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TITANFALL 2 is depressingly disappointing....


The map i played in the tech test was like it had walls built around the facility as though the titans were confined to only the outside. I never remember maps in titanfall being like that. The game is nowhere near the first yeah it has wall running but to me thats it. It is a big let down what i played.


There were only 2 maps in the Alpha. LOL.. jesus. There will be more maps and I'm sure there will be some made like TF1.
Let's hope so.

In the meanwhile we can continue basking in the glory that is Titanfall 1.






This is why earning a titan is slow and annoying in titanfall 2, look at that orange part of the counter slowly degrade over time, forcing you to keep the kills coming otherwise you lose a lot of score.



Sorry, if I understand this right, is getting a Titan on a killstreak like meter now? O_O
Why on earth did the devs change what set Titanfall apart?

That's really what I hope we hear from them and what their vision of this game and where the first one went wrong.

There are so many questions but the biggest one for me is why they decided to almost completely scrap AI from most modes.

Bounty Hunt just feels like an artificial mode where you are shuttled to different parts of the map and might not even run into enemies while you farm creep waves.

H5 Warzone does this so much better by at least having the battlefield full but also having named bosses drop. I'm genuinely curious if this decision was driven by them not wanting to pay for the servers to support that level of AI on every match. Otherwise, why scrap your bread and butter mode?

I'll have to see tf2 gameplay for myself. But personally I am not saddened if attrition is truly gone. That mode was shit.

Seeing quotes like this makes me wonder if they just did a bunch of focus group testing to try and figure out how to sell more copies.


I had the season pass and played a ton of TF1. Players parkoured all the time. As well as we see in the gif posted? Not so much, but they still did all the time. I think you're attempting to downplay criticisms of TF2.

Definitely not. I was on the tech test early, about an hour or so after it went live for the people that got codes and i detailed everything i thought was wrong with the game.

And i've dropped 2000+ hours into the original, it's the only game i've really played this entire gen. I think people are jumping on a bandwagon here and it's pretty interesting to watch unfold.

I'll have to see tf2 gameplay for myself. But personally I am not saddened if attrition is truly gone. That mode was shit.
So many people blamed that mode for the actual criticism of the game being "COD with mechs shooting bots" and now we're seeing a flood of people cry over attrition. I guess it's just..... the internet.
Majority of the player base did not move freely around the maps like people are dreaming up right now. Seems like everyone is looking through rose-colored glasses at the moment.

Put the disc back in and join us that are playing it now. Plenty of people running around like that.
Seeing quotes like this makes me wonder if they just did a bunch of focus group testing to try and figure out how to sell more copies.

huh? I love TF1. But I think attrition mode has and always will be terrible.

So many people blamed that mode for the actual criticism of the game being "COD with mechs shooting bots" and now we're seeing a flood of people cry over attrition. I guess it's just..... the internet.

No. I don't mind the grunts and stuff being in the game.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
So many people blamed that mode for the actual criticism of the game being "COD with mechs shooting bots" and now we're seeing a flood of people cry over attrition. I guess it's just..... the internet.

Or...different people saying it? I always mainly played attrition and CTF in TF1.


Speaking of tf1, I noticed my left stick was drifting playing this earlier. It's a newish elite that works absolutely fine with every other game including halo 5 with controller settings set to 0 deadzones. Was this a known issue?

The plastic or something cracks underneath it. So when you tug it pulls looser than normal. I assume that it can cause drift.

Mines broken also but haven't noticed any drift. Once in awhile it acts funky but reset of the console or controller usually fixes it.

It seems impossible to not run into this issue if you buy a new one. If I was going to buy one again, I would from Best Buy with a warranty.
3- No AI (outside of Bounty Hunter): The feature that made Titanfall unique is gone from all modes except Bounty Hunter which is a poorly designed mode.

4- No Attrition: The most popular mode in TF1 is gone.

This is a a big one for me, I suck pretty bad at online shooters but the AI actually made me feel like I was contributing to the battle in some way. Sucks they took them out of all the modes accept Bounty Hunter also no attrition sucks too.

