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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)


I hope youre right man.

I'm right. lol

there's no other twitch shooter on console that can match this, even with it's problems lol
people follow the leaders and i'm telling you right now those hardcore guys that loved Titanfall 1 are loving the prospect of this after minor tweaks to the gameplay.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Anyone else having issues inviting friends to a group? I can't seem to. I ended up making a network with him and we're having issues getting invites to show up. We're also having issues accepting invites when they do show up.
I'm right. lol

there's no other twitch shooter on console that can match this, even with it's problems lol
people follow the leaders and i'm telling you right now those hardcore guys that loved Titanfall 1 are loving the prospect of this after minor tweaks to the gameplay.

Gonna need more than minor tweaks to the movement. I need momentum back. There's also this weird "stickiness" that wasn't there before that distinctly reminds me of BLOPS3.


And it's even easier to melee/shoot the dude and get it back + shield.

The melee takes some time to get used to, I'm having a hard time punching a pilot from my Titan when it's coming at me (while fleeing ones are easy). Probably because of the grapple. Yesterday I had a pilot chain-rodeo me (at least 3 times in a row, until he destroyed my titan), while I was punching the air. :(
well i suppose it's too bad that they won't be able to keep you or the other 5 people that kept playing titanfall interested.
Completely ignorant post.
Titanfall 1 on x1 regularly has 3,000+ players. Would be interesting to visit TF2, 2 years later, and see how active community will still be. I'm betting not even half of 3,000.
The melee takes some time to get used to, I'm having a hard time punching a pilot from my Titan when it's coming at me (while fleeing ones are easy). Probably because of the grapple. Yesterday I had a pilot chain-rodeo me (at least 3 times in a row, until he destroyed my titan), while I was punching the air. :(

Leave your Titan and shoot the player down who is on your Titan...

They're extremely vulnerable in the rodeo animation.
Tried giving it another go this morning.

It's good that more titans are dropping quicker now, but also highlights a lot more the balance flaw in how you have a very low chance in winning a 2v1 in a titan battle now that shields have been removed. If a team races ahead and calls in two titans before the others, they pretty much control for the field for the majority of the game.

It's also annoying how none of these titans can no longer multi task - for example, I'm left completely exposed once I start to reload my weapon. These titans are supposed to be hulking pieces of death, yet ask it to do two things at once - nope!

Ejecting from a doomed titan is pretty much suicide these days. The speed at which you exit and hang is just so slow that I now just try and take my chances and exit the titan rather than eject.

It sucks that my sonar knife and arc grenades do not reset once I've respawned - as it not being able to have an AT weapon as well as a side arm. One of the cool things about R1 was that I felt like a one man wrecking crew in that I was ready to face anything that was thrown at me, whether that's a titan, pilot, or a squad of grunts.

Homestead is one of the weakest MP maps I've played in a long, long time. It highlights how important level design is for a game that is based around wall running, hanging etc. when you can't do anything like that and just isn't fun. It feels like a DLC level from one of the CoD games.

Having players highlighted in blue and red will never, ever be a good idea, in my opinion.

The same for third person. We already know how everyone feels about not being able to enter a titan in first person, but this can be extended to pilot executions. It takes far too long to kill someone now when you go into execution mode - it's really, really slow!

I can understand why they added boost points on hardpoint, but it just slows the game mode down now in comparison to R1 in that players are now happy to sit back and boost the point, rather than try and push on for a third.

I'll see what they improve next weekend, but I'm still leaning towards waiting for this to appear on EA access and continue with Overwatch and Titanfall 1


So let me get this straight:

You unlock the shotgun at level 11, but the max level in this beta is level 10.



At least one good thing came out of this tech demo: it made me go back to TF1. Such a great mp game to build on, so I'm not sure how Respawn managed to fuck things up this badly. It's like a different company tried to recreate TF1 without understanding what made it special.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
You can use it if you get 500 points and unlock it. I'm 460 or so so I'll probably get the smg tomorrow and try it out.
This game is fun, I just want movement to be back exactly like it was in Titanfall 1.
Bunnyhops need to be the same, movement speed, momentum building...all of it.

I remember reading an interview back during EA play with Steven Fukuda saying that they intentionally nerfed the movement. I can't find it at the moment but that is the one thing that really bothers me about this game. Your character is way too clunky and slow.


