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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)

ok i'm a little disappointed about it, it feels more like a Titanfall 1.5 than a real sequel BUT the game is still fun and if you loved TF1, you'll love this one for sure, I won't talk about graphics and framerate because it's a real technical test and not a marketing beta...

it'll be a good game for sure and with the single player that look very good, it'll be a solid title for titanfall fans, for others shooter fans, with Gears of war 4 and BF1 in the corner, I'm not that sure...

lol. If only.
ok i'm a little disappointed about it, it feels more like a Titanfall 1.5 than a real sequel BUT the game is still fun and if you loved TF1, you'll love this one for sure, I won't talk about graphics and framerate because it's a real technical test and not a marketing beta...

it'll be a good game for sure and with the single player that look very good, it'll be a solid title for titanfall fans, for others shooter fans, with Gears of war 4 and BF1 in the corner, I'm not that sure...

I loved Titanfall from the start. I don't love this, not yet at least. Maybe it will grow on me. I hope it grows on me, was really excited for this game.


Anyone want to play a few matches in 10 minutes or so on PS4? Preferably someone who knows what they're doing? A lot of teammates that are getting $200 Bounty Hunt matches just have me scratching my head.


I loved Titanfall from the start. I don't love this, not yet at least. Maybe it will grow on me. I hope it grows on me, was really excited for this game.

Really ? I don't think it feel that different from the first one... the maps aren't the best here but the gameplay feel the same to me, I wasn't really a fan of the first one too, I played ~20 hours and get annoyed by the cards that gave too much advantage, pretty much hate cards system...

I'm not seeing myself playing this one for more than 30 hours but I think that people who loved the first one will love this one too, I'm maybe wrong, I'm sure Die Hard fans will find what's possibly wrong with it but it's fine to me.
Can't find any game. Both mode stuck around half player for 10"
I just found and played 2 matches. Thats weird.
Anyone want to play a few matches in 10 minutes or so on PS4? Preferably someone who knows what they're doing? A lot of teammates that are getting $200 Bounty Hunt matches just have me scratching my head.
I be down another time since I am getting off now. PSN is same as my gaf name.

Feels lower to me.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Well shit.

I felt like of all recent new IP's, Titanfall 2 had the easiest path to being an amazing Uncharted 2/ACII like sequel.

Keep the basic gameplay loop the same, enhance the graphics, add more unlocks, Titan customuzation, and a SP campaign. Boom. Shooter of the year.

Sounds like against all odds, Respawn has completely fucked it up.

I say that with a heavy heart, as original Infinity Ward and now Respawn are some of my favorite developers of all time.

I can't for the life of me process some of the decisions they're making now. And I think it's too late for a course correction.
Loving it so far. Not a huge fan of the bounty shit but the game controls amazing and you can do some cool ass shit with that grappling hook. Cant wait to play other modes.


Only 50 people playing and 48 of them are in a match. I'm stuck waiting and waiting. ;_;

Got in a match and I have no clue what Im doing.


What about customization in TF2?

More Perks, Attachments and Titan-customization this time around? How many options do you actually have now?
I've played one round and my initial impression is one I am unsure of.

OG Titanfall was fantastic. The balance between Titan and Pilot combat was excellent and the maps meant that either combat option was viable against any other.

I am not feeling that is the case off the bat with this game.

It is one game and I hope it grows on me. There are a number of new mechanics to the game that change the way it is played. That is not necessarily a bad thing.

I'll play some more tonight and see how it all goes.


A little bit over critical in here for playing 2 maps and a handful of matches IMO.

Going to duck out of the negafest till Friday.
One thing that would be better IMO is if the banks were lettered A and B so that you could coordinate better. Telling your teamates that you got A or B on lockdown so they could bring the bounty there would be nice.

So far I cant do shit with the gravity grenade thing.


Played a few more matches, getting more into it but I do wish the game mode was anything but Bounty Hunter, I really dislike it ):

That being said the game itself is fun, despite the unfortunately boring mode.
Played a few more matches, getting more into it but I do wish the game mode was anything but Bounty Hunter, I really dislike it ):

That being said the game itself is fun, despite the unfortunately boring mode.
I agree, I'm not a huge fan of the mode. The matches also seem to end abruptly. Like, there is still half of the timer left on the banks being open and the match time runs out.

There should be like a small OT where the match goes until the banks close or something.


I agree, I'm not a huge fan of the mode. The matches also seem to end abruptly. Like, there is still half of the timer left on the banks being open and the match time runs out.

Yep, I usually get lost in the chaos and forget about the banks popping up, either there isn't a sound queue or it gets easily drowned out in combat. It's a good game mode in concept but it just doesn't work as well as it does on paper.
Yep, I usually get lost in the chaos and forget about the banks popping up, either there isn't a sound queue or it gets easily drowned out in combat. It's a good game mode in concept but it just doesn't work as well as it does on paper.
Haha. So many times I have a ton of money on me and its like "new bounty" and Im like oh yeah, the bank. Dammit!

Getting sniped while depositing the bounty can be pretty rage inducing. Depositing 400 and get shot with only 40 making it in the bank then getting spawned across the map.. oh lawd.

I did have a ton of fun but it could use some tweaking for sure. Id like it better if the money was deposited instantly. You work hard to earn it and make it there then get robbed at the ATM waiting for it to count down.

Although it is a rush watching it count down hoping you dont die. You get it all in and its like YEAH!! But you get sniped by someone on a roof far away and its like WHY GOD WHY?
I've played for maybe 4-5 hours on PS4.

