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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)

Having played and loved TF1, I find this game just as fun. I don't get all the hate. It's like you guys are unable to accept anything different or new. Did you want the exact same game with different maps? Cause that'd be pretty boring.

Ironically, yes. And no, changes don't mean they are necessary nor good.
Having played and loved TF1, I find this game just as fun. I don't get all the hate. It's like you guys are unable to accept anything different or new. Did you want the exact same game with different maps? Cause that'd be pretty boring.

Would have been damn fun if they had. It only needed minor tweaks. If you like it, cool. Many don't though and have detailed their reasons why. It's not a terrible game as-is, but with the many changes to the core gameplay, it's not that great as it stands.


Having played and loved TF1, I find this game just as fun. I don't get all the hate. It's like you guys are unable to accept anything different or new. Did you want the exact same game with different maps? Cause that'd be pretty boring.

You heard it here first folks: exactly two possibilities.

Exact same game

This exact version

Nope, no other choices then that!


I'm enjoying the game for what it is. How quickly they turned around and fixed titan spawn gives me hope. I think this game would be perfect with a few adjustments.
(1) Overall movement a little faster
(2) adjust stim pack; either decrease recharge time or leave recharge time the same but increase it length.
(3)Bring back game modes like attrition. I used to complain about bots but damn I miss them now. Made the game feel frantic.
(4)Really like the hero titan formula they got going on. Each has its own kit and are completly different and i like that. Still not sure how I feel about new rodeo mechanics, I mean I don't care one way or the other but to go at a titan without a grapple hook is pure suicide. I like that you actually have to get out to take someone off your titan. I think that's what's intended guy mounts you you jump out and kill him, collect your core, jump back in.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Having played and loved TF1, I find this game just as fun. I don't get all the hate. It's like you guys are unable to accept anything different or new. Did you want the exact same game with different maps? Cause that'd be pretty boring.

Tf1 was different and new. This is just another cod clone


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Hmm...I know what your trying to say but
(1) It's really not like CoD
(2) Can you really call it a clone when these guys MADE what CoD is today?

1) it is though. Many people have said the same thing in this thread. Certainly far closer to cod than tf1.
2) yes?
I really dislike boosts (burncards) being a scorestreak.

It's also clear some won't be used at all. What do you guys think of sacrificing meter for use of boost?
I can't believe I wasted 12 GB out of my 150 GB internet cap to download this...

I mean it wasn't terrible, the shooting mechanics feel fine, but there are a lot of little things that I didn't like. I don't like how I see a guy grappling towards my titan, and I'm shooting him, and instead of it actually making him get all the way too me, when he is like 10 feet away it warps him into the animation, where otherwise I probably could have killed him...


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
aah so people on this thread said it, so it must be true :) thanks,


So you say it's not true so that's the truth. What do you want me to say? I've posted why I think this is much more cod than tf1, others have too. I'm not reposting it.


I'd be in the dick
More detailed impressions. Keep in mind I never played the first game since I'm on PS4.

-The movement feels fantastic. Took me a while to get the hang of the grappling hook and slide physics but once it clicked I was able to dodge, weave, and launch myself across the maps pretty easily. Simply moving around in this game is a blast.

-Gunplay also feels solid. Guns are quick and have a good punch to them. Kills are continually satisfying. Default aiming felt a bit slow but the Classic setting is excellent.

-The modes in the test aren't great. Pilot vs Pilot works pretty well but the others seem to be lacking a proper flow to them. Hardpoint in particular feels slow and weirdly quiet.

-Titans need a lot of work. This is my biggest complaint. They're far too rare and are a bit underwhelming when they do come out. I know there was a timer for them in the first game and I think that returning would go a long way. They also just need some general balance tuning. Could also be that the two Titans in this test don't quite jive with my playstyle.

-Boosts need to be a bit more rare, especially Amped Weapons.

-The one thing that I have seen from the first game that I would like to see make a return is the radio chatter and messages from your commanders. Those had a lot of personality.

-I actually think the maps are pretty good. Some of my best parkour has been on Homestead, which seems to get a lot of hate in the impressions.

Overall I like the game a lot. I love the movement and gunplay and if they just spruce up the Titans a bit and get some more engaging modes in, I think it'll be something I play for a long time.
Spent a long time in training experimenting with player movement and weapon handling. Ohhhh boy, it has got some problems. Gonna make a video detailing observations.


