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Trump: Same-Sex Marriage is "Fine", “It was settled in the Supreme Court."

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I honestly see a shit ton of LGBT people dropping protests if that's the case.
I hope they don't. Not only are there are a lot more communities than just LGBT with rights under fire, there are a lot more LGBT rights in danger as well. I say this as a member of the gay community, anybody who gives up protesting because Trump said he's fine with gay marriage is selfish.

Do you really think people are that stupid?
In my personal experience, the gay community has a serious problem with racism (mainly, from the more affluent white gays). It wouldn't surprise me, although I'd assume most of those guys already identify as alt-right, voted for Trump, and aren't protesting in the first place.


Oh, of course he's a total fucking idiot. What I'm saying is that if he manages to fumble in a way that fucks us over the least possible way (though I'm not holding my breath on that), I will be fine with that if that means spiting the Legion of Doom.

He fumbles his way into somehow being one of the best Presidents?

Sounds like an amazing comedy film.
Honestly, how influential is Mike Pence gonna be? Veep in theory has no real power barring a Senate tie breaker. How impactful he is totally depends on the chemistry between him and Trump. At least during the election, I don't see him pulling Trump's string at all.


Obama must have really shook him in that meeting.

I would never call Trump "pro-LGBT" when you have a scumbag like Mike Pence as your Vice President. And Trump has said multiple times over the past decade that marriage is between a man and a woman.

But I don't believe Trump is anti-LGBT either. He spent most of his life living in a very liberal state (New York) and he was once a Democrat.

Here's an article from New York Times about his history with the LGBT community.

His history with the gay community is a long one. He donated to charities focused on the AIDS crisis in the late 1980s and early ’90s. In 2000, when he briefly considered running for president, he gave an interview to The Advocate, a gay magazine, in which he supported amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to “include a ban of discrimination based on sexual orientation.”

“It would be simple. It would be straightforward,” Mr. Trump said in the interview, adding, “It’s only fair.”

Mr. Trump’s foundation has given over the years to groups like the AIDS Service Center and the Elton John AIDS Foundation. Some of those donations came more recently in connection with his reality television show “The Celebrity Apprentice,” whose winners got to select the recipient charities. But as early as 1987, Mr. Trump made a $25,000 contribution to the Gay Men’s Health Crisis, from profits generated by his company’s operation of the Wollman Memorial Rink in Central Park. And in 1992, the Trump Taj Mahal held an event that raised $60,000 for AIDS research.

His ease with gay people does not seem to be the result of deep soul searching, but, rather, the product of the Manhattan social and political world he has inhabited the past five decades.

“I live in New York. I know many, many gay people. Tremendous people,” Mr. Trump said in an interview in 2011.

Mr. Trump was believed to be the first private club owner in Palm Beach, Fla., to admit an openly gay couple, according to Laurence Leamer, the author of “Madness Under the Royal Palms,” a book about Palm Beach society. Mr. Trump made his club, Mar-a-Lago, more open partly out of disdain for the restrictions that barred Jews and African-Americans from joining exclusive clubs in Palm Beach.

“It’s one of the best things he’s done in my view in his life,” Mr. Leamer said. “He really changed the nature of Palm Beach.”

Rand Hoch, a gay activist who founded the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council in 1988, recalled bringing dates to Mar-a-Lago on two occasions. Both times, he said, Mr. Trump, who loves to play the role of greeter as guests arrive at his club, was pleasant and approached the two for chitchat.

“He treated us no differently than everyone else who was going through that door,” Mr. Hoch said, adding that it was not possible that Mr. Trump was unaware they were gay. “He’s perceptive, so I’m pretty sure he didn’t think we were brothers.”

Elton John and his longtime boyfriend, David Furnish, entered a civil partnership on Dec. 21, 2005, in England under a law the country had just enacted granting recognition to same-sex couples. The congratulations poured in as the two men appeared at a joyous ceremony at Windsor Guildhall, amid a crush of paparazzi. Donald J. Trump, who had known the couple for years, took to his blog to express his excitement.

“I know both of them, and they get along wonderfully. It’s a marriage that’s going to work,” Mr. Trump wrote, adding: “I’m very happy for them. If two people dig each other, they dig each other.”

And some gay acquaintances of Mr. Trump find it puzzling that he cannot support same-sex marriage, given his comfort with gay relationships.