I liked it, not enough for me to consider buying at full price though

First Match video: https://youtu.be/00Xu2YTgCeA

I had to pause mid-way through watching this video to write this. It's astounding how they have totally relegated vertical movement and wall-riding to the background.

The player is competent at the game, but there are just so few surfaces to truly take any advantage of the mobility that was present in TF1.

I'm a little disappointed...
So this video gives us some answers.


Reading between the lines it near confirms what many have thought, although nothing is explicitly said.

The lack of AI/Bounty replacing attrition: "we listened to the community about reducing the annoyance factor of the AI, try and make them have a real purpose"

There were vocal people who either didn't play the original or gave up after some time. Those that did continue to play saw the AI did have a purpose. They were a resource to reduce Titan build time.

No Titan cool down: "You have to earn a Titan this time, not just given one"

They elaborate a little on this later, but surely you earned your Titan in the original Titanfall by farming the resource (the AI) that served 'no purpose'? Alongside other objectives of course.

So the AI and cooldown go hand in hand.

If Respawn removed the AI first, then removal of the countdown makes sense. Without the' easy' resource to reduce build time, then players could sit tight and wait out for their Titan. The countdown had to go.

If Respawn removed the Cooldown first, then the AI still would make some sense. Kills would still up your Titan meter.

The question is, which came first. The removal of AI or the Titan cool down? I think it has to be the removal of AI.

Which then becomes - why?

The message is the feedback from the 'community', but something doesn't sit right with me on that. Especially when the 'community' that continued to play the game pretty much ignored any modes without AI.

The 'community' has now, overwhelmingly, rejected the change. Reddit, GAF, Twitter, even their own forums. Did Respawn get this so wrong?

Respawn didn't make this change for a laugh. Either it is something they truly believe is right, or there is something else.

I just feel a part of the puzzle is missing.
Bounty hunt is such an odd mode. I'm consistently the top person on the team each time with 3K+ but the better I do the more I realize how dull I play it. I actively avoid other enemies and just get a ton of money farming grunts, you actually get Titans really quickly doing this.

Even with all the changes, I could probably still have a ton of fun with this if not for the game modes available. Pilot vs. Pilot doesn't exist, so let's not get into that, and Amped Hardpoint is way too uneventful for me as a dedicated playlist. I love territory capture when mixed into a rotating objective mode, or in Battlefield, but I don't want to sit still in Titanfall, plus the lack of AI really takes away from the interplay on the map.

Bounty Hunt though..... woof. This is a special kind of "wat." Match flow is so predictable, and the dead air where you basically avoid enemies just does not feel right. The whole point of AI, aside from allowing you to get Titans quicker, is to add another wrinkle to the player vs. player action and give the impression of a larger, more frantic war happening around you. Bounty Hunt does little of either, especially when the drop pods are placed on opposing sides of the map. The whole thing is too structured, too stiff, too funneled. I don't see how this is an "evolution of Attrition" at all, especially on a map like Homestead where the action is often taking place in these little pockets miles apart from each other at set intervals.

I really do think that the execution of the game modes we have in this Tech Test and what they do to match flow are amplifying the issues people have with the changes to core gameplay. That + map design is just killing whatever chance this game had to give a good first impression.
So this video gives us some answers.


Reading between the lines it near confirms what many have thought, although nothing is explicitly said.

The lack of AI/Bounty replacing attrition: "we listened to the community about reducing the annoyance factor of the AI, try and make them have a real purpose"

There were vocal people who either didn't play the original or gave up after some time. Those that did continue to play saw the AI did have a purpose. They were a resource to reduce Titan build time.

No Titan cool down: "You have to earn a Titan this time, not just given one"

They elaborate a little on this later, but surely you earned your Titan in the original Titanfall by farming the resource (the AI) that served 'no purpose'? Alongside other objectives of course.

So the AI and cooldown go hand in hand.

If Respawn removed the AI first, then removal of the countdown makes sense. Without the' easy' resource to reduce build time, then players could sit tight and wait out for their Titan. The countdown had to go.

If Respawn removed the Cooldown first, then the AI still would make some sense. Kills would still up your Titan meter.

The question is, which came first. The removal of AI or the Titan cool down? I think it has to be the removal of AI.