>few people saying they aren't sure why others dislike this
>thread full of honest criticisms and paragraphs detailing why they dislike it
Having played and loved TF1, I find this game just as fun. I don't get all the hate. It's like you guys are unable to accept anything different or new. Did you want the exact same game with different maps? Cause that'd be pretty boring.
TF1, only with single player, better visuals and performance and more content would be perfection, and I'd guess that's what most fans of the game hoped for and expected.

Those who played Titanfall and wanted to remove bots, or even the titans, just didn't understand the game to begin with. I don't remember anybody else asking for a change to the formula.
As someone who's gone on record here on GAF stating how the original is one of my favorite MP experiences ever.... I thought I should weigh in :)

Respawn has done it again (^_____^)

***Notice, all impressions are exclusively pulled from nearly 3 hours of Amped Hardpoint matches***


+ Netcode - I CANNOT express enough how fucking good the netcode is for this. Let me give you some context. As of right now, I'm currently in a NCO Dorm sharing Wifi with well over a hundred people. My PSN down speeds are sitting around 3mbs down (it took nearly 2 days to even download the client) pretty much all day except for the wee hours in the morning when all the other NCOs are asleep.
Titanfall 2's netcode STILL swims smoothly and its a testament to their network engineering team/backbone infrastructure.
For a tech-test, this is polished AS HELL and I'm so elated I actually get to play as I figured I was SOL.
It's also freaking staggering how quickly match-making will funnel you from match to match. I was often not even getting the chance to edit my loadouts because games were loading so fast!

+ Visuals - I have no complaints here. I always felt that the series art-direction easily overcame it's technical limitations (IE Source engine) and has always been a looker. The technical test here is no different, only it runs at a higher framerate, resolution, and now with vsync. Also, everything just feels more cohesive (Titan animations, image quality, etc.) as far as tech and art.
I can only imagine that the final game will look and run even better, so i'm over the moon right now.

+ Sound Design - Game sounds even better than the original, which is quite an accomplishment. Played with some Audio Technica M50x's and everything was crisp and satisfying. Weapons had familiar SFX but slightly different now for which I appreciated the distinction. Enemy players are easy to pin point on audio cues alone, which you'll find yourself relying on more due to the larger maps. Overall it lends itself to methodical play more, which is cool and different.

+ Gameplay - This is the big one and really the ultimate question at this point it, is it an improvement over the original Titanfall? - Yes it is
While I initially recoiled at all the new ideas, I quickly became accustomed to them. As of now, TF2 really feels like it's trying to distance itself somewhat from the original and I appreciate that.... even though at first, I honestly just wanted more TF1, lol
Now sure, there are things that they can tweak (and they've already started to, like Titan drop times in Hardpoint), but as is, the core feels familiar, but the bits and pieces around it feel different enough. As of now this feels like a Titanfall sequel and not just a redux.
I know some have stated the game feels slower and I don't really think so. I think it's just the current wide-open maps that sorta forces pilots to be a bit more careful about not just sprinting around in the open maybe? I do agree that they could have at least threw in one of Titanfall's more signature vertically designed maps though.
Also, I thought I wouldn't like the Titan variety/specialty, but I've quickly come around to it as well.


- Still not sold on the 3rd person camera now for entering Titans. I'm not saying that it can't work, it just needs tweaking bad cause as of right now, it just feel jarring and not satisfying at all like the original's 1st person animations.... even if said animations were a bit janky at times.

- CAR SMG feels like it needs a damage buff, bad.

- Still kinda meh to Titans no longer being on a cooldown, but also appreciate that it forces players to do objectives

Anyway, off to play some more before bedtime and thanks for reading if you did!

(3)Bring back game modes like attrition. I used to complain about bots but damn I miss them now. Made the game feel frantic.

This, I COMPLETELY and UTTERLY agree on :)


Something I definitely realized lately especially playing this is the fact I really don't feel like getting back into twitch shooters again. I thought it was just shooters in general but OW has kinda brought me back into liking them a bit but something about going back to twitch shooters after years of stuff like CoD.

I messed with T1 and 2 but playing this "test" as they call it just ain't doing it. Something about the type of community it brings out is truly horrible. Like some ain't shit level type of dudes I've been running into. This is pretty much a "cool story bro" moment lol but just something I realized
I loved the original, but didn't play it more than 2 months on my Xbox One. I ended up getting the PC version later down the line and found it to be something of a barren wasteland (game reported that about ~600 people were playing, but I wasn't getting matched into anything very fast at all).

