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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)


Played enough now to still know I'm not getting it at launch. It's nice that they've listened and addressed some of the criticisms from last week (wall running speed and titan build time) but there's still too many problems putting me off:

New map manages to be worse than the other two. Feels like it's ripped straight from COD. Not enough verticality for a lot of wall running, and most of the inside feels too cramped.

TTK still far too quick. It's nothing to do with the amped weapons boost. Still see no reason not to use anything other than the R-201 carbine.

Still see no reason to use anything other than the grappling hook.

Titans still feel far too weak against infantry. Weapons feel next to useless agains them. Have they completely removed electric smoke for titans?

Still not a fan of the new rodeo system.

Still feels too quiet compared to the constant radio chatter and picture-in-picture videos of the first game.

Bounty hunt isn't very good and it's an awful replacement for attrition. Has anyone at Respawn came out and said anything about whether attrition has actually been removed or not and about the lack of AI, or are they still actively avoiding all questions about that?

I was hoping this would be my main shooter because I'm not bothering with COD or Battlefield, but last week's test put me off so much I just went out and bought Overwatch (which is pretty damn good so far)
Im..... I'm just at a loss for words really...

Seriously, I'm legit enjoying the shit out of the tech test and I'm regularly the MVP or in top 3.
The maps ARE FINE!



Yeah I dunno. Maybe I don't need to play a competitive shooter.

E92 M3

CoD has like 2 dozen maps more or less in base game.

Also hate the fact that I can't stealth drop a titan on someone. I guess its one of the perks now?

I noticed that! What's up with the enemy seeing where the Titan would drop? That was one of my favorite things from the first game.



Titanfall 2 website has six slots for MP maps which might indicate that there will be only six MP maps at launch. It would not be the first time when introduction of a singleplayer mode means that there is less content for the multiplayer mode.

Even with free maps incoming, launching with a single digit worth of maps would be LUNACY.


First tragedy, then farce.
I'm really just not feeling this game after playing Titanfall all week.

I want to like it, I'm just not there.

The maps are awful, the two modes we've been given basically ask you to camp and not move around much, and Titan fight are just wailing matches without the ability to retreat and get your shields up.

Rodeoing just isn't as much fun, having to choose between a sidearm and anti Titan weapon is silly.

The whole game feels like it's built around the grapple hook, but it's clumsy and a perk.

I appreciate the movement speed improvements, but the game just doesn't really incentivize movement like the first. Especially when half the AI spawns in bounty hunter are in the middle of an open field.

Red outlines on enemies makes the radar perk far worse than in Titanfall 1


Kodai with the shotgun is the best CoD I've ever played so far.

The movement changes are welcome, it feels much better, but still far from R1 in many aspects.

I guess it's gonna depend on the longevity of Gears whether I'm getting this.


These changes look good, but it's all pretty minor. I guess that's ok since they had less than a week to implement them. It's still all so watered down and twisted. I'm keeping my eye on this.


I don't know why they removed electric smoke from Titans. With the grapple hook its easier than ever to get on one and you have to protection.


the difference of number of titans from this weekend from the last one is hilarious

this weeknd you have like 6 titans at the same time, and really fast, lats weekend they were fucking rare
Movement feels slightly better, the new map is butt.

Game still doesn't feel as good as Titanfall, and mostly plays the same as before.


Man for real, these maps are soooooo bad.

I hope Respawn is paying attention. I cant even tell if they modified anything. The Titans feel like shit. The people enjoying it probably didnt play the first, the people who are fans are the first are the ones that stuck around.

At this point this game is not very good.


I've noticed that I always seem to be in the top two.

I think a lot of people just don't understand how to play the objective in Bounty Hunt. I'm not really very good at the game, and frequently have K/D < 1, but still often score top 3 because I actually bank my cash.

Edit: these guys are also crazy as hell if they think 6 maps is going to cut it. People complained about lack of content in TF1 when it launched with 12!