Which then becomes - why?

The message is the feedback from the 'community', but something doesn't sit right with me on that. Especially when the 'community' that continued to play the game pretty much ignored any modes without AI.

The 'community' has now, overwhelmingly, rejected the change. Reddit, GAF, Twitter, even their own forums. Did Respawn get this so wrong?

Respawn didn't make this change for a laugh. Either it is something they truly believe is right, or there is something else.

I just feel a part of the puzzle is missing.

This is the worst bullshit redesign reason. They literally listened to the players that abandoned their game, not the ones that liked it.


Press - MP1st.com
Even with all the changes, I could probably still have a ton of fun with this if not for the game modes available. Pilot vs. Pilot doesn't exist, so let's not get into that, and Amped Hardpoint is way too uneventful for me as a dedicated playlist. I love territory capture when mixed into a rotating objective mode, or in Battlefield, but I don't want to sit still in Titanfall, plus the lack of AI really takes away from the interplay on the map.

Bounty Hunt though..... woof. This is a special kind of "wat." Match flow is so predictable, and the dead air where you basically avoid enemies just does not feel right. The whole point of AI, aside from allowing you to get Titans quicker, is to add another wrinkle to the player vs. player action and give the impression of a larger, more frantic war happening around you. Bounty Hunt does little of either, especially when the drop pods are placed on opposing sides of the map. The whole thing is too structured, too stiff, too funneled. I don't see how this is an "evolution of Attrition" at all, especially on a map like Homestead where the action is often taking place in these little pockets miles apart from each other at set intervals.

I really do think that the execution of the game modes we have in this Tech Test and what they do to match flow are amplifying the issues people have with the changes to core gameplay. That + map design is just killing whatever chance this game had to give a good first impression.

That's what I said to people as well. Bounty is OK, but the depositing cash thing breaks the flow of the game since you literally have to stop fighting, go to a bank and deposit so that your team can win. It's like Battlefield Hardline's Heist, but in a more confusing way (both for the mode's lore and pacing).

Respawn wants TF2 to be all-out action, right? I dunno, the depositing thing breaks that. I've played a few rounds where I had literally $800 or more stashed and hated having to go back to the bank to deposit instead of continuing fighting on.

So this video gives us some answers.


Reading between the lines it near confirms what many have thought, although nothing is explicitly said.

The lack of AI/Bounty replacing attrition: "we listened to the community about reducing the annoyance factor of the AI, try and make them have a real purpose"

There were vocal people who either didn't play the original or gave up after some time. Those that did continue to play saw the AI did have a purpose. They were a resource to reduce Titan build time.

No Titan cool down: "You have to earn a Titan this time, not just given one"

They elaborate a little on this later, but surely you earned your Titan in the original Titanfall by farming the resource (the AI) that served 'no purpose'? Alongside other objectives of course.

So the AI and cooldown go hand in hand.

If Respawn removed the AI first, then removal of the countdown makes sense. Without the' easy' resource to reduce build time, then players could sit tight and wait out for their Titan. The countdown had to go.

If Respawn removed the Cooldown first, then the AI still would make some sense. Kills would still up your Titan meter.

The question is, which came first. The removal of AI or the Titan cool down? I think it has to be the removal of AI.

Which then becomes - why?

The message is the feedback from the 'community', but something doesn't sit right with me on that. Especially when the 'community' that continued to play the game pretty much ignored any modes without AI.

The 'community' has now, overwhelmingly, rejected the change. Reddit, GAF, Twitter, even their own forums. Did Respawn get this so wrong?

Respawn didn't make this change for a laugh. Either it is something they truly believe is right, or there is something else.

I just feel a part of the puzzle is missing.

Certainly very interesting. In Respawn's defense, I gather that most of these changes were made due to internal data (I assume), which more often than not, is different from the very vocal minority. Even now, while I see complaints on GAF, Reddit, Twitter, Titanfall forums, could it be the vocal minority, or is it really a big issue? We can't say for sure until the game releases and it either flops or becomes a success.

Respawn did need to change a few things though, since people dropped the game faster than they would have wanted. Granted, one can argue that adding a single-player deeper customization, more unlockables, could have solved that, but maybe Respawn's data says otherwise?