In 2012, Mr. Trump attended the wedding of Jordan Roth, a Broadway producer, and Richie Jackson, in a ceremony at the Al Hirschfeld Theater.

Months later, Mr. Trump went to lunch with the actor George Takei, who is openly gay and was fired by Mr. Trump from “The Celebrity Apprentice.” Mr. Takei approached Mr. Trump at a news conference for the show, saying he would like to try to change his views on letting gay people marry. “He said, ‘George, maybe I could learn something from you,’

Mr. Takei walked Mr. Trump through the benefits of supporting same-sex marriage, particularly for a business owner. Gay couples would celebrate in his hotels, and their guests would dine in his restaurants, Mr. Takei said. Mr. Trump agreed with that view, Mr. Takei said, but he would not budge, saying he supported “traditional marriage.”

“I was tempted to say, marrying multiple times is not traditional marriage,” Mr. Takei said of Mr. Trump, who has been married three times.

Another New York Times article.

Asked if the Trump organization employs any transgender people, Mr. Trump said he truly did not know, but added, “I probably do.” And in response to a follow-up question, he said that if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use a bathroom, he would be comfortable with her choosing any bathroom she wanted. “That is correct,” Mr. Trump said.

“There’s a big move to create new bathrooms” for transgender people alone, Mr. Trump said. “First of all, I think that would be discriminatory in a certain way. It would be unbelievably expensive for businesses and for the country. Leave it the way it is.”


This guy is going to be a moderate president. I think he said outrageous things to get elected. It's tragic all the violence that has come from the outrageous remarks. Republicans who voted for him will likely feel betrayed. I don't think he's going to do any of the outrageous stuff he said he'd do

I would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt if his VP and his current team weren't the most abhorrent right wing trash available.


This guy is going to be a moderate president. I think he said outrageous things to get elected. It's tragic all the violence that has come from the outrageous remarks. Republicans who voted for him will likely feel betrayed. I don't think he's going to do any of the outrageous stuff he said he'd do

A moderate Republican is still a Republican though so he's going to enable his Senate to do some wild ass shit even if he doesn't actively condone it.


Honestly, how influential is Mike Pence gonna be? Veep in theory has no real power barring a Senate tie breaker. How impactful he is totally depends on the chemistry between him and Trump. At least during the election, I don't see him pulling Trump's string at all.

He could have Hillary herself as VP but that wouldn't change the course of selecting supreme court nominations that absolutely will accomplish what Trump is telling us he wont do, with a wink and sparkling smile.

However Pence is a special kind of evil that will do whatever a VP can to make it more acceptable to others, but it's happening regardless.


In my personal experience, the gay community has a serious problem with racism (mainly, from the more affluent white gays). It wouldn't surprise me, although I'd assume most of those guys already identify as alt-right, voted for Trump, and aren't protesting in the first place.

Being a black bi guy that lives in the UK I haven't had that much trouble. I hope the US would be the same.But then you always get your idiots about.


Cool, but look who he put in power, he might not care but they do. Plus the anti-discrimination laws are the policies we should really be worried about going


Make sure not to normalize Trump, at first it will be "he's not so bad" then as he fucks up and gets backlash he will try to become an authoritarian
Well there goes the affluent white conventionally masculine/straight-acting cisgender HIV negative gay opposition to Trump.

Fuck you, got mine.

FTFY, I really do think it's very important to tack on those other adjectives.
However, even they would be negatively affected by the multitude of un-tackled issues that a presidency featuring scary anti-lgbt bigots- like Mike Pence- might completely neglect or reinforce.
Hes deflecting because he knows that the judges he appoints will want to reverse it, and then he will say its the courts decision again.


I literally have no idea what's going on anymore. Will he pivot on climate change? I'm scared and confused and slightly relieved? I should know better than to have faith in anything. Just gonna go for along for the ride and protect whoever I can.


I was more on about gay white people. But then sadly remember the gay white person that moaned at me on Twitter for putting "LGBT+ against Drumpf" ha

Well, LGBT history has a sordid past of being co-opted by white gay cis-men who were misogynistic, biphobic, transphobic and racist. These people wanted LGBT rights to stop at same-sex marriage, to drop the T, tried to erase trans suffering during the AIDs epidemic, tried to revise the history of Stonewall and the start of the LGBT community in general, etc. etc. etc. etc.
I would not be surprised by some, tho most certainly not all, gay white cis-dudes deciding to drop protest so long as their asses were covered. Or so long as they felt their asses were covered.
I honestly see a shit ton of LGBT people dropping protests if that's the case.

