we haven't seen much of the game
It's weird from a multi only game this now looks like a single player game with MP tacked on.

Personally I felt they just needed to change two things from my time with the first;
- Completely change the non Titan weapons as they were fucking TRASH.
- The AI was always and forever would be bad so instead of making them play fake players - make them a bunch of weaklings (droids even) with anti Titan weapons who are poor vs players. Forces players to protect Titans and allows teams to build a force around Titans by protecting them. In TF1 they were just there to be shot and mechanically were dull.

Now TF2 seems to be a characterless game and I am not seeing any real showing of the weapons which makes me think it will continue to be poor.
You didn't like the first game, and you don't like the second game. Why even bother posting?

I played the tech demo, 2 games were all I could take. This is from someone who bought (and sold) an Xbox One just so I could play TF1.

I knew it was gonna be bad when we got dropped into the map in typical TF fashion, and literally, 75% of my team could not make the first jump into the building straight in front of us. Something doesn't feel right. For a game that prides itself on freedom of movement, I feel so claustrophobic.

I just wasn't fun. Then finally a titan drop, "here we go!" I thought. Nope. It was nearly impossible to shoot a pilot on the ground, titan battles were a fucking snooze fest. Grunts and Spectres running around doing nothing? Its a hot mess.

I have no doubt this game will settle into a solid 80/100 metacritic score, but I expected more from the original Infinity Ward folks, I really did.
I'm sorry what? you had trouble shooting pilots on the ground but you loved the first game? Sorry but if you couldn't kill a pilot on the ground that's user error, not the games fault. And you do realize no one parkoured in the first game besides the top 1% of players so i'm not sure why you were surprised half your team couldn't make the first jump.

Reddit is really down in the game as well.
As if that means something... all of a sudden the subreddit got a surge of new people claiming to be titanfall "regulars" yet we've never seen them there, and also a bunch of people that decided to come back to the sub after not being there for a very long time. Most of the people that have posted there consistently for the last year like the game, a lot, and have suggested some tweaks that need to be made.
Everyone saying TF2 is fine should take a good hard look at this and have a word with themselves ;)

Either you didn't play the original or you haven't in a very long time!
Yet 99% of the population of Titanfall 1 never moved like that.


So, the maps are not as fun to zip around like this?

Oh well, this just made me super sad...

I guess the movement is different though in a sense because I can pull of other crazy moves with the grappling hook that I otherwise couldn't do in the first game.

But yeah...
I'm sorry what? you had trouble shooting pilots on the ground but you loved the first game? Sorry but if you couldn't kill a pilot on the ground that's user error, not the games fault. And you do realize no one parkoured in the first game besides the top 1% of players.

As if that means something... all of a sudden the subreddit got a surge of new people claiming to be titanfall "regulars" yet we've never seen them there, and also a bunch of people that decided to come back to the sub after not being there for a very long time. Most of the people that have posted there consistently for the last year like the game, a lot, and have suggested some tweaks that need to be made.

Yet 99% of the population of Titanfall 1 never moved like that.
Only 1% parkoured? What the hell am I reading here? Those 1% assholes must have always been in my games.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
So, the maps are not as fun to zip around like this?


Nope. Boomtown has really awkward lines and you can't chain much together, and what's there has fairly large gaps which to me felt like they were there to accommodate the grapple.

Homestead on the other hand has almost nothing to really jump on and doesn't fit a titanfall map at all to me.


The reason I played the first one was the titans.

I was not good enough to get big kill streaks.

I cannot get titans in Titanfall 2 because I'm not good enough.

I will not be buying this game.
Is that a 'This game sucks' disappointing? Or 'This game isn't as good as Titanfall 1, but it's still better than most other games' disappointing.

I didn't get to play much Titanfall 1 unfortunately, but I thought the Titanfall 2 beta seemed alright.
Is that a 'This game sucks' disappointing? Or 'This game isn't as good as Titanfall 1, but it's still better than most other games' disappointing.