People saying they miss this X thing in TF1 that's not in TF2, also admits that they stopped playing a long time ago, which means that Respawn did need to change something or otherwise risk repeating history, which they can't afford to do.

I think the big X factor here are PlayStation gamers. Seeing as most of them haven't played the original, hence can't compare it with TF2, it could make or break TF2. It's undoubtedly the largest gaming player base out there right now. If Respawn can convince them to bite, then it might have enough for a "win" financially, no?

Interesting what tweaks Respawn does to placate both the new and old players. I just hope it does well since the premise is very interesting.


Party system in this build (inviting friends, etc) has known reliability issues on both platforms, as we've tried to communicate (even in that splash screen on load that reminds that this is an early unfinished technical test). It's unfortunate and can be annoying but that is the reality of linear time and game development; luckily Networks can reliably be used to play together in this build (though you'll need to re-invite between each round, another annoyance fixed for the full release).

The team "in charge of it" are top in their field and currently moving heaven & earth in a game of 4D chess to keep our fun little robot-ninja-shoot game running smoothly. They are consistently amazing and I am (we are) lucky to be in their orbit...
This is what happens for me and my friends every time we play. After we get finished with a game, none of us end up in the next game together. We have to quit out, regroup and look for a new match. This my have something to do with being in different parts of the country or some data center issue.

Another issue we are having is 2 of our friends can never join the same game together. They share a cable modem. This doesn't happen in any other MP game.

This is our frustration. Everything else is flawless and fun as hell.


A bit of news on the Smart Pistol


It returns as a boost option, sounds like a practical way to keep it around without it being OP.

Smart Pistol was never, ever ever OP

I liked it, not enough for me to consider buying at full price though

First Match video: https://youtu.be/00Xu2YTgCeA

This game looks so unfinished. I wonder if the lack of AI has -anything- to do with the lack of Azure.

Why are there health bars on Pilots, why do they have an outline, why were any of these changes made?

I know people said it was hard to find Pilots in the first game, and that was an issue for casual players, but this is no solution. This is just CoD with Mechs and Parkour, and I think Infinite Warfare is already going to have enough of that.

EDIT: Dear Respawn, get rid of all Third Person animations. =(

man look at how this video has like, zero wall running.
lets keep it 100, if respawn are serious about this game competing against cod/bf then they had to remove/reduce bots, majority of people are just not into this shit. But what i dont agree with is removing attrition, it was the go to mode in tf1, u cant just remove the best gamemode.

what wrong with having both gamemodes and letting the community decide which is better? the 'dividing the community' argument which will inevitably be brought up now is complete bs, the better gamemode will live on while the other dies or maybe both will survive.


lets keep it 100, if respawn are serious about this game competing against cod/bf then they had to remove/reduce bots, majority of people are just not into this shit. But what i dont agree with is removing attrition, it was the go to mode in tf1, u cant just remove the best gamemode.

what wrong with having both gamemodes and letting the community decide which is better? the 'dividing the community' argument which will inevitably be brought up now is complete bs, the better gamemode will live on while the other dies or maybe both will survive.


And what would you do in Attrition without bots to act as encouragement for campers, and to decrease the Titan timer?

I wish people didn't go "smh, bots lol" and at least tried to be a little competitive at the game to realise why they existed in the first place.


Its way too easy to rodeo a mech and steal its battery.

Agreed. There needs to be some, hate to say it, button mashing game where the pilot fights off the battery stealing jerk/hero. Its just too easy to hook on and steal and then instantly hook back on for the grenade drop.


Certainly very interesting. In Respawn's defense, I gather that most of these changes were made due to internal data (I assume), which more often than not, is different from the very vocal minority. Even now, while I see complaints on GAF, Reddit, Twitter, Titanfall forums, could it be the vocal minority, or is it really a big issue? We can't say for sure until the game releases and it either flops or becomes a success.

Problem is I don't see any hype for the game? When "pretty good" is the best response that can be mustered with its current release date, it will be crushed. The negative pre-launch word of mouth also won't do it any favors if it continues like this until release.

I don't know what they can realistically do for me after this alpha anyway though. Don't like the maps, modes, removal of AI, new rodeo, or attrition being gone.

Guess LTS is gone too since without shields I doubt it would be much fun anyway.