That feel when you Goose a pilot, and you da MVP, you have $800+ bounty to win the game but you can't make the comeback and your team sucks dick.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
I think a lot of people just don't understand how to play the objective in Bounty Hunt. I'm not really very good at the game, and frequently have K/D < 1, but still often score top 3 because I actually bank my cash.

People play it like TDM, which again reminds me of how absurd it is they thought this was a viable replacement for Attrition. Attrition and TDM in general are the best game modes to play with randoms, because they require little teamwork and communication. It's multiplayer 101.

E92 M3

In a perfect world, Pilot vs. Pilot shouldn't even exist in the game - it's the antithesis of what the franchise represents.

People play it like TDM, which again reminds me of how absurd it is they thought this was a viable replacement for Attrition. Attrition and TDM in general are the best game modes to play with randoms, because they require little teamwork and communication. It's multiplayer 101.

Yes, anything that requires coordination will usually fail with randoms. We do need a straight up TDM mode.


First tragedy, then farce.
People play it like TDM, which again reminds me of how absurd it is they thought this was a viable replacement for Attrition. Attrition and TDM in general are the best game modes to play with randoms, because they require little teamwork and communication. It's multiplayer 101.

Hard point is the closest to attrition right now because the hard points are only kill bonus multipliers.

The new 'kill the dumb AI' mode is the worst.


People play it like TDM, which again reminds me of how absurd it is they thought this was a viable replacement for Attrition. Attrition and TDM in general are the best game modes to play with randoms, because they require little teamwork and communication. It's multiplayer 101.

But a team can still play better when you communicate. It makes them both great casual modes. Other thing I love about attrition is that even if you are mediocre you're still doing a lot of killing between getting stomped by the opposing team.

I find Bounty Hunt when you're outplayed more frustrating because you get a lot more attention from the other team, in general.


The movement feels a little better but the maps are still bad. It doesn't matter how the tweak the gameplay if the maps are not designed in a way for players to take advantage of all the mobility options. It's too much sitting on rooftops and windows. The glowing pilots is still too strong. I can still see people from so far away. It only encourages people to camp and pick people off


Titanfall 2 website has six slots for MP maps which might indicate that there will be only six MP maps at launch. It would not be the first time when introduction of a singleplayer mode means that there is less content for the multiplayer mode.

There's no way. They have very publicly acknowledged the fact that people were unhappy with how much content TF1 launched with... so they'll be launching with even fewer multiplayer maps? I know the addition of SP is meaty, but it's simply not as replayable as multiplayer. If this is the case, then since the two maps in the beta are not very good that would mean at least a third of the maps they would be shipping with are not fun to play on. Even with new, free maps coming down the line that won't help player retention at launch. TF1 had excellent post launch support, but still suffered from some serious drop off quickly after launch. I just can't see that happening, hopefully those are just six previews for maps they're doing.

NOt true. You just need a kill to activate it. Either that or it becomes available after a short time in your titan

Electric smoke is only on Ion I think and you need to build your core power to use it.

I believe you need to kill a pilot rodeo-ing a friendly titan to get it.


I'm still dope at Titanfall

Highest score so far is 2800. 13 kills (I dunno why I can't see my KD)

I'm fucking KILLING it with the Ion (Titan). Like for real, my whole team was repeatedly putting batteries in mine as I went the last half of the game without dying.

That being said.

Titanfall 1 feels like a sequel to this game. WAY better maps, much more interesting Titan combat (these primaries are asssssss)

and why the fuck does it take 3 melees to kill a Spectre? -- Respawn please, AI have too much health. And there is no indication if I kill more than one with my grenade, it just says "Grunt Killed" even if I kill more than one. I want something on the side that tells me what I'm receiving just like in the original.

EDIT: Shit about to get real, I finally have Stim.


