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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)

Quoting from Reddit which are quotes from the video.

Edit: For Gaf benefit, it is from a Tech talk about the original Titanfall. The video is from 2015. Respawn talk about how they overcome some of the game play and balance mechanics in the original game.

What changed in 2 years?

"It doesn't matter how good you are. It's not gonna be 'I kill 3 people/I kill 6 people, so I get a Titan' and the lesser skilled players don't".

"Having the AI in the environment as 'food' to help speed up Titan build time".

"Pilots always working towards a new Titan. It doesn't matter what you're doing, you Titan timer is always happening".

"The regenerating shield was the last thing we figured out in Titan combat to really make it work. Before that, your Titan would get damaged to 10% health and it would be worthless. Adding the shield and letting that regen made them more viable".

"Pilot and Titans should be equally viable (...) We did not spend 80% of our time on either Pilots or Titans and then 20% of our time on the other".
I've voiced my concerns earlier in this thread but as I play more and more I find not having AI in hardpoint is what is making the biggest change in feel for me. The sensation of a dynamic and frantic Battlefield is completely lost and there are no swaths of twenty or more seconds where nothing is happening.

It would be an easy fix so I hope Respawn considers it.


SMH seems like a lot of thought and care was put in the original but almost none in its sequel. What happened?

I think a lot of thought went into this one, and the thought was "let's not do any of what made the first connect with the audience (albeit small) it did have." Instead of building on the base that was there in TF1 they seem to have just thrown it all out.

Whats sad too is after TF's release they made it sound like they were aware of the big issues, that 1 was basically a test the waters kind of situation and that the sequel would be bigger and better. Building on top. Instead we get a different game.


it's out of topic but i wanted to share it with you guys. I compared mouse performance on ps4 for this game and here it's the result


I still think the keyboard guys will have a heavy advantage over controller, but at least I know my controller skills are better than that.

One skill I learned from CoD no less is that you don't switch targets while ADS. I will either zoom out or half zoom to track my targets. It's a hell of a lot quicker than moving the sights while ADSing.

The trigger stops on the Elite controller aid you in doing this a lot.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
I don't see this at all at least on Bounty Hunt. I would classify myself as far from amazing and I get like 3 Titans a round which seems plenty sufficient.

They upped the occurrence in a hot fix yesterday.
I've voiced my concerns earlier in this thread but as I play more and more I find not having AI in hardpoint is what is making the biggest change in feel for me. The sensation of a dynamic and frantic Battlefield is completely lost and there are no swaths of twenty or more seconds where nothing is happening.

It would be an easy fix so I hope Respawn considers it.



You can use K&M using some kind of program thing, I forget the name. You can use it on XB. Not sure about PS4.
XIM 4. Its what my buddy uses now. He was getting tired of losing on PC so he went to console and now beats up 5 year olds.

It works quite well.
edit: fucking sunny d drinkers beating me to the punch.


5:55 to 6:15.
It's one of the best parts about Titanfall, guys.

In their defense, pilot vs pilot was added in Titanfall 1 because people bitched for it. That and the (better) movement capabilities we had in TF1 made it fun.

Here, where movement is nerfed, focusing on it is odd because as our movement gets worse, so does it....

I don't get it.

If release is as odd as the tech test is, add Titanfall 2 to the "Games I want a Tell-All About" alongside Destiny.


Ok, now I'm having way too much fun on this game.
Tea bagging Titans just made this a day one lol

Anybody know how many maps it will ship with at launch?


What pains me the most is I have to tell my incompetent FPS friends not to buy this game.

They suck at FPS, so they're currently playing Overwatch. However, all three enjoyed TF1. Even though they sucked, they could contribute. Attrition + the smart pistol allowed it.

Now? They'd get massacred and have no fun.


I love the grappling hook, but cannot understand why the level design is so incongruous with wall running. Why would they walk back a core design feature like that to this magnitude? It's plain bizarre.


Anyone else bothered by not being able to have a secondary and an AT weapon?

Yeah, it's a bad decision.

Players are going to have to decide whether they want to attack Titans, or have a weapon to use when they're reloading. So instead of knowing that every player on your team has a weapon they can use on Titans in a pinch, now you're not sure. You can, if you decide to be, become a Pilot that's completely useless against Titans, which might boost your K/D in Pilot vs. Pilot fights, but is a detriment to your team as a whole.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
People always asked "why is EA releasing BF1 and TF2 so close to each other" and I always said EA doesnt care if you buy BF1 or TF2 as long as you aren't buying CoD but now I get the feeling that they don't want anyone to buy TF2.

Battlefield 1 has had the most hype out of all the fall games and it doesn't help TF2 is getting mixed feedback :(


Yeah, it's a bad decision.

Players are going to have to decide whether they want to attack Titans, or have a weapon to use when they're reloading. So instead of knowing that every player on your team has a weapon they can use on Titans in a pinch, now you're not sure. You can, if you decide to be, become a Pilot that's completely useless against Titans, which might boost your K/D in Pilot vs. Pilot fights, but is a detriment to your team as a whole.