I heard from Jeff G. during the Titanfall 2 stream on Giant Bomb that the movement felt slower too, which doesn't sound like a good idea to me. I loved the fast moving combat of the original.


Unconfirmed Member
I'll admit Hardpoint and Last Titan Standing were my preferred modes in TF1. I still enjoy Attrition but it's not my favourite mode.
I just hope the Azure Servers make the game as smooth as the first game in Australia.

It's nice for our little island to get a server once in awhile rather than trying to connect to California to play multiplayer.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Me neither, im' just saying the mode isn't exactly the best indicator of Titanfall gameplay.

Gameplay? Maybe not.

But Titanfall in essence? Yes. Yes it does. I'm staggered someone who has put in as many hours as you into the original (I've put in about 320) isn't more bothered by 2.


I didn't get a chance this weekend to try it. Hopefully I will this upcoming one. Sad to hear though. I enjoyed the first so much I was expecting to be disappointed in this one. Still upsetting though. Hopefully when I try it I wont be though.
I've never heard any of my fps friends say they like attrition, because we're competitive players and don't like the idea of just shooting bots or running over them with a titan makes for interesting or compelling competitive game play.

It doesn't bother me that other people liked the mode. It was the "TDM" of the game where you just go in and blast people away without much thought or strategy, except you also shoot the AI. Objective modes are much more compelling to me. OW has also shown that objective FPS games can sell and be received extremely well.

Me neither, im' just saying the mode isn't exactly the best indicator of Titanfall gameplay.

I think I understand what you were saying now. You were saying it's weird that people suddenly care about attrition. I thought you were saying something different.
It's like they never even played the first game, Jesus Christ antitrop your fucking up my whole day with these gifs.

Only .2% of the pop ever did that. As someone who took 2+ days off of work to play, I'd know. With some tweaks, Respawn can fix every issue with the game.

Those gifs make me tear up though.

Very tiny amount. The map design, Bot distraction and traversal options available to players didn't allow for camping to be a realistically viable option.

Now it seems to be fucking rampant.

Exactly. The AI benefited the game in so many ways. It still does, fighting the AI mechs in 2 is fairly interesting. Too bad it's in waves only and not in hardpoint at all. Makes the map feel super empty.

I never understood killstreaks. You're basically already further powering up a character who is already dominating in the match?

It makes more sense to just put the titan as a timer to keep things fair and balanced for everyone.

Why I preferred the timers. I can do just fine in the meta for 2, but it's not my cup of tea. By the time the lesser skilled players got their titan, my laser core would be full and I'd nuke the shit out of them as soon as they got in. Poor bastards.


I really enjoyed the lack of killstreaks in Titanfall 1.

It's one of the worst things in shooters right now, first someone is hammering you, so the game gives them better weapons so you can't come back from them hammering you.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Was the original full of rooftop campers and snipers? Just to hell with the players in this game...

Very tiny amount. The map design, Bot distraction and traversal options available to players didn't allow for camping to be a realistically viable option.

Now it seems to be fucking rampant.
I never understood killstreaks. You're basically already further powering up a character who is already dominating in the match?

It makes more sense to just put the titan as a timer to keep things fair and balanced for everyone.


Gameplay? Maybe not.

But Titanfall in essence? Yes. Yes it does. I'm staggered someone who has put in as many hours as you into the original (I've put in about 320) isn't more bothered by 2.

There are things that bother me but the things that are bothering me can be fixed. I think they've improved on certain aspects of the game actually. I'm not the only one that thinks this either, pretty much everyone that participated in the last few Titanfall console tournaments all say the same exact things.
I never understood killstreaks. You're basically already further powering up a character who is already dominating in the match?

It makes more sense to just put the titan as a timer to keep things fair and balanced for everyone.
You don't have to kill other players to get Titans in Bounty Hunt, you just need to play the objectives. As a total Titanfall noob (evident by my clunky traversal), and a decidedly mediocre player, I had no trouble getting multiple Titans:


This was on the losing team.

I just hope the Azure Servers make the game as smooth as the first game in Australia.

It's nice for our little island to get a server once in awhile rather than trying to connect to California to play multiplayer.
I don't know which provider they're using, but they have Sydney data centres for the Tech Test on PS4 with 11ms ping. There was no appreciable lag at any point for me, so the server/netcode combo couldn't be faulted.


