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Trump risks major diplomatic dispute with China after speaking with Taiwan's prez

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1) But it's not right now.

2) There are 24.9 million North Koreans. NOBODY wants to deal with the refugees coming out of that place. Not China, not Japan, not even the South Koreans.

1) So?

2) Nobody knows the real population of North Korea or how many died in the famine or how many want to leave their country or how many are really starving now or what the koreans want


What happens when ppl ignore nuance and escalate arguments on one topic issues

Someone : trump is okay it's just a phone call
Me : phone calls matter international relations (escalated to geopolitics)
Someone : else we must support Taiwan and oppose china on liberal principles (escalated to morality)
Me : well then just fight wars to liberate things (escalated to radical libaralism and world needs policing legels)

It's a sequence of escalations . Where you draw the Line is upto you . I draw it at he should read this briefs and be mindful of what he says . Part of America may not care if he's politically correct . But the world is already noticing if he's displomatically incorrect .

I get what you're saying. Trump is and has been a wild card throughout his candidacy. Should we believe that him taking a phone call from Taiwan has further implications? Should we write it off as him not knowing wtf? I'm no Trump fan and have severe reservations about his presidency, but as someone that gets paid to help large companies navigate large dollar negotiations I cannot think of a better opening volley in our trade discussions with China than reaffirming ties with Taiwan.


There's nothing about Trump's career or character that would suggest he had the best intentions of Taiwan, the US, or even China in mind when he received that call..

That's Trumps appeal isnt it? He's boorish and ignorant but he's not a politician so he doesn't think like one. Of course all the politicians will understand that China controls Taiwan just like Israel controls Palestine and is backed by the US so we don't speak about these things
I think he's being intentionally antagonistic towards China. He seems to start from extreme positions, then when he relaxes his position it seems like a "win" to the opposing party. It should probably be taken in the context of his "trade war" against China. A negotiating tactic ... but we will see.

This is not some Art of the Deal bullshit. China has read Trump's fictional bootstrap story and aren't playing his childish games.


That's Trumps appeal isnt it? He's boorish and ignorant but he's not a politician so he doesn't think like one. Of course all the politicians will understand that China controls Taiwan just like Israel controls Palestine and is backed by the US so we don't speak about these things

Just want to point out that China does not control Taiwan.


Neo Member
Side note, but I remember seeing a video with actual politicians saying that Veep was closer to reality than House of Cards.

Yep, that seems accurate.

Veep is brilliant. And yes, it is much closer to reality just base on the stuff that happens in Veep is based on realistic human vices like greed, selfishness, and sheer incompetence. House of Cards is way overly dramatic with more sinister, devious, and brilliantly evil. That's not reality.

Not every bad politician is Ted Cruz. They're mostly Louie Gohmert.


Everything the president of the United States does or says is foreign policy.

The newly elected president of the United States is criticizing the New York Times on Twitter? Autocratic leaders around the world are loving that.

Green lighting Trump business deals gets you praise and adoration in the media from the newly elected president of the United States? Corrupt politicians are daydreaming already.

Haphazardly toying with the diplomatic relationship of China? Leaders of other Asian countriea are worrying their relationships with the US can be betrayed.

This shit matters. Even if nothing negative ever comes of this situation, the process that led to the decision was reckless.
1) So?

2) Nobody knows the real population of North Korea or how many died in the famine or how many want to leave their country or how many are really starving now or what the koreans want

1) So it's stupid to say 'free Taiwan'. The situation in Taiwan is not that.

2) The North Koreans don't want unification mostly because they're too brainwashed, the South Koreans don't want unification mostly because they don't want to deal with millions of starving people. What do you think is going to happen if you force the people from these two countries together? The odd defector here and there is not the same as taking in a whole country.
He literally did that

Good luck explaining the liberal misinterpretation

He made the same gestures once while mocking Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz is not disabled in any way, so it's silly to think Trump was mocking the reporter's disability. I'm no great fan of Trump and I'll be first in line to call him out when he does anything offensive, but the facts of the matter are that he was not mocking the reporter's disability.

Stolen from an acquaintance's "conservative" blog.


No Scrubs
1) So it's stupid to say 'free Taiwan'. The situation in Taiwan is not that.

2) The North Koreans don't want unification mostly because they're too brainwashed, the South Koreans don't want unification mostly because they don't want to deal with millions of starving people. What do you think is going to happen if you force the people from these two countries together? The odd defector here and there is not the same as taking in a whole country.

