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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)


After more game time with it, I'm not liking it at all, the sensitivity while aiming is very strange and I hate the options to change it, why not having a graduate bar like every fps ?, the game is slower than the first one for sure too, the game is unbalanced, the maps aren't good, the grappin hook is good though, really like it, the Bounty Hunter mode is shit, I would have prefer the attrition mode for the beta but whatever...

I'm not feeling it, not at all but It's my personal opinion.


After more game time with it, I'm not liking it at all, the sensitivity while aiming is very strange and I hate the options to change it, why not having a graduate bar like every fps ?, the game is slower than the first one for sure too, the game is unbalanced, the maps aren't good, the grappin hook is good though, really like it, the Bounty Hunter mode is shit, I would have prefer the attrition mode for the beta but whatever...

I'm not feeling it, not at all but It's my personal opinion.
Got some bad news for you... Rumours are circling that Bounty Hunter is replacing Attrition, so Attrition might not even be in the full game.
Got some bad news for you... Rumours are circling that Bounty Hunter is replacing Attrition, so Attrition might not even be in the full game.


There is no way that's happening. Is there?

Bounty Hunt is not a very fun mode, in fact I occasionally hate it. There is no way a game in 2016 ships without basic team deathmatch.


I thought when people are saying the previous game was perfect they are referring to how tight the controls felt and how great the boosting, wall running and momentum of the pilots felt. The game was bare bones in both content and customisation and I don't believe those two points conflict at all.

If that's really all they're saying, then I can't really reconcile those complaints in Titanfall 2.

I think Titanfall 2 feels incredibly great. Wall running, speed, aiming, momentum, etc. The Grappling Hook especially is a nice surprise in how it works with regard to acceleration.
If that's really all they're saying, then I can't really reconcile those complaints in Titanfall 2.

I think Titanfall 2 feels incredibly great. Wall running, speed, aiming, momentum, etc. The Grappling Hook especially is a nice surprise in how it works with regard to acceleration.

When was the last time you played TF1?

It feels great compared to most shooters, but definitely markedly worse than TF1 when you try to maneuver since you lose speed so much easier now. Also, despite devs stating to the contrary, it seems like there is less air control than in the first game.



There is no way that's happening. Is there?

Bounty Hunt is not a very fun mode, in fact I occasionally hate it. There is no way a game in 2016 ships without basic team deathmatch.


Dunno who he is but he's claiming to have dev connections, this post was a month ago. Add that in with there being no confirmation of Attrition and it not being in the beta but pilots vs pilots is even though nobody played it on TF1 (or TF2 by the looks of things lmao) and IMO it doesn't look likely.

As for basic TDM, I think that's what Pilot v Pilot is supposed to be LOL, but I'm not sure. I agree with you though, Bounty hunter is terrible.
I have to agree completely here. TF1 was pretty much absolutely perfect (save for the smart pistol) and just needed more stuff! More Titans, more weapons, customization, maps etc. Nothing else needed to be changed IMO.

That said i completely understand why it did. Games evolve and devs have ideas. I trust Respawn that i'll enjoy it after getting used to it :)

Yeah, I agree with PapaCheeks too.

The core gameplay loop in TF1 is absolute perfection.

The relationship and interplay between pilot & Titan is just so satisfying.

The only thing, ONLY thing that annoys me is the smart pistol - but even then it's just annoying, not game breaking, and I can still pwn a SP user no problem with my car + stim combo.

I haven't played TF2 yet, but I'm mostly worried about LTS, or lack thereof - with no shields, and no light/fast, medium/medium, heavy/slow Titans to choose from and customize, I can't imagine it being the fun, balanced, simple yet deep experience TF1 provided.

Well me being a huge LTS fan and being one of the top players on PC for that makes me sad as fuck. Like they didnt need to change anything for the core mechanics.

Seems like a lot of other popular games have influenced along with whiney casual players to make the game less about core mechanics and more about gun on gun.

Which original titanfall 1 had, just not alot of content.

who are you on PC in TF1?

I used to be one of the main / top LTS players too... [US west and EU west servers]

The bolded statements are incompatible.

This is an extremely limited technical alpha which both deliberately and by necessity omits a ton of stuff which will be in the final game. Complaints talking about "lack of boost" in titans or whatever are neglecting the fact that there will obviously be other titans which have just as much if not more mobility than anything in the first game.

You're simultaneously saying that the first game was perfect as-is, yet needed "more stuff". But that "more stuff" inherently screws with the overall balance and design of the game, which requires reworking many systems to make that "more stuff" better integrate with everything that was already there.