And what would you do in Attrition without bots to act as encouragement for campers, and to decrease the Titan timer?

I wish people didn't go "smh, bots lol" and at least tried to be a little competitive at the game to realise why they existed in the first place.

no what im saying is attrition should have been kept the same as tf1 but new gamemodes without bots introduced. i almost never purchased tf1 because of bots and i know lots of people who just couldnt get over killing bots so bots are a real issue that needed addressing but they could have left attrition alone


please Respawn reconsider adding Atrittion back in Titanfall 2, if this game mode is missing the it will be a huge upset to me.


please Respawn reconsider adding Atrittion back in Titanfall 2, if this game mode is missing the it will be a huge upset to me.

Attrition expanded would be great. A little disheartening that Respawn listened to all the people moaning about having bots in a match and dropped/heavily nerfed them.


Maybe a delay is the best thing to do. Shits gonna be nuts this fall with other releases. Really hope Respawn does well with Titanfall 2 I'd hate to see them drop it if it doesnt do good. So much potential with the game.


Pilot vs Pilot is just a unfocused version Call of Duty.

It's awful.

I honestly can't disagree more. I just played two matches and by the second match I was again flying through the map like this (sorry for the black bars):


I kept reading about how much slower and more sluggish TF2 was supposed to be compared to the first game and I don't understand where that notion is coming from. I was jumping and wallrunning around like during my best TF1 days and was rewarded for it with an end score of 26 to 12, picking off the guys just sprinting around, playing it like CoD, just like it was supposed to be.

I know "This is just X version of CoD" is a very popular and easy thing to say, but having the movement in this game is so, so much more elaborate, useful and fun than in AW or BO3 (even though I haven't played BO3 too much - the best players make the movement look like TF, but I have never gotten into the groove myself).


I can't help but feel like they missed a trick with the Titans. I get that they are going for fighting-game like match-ups but it seems like that has just neutered customization. When I pictured Titanfall 2 I imagined GTA V car - like customization, but now you can't even choose the voice for your Titan (it has its own voice and 'personality').

I honestly can't disagree more. I just played two matches and by the second match I was again flying through the map like this (sorry for the black bars):


I kept reading about how much slower and more sluggish TF2 was supposed to be compared to the first game and I don't understand where that notion is coming from. I was jumping and wallrunning around like during my best TF1 days and was rewarded for it with an end score of 26 to 12, picking off the guys just sprinting around, playing it like CoD, just like it was supposed to be.

I know "This is just X version of CoD" is a very popular and easy thing to say, but having the movement in this game is so, so much more elaborate, useful and fun than in AW or BO3.

You can move around the map quickly, but that is made pointless by the map design. In that .gif you pull off elaborate but pointless traversal. You kill players who are standing in an open field, then get killed by a player who is basically standing still.

I'd wager you'd have more success of you just found an angle to snipe at them.


Part of me would like to see Respawn speed up pilot speed, or to bring back the wallrunning speed boost feel from TF1. Just for pure testing.
I feel like this version of titanfall can't support mass AI with all the actions they did in the original, either for performance or to make room for other features, I dunno but I don't have too much hope on titanfall 1 AI returning in this sequel for multiplayer.

Even with the changes from the 'community' I still don't understand why titans have no regen shields and were turned into hero's.


You can move around the map quickly, but that is made pointless by the map design. In that .gif you pull off elaborate but pointless traversal. You kill players who are standing in an open field, then get killed by a player who is basically standing still.

I'd wager you'd have more success of you just found an angle to snipe at them.

The last guy killed me because I went for the melee instead of simply shooting him and during the whole match I was picking off stragglers, campers and snipers because I seemed to be one of only a few people who really used all my of my movement possibilities. There are also various ways allowing to to cross the field very fast - you CAN just run around it but doing so is only your own fault. They same always went for Titanfall 1 maps.


I honestly can't disagree more. I just played two matches and by the second match I was again flying through the map like this (sorry for the black bars):

I kept reading about how much slower and more sluggish TF2 was supposed to be compared to the first game and I don't understand where that notion is coming from. I was jumping and wallrunning around like during my best TF1 days and was rewarded for it with an end score of 26 to 12, picking off the guys just sprinting around, playing it like CoD, just like it was supposed to be.