It's not only the starving people. If the Koreas unified then South Korea's economy would go in a recession that would last generations just trying to fix up North Korea's ~1950's level infrastructure.


Taiwan is in a very complicated situation politically, if you lived there you should know that.

Do not disagree about it being complicated. And there are many people there who probably identify themselves as being more Chinese than Taiwanese. But my point stands, the country runs independently and in many ways is culturally very different to China.


1) So it's stupid to say 'free Taiwan'. The situation in Taiwan is not that.

2) The North Koreans don't want unification mostly because they're too brainwashed, the South Koreans don't want unification mostly because they don't want to deal with millions of starving people. What do you think is going to happen if you force the people from these two countries together? The odd defector here and there is not the same as taking in a whole country.

1) No, it's not stupid to side with freedom. I hate fascism and police states. Sorry to disagree with you

2) I see you have talked to a lot of north koreans

2.1) I have seen Berlin wall going down, didnt go too bad.
It's not only the starving people. If the Koreas unified then South Korea's economy would go in a recession that would last generations just trying to fix up North Korea's ~1950's level infrastructure.

That too but I get the feeling it's hard enough trying to explain the "starving millions" part as it is lol.

1) No, it's not stupid to side with freedom. I hate fascism and police states. Sorry to disagree with you

2) I see you have talked to a lot of north koreans

2.1) I have seen Berlin wall going down, didnt go too bad.

1) I don't think you understand- Taiwan is not currently being oppressed like what you think. They have their own government independent of Mainland China.

2) Yes, I've in fact spoken to a very intelligent Korean lady who has a strong grasp of the political and social situation of both countries there beyond labeling things good or evil. I have listened to her explanation and it makes sense.


1) I don't think you understand- Taiwan is not currently being oppressed like what you think. They have their own government independent of Mainland China.

2) Yes, I've in fact spoken to a very intelligent Korean lady who has a strong grasp of the political and social situation of both countries there beyond labeling things good or evil. I have listened to her explanation and it makes sense.

1) I never said its being oppresssed, i said i side with freedom

2) ...



Just yesterday Xi met Henry Kissinger to discuss China-U.S. ties
Next up: Trump acknowledges the Native American genocide.

And the Armenian genocide. And calls up anti-Kremlin forces in South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Donbass, and Crimea.

And begins proceedings for slavery reparations, for the hell of it.

You can't always do what you feel to be the right thing all the time, on the national or international stages. And there are certain expectations for how a head of state can behave versus how, say, members of the State Department can negotiate diplomatically.


Professional Schmuck
Let's see, so far we have:

1. Openly questioning our support for NATO, our safeguard against nuclear war with Russia;

2. Clearly receiving help from Russia during the election, the country with the most nukes in the world;

3. Fucking around with Pakistani-India relations, both armed to the teeth with nukes over Kashmir;

4. Fucking around with China with Taiwan, not only armed with nukes but also owns much of our debt and generally stands with us in the UN against North Korea, itself a nuclear threat.

I don't know how this isn't intentional. This man and/or his advisors want World War III. They want to end the world.
Let's see, so far we have:

1. Openly questioning our support for NATO, our safeguard against nuclear war with Russia;

2. Clearly receiving help from Russia during the election, the country with the most nukes in the world;

3. Fucking around with Pakistani-India relations, both armed to the teeth with nukes over Kashmir;

4. Fucking around with China with Taiwan, not only armed with nukes but also owns much of our debt and generally stands with us in the UN against North Korea, itself a nuclear threat.

I don't know how this isn't intentional. This man and/or his advisors want World War III. They want to end the world.

They want to distract people with the end of the world while they steal money from every coffer imaginable.

Also, Donald is clearly Kefka. So I agree with the general hypothesis of your post.
Lol pretty much how people predicted his presidency would be like. Not even officially president yet.

Can't wait till his penchant for bullshitting gets him in trouble with the rest of the world.


1) No, it's not stupid to side with freedom. I hate fascism and police states. Sorry to disagree with you

2) I see you have talked to a lot of north koreans

2.1) I have seen Berlin wall going down, didnt go too bad.

Are you serious?

Did East Berliners suffer multiple decades of starvation?

Did East Berliners suffer such massive malnourishment that their children were a whole two inches shorter than West Berliners?

