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Titanfall |OT| Titan Online. Signal When Ready.

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Neo Member



God damn, nothing makes me rage so hard like the shitty titan challenges. It's absolutely ridiculous that assists don't count in any way, they should count as half like the points indicate. It's really hurting the game for me, as I consciously have to play towards the challenge rather then just have fun (or not) with whatever weapon. I may not like the shotgun, but I'll most likely finish the challenge well in advance just by playing the game. I have to consistently check the health bar to decide whether to engage or not. Too early and I'll be reloading/charging while someone else takes the kill. Charge too long and same thing. The only thing worse is accidentally killing the titan with your ordnance weapon.

That's easily the biggest issue for me with TF currently, challenges should encourage you to play the game differently. And right now it just forces me to be a shitty player. Doesn't help that the arc weapon is a lame, bugged pos.
Just jumped back onto this after a long hiatus - I thought they nerfed the 40mm? That's still my go to Titan weapon. Just played two matches where I pretty much dominated handily with an Ogre.

The game is still fun, though I really wish there was a true campaign mode. The new maps help, but oh well.


Just started playing this on the one, had it for about a month, but was moving.

Really enjoying the game. Went through the campaign last night and today. Was alright, a little hard to follow exactly what's going on, but was enjoyable.

Haven't played CoD since 4, and even then only played for about a week. This is more fun, to me. Think the wall running and double jump add quite a bit to the play. Makes you look at the levels differently. Also enjoy the titan play.

Still has some of CoDs problems, like weapon layouts being that much better for the higher levels. Progressing just by playing also is kind of a bummer. But pretty enjoyable so far.
I had a pretty aggravating return to this game. Lost all 7 games I played.

And unfortunately there's that 100 win challenge ahead...

Gen 5 is maddening. Around level 23 and still no gooser kills, despite being real close a few times. Can see the Arc Cannon also taking a lot of time for the titan kill challenge. Otherwise, almost done with the rest of the challenges.
Okay, so I've never played a game with DLC maps. How does that work? Obviously I'm not going to pay for maps, but how does that affect me, the average player not paying extra for the game? Does this make finding matches harder?


Okay, so I've never played a game with DLC maps. How does that work? Obviously I'm not going to pay for maps, but how does that affect me, the average player not paying extra for the game?

If designed correctly, you'll only be matched with players who also don't have the DLC maps. Most shooters still have a healthy amount who don't buy map packs but still play multiplayer regularly. So, theoretically, your time to find a match shouldn't be impacted too much.
@HelloMeow's chat window run-ins

I have come to the conclusion that there isn't a right and proper way to play online games. I haven't got many online games under my belt but those that I have all suffer the same problems from (some) imbeciles that play them.

  • If you kill a lot of players you are a cheat.
  • If you don't die much you are cheating.
  • If you die a lot you are ****.
  • If you 'steal' a kill because you were helping out you are a thief.
  • Using a certain weapon makes you a ****

There are many more I could list.

I think the head down middling approach is best. Neither too good or too bad!!

A few weeks ago I had a shed load of abuse as I had used a titan burn card at the start of a match. We would have won the match any way as the opposition team were not that great but, of course, I get it in the eye holes via text chat for using the card.

I had abuse once in BF4 as I killed someone with a rocket launcher. This occurred as they ran across my path as I shot it at a tank. They get all shouty at me so I explained what happened. They said "do I look like a tank" even though I had stated clearly what had happened. There is no reasoning with them so I think the best approach is to ignore them; nothing worse for gob ****s.


What guns do you use for them to call you a hacker?

Just the C.A.R., the 40MM and cluster missile. This is me playing well from this morning. Sometimes it does look kind of cheaty, but that's just luck and practice.

I think the head down middling approach is best. Neither too good or too bad!!

Are you mad? The more hackusations the better. They're like trophies.
Sometimes I do worry about how much reports are filed against me.
Just the C.A.R., the 40MM and cluster missile. This is me playing well from this morning. Sometimes it does look kind of cheaty, but that's just luck and practice.

Are you mad? The more hackusations the better. They're like trophies.
Sometimes I do worry about how much reports are filed against me.

It was a jokey comment. I do get a bit annoyed at both end of the scales. People accusing of cheating and stealth boasting...
Was there just a stealth update for XBO? Just went to check my Regen challenge progress and it's now showing all of the individual stages (I, II, III, etc).

Edit: All the challenges are like that. In some ways it's neat to see how far you are in the whole scheme of things, but it's a bit too cluttered now IMO. Nothing on Twitter, so I'm not sure if anything else was adjusted. No new or missing playlists, and not noticing any adjustments to the challenges themselves. Looks to be the only change.


Wow, I love these new maps! Revitalized my love for the game. Especially War Games.


Add me on Origin, need a new grp to play with:
Wow, I love these new maps! Revitalized my love for the game. Especially War Games.


Add me on Origin, need a new grp to play with:

What servers do you play on?

I like how people rubbished this map before release; I have only played it a few times but it is a wall runners dream (and great for it).


What servers do you play on?

I like how people rubbished this map before release; I have only played it a few times but it is a wall runners dream (and great for it).

Whatever they dump me on but typically est and mid est servers (I'm in Florida).

And yea, definitely a wallrunning dream. So much fun but I also like titan combat on it. A lot of "clear" pathways if you're using a stider and boosting around. I'm actually having fun working through gen4.
When did they patch it so you can't take the flag into a Titan anymore? Was hilarious this morning on War Games, the enemy team never quite understood wtf was going on, they kept jumping into Titans with my flag then boosting off but the flag stays right where they were.

Special C

Was there just a stealth update for XBO? Just went to check my Regen challenge progress and it's now showing all of the individual stages (I, II, III, etc).