Maybe a lot of your complaints won't be addressed by the final game, but right now those complaints are a bit myopic. Again, you're playing an alpha of an incomplete game based off a build which could itself be months old, so it's not painting a complete picture at all of what will or won't be there in the final game. And it's not trying to do so either.

yeah, i heard those complaints a lot after TF1 released, and would argue the same thing.

we didn't need "MORE GUNZ!!!", because the guns available all balanced one another out PERFECTLY.

it was just the most simplistically deep and balanced gameplay loop ever created in an online FPS.

i can appreciate many people felt they just needed "more to do", but maybe more visual customization could have accomplished that?

just in shock right now that they messed with their perfect game so much...

all i wanted was a SP campaign, prettier graphics, and more people to play with... that's all.

Dunno who he is but he's claiming to have dev connections, this post was a month ago. Add that in with there being no confirmation of Attrition and it not being in the beta but pilots vs pilots is even though nobody played it on TF1 and IMO it doesn't look likely.

As for basic TDM, I think that's what Pilot v Pilot is supposed to be LOL, but I'm not sure. I agree with you though, Bounty hunter is terrible.

Oh god if true.


I adore the first game and really like everything in 2 except for the two modes in this tech test and the two maps. God I still can't even fathom them not having Attrition. I am just going to pretend it is in the game until it is confirmed not in the game. And I am going to hope that there are a lot of really good maps they haven't shown off. Because if Attrition isn't in and the maps are all similar to the two tech test maps, then I don't know. I'm going to be extremely bummed the fuck out.


Got some bad news for you... Rumours are circling that Bounty Hunter is replacing Attrition, so Attrition might not even be in the full game.

What ?!!? how is this possible ? Attrition is what is/made Titanfall lol... Hope you're wrong, do you have any links to this rumor ?

Edit: Nevermind, saw it.


Couple guys I was playing with last night had that problem. They closed the client and opened it back up and that seemed to do the trick.
Keep in mind that a LOT is going on behind the scenes with servers, datacenters, matchmaking, "Networks", etc. You can't see it, but we have a bunch of super-smart people in a war-room right now basically 24/7, who are making some shit happen. Barely 20 minutes ago a major issue was caught, brainstormed, fixed, and deployed w/ almost nobody noticing. They're amazing. Again, that's what this is all for; discovering insane issues and solving them. Expect more weirdness, because that's some 4d-chess shit. =)

First thing I have to say is the grappling hook is a great addition but it's so op compared to the other abilities.

So you're right about it being op, but... all of them are, in their own ways. They all do things that the others don't. This will always come down to playstyle & preference, and sometimes game mode (you're going to see a lot more of the pulse-blade ability when people start playing Amped Hardpoint, I think). My own loadouts tend to have Stim or
, depending on how I feel like playing that match. Everyone will have different favorites. We have some Holo Pilot savants here that routinely humiliate me...

No gun variety. Unlocks for them feel slow. Titans having next to nothing to unlock or customize is still a bummer.
This is all just a small sample, with very (very) little of the full game's customization or loadout/mode/etc choices. Maybe we should have hinted at that more in the menus (had guns & mods & options grayed-out or etc). But yes, there'll be more than one assault rifle in the game, for example. =)

It would be neat if the minimap highlighted teammates who are in your party.
It will in the real game. Different color for their names, etc. Done already in our mainline, just wasn't in time for this branch. I miss it too.

Also bummed they did away with rechargeable shields.
If you're interested, I wrote this earlier in the thread, re: titan shields & combat:
While the buffer of constant regen shields in the previous game could be comforting (and you'll get that with a battery boost in this game), having them as a constant element also made combat a lot more squishy. Situational awareness wasn't nearly as important (could often just stomp around and ignore incidental damage or lone pilots), and in any major encounter there was a constant strong pull to disengage asap (to find cover and regen that protection). Under those shields was a health bar that would only ever get reduced; there was no path to restoring your titan to full (or > full) combat effectiveness. Those strategies now exist; both for lone-wolves and through teamwork.