Were East Berliners so cut off from the world that they had no contact with any other nation including the ones in the Soviet Bloc.

This literally like comparing Post-war Japan to current Afghanistan. Read a damn book.


Let's see, so far we have:

1. Openly questioning our support for NATO, our safeguard against nuclear war with Russia;

2. Clearly receiving help from Russia during the election, the country with the most nukes in the world;

3. Fucking around with Pakistani-India relations, both armed to the teeth with nukes over Kashmir;

4. Fucking around with China with Taiwan, not only armed with nukes but also owns much of our debt and generally stands with us in the UN against North Korea, itself a nuclear threat.

I don't know how this isn't intentional. This man and/or his advisors want World War III. They want to end the world.

This bullshit narrative has nothing to do with Taiwan or its people.


"They want to end the world."

The only reason this narrative is being pushed is that Trump is moving through international politics with all the grace of a Florida-man on PCP.

Does he really want to end the world?

Probably not.

Is he acting like he wants to?



So this is china's public response. I'm curious what their 'private calls' to trump tower from china were like as well.

probably less polite?


The idea that GAF would accept this one China policy in this day is crazy - the cognitive dissonce it requires is stunning considering GAFs stances on most issues

In an ideal world they'd be both individual states and we'd have optimal relationships with both. But we don't live in an ideal world and the US can't dictate foreign policy for every nation even if it is for the greater good. It's the realism we have to deal with. Purely ideological beliefs get you nowhere ultimately, they feel good though so there's that.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
In an ideal world they'd be both individual states and we'd have optimal relationships with both. But we don't live in an ideal world and the US can't dictate foreign policy for every nation even if it is for the greater good. It's the realism we have to deal with. Purely ideological beliefs get you nowhere ultimately, they feel good though so there's that.

Wait, are we talking about Taiwan or Trump's campaign?


The only reason this narrative is being pushed is that Trump is moving through international politics with all the grace of a Florida-man on PCP.

Does he really want to end the world?

Probably not.

Is he acting like he wants to?


What exactly are you expecting from your real estate salesman turned President? Also is it kind of working?


In an ideal world they'd be both individual states and we'd have optimal relationships with both. But we don't live in an ideal world and the US can't dictate foreign policy for every nation even if it is for the greater good. It's the realism we have to deal with. Purely ideological beliefs get you nowhere ultimately, they feel good though so there's that.

So you're saying Taiwan should lose our number?


No Scrubs
What exactly are you expecting from your real-estate salesman turned President? Also is it kind of working?

Working? In what way? Obama had to clean up his mess. You think it was coincidence the White House came out with that comment that they did? That China said what they did? Between the White House and China they managed to clean up Trump's mess, but he's not going to have Obama playing spotter for him forever. He's going to have to play this game without a net soon and he's shown no ability to do so.

The man thinks NATO is just a protection scheme that needs to be run by a better gangster. He maneuvers through foreign policy with all the grace of a herd of rampaging buffalo. We're going to be lucky to come out of his presidency without him inadvertently starting a war.


Working? In what way? Obama had to clean up his mess. You think it was coincidence the White House came out with that comment that they did? That China said what they did? Between the White House and China they managed to clean up Trump's mess, but he's not going to have Obama playing spotter for him forever. He's going to have to play this game without a net soon and he's shown no ability to do so.

The man thinks NATO is just a protection scheme that needs to be run by a better gangster. He maneuvers through foreign policy with all the grace of a herd of rampaging buffalo. We're going to be lucky to come out of his presidency without him inadvertently starting a war.

Not sure if you caught the memo, but it seems like Trump reaffirmed ties with Taiwan and China did jack shit.


China Xinhua News @XHNews

BREAKING: Tsai Ing-wen’s call with @realDonaldTrump was simply “a little trick” of Taiwan: Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi


So you're saying Taiwan should lose our number?
I'm saying the cause and effect of any change to current policy needs to be carefully considered before it's done. It doesn't appear that was the case here. Look if this was well thought out and with assistance with knowledgeable State Department or foreign policy folks in general. Then it could a valid move but st least we'd know there'd be a next step. It doesn't even appear that the White House knew this was happening.

Sticking it to China sounds good on paper, I'm just not arrogant enough to believe that America can upend 40 years of established procedure with zero consequence. Basically it's the unpreparedness of the whole situation that just makes me wary. Then again I heard Trump met with Kissinger after his win so maybe something was discussed then. Who knows.
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