Edit: All the challenges are like that. In some ways it's neat to see how far you are in the whole scheme of things, but it's a bit too cluttered now IMO. Nothing on Twitter, so I'm not sure if anything else was adjusted. No new or missing playlists, and not noticing any adjustments to the challenges themselves. Looks to be the only change.

You press "Y" to filter between showing all tiers and just showing the active tier


Was there just a stealth update for XBO? Just went to check my Regen challenge progress and it's now showing all of the individual stages (I, II, III, etc).

Edit: All the challenges are like that. In some ways it's neat to see how far you are in the whole scheme of things, but it's a bit too cluttered now IMO. Nothing on Twitter, so I'm not sure if anything else was adjusted. No new or missing playlists, and not noticing any adjustments to the challenges themselves. Looks to be the only change.

You can change the filter on that screen with the Y button. The options are All or Current. Current will look like what you are used to. I'm not sure if it is new or not, but I only noticed it yesterday.


Edit: When riding a friendly Titan, do the Titan's shields protect you? I've noticed I've had a difficult time taking out the riders in CTF despite being sure I was hitting within the pilots hitbox.

Yes they do. As soon as the body shield drops, you are vulnerable.


Neo Member
this is a tips you can read on the load screen before joinning a new map (when you rodeo, you are protected by the titan shield)

all the changes noticed above came with the second big update except the one for the CTF which came with the one they deployed on march 15th
You press "Y" to filter between showing all tiers and just showing the active tier

You can change the filter on that screen with the Y button. The options are All or Current. Current will look like what you are used to. I'm not sure if it is new or not, but I only noticed it yesterday.

Discovering something new every day, thank you.
Yes they do. As soon as the body shield drops, you are vulnerable.

this is a tips you can read on the load screen before joinning a new map (when you rodeo, you are protected by the titan shield)

all the changes noticed above came with the second big update except the one for the CTF which came with the one they deployed on march 15th

I thought I've read it somewhere before, but thanks for the confirmation. Glad I wasn't making excuses for being a lousy shot :p


Well I had an interesting return to the game. First off playing this game at up to 144 fps is a shock to the eyes after playing for so long locked at 60. The improvement in clarity and smoothness is a massive plus in a game like this, I'm surprised that I'm the first person to actually comment on it here.

On the negative side the game seemed buggier than before. A recurring one for me was detonating a satchel in a group of grunts and getting no kills when my back was turned. Is this a new one? Thought I had this recorded on Shadowplay but can't find the vid anywhere.

Other problem was one I anticipated: emptier lobbies as a result of having the player base split between those with the DLC and those without. We had one wait of about 3 minutes to find an opposing team on Attrition (west euro server) which is really stretching the limits. I regularly saw the same players too, and one time reconnected straight onto the opposing side. It won't wash with early adopters but I believe Respawn should consider making the DLC free if they want their game to remain viable in the long-term on PC.

The list is growing. This is just the last 5 days.


I see IWillKillBill has been monitoring you. Played with him a while back and he wasn't shy in banning cheaters, so you're obviously OK ;)
Played some good games with Dandalph earlier. Couldn't get the speakers on my XBO stock headset to work, so we cooperated mostly in silence and worked out fairly well covering each other. Huge improvement from being in the random pool.

Also accomplished the rest of Gooser challenges by 36, so all that's remaining is the Arc Cannon Titan Kills for Gen 5. Still amazed by how many people now ditch their Titans without ejecting, though likely the safer bet if running without cloak.


Neo Member
i really, really don't like attrition but i am forced to play this mode if I want to play Expedition's map. I hope that Respawn will add Hardpoint only for the DLC... this is the only way I have huge fun in this game :(

some moment are just epic in this game, like when you have to reach the evac ship. my last evac felt like one of this moment, it can be in an action movie lol

i really, really don't like attrition but i am forced to play this mode if I want to play Expedition's map. I hope that Respawn will add Hardpoint only for the DLC... this is the only way I have huge fun in this game :(

some moment are just epic in this game, like when you have to reach the evac ship. my last evac felt like one of this moment, it can be in an action movie lol


I've warmed up to Attrition considerably going through these later gens, but Hardpoint will likely always be my favorite. Hopefully a Hardpoint playlist for Expedition owners is available soon, though I don't see why they didn't mix the old maps into those instead of doing it the other way around.


ok so anyone else's game running like rubbish after the latest PC patch?

stuttering all over the place and the audio issues are even worse.. wtf


I really like the sound design in this game. I get so sucked in when I play with the headphone adapter and my Astros. I haven't hit gen 2 yet but I think I'm going to buy the dlc. It usually makes sense to do that if I don't plan to trade it in. Of which I trade fewer and fewer games in these days.
Is matchmaking not working for anyone else on Xbox One? I can't even get into a match.

Seems slow tonight and mostly parties. Expedition Attrition is doing ok; not sure about the others.
I really like the sound design in this game. I get so sucked in when I play with the headphone adapter and my Astros. I haven't hit gen 2 yet but I think I'm going to buy the dlc. It usually makes sense to do that if I don't plan to trade it in. Of which I trade fewer and fewer games in these days.

Love the new maps, except for LTS. Might be ok on Runoff and Swampland (haven't played LTS there), but War Games is a mess in LTS.
I'm playing - on PC. Origin ID WraithSpectre
Data Center is EAST US.

Anyone who wants to hit me up feel free, boring playing by yourself.
Good stuff tonight. LastGamer, Hero of the Day, and I just got off a hot streak. I don't think we lost a single match tonight. Most of 'em we destroyed the other team. The very last game was close, but we still pulled it off in the end. I'm really enjoying the new maps---even with the crazy abundance of grunts and such.
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