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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)

The bolded statements are incompatible.

This is an extremely limited technical alpha which both deliberately and by necessity omits a ton of stuff which will be in the final game. Complaints talking about "lack of boost" in titans or whatever are neglecting the fact that there will obviously be other titans which have just as much if not more mobility than anything in the first game.

You're simultaneously saying that the first game was perfect as-is, yet needed "more stuff". But that "more stuff" inherently screws with the overall balance and design of the game, which requires reworking many systems to make that "more stuff" better integrate with everything that was already there.

Maybe a lot of your complaints won't be addressed by the final game, but right now those complaints are a bit myopic. Again, you're playing an alpha of an incomplete game based off a build which could itself be months old, so it's not painting a complete picture at all of what will or won't be there in the final game. And it's not trying to do so either.

More stuff doesn't suddenly mean imbalanced, its up to the devs to keep it balanced.

Also more stuff is the game as a whole, including items that didn't affect gameplay. Like more maps, and modes. They added a bunch of cool gameplay modes way after launch, including a great coop game mode, but they added it near the end of the dlc cycle and when player base was already gone. Titan and pilot customization options? Again something that doesn't affect actual gameplay balance environment. A single player campaign, yea we all would have liked one and at least that's coming, but again saying the game needed more doesn't mean to add components that break the game. More options and variety don't hurt, but at same time they have to be careful to not go crazy with adding too much junk like in Battlefield 4 with crazy insane amount of unlocks all over the place.

Still doesn't change anything related to the core gameplay mechanics, none of which needed changing.


Unconfirmed Member
One striking thing about playing this on Xbox One - if it's truly running at 720p, I couldn't notice at all.

Compared to EA's Frostbite games I've played on Xbox One which have tons of aliasing all over the place, Titanfall 2 looks extremely clean IMO.

If this is 720p I'm really impressed. It looks great.

Someone was complaining earlier in this thread that Invite Friends doesn't work. That's both true and a known issue:


that was me. glad it's a known thing and hopefully it's fixed in the test.
I don't understand why the closest server to Ohio on ps4 is Virginia. Does Xbox one still have the azure servers in Chicago ? I miss my 20ms ping.


I'm not saying that I'm satisfied with the game mechanics right now, but this felt good: https://gfycat.com/DeadlyForsakenHummingbird

Starting to get the hang of it, but compared to R1 there is something missing from Pilot to Pilot combat. Not sure if it's the TTK, it's more like the animations are faster or some added camera shake or recoil. I don't know, but it is so hard for me to hit any pilot.

Also Bumper Jumper's Grapple placement on A button is still a nightmare, but slowly getting used to it.

Genuine question.

Has anyone played Pilot V Pilot?

Not a single person online from what I've seen.



Do we know when PS4 players can download this for the people without codes?

Quoting myself incase anyone was wondering when to download and then when to actually play:

The Titanfall 2 MP Tech Test build will hit PSN&Xbox stores at 9pm PDT tonight. Can’t actually play until 8am PDT Friday, but can download.


I don't get it either. I'd of been completely happy if they copied Titanfall 1 with a campaign and new maps (Titanfall 1-like maps, not TF2 ones). I still think I'll like the game and I'll get used to it with better maps and game modes (I hope the rest are better, at least), but I don't see myself liking it as much as TF1. TF1 was something special IMO.

Both the maps and the gameplay from TF1 were great to amazing, they are the two things people universally liked/praised about the game.. and it's the two things they seem to have changed completely for no reason. Both TF2 maps feel like something ripped out of CoD not taking Titans or the movement mechanics into consideration. If those are the maps they decide to put in a beta I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about the quality of the rest.

I actually thought that's what we were getting by the way they talked to teh community when titanfall one was out.


Think I prefer the minimap from TF1, especially the way it showed enemy players. TF2 seems way too busy in comparison. And as some already mentioned, the map is too big and open, not much you can do movement-wise.


More stuff doesn't suddenly mean imbalanced, its up to the devs to keep it balanced.