I didn't get to play much Titanfall 1 unfortunately, but I thought the Titanfall 2 beta seemed alright.
Obviously the latter.


Is that a 'This game sucks' disappointing? Or 'This game isn't as good as Titanfall 1, but it's still better than most other games' disappointing.

I didn't get to play much Titanfall 1 unfortunately, but I thought the Titanfall 2 beta seemed alright.
Definitely the latter.

This game would have been much better received if Titanfall 1 didn't exist.


Neo Member
Getting information that the running speed is identical, if not slightly faster in TF2 compared to the prequel. http://denkirson.proboards.com/post/230313

Some of you may recognize that board, it was thé site to go to for Call of Duty 4 stats way back, lol.

Doesn't discredit all the other complaints, however. Will play myself if they're gonna hold a PC tech test


Unconfirmed Member
Is that a 'This game sucks' disappointing? Or 'This game isn't as good as Titanfall 1, but it's still better than most other games' disappointing.

I didn't get to play much Titanfall 1 unfortunately, but I thought the Titanfall 2 beta seemed alright.

Most certainly the latter, Respawn are a talented bunch it's just a lot of the changes from the first game I really don't like. Taken on its own it's certainly not bad.


Getting information that the running speed is identical, if not slightly faster in TF2 compared to the prequel. http://denkirson.proboards.com/post/230313

Some of you may recognize that board, it was thé site to go to for Call of Duty 4 stats way back, lol.

Doesn't discredit all the other complaints, however. Will play myself if they're gonna hold a PC tech test

Yes, this was also posted on reddit

Titanfall 1: Your speed accelerated during wallruns, starting at your run speed (~20kph) and capping at 2.0x run speed (~40kph). This took chaining two or more wallruns together, but this max speed could then be maintained indefinitely, as long as you continued chaining together wallruns and bunnyhops
Titanfall 2: Acceleration is gone, instead hitting a wallrun seems to instantly bump you up to 1.5x run speed (~30kph). When you boost yourself out of the wallrun, you immediately go to 2.0x run speed (~40kph) while airborn. This drops back down to 1.5x if you hit another wallrun, or 1.0x if you land on the ground (bunnyhops can keep you in the air at 2.0x)
This results in the strange clunky feeling we are getting. As you try to chain wallruns together, you are jerking between 30kph and 40kph, being faster in the air and slower on the wall. Whereas in the original title, you would maintain a consistent, smooth 40kph (and getting there was a smooth-feeling acceleration)
T1 ground = up to 20 kph
T1 wallrun = up to 40 kph
T1 airborn = up to 40 kph
T2 ground = always 20 kph
T2 wallrun = always 30 kph
T2 airborn = always 40 kph
FOV reduced, creating illusion of slowness
(airborn being when jumping out of a wallrun)

A dev on the sub has already acknowledged this with a smile and a "thanks for the heads up" These changes are easy to make and i can see them resorting back to the original "feel" of titanfall 1 wall run speeds.

Now watch everyone subsequently ignore these things. lol


I just want to say what my thought process was going into this thread. I was hesitant at first because there's been a lot of anger/disappointment lately and I haven't really agreed with much of it.

How can such a sure thing become this disappointing? I don't remember being disappointed in a sequel as much as this one. It almost threw everything that made the first game interesting and great and made COD clone.

Here's just some of the things they got wrong:

1- Player movement isn't as smooth as the prequel.

2-Maps are terrible. Almost no thought went into making them. TF1 maps were made with pilots movement/parkour in mind but this one seems like maps from COD or BF.

3- No AI (outside of Bounty Hunter): The feature that made Titanfall unique is gone from all modes except Bounty Hunter which is a poorly designed mode.

4- No Attrition: The most popular mode in TF1 is gone.

5- No titan timer: You get your Titan from a killstreak

6- Killstreak: WTF are you doing Respawn?

I read somewhere that TF1 feels like a sequel to this game and I totally agree with that statement. They pretty much drop the ball on TF2. Maybe TF3 will get back to the series roots.

and please don't tell me it's Technical Test and the full game will be different. What we played is basically a demo. Maybe some tweak here and there but nothing fundamental.