The titan-v-titan combat itself, with the suite of titan abilities, is arguably deeper now than the last game. Choosing when & how to combo your powers (especially in concert with teammates), or how to nullify an opponent's moves, is more important and with a higher reward potential. Lopsided fights (2v1, 3v2, etc) were often just a basic numbers game of health attrition (ahem). Now a skilled or lucky player can come out of those on top, sometimes unscathed, because they've outsmarted/outmaneuvered their opponents. There were elements of all of that in the last game (and I think some here were worried that it'd been lost), but it's much more solid now & the state more readable.
I really would love a Q&A session with the devs to understand why they've neutered the movement, lowered the velocity on ejection, etc. It all feels designed to bring down the skill gap which is a damn shame.
Not feeling this game on PS4. I played the first on PC and had a hell of a fun time. I'm sure I'm just getting hit by the double whammy of the Titanfall 2 being slower and then playing on console just feeling slower as well.


I really would love a Q&A session with the devs to understand why they've neutered the movement, lowered the velocity on ejection, etc. It all feels designed to bring down the skill gap which is a damn shame.

They just want to have a bigger CASUAL audience, that's it.


I don't understand why the closest server to Ohio on ps4 is Virginia. Does Xbox one still have the azure servers in Chicago ? I miss my 20ms ping.
how can you check the servers? i feel like an idiot here because i'm looking around and i can't find it lol

. Not sure if it's the TTK, it's more like the animations are faster or some added camera shake or recoil. I don't know, but it is so hard for me to hit any pilot.

Also Bumper Jumper's Grapple placement on A button is still a nightmare, but slowly getting used to it.

The ttk is low, real low. you can literally miss a guy and a few bullets hit him and he dies. it's still higher than COD but it isn't like R1 at all.
There is a shake+recoil which is a bit annoying. I wish they didn't have that but i'm getting used to it.

And Titanfall is a game that really does require an Elite controller. it's such a blessing.

Why oh why did the movement get nerfed and the ttk dropped.
They thought the game was too frantic for the general public.

I really would love a Q&A session with the devs to understand why they've neutered the movement, lowered the velocity on ejection, etc. It all feels designed to bring down the skill gap which is a damn shame.

They lowered pretty much everything. But the real problem is all the changes they made compound on top of one another.

So not only did they lower the movement, they lowered the TTK, lowered stim time, increased stim replenishment time, and it goes on and on and on. One of these changes would've been enough, but no they went and did 74590234859475 and completely fucked it.
They just want to have a bigger CASUAL audience, that's it.

I don't know why you people keeping saying this.

Titanfall was pretty damn casual. I don't see how any of the changes made to TF2 make it more so. The game is just different, that doesn't mean they're trying to dumb it down.
Bounty hunter is terrible. It reminds me of warzone in halo 5, where the last hit on targets are the only thing that matter. And thats lame as hell.

Edit: and if attrition don't come back that's a real big mistake


I don't know why you people keeping saying this.

Titanfall was pretty damn casual. I don't see how any of the changes made to TF2 make it more so. The game is just different, that doesn't mean they're trying to dumb it down.

I'm not saying TF1 was hardcore or anything but it was probably still too hard for the audience the devs wanted to reach and that's probably why they deep down even further TF2.
Keep in mind that a LOT is going on behind the scenes with servers, datacenters, matchmaking, "Networks", etc. You can't see it, but we have a bunch of super-smart people in a war-room right now basically 24/7, who are making some shit happen. Barely 20 minutes ago a major issue was caught, brainstormed, fixed, and deployed w/ almost nobody noticing. They're amazing. Again, that's what this is all for; discovering insane issues and solving them. Expect more weirdness, because that's some 4d-chess shit. =)

So you're right about it being op, but... all of them are, in their own ways. They all do things that the others don't. This will always come down to playstyle & preference, and sometimes game mode (you're going to see a lot more of the pulse-blade ability when people start playing Amped Hardpoint, I think). My own loadouts tend to have Stim or
, depending on how I feel like playing that match. Everyone will have different favorites. We have some Holo Pilot savants here that routinely humiliate me...

This is all just a small sample, with very (very) little of the full game's customization or loadout/mode/etc choices. Maybe we should have hinted at that more in the menus (had guns & mods & options grayed-out or etc). But yes, there'll be more than one assault rifle in the game, for example. =)

It will in the real game. Different color for their names, etc. Done already in our mainline, just wasn't in time for this branch. I miss it too.

