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TITANFALL 2 is depressingly disappointing....

Zeta Oni

You know exactly what I don't want in my online MP shooter?

AI characters.

I knew a dude who I played CS with who loved playing against bots. Fairly sure he was mentally handicapped.

The fuck does this have to do with anything?

On topic, I don't understand why they felt the need to alter attrition at all. I'm still hopeful for the game, but from what I'm hearing, no longer a day 1.


Reading the Titanfall subreddit is actually super depressing. People aren't* mad or raging. They are genuinely shattered that a game they had so much hope for changed in this way.

I'm extremely glad there's this much backlash, I honestly thought I was going to be in the minority when I played it. Now there's so many people complaining, there's a chance they fix shit.

It completely floors me what they've done... like.. why? what reasoning was there? if you asked anyone that played Titanfall 1 what they wanted from a sequel, the answer is more content and a campaign. Not one person would have said "better gameplay", why they've gone and messed with the core gameplay just bewilders me.


I don't know what more can come from this thread other than impression thread 2.0...
I do not agree that this is an absolute disaster, my only real gripe is the removal of bots and titans in modes other than Bounty Hunt. The other modes feel a little too quiet. After sinking quite a bit of time into this (and this is someone who played a ton of the original), I've been enjoying it the more I play. Titan health is more in your control. You need to jump out, grab those batteries and jump back in. You can last a long time once you figure out the best way to use them. I also enjoy the sniping quite a bit more than the original Titanfall. It seems a little easier with the slightly slower movement of players. And it is slight. Its a slightly slower pacing on foot but I don't think that a big negative. The speed is still there if you try.

Not true, not in slightest. The way the sequel handles acceleration and momentum conservation screwed the game feel and general speed of the game. You can boost off a well placed grappling hook jump, but there's no way to conserve momentum after that. There's no momentum building in wallrunning anymore, there's no bunnyhop to maintain speed while getting around to the next wall. And the maps help fast movement even less.


If I pulled that off, would you die?
You know exactly what I don't want in my online MP shooter?

AI characters.

I knew a dude who I played CS with who loved playing against bots. Fairly sure he was mentally handicapped.

Yeah I don't think you understood the importance of bots in Titanfall.

Without them, now everybody camps. The bots kept people moving and contributed to the overall flow of the game. Also the game feels empty as fuck now that their gone.
Very disappointing to hear. I'm not even a big fps player and I loved titanfall. Such smooth parkour and the Titans were unique and interesting. Sounds like they're going for more mass appeal or something.


The problems I had were the maps being poorly designed. They don't encourage you to use all the mobility options and instead you end up perched on roof tops or lookout towers. We only got to see two maps so this could definitely be better in the final game. The pilots now glow red/blue for some reason, which makes you stick out like a sore thumb even across the map. This is an easy thing to fix. Lastly, the time to kill seems really quick. Maybe I'm misremembering but I don't remember going down so quick in TF1. If I'm seen by someone (which you will be because you're literally glowing), you're dead very quickly. The TTK wasn't high in the first game by any means but I felt like I could escape more often. This could be map design thing too, or also because the glowing pilots. One more thing would be the SMG's feeling non effective. This could be a map thing but I felt no reason to use an SMG over an AR in this. SMG was my go-to in TF1 as it was much better in close range compared to the AR. It could also be a fast TTK issue, because AR's drop people just as quickly in close range as the SMG in TF2.

I don't mind the slightly slower pace or the new titan mechanics. It's a sequel so it shouldn't play exactly the same way. I fully expect Attrition to be added at some point.


Those changes do sound pretty disappointing. I really enjoyed my time with the first Titanfall on PC, and it was due to many of the bullet points in the OP. I still need to try this Beta out for myself, but I really don't like the sound of people's impressions.


You know exactly what I don't want in my online MP shooter?

AI characters.

I knew a dude who I played CS with who loved playing against bots. Fairly sure he was mentally handicapped.

Drawing parallels between being mentally handicapped and liking AI enemies in MP is a great way to win an argument.
I don't understand how the AI in Titanfall 1 could have ruined the experience. Unless a person has a strict 'no AI' take on multiplayer games. Also, what does being 'mentally handicapped' have to do with playing against AI?

It was a joke mate.

When I play an MP game online, I want to be fighting real people. I don't want half of the enemies to be piss easy AI characters that take away from that experience.

Either increase the player count to allow for more people on the battlefield, or just remove the AI altogether.

I'm genuinely more interested in the game now.
Yeah I don't think you understood the importance of bots in Titanfall.

Without them, now everybody camps. The bots kept people moving and contributed to the overall flow of the game. Also the game feels empty as fuck now that their gone.
Agree, the bots add a certain liveliness to the game and helps clear out areas regularly. Another feature unique to titanfall, gone. Disappointing.