Loving this so far, Bounty is an absolute blast.

I agree with the third person Titan transitions feeling a lot less cool than the first person transitions from the original, though, but generally speaking the game feels pretty identical to what I expected -- I just reinstalled Titanfall on my XB1 last week and don't find this game to be profoundly different when it comes to pilot mobility, though I do feel like the Titans feel like they shift momentum a bit quicker.

Looking forward to playing that singleplayer a lot, and hoping the Bounty playlist is actually pretty populated come proper release -- I really, really like it.



I remember the community begging and pleading with guerilla

They didnt listen. They just didnt listen. At least respawn seems like they are open to changing everything, but we'll see

Knowing nothing about game dev other than its really really hard, seems to me that many of the requested (needed) changes are beyond the scope of last 2/3 months before release.

I really don't know what they can do, but hopefully it's something.
>few people saying they aren't sure why others dislike this
>thread full of honest criticisms and paragraphs detailing why they dislike it

What annoys me. Someone says they like it, I think, fine, different strokes. But then you've got people acting like the ones who don't are crazy or have insane expectations of something while ignoring all the feedback given already.
And in all honesty the people that were good at Titanfall 1 are still good at Titanfall 2, and dominate 99% of the population.

People that were bad at Titanfall 1 are still bad at Titanfall 2. There's not much difference here in terms of crazy skill gaps between the two groups.

So true

I was pleasantly surprised that I hadn't really missed a beat and was regularly landing in first or 2nd place in TF2 :)


They've changed so much in Titanfall 2 that it has lost its original idenity. I wouldn't say that I fancied Titanfall too much but I appreciated its take on high mobility and its ability to feel like a frantic, exhilarating battlefield. Not only were the maps completely suitable for consecutive wallruns and double jumps with tons of walls and gaps, but also the controls and mobility itself were organic as hell, feeling completely natural and intuitive. Matches were ravaged with minion bots littered everywhere with hulking titans battling each other while fending off sidelined pilots. Really, the feeling from all this made Titanfall feel like something very different from the conventional.

Most of this doesn't even apply to TF2. I don't really feel like the maps are all that great for mobility, specifically the one that is very wide and open, with barely any walls to traverse. The way you glide on walls just doesn't feel right at all; it's too slow and feels undoubtedly clunky. With the other map, it's better but not by much. Double jumping never feels satisfactory as the second jump has a split second delay. All of this really make mobility feel highly cumbersome and unnatural.

The matches themselves feel so barren compared to TF1's. I expected constant PvP among pilots and titans though what we go instead is spars encounters between pilots and basucally none with titans. I have no idea if I or my team (or the opposition) were doing something wrong but I had never seen a titan until the final few minutes of a match. Matches mainly consisted of seeing pilots somewhere around that map between brief periods of awkward inactivity. Most of my time is wasted in hunting down pilots to kill. The battlefield doesn't feel lively as it used to be in TF1.

These things enlgihtened TF1 from the FPS cluster; these things defined what was mother-effing Titanfall. What we have now with the beta is an empty husk of the original, mutilated of its hallmark attributes. TF2 was something to look forward to for me personally since I am dying for a action-packed shooter though I may need to look elsewhere now. I hope Respawn will make the appropriate adjustments; otherwise, I can't see this resonating with me and the greater TF crowd. Too much as been lost to be a proper TF game.

Just my thoughts. Forgive me for any typos as I am a little weary.
Having played and loved TF1, I find this game just as fun. I don't get all the hate. It's like you guys are unable to accept anything different or new. Did you want the exact same game with different maps? Cause that'd be pretty boring.

I would have taken the same game with different maps. I would love Titanfall as it is with the grappling hook added as an ability for everyone to use. Seems like a solid addition. Taken as a whole though I do not enjoy what Titanfall 2 is doing. It doesn't play like Titanfall, and it doesn't play in a way that I find fun or interesting on its own merits.


First time Titanfall player, best part was the training course and running on walls.

The actual multiplayer was just okay.


First time Titanfall player, best part was the training course and running on walls.