The maps are ok. Comparing to the original Titanfall beta, Homestead reminds me a lot of Fracture, but better. And I guess Boomtown is more in the Angel City (maybe mixed with Export) category, but I don't think it can measure up to that classic.

As for the game modes... Bounty Hunt seems like a nice evolution of the Attrition formula, mixed in with a little Frontier Defense. People clearly don't have any idea how to play it just yet. You'd think that the obvious objectives would draw people in but a lot of times they go uncontested. When both teams are actually playing the game mode it's actually pretty fun.

Pilots vs Pilots didn't seem populated. At one point I saw it say 16 players online, which is exactly one full lobby. I didn't get in that lobby, and went back to Bounty Hunt. 8v8 pilots was kinda garbage in the first Titanfall, and I' m not convinced it's going to work here but I'll reserve judgment until I actually try it out.

I guess Amped Hardpoint is going to be a thing later in the Tech Test. Hardpoint Domination wasn't really my thing either in the original Titanfall. The Amped gimmick sounds like it's there to address way back when they nerfed the points for camping on objectives. Whereas I felt it was fine, and pushing people into more aggressive play-styles made for a more fun game. But we'll see.

The best modes from the original, Capture the Flag and Last Titan Standing, aren't represented here.

Pilot vs pilot felt pretty decent. The star of the show is the grapple hook. It's ridiculously fun and gives you endless possibilities. I agree that the stim cooldown and no recharge on respawn are too harsh. FOV tricks or not though, it does feel super fast. I think it's still viable. I only saw one or two people using the pulse knife thing. And I don't think anyone has unlocked the cloak yet. I hear it recloaks you when you stop firing though? Sounds like a huge buff, and combined with stim catching a nerf, I don't know if I love it.

The gravity star didn't seem that useful. If you have a pilot you can throw it at, chances are you're better off just shooting him in the first place. The TTK is super low in this game. Cooking a frag will get you the same result quicker. It's ok for gobbling up a group of grunts or something. And when I was fighting one of those little Reapers as a pilot, using one to swallow up his projectiles was pretty cool.

I didn't see many arc grenades in the wild. From the description it sounds like they don't damage pilots anymore? Just disorient? Good, I guess, between the arc cannon and arc grenades in the first one, it just got to be a bit too much sometimes.

As for the speed, it does feel a little slower, though I am getting better at movement in this game with time. But I do think a slightly faster base speed, and a little more max speed off of wallruns/slides would make it feel fantastic.

Titan combat has been very controversial in the Titanfall community. And I can see why. The titans do feel slower... and... less substantial. I do love the smorgasbord of weapons and tacticals they have though. I've been playing mostly Scorch, the thermite launcher is awesome, then you have those gas canisters you can set on fire, you got the straight line of fire thing, you've got electric smoke for when you get rodeo-ed, you've got the flame shield, and then you have the wave of doom that your core ability dishes out. You're the conductor of a symphony of violence. I'm hoping that I really end up loving one of the speed oriented Titans. I have high hopes for Ronin. I wasn't sold on losing out on custom titan loadouts, it's not the direction I would have chosen, but I think it's going to work out really well.

The rodeo and battery game is growing on me. It's rare for me to call in a titan later in the round without a battery in my hand. And I've been collecting a lot of batteries off the battlefield for increased survivability. Death by a thousand cuts is definitely a thing though. And it sucks getting poked from across the map with a charge rifle when every hit point is precious. It seems really hard to pick your engagements. My tried and true crouch-exit tactic of dealing with rodeos seems to work well enough in this game. And since the grapple is so popular, and warns you as soon as you're grappled, you really do have options to deal with rodeos.

Ejects feel like they have a little less punch to 'em. It's easy to goose people just with an R201 from the ground. But then again nobody is stim/strafe ejecting, and nobody is cloaking. I don't think I noticed any special onscreen gooser notification either.

It took me a few hours before I really got into the original Titanfall beta, I think I like this as much or more at the same point.


Junior Member
Coming from playing ALOT of TF1 on Xbox, the maps feels very "dead". In TF1 it was very lively with alot going on with grunts, creatures etc. Now it feels so empty. Maybe that Will change later :)


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Coming from playing ALOT of TF1 on Xbox, the maps feels very "dead". In TF1 it was very lively with alot going on with grunts, creatures etc. Now it feels so empty. Maybe that Will change later :)

That's my fear. Removing AI was a huge mistake IMO.


i got to play a bit at my friends house

Scorch is growing on me a bit, but having no dash is insane. good thing theres that +1 dash.

kinda dont like how character looks are tied to tactical abilities

game feels good to play of corse and grapple is so damn fun

im getting to like the progression system

EDIT: i also diddnt like when it got quiet and the OST wasnt playing, makes the game seem less exciting imo

i hope i can get a NA code tomorrow so i can play more


More than a member.
Managed to do only training. Looks ok. Was better on video. I can clearly see it's not 1080p. Still waiting to go inside a match its just not working grrrr


Neo Member
I don't believe attrition is gone, it just doesn't have any grunts, spectres, etc anymore.

Just a few human pilots and their Titans.

Why the HELL hasn't Respawn learned that people don't want their movement restricted? Why did they go and make arc nades freeze up your controls so you can not only barely move, but you can barely turn? Same with the gravity star. It's not fun to have control wrested from you. That was the #1 problem with movement in the first game, and instead of fixing those few instances, you've gone and made it worse (along with several other things which were already perfect).

Damnit Respawn.
AI is now just mode dependent. If Attrition is still in I would assume it also has AI. That mode makes no sense without it.

However, AI always added flavor to every mode. It's nice to have as an option for private matches, but I'd definitely prefer to have AI in every mode by default.
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