I'm extremely glad there's this much backlash, I honestly thought I was going to be in the minority when I played it. Now there's so many people complaining, there's a chance they fix shit.

It completely floors me what they've done... like.. why? what reasoning was there? if you asked anyone that played Titanfall 1 what they wanted from a sequel, the answer is more content and a campaign. Not one person would have said "better gameplay", why they've gone and messed with the core gameplay just bewilders me.

Reviewers and gamers screaming that the AI grunts are dumbing the game down and making it a casual experience.


I'm not defending the game, but this is not true. It's not a killstreak. It's kills/points. You can die and will not lose your progress towards the Titan.

I'm pretty sure you do lose some points when you die. At least I had a titan ready, then died, and when I respawned it was gone again until I got another kill.

Not sure if that was a glitch though.


If you want to treat something as a new IP, you should actually create a new IP. Titanfall fans aren't going to buy this after the game has been broken, and if you didn't like TF why would you check out the sequel? That audience has written the series off in favor of other shooters.

One high profile flop like this could spell the end for Respawn.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
It was team death match with Titans and AI. The default team death match mode seems to be just player vs player with no titans or AI.

For a long time, people wanted a pilot vs pilot mode. I'm not seeing the problem?


I haven't gotten the tech test (owning neither of the platforms covered) but everything I've heard about Titanfall 2 sounds very dissapointing, particularly the removal of bots.

I'm dyspraxic and not particularly skilled in general, so the "useless AI bots" in the first game allowed me to have fun and feel like I was contributing and *not* ruining the game for everyone else on my team. The other changes also all sound less-than-desirable, but this is the real deal-breaker.


I'm pretty sure you do lose some points when you die. At least I had a titan ready, then died, and when I respawned it was gone again until I got another kill.

Not sure if that was a glitch though.

Killstreak means x number of kills without dying tho. It's way more punitive than Titanfall's system.


I don't know guys.

I rodeo'd a guys Titan, it exploded, we both went flying in the air, I hit the guy with my grappling hook, pulled him toward me and kicked him to death.

That was pretty awesome. :3


I don't understand how the AI in Titanfall 1 could have ruined the experience. Unless a person has a strict 'no AI' take on multiplayer games. Also, what does being 'mentally handicapped' have to do with playing against AI?

They read and post on NeoGAF. I don't think bombarding their Twitter is better than just laying out the criticisms here, where they can read them at their own pace.

Uh, I never said to bombard their twitter... You post it in their official feedback forum. Pretty simple.
The game is also noticeably quieter now. With all the bot chatter gone, without the constant updates on your titan timer. The game feels very subdued at times.

For a long time, people wanted a pilot vs pilot mode. I'm not seeing the problem?
Well then I guess they can all enjoy Titanfall 2.


I was a big fan of the first game, and this was my most anticipated FPS of the fall. I'm really curious about why they would make the big changes.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
I agree. People act like they just ruined the game and dropped it... but they listen to the players and make changes. I'm hopeful that they'll make a lot of changes according to the feedback they're getting, which is why I encourage people to let THEM know of the things they're unhappy about, not just posting about it here.

Are they going to axe the bad maps we've seen so far? The only indicator we have of the quality of the maps in the game are the ones we've played in the beta test and they're terrible.
Thing is a lot of this is easily fixable. Movement speed, titan timers, bots in more gametypes etc. This could all be very easily fixed before launch, its basically one patch away from being good.

My biggest problem is Maps. They cant make new ones from the ground up and if we are stuck with the same quality as the Beta then nothing else will matter. Without good maps, it all fall aparts even IF they fix everything else.


I'm not even that upset about the emphasis on Pilot gameplay, it's the screwed up movement system that ruins it all. Everything related to speed, momentum, and physics should have been set to READ ONLY right at the start of development.

I found the metagame in TF1 basically turned it into a mech game with a bit of running around at the beginning. You had this awesome, incredibly fun movement system, yet eventually it would come to a halt once the enemy team all had Titans. Sure there's the whole cat and mouse aspect, but a good team of Titan players can make that very challenging.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Maybe its a good thing I didn't play the original that much. I actually enjoyed the couple of games I got into over the weekend.
[NOTE] Please do not take the following post as me totally crapping on the game. This is my feedback on why I am not pleased with the changes thus far.

As many have noted the titans are awarded based on score, not killstreaks. That being said, I was getting my titans in no time which meant I had a huge advantage going into the next wave. I was consistently the top score for my team and it was because I was getting my titan so fast and making sure I picked up batteries for my shield. It also helps that you can get a bonus that ups your core build time to 20% automatically. The true issue I had was when using the splitter on the titan weapon it did not seem to be hitting the AI on the ground most of the match unless I was farther away. At that point, I might as well not bother shooting and just crush them by walking over everyone.