If you're interested, I wrote this earlier in the thread, re: titan shields & combat:

Rayme, can you comment on:
* Lower TTK.
* Extremely bright glowing player outlines (combined with above...). Again this seems to punish people trying to traverse the map since you stick out like a sore thumb.
* Slower (floatier) jumps making you an easier target when parkouring.
* Reduced forward velocity when you change look direction past a certain angle while wallrunning.
* Eliminating sequential godhops..
* Slower / lower ejections (making gooses much easier than ever).
* Stunlock from arc grenades affecting your turn speed (literally the most annoying thing ever).
* Flinch on getting hit.
* Parkour chaining seemingly capping out velocity very quickly (esp. w/o stim).
* Map designs featuring wide open areas w/o parkour opportunities (and where objectives are placed in Bounty) and fewer even surfaces in general.
* No boosting from the impact of a titan fall?
* Removal of bots from most game modes? I loved the feeling of chaos and noise they brought and it's a damn shame if it's true they are gone.
* Stim becoming much more a situational boost rather than a general purpose utility ala grappling hook and pulse blade.

The first game was best played hard and fast and this game seems to completely shun the philosophy instead rewarding playing the game as a stop and pop shooter (AKA more CoD with Mechs than Quake). The changes to movement seem to be introducing a set of shackles on what was a very free system in the first game.


Alright; look.

It all feels designed to bring down the skill gap which is a damn shame.

They just want to have a bigger CASUAL audience, that's it.

They thought the game was too frantic for the general public.

...the noob-lust conspiracy crafting here is crazytown insane. Debate and disagree with what you're playing and the decisions themselves, but nothing in the design of this game has come from a "because teh casuals" place.

I don't mean you have to blindly accept everything we've done with blissful open arms (though I mean you should >_>), but just don't short-circuit that discussion.
Alright; look.

...the noob-lust conspiracy crafting here is crazytown insane. Debate and disagree with what you're playing and the decisions themselves, but nothing in the design of this game has come from a "because teh casuals" place.

I don't mean you have to blindly accept everything we've done with blissful open arms (though I mean you should >_>), but just don't short-circuit that discussion.

See above, I'd love to have that discussion. I don't mean to say that was Respawn's motivation per se, but seems to be the end result. Almost every change you guys have made does seem very much designed to reduce the importance of mastering movement and overemphasized good old fashioned stop and shoot gunplay. Why did you radically change what most agreed was just about perfect (the movement, titan combat) and double down on things people hated (wresting control from the player via arc nades, eliminating options when rodeoing, etc., decreasing TTK).


How do you actually do shit when you ride an enemy titan? In TF1 you can just shoot the shit out of it if they don't static cloud you or jump out, whatever.

But in this, so far I just jump on and it goes into an auto animation of pulling something out and dumping a nade in? If you can do more than that, how?

And how do you boost jump out of your own titan, possible? Or was that taken out lol.
how can you check the servers? i feel like an idiot here because i'm looking around and i can't find it lol

Main menu hit x on Xbox do you have the Midwest azure server I think that's the Chicago one. Closest server is Virginia on ps4 and I live in Ohio hopefully this isn't the full server list for ps4. Would be great if a Dev could comment. I miss the Azure servers on Xbox.
So is no Attrition mode in TF2 the most egregious misstep since no arcade mode in SFV? All signs point to yes. Considering this is the mode that gets the most play on TF currently, can't understand why they'd leave it. Even if it is missing at launch, I'd be very surprised to not see it added after the out roar.


So is no Attrition mode in TF2 the most egregious misstep since no arcade mode in SFV? All signs point to yes. Considering this is the mode that gets the most play on TF currently, can't understand why they'd leave it. Even if it is missing at launch, I'd be very surprised to not see it added after the out roar.

I hope that's not the case. At least attrition got you moving around the map. I've found that in this new mode, peeps camp on their side, kill, and just bank the money nearest them.
I'm not saying TF1 was hardcore or anything but it was probably still too hard for the audience the devs wanted to reach and that's probably why they deep down even further TF2.

What you're saying is just crazy to me.

Like seriously, Titanfall 1 was not a hard game to play. The game was already super casual with its killstreak rewards, almost instant death encounters, and low respawn time.

If anything TF2 is less casual with the changes they have made. Like not being able to modify Titans and not having regenerating shields like before.
After playing a bit more, I'm starting to adjust to all the changes and could still see myself having a good time with this. I still don't agree with any of the changes to movement, titan combat, TTK, etc, but it's easy to look past some of those issues when you start utilizing the slide and hook in regular play. Pilots still feel good to play.

I'm really starting to think that these two maps are exacerbating the negative aspects, though. They're either way too big with too much focus on open fields or small/cramped enough to be in a recent Call of Duty. Their lack of flow makes the emphasis on titans in Homestead and pilots in Boomtown weirdly apparent. Titanfall 1's maps always managed to strike a balance between titan and pilot play. They felt flexible whereas these don't seem to at the moment.