I know "This is just X version of CoD" is a very popular and easy thing to say, but having the movement in this game is so, so much more elaborate, useful and fun than in AW or BO3.

BF1 looks like it plays like Battlefield, COD looks like it plays like COD
The movement of TF2 looks amazing.
I have great hopes in TF2, maybe it can be a fps I love to bits like I did with halo 3 and reach with my friends.

A quesition about the removal of the counter: Isnt this a removal of skill rubberbanding?

Situations in reach and h3 when you sometimes
yeah this word is important
had to fight against an uphill battle against vehicles and powerweapons and also maybe you had to fight with less people on your team could feel incredibly rewarding. It was a enormous "darksouls-like" feel of overcoming an obstacle when you could break through the bullshittery because you played smart.
And the idea of many enemy titans roaming the streets and you cower behind a stone with a friend and think of an strategy to distract and kill some of them sounds like fun.
Of course this is bad for your K/D ratio, but diverse possible situations are prolonging the life of a mulitplayer.
So in a short sentence: Skill rubberbanding makes a game more boring in the long run, not more interesting


So this video gives us some answers.


Reading between the lines it near confirms what many have thought, although nothing is explicitly said.

The lack of AI/Bounty replacing attrition: "we listened to the community about reducing the annoyance factor of the AI, try and make them have a real purpose"

There were vocal people who either didn't play the original or gave up after some time. Those that did continue to play saw the AI did have a purpose. They were a resource to reduce Titan build time.

No Titan cool down: "You have to earn a Titan this time, not just given one"

They elaborate a little on this later, but surely you earned your Titan in the original Titanfall by farming the resource (the AI) that served 'no purpose'? Alongside other objectives of course.

So the AI and cooldown go hand in hand.

If Respawn removed the AI first, then removal of the countdown makes sense. Without the' easy' resource to reduce build time, then players could sit tight and wait out for their Titan. The countdown had to go.

If Respawn removed the Cooldown first, then the AI still would make some sense. Kills would still up your Titan meter.

The question is, which came first. The removal of AI or the Titan cool down? I think it has to be the removal of AI.

Which then becomes - why?

The message is the feedback from the 'community', but something doesn't sit right with me on that. Especially when the 'community' that continued to play the game pretty much ignored any modes without AI.

The 'community' has now, overwhelmingly, rejected the change. Reddit, GAF, Twitter, even their own forums. Did Respawn get this so wrong?

Respawn didn't make this change for a laugh. Either it is something they truly believe is right, or there is something else.

I just feel a part of the puzzle is missing.

I don't think I've ever said that buuuuuut. Preorder cancelled. This killed the game for me. I'll rent it for the singleplayer but that's it.
Instead of insulting the devs or saying the game is shit, I'll just say that the beta is not what I want. I'm saddened that the franchise is going in a direction that IMO, is devoid of the charm that really made me love the first so much. The first is was probably my favorite multiplayer game, pre-Overwatch, but this one honestly feels like two steps back.
Instead of insulting the devs or saying the game is shit, I'll just say that the beta is not what I want. I'm saddened that the franchise is going in a direction that IMO, is devoid of the charm that really made me love the first so much. The first is was probably my favorite multiplayer game, pre-Overwatch, but this one honestly feels like two steps back.

You expect them to not change course somewhat after the ghost town that quickly became Titanfall online? I could barely get a decent match of CTF/any objective(because Attrition is terrible) unless it was peak hours the last time I played.


I feel like this version of titanfall can't support mass AI with all the actions they did in the original, either for performance or to make room for other features, I dunno but I don't have too much hope on titanfall 1 AI returning in this sequel for multiplayer.

Even with the changes from the 'community' I still don't understand why titans have no regen shields and were turned into hero's.

I definitely think it's performance related.
You expect them to not change course somewhat after the ghost town that quickly became Titanfall online? I could barely get a decent match of CTF/any objective(because Attrition is terrible) unless it was peak hours the last time I played.

It seems like a lot of change and I don't like most of it. I do like some, but it went from a buy to a wait and see now. Like I said, I feel more sad then anything. If they get more players for this game, more power to them.

Boo Who?

Neo Member
Game feels great on PS4. Nice to have a consistent framerate. Not sure about Bounty mode though. Grappling hook is a game changer and the Pilot weapons feel a bit better.
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