I'll admit Hardpoint and Last Titan Standing were my preferred modes in TF1. I still enjoy Attrition but it's not my favourite mode.

This. Last Titan Standing is the best. This mode promoted teamwork and tactical actions far more than Attrition could ever hope to. You can get deathmatch (Attrition) in any game.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
I didn't enjoy the beta either. But it wasn't that bad as people are making it sound.

Its just not an improvement. I think that's whats disappointing about it. I expected it to be so much better. But its pretty much the same and slightly bad.


I didn't enjoy the beta either. But it wasn't that bad as people are making it sound.

Its just not an improvement. I think that's whats disappointing about it. I expected it to be so much better. But its pretty much the same and slightly bad.

If it was the same, everyone would be more positive. What most people experience in the tech test was a regression.
wait wait wait, is Attrition confirmed to be gone? I thought it just wasn't included in this tech test?

If it isn't there I may just skip this for awhile until BF1 wares on me


The list in the OP seems like a list of all the worst things you could do to a sequel to Titanfall.

Titanfall 1 died (especially on PC) for good reasons, but the core gameplay was excellent. Why ruin it?


Hey, we tried 2 maps lol. Very possible the better parkour maps are yet to come. Let's hope anyways.

Boomtown felt very reminiscent of Colony and Angel City from the first game, just without all the opportunities for wallrunning chains.

It does seem like the maps were designed specifically with the grappling hook in mind, which makes it very odd that it's just an optional loadout item.
Is there even confirmation that Attrition is really gone? It seems pretty obvious why they led off with the two game modes they did. Bounty Hunt, because they're hoping that it's a new flagship competitive MOBA style mode, and Pilots vs Pilots because last time around it came late, a bit after the people who were really clamoring for it mostly left in the first place.

I don't have much use for the Pilots vs Pilots, but some of my COD-focused friends seemed to enjoy it.

Bounty Hunt is actually a pretty fun mode. The biggest problem is that people were just playing TDM, and ignoring the objectives. No, you're not going to win off of $10 pilot bonuses. When people compete over the AI waves hard, it's actually really really fun. If one team just yields the AI to the other while pecking at them from rooftops for 5.0 KDs while losing by 3000 points, it feels pretty stupid.

Then Amped Hardpoint showed up, broken, which didn't help matters. I assume they wanted to show it off because it had a pretty important change from last time, and people had complained they didn't have a good reason to camp hardpoints.

Anyway, the game right now as presented in the tech test has two major, and hopefully easily fixable problems. The speed is too damn slow. Honestly they should just crank the speed variables across the board for next weekend significantly, and just see what happens. Hey, it's the tech test. C'mon Respawn. YOLO!

And then there's the AI thing. The AI in the original were genius IMO. They gave you an advantage for being active and moving all over the map. They gave you visual cover from standing on the rooftop guy as you moved to the objective. They filled out the large maps and made them feel more alive.

The slower pace and lack of AI in the tech test gave an advantage to the camper potato type players over the players who want to be mobile. That's the fundamental issue. I hate it when I put together a cool little wallrun and slide combo, and get killed by a dude headglitching an angled roof in like 3 frames because my max speed is slow, there's an orange outline around me, and there are no grunts around meaning that every movement camper guy sees is going to be a player he can kill.

Aside from that the game is actually really fun. Titan combat is very rewarding. I'm really enjoying the titan vs pilot dynamic in Titanfall 2 so far. Snagging a battery, dancing around landing mag launcher shots, and finally stim rushing the Titan for the kill grenade rodeo, and being rewarded with a fresh Titan with maxed out shield for my troubles feels good man.

I do wonder about the battery rodeo thing at higher levels of play. Once everyone realizes they just need to put an open space behind them, wait for the pilot to hop off, and do a quick 180 to kill the pilot and reclaim their battery, is it still going to be fun?

Anyway the doom and gloom around here about this tech test is overkill. It's going to feel way different regardless once all the equipment, the other 4 titans, and all of the game modes are available and finished.
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