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Trump Agriculture pick: "LGBT protections could lead to legalization of pedophilia"

JC Lately

They problem you are all having with being unable to understand how this fuck head can reach this conclusion is that you're using logic. Specifically LGBT protections are are about consenting adults doing whatever with each other without facing discrimination.

That is not his mindset. His mind set is that anything other than cis/het relations is by definition immoral. So if we protect particioners of this one immoral act, than obviously all immoral acts will inevitably be protected as well.

It's bullshit, obvs, but that's the thought process.


What the fuck!?

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/21/politics/kfile-sam-clovis-lgbt-comments/index.html


I know him. He's the guy who called civil rights proponents race traitors.
Yeah a lot of people believe that shit, hell I think even Bill Maher has parroted it, or at least fear mongering related to it.
As I predicted back in May, Trump has tapped Sam Clovis, a former right-wing radio talk-show host and failed Senate candidate from Iowa. ProPublica, revealing the expected pick, noted that Clovis was a vocal climate change denier. Clovis has an undergraduate degree in politics and graduate training in business, but he has no formal training in science at all.

Clovis does have one qualification, though. As ProPublica pointed out, he has been a "fiery pro-Trump advocate on television." Sounds like a good candidate for a chief scientist job to me.

Forbes said:
The law also says, just to make it crystal clear, that the under secretary "shall hold the title of chief scientist of the department."

Why is this appointment so wrong? I'll repeat what I wrote back in May:

"Overseeing the USDA's research programs requires strong expertise in biological science. A non-scientist has no basis for deciding which research is going well or which questions present the most promising avenues for research. A non-scientist is simply incompetent to choose among them – and I mean this in the literal sense of the word, i.e., not having the knowledge or training to do the job. This does not mean that I think Sam Clovis is incompetent at other things; I don't know him, and he might be very capable in other areas. A non-scientist leader of a scientific agency will be incapable of using scientific expertise to set priorities and instead can make up his own priorities."

If the Senate has any backbone at all – if Republicans are willing to show that they are capable of doing something other than rubber-stamping every action of our self-absorbed, ignorant president, no matter how damaging – then they will turn down this nomination. Sam Clovis is so obviously unqualified that this should be easy to do.

Actually, if Clovis cared about the USDA's mission, he would recognize that he's the wrong man for the job and refuse the nomination. Even Dan Glickman, a former secretary of agriculture, said, "I wouldn't be qualified for that job," referring to himself (he's a lawyer), in a recent interview about Clovis' appointment. The current and previous chief scientists at the USDA have Ph.D.s and extensive scientific publication records. Clovis does not. (Note that when I wrote to Clovis in May to ask about his potential nomination, he declined to respond on the record.)

I'm sure Trump picking yet another appointee for loyalty over competence won't completely backfire for the entire nation. He can't find one Republican with a PhD in the biological sciences? That seems unfathomable to me. I know plenty.


Fortunately, as agriculture secretary his bigoted views won't affect policy too much.
Unfortunately, his anti-science views will.
Luckily he's not being chosen for a position at the justice department or some shit where he could really fuck up LGBT lives.
Either way, and even before this but especially now, he needs to be blocked.


"I don't think it's extreme," said Clovis. "I think it's a logical extension of thought. And if you cannot follow the logic then you're denying your in denial."

Translates to

"I've literally no idea how I arrived at this conclusion or how to build an argument so I'm gonna ramble and hope I stumble into making sense. It's not working? Hm, claim superiority!"

This quote is fucking insane. This guy is crazy as fuck.
"I don't think it's extreme," said Clovis. "I think it's a logical extension of thought. And if you cannot follow the logic then you're denying your in denial."

Translates to

"I've literally no idea how I arrived at this conclusion or how to build an argument so I'm gonna ramble and hope I stumble into making sense. It's not working? Hm, claim superiority!"

wouldnt this mean regular marriage would eventually lead to pedophila as well?


Hahahaha oh my fucking god, this is the mindset of someone who has no idea what the fuck they are talking about and still doesn't realize heterosexual people can be promiscuous too, it doesn't matter whether you're gay or straight. This is the kind of person who probably thinks gay people are stalking children because they can't help themselves. Holy fuck America, what have you done?


Whenever I hear a guy say being gay is a choice that tells me one thing. That that guy himself is attracted to dudes and that the only reason he doesn't act upon it is he chooses not to.

Ploid 3.0

https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/58177a15150000d804530d10.jp IMG]


he loves loyalty, but only when it's towards him. He's not loyal at all. Many wives, known for firing, doesn't pay people when they do work for him. He's the opposite of loyal.


Clearly this guy is right. LGBT protections, with about 8 million intervening acts that have nothing to do with LGBT protections, could, in theory, hypothetically and rhetorically, lead to the legalization of pedophilia.

Silly liberal false flag globalist neogaf leftist elites with their super fake news at it again.
The funny thing is that this argument is increasingly provably false over time. As additional rights have been given to LGBT people, the end result has not been legalization of pedophilia. Thus, if the right-wingers were wrong there, then they have to go above and beyond hypothesizing that something -may- happen. It's not just an argument that could theoretically hold water because we haven't really seen it in action, it's now something that has strong evidence to show that legalization of pedophilia has no association to LGBT rights expanding.
Almost literally an administration that can do no right.

Even his agricultural guy can't separate himself from bigoted social commentary.

Then again, it, along with his lack of actually relevant experience, probably made him that much more attractive to Trump.


So he's for banning the Catholic Church, you know, the organization that actually houses and protects pedophiles?



hihihi, and they thought Bannon was bad ;), or that if Trumpaloompa is gone that these picks won't happen. These people have filled up the republican party, people :). Ever since the Conservatives kept doing the Southern strategy and catered to the extremely religious ;). They have enabled NAZIs and Religious zealots and now the Hate Hens have come home to roost, right in their party.


When the POTUS is a piece of shit, his picks are also going to be pieces of shit.

Please don't blame it all on the Pig of the united states ;), the GOP is just as guilty :(. They've catered to these feckers for decades. From NAZI/KKK to Religious zealots, the GOP catered to them.


Did he eat all the agriculture?

And of course he's wrong: how the hell have do many idiots ended up in government positions?

That's a rhetorical question of course.


Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Every time I thought that this administration already hit rock bottom it reminds me that there is no bottom.


Same type of bullshit that conservatives have been doing for years to deny people rights. Slippery of slipiest slopes
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