The thing is, Grenades being ass means that I can't really move very fast. And Bounty Hunt is trash because enemy spawns aren't very varied. They should be like how they were in the original, like with Attrition. If the spawns stay the same, I'm not sure if Attrition would be very fun in this game =(

I mean, Bounty Hunt has some serious farming time, unlike the original where you had to move around the whole map in order to do so.

E92 M3

There's no way. They have very publicly acknowledged the fact that people were unhappy with how much content TF1 launched with... so they'll be launching with even fewer multiplayer maps? I know the addition of SP is meaty, but it's simply not as replayable as multiplayer. If this is the case, then since the two maps in the beta are not very good that would mean at least a third of the maps they would be shipping with are not fun to play on. Even with new, free maps coming down the line that won't help player retention at launch. TF1 had excellent post launch support, but still suffered from some serious drop off quickly after launch. I just can't see that happening, hopefully those are just six previews for maps they're doing.

I believe you need to kill a pilot rodeo-ing a friendly titan to get it.

Really? That is way too situational.

Would not be a smart design decision - smoke should just be available right away or on a timer.


Hard point is the closest to attrition right now because the hard points are only kill bonus multipliers.

The new 'kill the dumb AI' mode is the worst.
Killing the AI in bounty hunt just reminds me of brainlessly grinding weak enemies in an RPG.


First tragedy, then farce.
OK, the new map is the worst of them all by far.

Just wide open spaces, no verticality and the only enclosure are long corridors with zero cover.


The disappointing impressions, despite the welcomed changes, are about what I expected. Will still play it again this weekend, so that I can get a final opinion on it, but it's not looking good. General opinion saying that Kodai is even worse than the other two is not promising in the slightest. Respawn, what are you doing?


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
But a team can still play better when you communicate. It makes them both great casual modes. Other thing I love about attrition is that even if you are mediocre you're still doing a lot of killing between getting stomped by the opposing team.

I find Bounty Hunt when you're outplayed more frustrating because you get a lot more attention from the other team, in general.

No argument there, but in Bounty Hunt randoms really don't understand how important it is to not only deposit the money but work together to secure the banks. I just think it's an awful replacement for Attrition, not that it shouldn't be in the game.
My problem is, no matter how much I dominate, I never feel as good as I did in R1. I don't care if I grapple someone and melee them, or even drop a Titan, it never feels rewarding or like I'm the shit.

I'm performing exactly like I did in Titanfall 1. Getting more than half the points needed to win by myself (2500+ Bounty), but like, I feel like trash.

Titan main weapons are so bad.

Grenades aren't as effective as they should be against AI. forcing me to shoot them with my gun, which blows

and really... RIP CAR

I agree. Last week I was beating ass in and out of my Titan, but killing Titans was just me repeatedly grappling on and off the Titan over and over.

I was wrecking other Titans, but taking down two pilots with my laser core felt more cheesey than skillful.
I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt after what Respawn said this week.

It's good that the frequency of Titans has increased, but goodness me they still feel so weak in comparison to TF1 - they're so slow and cumbersome and you don't feel like you've gained anything by jumping in one - especially since the weapons feel so flimsy

The maps are still garbage and I'm getting sick of the amount of players just sat with sniper rifles, not to mention the ttk is still ridiculous and the bloody highlighting around players is just so so stupid

It's probably just me too, but it feels like there's too much info on the screen making it really hard to know where to look and when

It honestly just doesn't feel fun in comparison to TF1 and Overwatch (my two most played FPS of recent memory)

I know people say this is only a Pre Alfa build, but this is the first experiences players are having with it. From what I've played over the past two weekends, I'm sadly going to have to pass on picking this up and stick with TF1 and Overwatch until BF1 comes out.


Stim is basically worthless since these maps are made for Grappling.

I feel like... I don't know what's going on, even though less is. And why is the Charge Rifle so damn weak against Titans without Amped Weapons? It's not even worthwhile, it takes like 10+ hits to a crit core to down one.

I dunno, I feel like everything has too much health except for me.
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