While gay marriage is legal now, discrimination is still legal in a lot of states. I think there is plenty of rights that the LGBT have to fight for and trump might be in the way. It's still relief that he does that any plans to overthrow gay marriage( not that he can anyway).


I don't think Donald Trump has anything against LGBT people in particular, but I'm also not confident he cares enough to prevent the people around him from harming their rights, most particularly in the Supreme Court.

Can't believe I'm saying this but hopefully his ego is too big for this. Pence is fucking scary man. Trump is too, but nowhere near the level of Pence plastic looking ass.

You can look at his deposition in the Trump University case to get a pretty good sense of how he manages things he doesn't give a fuck about.

I'm not hopeful.
Mike "Any gay couples who apply for a marriage license should be imprisoned" Pence is his VP.

Our rights and our fight didn't end at marriage,, this may appease conservative "advocates" but I believe I speak for we on the spectrum that deal with job, institutional, and housiing discrimination when I say

Sit and spin, asshole.


Trump takes strong positions on both sides of almost every issue.

You literally cannot believe a word he says.

Is Trump even Republican? Or did he just use the Republican party as his ticket to the White House?

No, and he's not a Democrat either. He's basically the Trump Party.


I would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt if his VP and his current team weren't the most abhorrent right wing trash available.


For a huge novice, he will most likely be leaning on his inner circle more then any president in history and who will that be? Well, so far it is a pretty ugly bunch.


I honestly see a shit ton of LGBT people dropping protests if that's the case.
Do you really think marriage is all we care about? Pence wants to defund HIV research. Pence wants to make LGBT discrimination bc of "religious freedom" legal. And on top of that most of us still have hearts and care for our minority race brothers and sisters
Him "not caring" is irrelevant. His party will pass regressive ordinances that ban protections laws under religious liberty, he'll make sure that are allowed to continue their hateful smear campaign of our people, he had a member of the fucking family research council in his cabinet making decisions about LGBT rights.

Trans people get crapped on enough. He won't do anything to all alleviate that. And how's party and cabinet will likely exacerbate it.

So no, ultimately this statement means as much as the mountain of others that have left his mouth. At best it's a lie he follows through on, but he and his backwards thinking cronies need to prove to me and others that we aren't going to lose our few protections.

Fuck him.

For a huge novice, he will most likely be leaning on his inner circle more then any president in history and who will that be? Well, so far it is a pretty ugly bunch.
For those of you that don't know. Ken Blackwell, the man he's going to appoint to run domestic affairs. Is a chair member of the family research council. A LITERAL hate group, certified as a hate group, classified as a hate group. They are monsters.

And they are going to be in charge of our rights and protections.

This is nothing more than empty words to try and appease the anger the masses.


Obama needs to call him just before any decision. Trump mimics the last person that he spoke to. It'll be like a third term.


...and his conservative supreme court selection(s) and senate will change those laws.

Nobody should be fooled by this. He is conning everyone, big shocker. Marriage equality is gone, it's only a matter of time.
I wish people would educate themselves more on the Supreme Court. They can't just overturn a case. There needs to be a new case that includes "new" information. Information that would be significant enough for grounds of changing a previous decision.


That's about what I was expecting him to say, and I'm glad he said it. What I'm hoping he'll do next is address the growing indifference towards racism in the country. It's especially important for him to address it because he is in part responsible
I wish people would educate themselves more on the Supreme Court. They can't just overturn a case. There needs to be a new case that includes "new" information. Information that would be significant enough for grounds of changing a previous decision.
This, the only threat to marriage equality is if someone figures out a way to bring the religious rights angle into the case in front of a very specific type of conservative court.

It's not probable.


He sounds like a lot of YouTube atheists, secular, but racist and sexist as fuck, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them voted for him. Since their only concern these days is to be "anti-SJW".


Maybe the one thing I'm going to like about the Trump presidency is how often he'll piss off the republicans just as much as the democrats.


GAF's Bob Woodward

Where I'd worry on this matter is if he appoints conservative judges to address other issues who then take the matter out of his hands.

What I want to know now is whether he'll stand against the Pence/FRC agenda on LGBT protections and 'conversion' torture.
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