The actual multiplayer was just okay.
I'm enjoying my time with the alpha and learning more as I go. I would love for there to be more obstacle courses in the full game. A obstacle course creator would be so damn cool with leader boards.
Still not too happy about how slow everything feels, but the server update at least helps with there actually having more than two titans on a map.


What engine is it using, this time? Modified Source again?

I'm wondering if they switched engines and something was lost in the translation...


Huge Titanfall fan. Played one round of this.

Way too slow. Third person is a mistake. Changes to Titan drops ruin flow of the match. Changes to Titan themselves borderline eviscerate the mech combat.

Not a fan at all. Poor performance indeed.

well i suppose it's too bad that they won't be able to keep you or the other 5 people that kept playing titanfall interested.


Played it for a bit. I enjoyed it but it's too hard for me. I don't think I am too good at these fast paced games, especially on consoles. I can barely handle CSGO and that's because it's a bit more tactical and slower paced. A pity, I really wanted to get one of the 3 FPS games this year..


While I wasn't a huge fan of the first, I still had fun with it. But I just can't get into this at all. Maybe it's switching from PC to PS4, but I'm just not feeling it. I also prefer the maps from TF1 over this.


Huge Titanfall fan. Played one round of this.

Way too slow. Third person is a mistake. Changes to Titan drops ruin flow of the match. Changes to Titan themselves borderline eviscerate the mech combat.

Not a fan at all. Poor performance indeed.

Agreed. Titans feel slower / less lethal than before. I dunno if it's the maps, but don't seem to be flying around on the walls as well I used to. I want a city map!

KC Denton

Is this going to be like going from Smash Melee to Brawl where the design intentions of the game's developers did not align at all with what the hardcore fanbase was drawn to? I've only played about 13 hours of the original Titanfall but it did feel kind of noticeable how fewer opportunities to chain wall runs were in this test.
You guys are nuts. This isn't terrible by any means. It feels like a logical next step for the IP. If Respawn didn't change a single thing from the first game you would all be bitching about how there's no innovation.

Movement feels fast and fluid as ever. The grappling hook mechanic really should be a standard feature for all character classes. Why anyone would choose another perk over it is beyond me. It's essential for quickly closing in on enemy titans and automatically entering yours. These two levels may not live up to the first game's but there's plenty of wall running and grapple opportunities here. You guys know you can bump up the look sensitivity and aiming style to be faster, right?

I don't miss Attrition at all. Back when the first game released everyone bitched about how pointless the AI bots were. They contributed nothing to the battle other than ambient chatter and acted like ants meant to be stepped on by your titan. The titan timer in retrospect is inferior, as no matter how well (or poorly) you performed in game you were guaranteed a titan. That mechanic doesn't promote good play or objective support. Sure you could run around a map endlessly killing grunts to slightly reduce the timer, but it didn't really matter because you were guaranteed that titan within a few minutes of playtime. In this game you can really build up your titan drop fast by completing objectives, killing enemies, and providing health to friendly titans via stolen batteries. I've had way more titan drops per round in this game than I ever had in the original, because I'm doing well enough to earn them faster.

Speaking of stealing batteries, while I too enjoyed the first game's mechanic of rodeoing a titan to death, it really did favor the pilot too much. With the right loadout a pilot would have zero fear of a titan, because all it took was quick maneuvering and a rodeo to bring one down in almost no time at all. The new battery stealing auto ride still gives titans an advantage in a fight. Plus, with how fast it is to actually rodeo a titan with your grappling hook if the old mechanic were kept titans wouldn't last long at all.

I also like the aspect of each titan being its own unique class / loadout. In the original I just stuck with the fastest frame and the grenade launcher because I got in and out of fights with high damage outputs. I never really cared for most of the titan weapons in the original. But in this I'm really enjoying how each titan feels so different. I've mostly stuck to the flame one, as the napalm combos are devastating when timed effectively. I do miss the option to auto eject and the nuclear explosion perks though.

As for other nitty gritties, such as like lack of AI chatter, animations, UI differences, and a dumb party system, I'll chalk these up to pre-alpha build status and assume things get fixed / improved in time for launch.
>few people saying they aren't sure why others dislike this
>thread full of honest criticisms and paragraphs detailing why they dislike it

It's because the "few" that you put down are probably PS4 owners... who never played the first.

They aren't saying that their opinions are wrong... just that they don't see the issues because they are probably having fun with it.

Anyway it's something that people don't need to get worked up over until the reviews come in.
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