Time to kill on soldier versus soldier seems really low and the advantage of a bigger mag in the LMG class seems to really help. The smaller FOV when scoping an LMG does not appear to be a big loss when compared to the number of players you can down in a clip, especially with the faster reload perk. The time to kill on titans seems way higher now if you are a soldier attacking. But then again, a titan attacking another titan seems to do massive damage to the point where encounters don't last long.

The two maps they have shown off are horrible if Respawn are going for a balance between mech and soldier combat. The one city map is better in that regard but the other open map is just not fun to play as either type.

I had already preordered my digital version on the xbox store but after playing this I asked for a refund so I can commit more to BF1. I'll still pick this up someday to play the campaign but not until it is on sale. Hopefully by then Respawn will have tweaked it enough to make me interested again in the MP.


It was a joke mate.

When I play an MP game online, I want to be fighting real people. I don't want half of the enemies to be piss easy AI characters that take away from that experience.

Either increase the player count to allow for more people on the battlefield, or just remove the AI altogether.

I'm genuinely more interested in the game now.

You didn't fight the AI in Titanfall any more than you fought the red barrels in Call of Duty 4. They weren't 'bots' - they were mostly set dressing, and at the most they were as much of a nusiance as a Dynasty Warriors enemy. But they contributed to the flow and movement of the game.


i played TF1 for a bit on a friends XboxOne and was really upset i missed it as a PS4 owner. Couldn't WAIT when they said TF2 was going to all platforms.

Then i played it.

And it sucked


Unconfirmed Member
For a long time, people wanted a pilot vs pilot mode. I'm not seeing the problem?

The same people that wanted that dropped the game very quickly anyway. Pilot vs Pilot only in Titanfall 1/2 is fucking awful and not why a lot of folks enjoy the game. Of course it seems like Respawn listened to the vocal whiners so there you go.


I can see why people liked the AI bots in the first game but I did not.

They seemed to be an added bit of unecceasary randomness, they distracted from fighting other actual players, and they felt like an attempt to fabricate a more hectic online multiplayer than would otherwise be there.

I don't think they should remove them just for my sakes, I just quit and played different games instead.


It was pretty disappointing. I'm hoping most of my issues with it are due to it being an older build and that what we get in October will be a lot better. They set a really high bar for themselves with the first Titanfall.



I mean you're just arguing semantics, why doesn't Titans in Titanfall count as a killstreak, but MW3 support class does? There's no difference.

It's pretty obvious what people mean when they say killstreaks, trying to argue their point because they don't reset just makes you look silly. Technically they aren't even killstreaks, they're scorestreaks.


Are they going to axe the bad maps we've seen so far? The only indicator we have of the quality of the maps in the game are the ones we've played in the beta test and they're terrible.

That's just preference. As long as we see variation with other maps, I'm fine with the ones there. If we could get an increase to speed and have things less weighty, I think they would feel better. I think the one with a bunch of buildings was fine. The outdoor one is a bit too flat and open, but it still played ok, moreso for pilot vs pilot.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I don't know how it'll do on console, but it's not going to be pretty on PC. If you're on Origin playing a shooter this October, there's a good chance you'll be loading up BF1. On top of that you have the negative impressions, lack of a beta, and the quick death of TF1. Good luck.

The lack of beta on PC basically doomed it. It was an admission of "fuck you guys, we don't give a damn about you." I doubt they've even bothered to put a server browser in.


I have been playing Titanfall 1 from launch until today. Putting the negative aspects aside, the new game is fun but not as fun as the old one. I like the pilot plays but hate the titan plays. Titans are too weak and does not feel like an "upgrade" to running around as a pilot. I am a variety pack player in Titanfall 1 but in the tech test I preferred the Pilot vs Pilot mode the most.


I mean you're just arguing semantics, why doesn't Titans in Titanfall count as a killstreak, but MW3 support class does? There's no difference.

It's pretty obvious what people mean when they say killstreaks, trying to argue their point because they don't reset just makes you look silly. Technically they aren't even killstreaks, they're scorestreaks.

It's not obvious to the people that have not played the beta. They might think it's legit Modern Warfare style Killstreaks.
I dunno, it feels like COD AW but with Titans. I wasnt crazy about TF1 either.

I would have enjoyed having more options for my titan, like giving him specific orders, attack C, run and gun, go over there etc... Now its basically the same as before: stay here or follow me. Kinda meh

The game is called titanfall, give me titan options.
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