1. I'm not entirely sure what this means. I'll have to check it out when the game is released I guess. The movement in the first game was perfect, though I suspect they are no longer using the Source engine so a lot of that stuff might change.

2. This is disappointing to hear. The map design in TF1 was amazing and really worked well to capitalize on their player movement systems

3. No idea what Bounty Hunter mode is so I don't know how bad of a change this will be. For all I know, that might be the best mode in the game :\

4. What? Has it been replaced with something else/better? Or was it just dropped entirely in favor of the usual stuff you would see in a CoD game?

5. WHAT THE FUCK? This was the point, while reading this post, where I went from being unsure if I shared the concern to being 100% sure that I don't like the changes they are making, before even playing the game. They balanced the Titans perfectly the first time around, I thought. Everyone gets them, but playing good gets you yours quicker. Lots of room to balance within those constraints. Not a fan of this change at all.

6. Word

Wow, thanks for making this OP. I watched a few vids in passing but didn't pick up on the impact of these changes.

Ugh. Another game moving from my "Will buy" pile to my "Wait for reviews" pile.


Is that a 'This game sucks' disappointing? Or 'This game isn't as good as Titanfall 1, but it's still better than most other games' disappointing.

I didn't get to play much Titanfall 1 unfortunately, but I thought the Titanfall 2 beta seemed alright.

As others said, the latter. The game isn't bad, it's just multiple steps below Titanfall 1.

If it was a new IP or something this thread would probably be full of praise outside of maybe the maps.


Neo Member
1- Player movement isn't as smooth as the prequel.

2-Maps are terrible. Almost no thought went into making them. TF1 maps were made with pilots movement/parkour in mind but this one seems like maps from COD or BF.

3- No AI (outside of Bounty Hunter): The feature that made Titanfall unique is gone from all modes except Bounty Hunter which is a poorly designed mode.

4- No Attrition: The most popular mode in TF1 is gone.

5- No titan timer: You get your Titan from a killstreak

6- Killstreak: WTF are you doing Respawn?

1. I feel half - half on this. I'm personally glad the game is a bit slower, it feels a bit more methodical, and who knows, maybe the speed on consoles will be slower than on PC. It felt just as smooth in my opinion.

2. For a first impressions beta/alpha - these 2 maps they chose were terrible. The maps lack proper focus and verticality. They are very "run around all over the place". I hope to see some TF1 maps in TF2. TF2s maps where VERY cod like.

3. I found the grunts in TF1 to feel really gimmicky, but after playing TF2, it almost feels like nothing is going on the whole match.

4. eh, it's a demo, maybe we'll see it?

5. I don't know if this a good or bad thing personally. I don't feel "everyone deserves a titan", but the less skilled players wont even have a chance.

I personally really want to like this game. Titanfall1 was so great and I want more of it. I did enjoy the beta regardless though, but hasn't convinced me to buy it.


There were only 2 maps in the Alpha. LOL.. jesus. There will be more maps and I'm sure there will be some made like TF1.
There were only 2 maps in the Alpha. LOL.. jesus. There will be more maps and I'm sure there will be some made like TF1.
As if maps are the only complaints here.
This and "it's just a pre alpha" are worthless comments, considering that the game is going gold soon and that they likely didn't hand pick the two shittiest maps to put in the public play test...


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
That Angel City gif is what normal traversal looked like on that map, it was the perfect map to introduce the player to wall running and parkour. IDK what they were thinking with choosing these two maps for the alpha test, I really hope the maps in the final game are a lot better.
Majority of the player base did not move freely around the maps like people are dreaming up right now. Seems like everyone is looking through rose-colored glasses at the moment
I had the season pass and played a ton of TF1. Players parkoured all the time. As well as we see in the gif posted? Not so much, but they still did all the time. I think you're attempting to downplay criticisms of TF2.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
I'm devasted also. It's so depressing because the original is so ridiculously stupendous, that they only needed to build on what they had. Not effectively restructure it.
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