Rayme, can you comment on:
* Lower TTK.
* Extremely bright glowing player outlines (combined with above...). Again this seems to punish people trying to traverse the map since you stick out like a sore thumb.
* Slower (floatier) jumps making you an easier target when parkouring.
* Reduced forward velocity when you change look direction past a certain angle while wallrunning.
* Eliminating sequential godhops..
* Slower / lower ejections (making gooses much easier than ever).
* Stunlock from arc grenades affecting your turn speed (literally the most annoying thing ever).
* Flinch on getting hit.
* Parkour chaining seemingly capping out velocity very quickly (esp. w/o stim).
* Map designs featuring wide open areas w/o parkour opportunities (and where objectives are placed in Bounty) and fewer even surfaces in general.
* No boosting from the impact of a titan fall?
* Removal of bots from most game modes? I loved the feeling of chaos and noise they brought and it's a damn shame if it's true they are gone.
* Stim becoming much more a situational boost rather than a general purpose utility ala grappling hook and pulse blade.

The first game was best played hard and fast and this game seems to completely shun the philosophy instead rewarding playing the game as a stop and pop shooter (AKA more CoD with Mechs than Quake). The changes to movement seem to be introducing a set of shackles on what was a very free system in the first game.

I'm sorry if I sound like a dick, but I hate this type of "criticism" which is so prevalent on forums. You're not trying to have a conversation here, you're trying to force a developer to speak for tens or hundreds of his or her coworkers and comment on every single minute detail that a large team made over 3 years .

If a developer on the forum is kind enough to respond to questions and gather feedback about an early Alpha product, try to imagine yourself talking to that person in real life. How would you ask your questions? What would you focus on? How might you re-frame your criticism in a way that doesn't sound insulting and abrasive in a way that essentially shuts down the conversation before it even starts?

I haven't played that much of the Alpha Test yet, but as someone who's a software developer but who's simply a fan of the first Titanfall, your list seems like mostly a bunch of nitpicks that could easily change before the game comes out, and mostly fluff to artificially increase the perception that you're trying to put forth about the game being fundamentally "ruined" even though in the grand scheme of things its core mechanics are really similar to the first game.
I'm sorry if I sound like a dick, but I hate this type of "criticism" which is so prevalent on forums. You're not trying to have a conversation here, you're trying to force a developer to explain every single detail of every single decision that a large team made over 3 years of development on something new.

If a developer on the forum is kind enough to respond to questions and gather feedback about an early Alpha product, try to imagine yourself talking to that person in real life. How would you ask your questions? What would you focus on? How might you re-frame your criticism in a way that doesn't sound insulting and abrasive in a way that essentially shuts down the conversation before it even starts?

I haven't played that much of the Alpha Test yet, but as someone who's a software developer but who's simply a fan of the first Titanfall, your list seems like mostly a bunch of nitpicks that could easily change before the game comes out, and mostly fluff to artificially increase the perception that you're trying to put forth about the game being fundamentally "ruined" even though in the grand scheme of things its core mechanics are really similar to the first game.

By no means am I saying TF2 is a bad game, but these decisions seem unwarranted and do make the game fundamentally less fun (for me) than the first. I consider myself a massive advocate for Titanfall and would probably count it as my favorite game of all time having put far too many hours into it so please understand that my questions come from the great fondness I have for the first game.
I don't know why you people keeping saying this.

Titanfall was pretty damn casual. I don't see how any of the changes made to TF2 make it more so. The game is just different, that doesn't mean they're trying to dumb it down.

this made me LOL up coffee and vape smoke.

What you're saying is just crazy to me.

Like seriously, Titanfall 1 was not a hard game to play. The game was already super casual with its killstreak rewards, almost instant death encounters, and low respawn time.

If anything TF2 is less casual with the changes they have made. Like not being able to modify Titans and not having regenerating shields like before.

bro you're literally nuts.

maybe you happened to pick up / master TF1 quickly [which is incredibly surprising], but the learning curve towards mastery was a schlog.

i think my first 60 hours on PC were like "man, i SUCK at this game, but it's really fun so i'm a keep tryin' anyway!"

and i thought i was in the majority with that experience?

Coin Return

Loose Slot
I like the battery steal/boost mechanic with the titans, but the grenades afterwards don't do nearly enough damage. Two or three should be enough.

I miss shooting the brain.
Anyone know when one can start to download on PS4 North America? I know it opens up tomorrow but I thought I heard you could pre-load. I apologize if this has been covered.

Super excited to get back in a Titan! Just scared to try this Bounty mode with all the negative impressions :/
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