Yeah I don't get why it wouldn't just be you get three weapons in the modes with Titans and in Pilot V Pilot you get restricted to only 2 weapons.
Something feels weird. I never played the first one, but this game is frustrating. I never been this bad at an FPS before

I felt like that when I first played the Black Ops 3 Beta.

Only tips I can give you for Titanfall 2 are stay out of open lanes because they are designed as Titan lanes, utilize wall running as much as possible to navigate the map, always be scanning rooftops for enemies because it's a popular hiding place, use building interiors as escape routes because they give you full cover, careful when rodeoing Titans when you don't have a grappling hook because maps like Homestead are too open to give you a plausible escape, and slow it down and find a good vantage point or flank enemies along the outside routes of the map to get kills; you can stop for a little bit, but don't camp there for too long or you will get flanked.


Quoting from Reddit which are quotes from the video.

Edit: For Gaf benefit, it is from a Tech talk about the original Titanfall. The video is from 2015. Respawn talk about how they overcome some of the game play and balance mechanics in the original game.

What changed in 2 years?

It's odd that this game feels like an entire 180 on all of those previous design decisions.


SMH seems like a lot of thought and care was put in the original but almost none in its sequel. What happened?
After what I've player so far, I'm starting to believe that suggestions that it's largely a different team working on this and the rest are on that Star Wars game. Either that or they really don't know their audience.
Don't think I've ever been this good at an FPS before. Wonder if why that is. People can kill me pretty easily but for the most part everyone seems awful? Had games with 20+ pilot killstreaks last night, with people acting like I was invisible at times. Given that I don't play Titan Fall one or the Call of Duty games, I'm quite surprised.

Are people really that caught up in the maps size or something? Or perhaps getting distracted by the AI?

When it isn't lagging the netcode seems decent. I like that people have health bars, it's always frustrating in games when people get away with god knows how little HP, but at least that seems fair here.

Most of the matches I've played my allies tend to score close to zero too. Bit weird, like they don't understand the objective. Not a fan of amped hardpoint as I don't like having to stand around and amp an objective. Also, the lack of bots in that mode makes it feel pretty empty.
After what I've player so far, I'm starting to believe that suggestions that it's largely a different team working on this and the rest are on that Star Wars game. Either that or they really don't know their audience.

I think it's mostly a matter of trying to get the population to not drop off after a month, but they are taking the wrong approach to fixing that. They probably had at least a year for the main team to redesign the core elements of the game. Map design may be victim to new employees, though.
Not a fan of amped hardpoint as I don't like having to stand around and amp an objective. Also, the lack of bots in that mode makes it feel pretty empty.

I love amped hardpoint as it really promotes objective play for those who don't wanna just sprint around to shoot shit, like myself.
I do agree that the mode DESPERATELY needs AI tho...


I like the game overall so far. I just dislike how fast you can be killed and how fast health regenerates. I come across two enemies, kill one and take the other down to 10% health, and even with a fast reload, he regenerates to almost full health before I finish reloading and gets away.

It's so fun sneaking around when everyone else has Titans, then stealing batteries off of enemies to give to your allies.
Oh my god at these teammates in hardpoint. Standing on rooftops and sniping while im capping flags and trying to defend

I hate randoms like this so much


Un Rama
Oh my god at these teammates in hardpoint. Standing on rooftops and sniping while im capping flags and trying to defend

I hate randoms like this so much

Camping and sniping seems to be the norm now that they've de-emphasised fast movement and wall running.

It sucks.
TF and TF2 is made by ex-cod developers, so if you played all old CoD games before (at least in MP), you are not supposed to having difficulties in TF2. Input feels similar like other cod games.

This is the problem I see with gamers today... that CoD is like this end all be all of FPS gameplay. TF2 has PLENTY to differentiate itself from CoD. Sure the shooting mechanics are similar, but ultimately, the addition of Titans changes the games pacing (Titans address the problem of fast TTKs for starters), makes combat engagements more tactical and forces players to be more aware of their surroundings, not to mention the wrinkle of random AI enemies polluting the warzones.

This may come as a shock, but there is a world where being good at CoD doesn't mean you are going to be good at the next game that tries to steal the CoD fanbase.
16 kills in hardpoint. Next highest was 3

Best I've done. Too bad most the team quit. I know penalties arent going to happen, but its be nice to see people lose xp or something in the final game
Even with the changes from the 'community' I still don't understand why titans have no regen shields and were turned into hero's.
If Titanfall 2 maps and modes are free post-release I'd assume that choice allows them to sell new titans.

Has Respawn spoken about this at all? I haven't been following this game too closely.


Your Titan should spawn with a shield, that can then be stolen by enemy pilots restore/replace the shield on a friendly Titan.

I find myself picking up a shield core battery and just keeping it until I call down my Titan, however I think the game wants me to help out other friendly Titans with it. Knowing that your Titan has a shield when you call it down would alleviate that.

Maybe that would also provide a way to bring back classic rodeo. You can destroy the shield core with your gun while on the hull (removing that Titan's shield), or spend more time pulling it out to keep for yourself. That could maybe balance rodeo - you can't do direct damage to the Titan, but you can quickly destroy its shield.
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