Also more stuff is the game as a whole, including items that didn't affect gameplay. Like more maps, and modes. They added a bunch of cool gameplay modes way after launch, including a great coop game mode, but they added it near the end of the dlc cycle and when player base was already gone. Titan and pilot customization options? Again something that doesn't affect actual gameplay balance environment. A single player campaign, yea we all would have liked one and at least that's coming, but again saying the game needed more doesn't mean to add components that break the game. More options and variety don't hurt, but at same time they have to be careful to not go crazy with adding too much junk like in Battlefield 4 with crazy insane amount of unlocks all over the place.

Still doesn't change anything related to the core gameplay mechanics, none of which needed changing.

Doesn't affect gameplay but affects how you can play per each map/mode or situation. Like turning the stryder into a sniper with the rail gun, who can maneuver around the map easily.

But yea, just watching the new gameplay, is a big nope for 700+ hour invested LTS veteran.


Uploaded some gameplay

again, LOVE the grappling hook
I was just hoping for everything good we had in the previous game but with the unlock, progression and customisation system similar to recent CoD's as that was the main area it was really lacking in.


Just want to post an updated impression.

First thing I have to say is the grappling hook is a great addition but it's so op compared to the other abilities. It's got some crazy physics to it too. Rodeo'd around a Titan and a rock and got some crazy air to get back on to him. In stuff.

That's really it though. No gun variety. Unlocks for them feel slow. Titans having next to nothing to unlock or customize is still a bummer.

Don't know how much more of these 2 maps I can take though. They don't seem special or interesting. Can't even tell what the point of them are. They just look procedurally generated almost.


Subete no aware
I'm glad that the guns are complicated to unlock and there aren't a billion varieties. Played a few matches and it definitely does feel like Titanfall. lol


Why oh why did the movement get nerfed and the ttk dropped.

They want more casual players. They want the COD, crowd to have Titanfall 2 be their shooter from now on.

I would love to know where or who made these decisions on the changes, and where they were influenced in doing so.
I'm in California and the closets one is either Utah or Oregon.

That's rediculous I hope they have more server locations. Connecting to Virginia from Ohio on ps4 is annoying .always connected to the Chicago servers on Xbox with fantastic ping. Someone on Xbox can you check it it still lists the Chicago azure servers ?

That open map isn't very good at all but I finally played a few games in the city map it feels much better. GG to the other Gaf guys in my lobby.


Junior Member
After playing Bounty Hunt all day, I'm ok with that.

It's basically attrition with an added layer of banking money/points.
Na bounty hunt sucks its honesly a terrible game mode that encourages camping. Half way through the match one team will just get all the Titans and camp the point. It's not fun and I want my simple attrition :(
Na bounty hunt sucks its honesly a terrible game mode that encourages camping. Half way through the match one team will just get all the Titans and camp the point. It's not fun and I want my simple attrition :(
Yep, counter intuitive to the flow of gameplay Titanfall should have. That mode combined with the presence of PvP makes me feel like they're trying to sell of whole different type of game.


You know what movement is starting to remind me of? Tribes/Tribes Vengeance. Nailing grapples + slides + bunny hops feels a lot like skiing to me.
They want to bring new people in. Titans and new modes may be hard for the common denominator to immediately accept. People are used to COD.

They need to bring the old movement system back I miss bunny hopping across the ground. Grapple is cool and you can boost it. Not sure if it's connections but ttk is really low sometimes and other times dudes eat bullets.
So bounty mode is growing on me, sort of.

It does draw the action to the spawn points, which on the one hand is good. On the other though, it means the matches dont flow.

Once the bounty is up, it is a race to the bank. But most of the combat is concentrated in a handful of areas.

I can see what Respawn have tried to do. And it is an interesting take on a new game mode, something I will likely play.

But Respawn, please, OG Attrition is what I want.

Edit: While posting this, I've been on the main menu screen. Respawn delivered on the music.

Edit2: it gets better, great job on the main menu theme. This has me so hyped for the single player.
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