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Trump: Same-Sex Marriage is "Fine", “It was settled in the Supreme Court."

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As I've said before, Trump doesn't believe a god damn word that comes out of his own mouth. He's an empty vessel ideologically. He is a pure NYC deal maker....an opportunist above all else...essentially a mafia boss.

He's a pretty sleazy dude, but historically, he's been fine with a lot the alternative lifestyle stuff.

The thing that freaks me out is that he is now essentially an enabler and/or puppet of the GOP. They got him elected and he will pat those shitstains on the back for it.

It's like a nightmare come true. The house, senate, and Supreme Court are all majority republican. That is the scariest thing here.


SSM is now the law of the land, just don't expect any real efforts by a Trump Administration to further protect LGBT rights in any way.


Truly believe trump doesn't care about this stuff. He's not going to try to take these rights away

The problem is, he doesn't care enough to try to prevent the right from being diminished either. He will appoint ultra republican justices and everyone else, and they have the power to roll back rights.
As I've said before, Trump doesn't believe a god damn word that comes out of his own mouth. He's an empty vessel ideologically. He is a pure NYC deal maker....an opportunist above all else...essentially a mafia boss.

He's a pretty sleazy dude, but historically, he's been fine with a lot the alternative lifestyle stuff.

The thing that freaks me out is that he is now essentially an enabler and/or puppet of the GOP. They got him elected and he will pat those shitstains on the back for it.

It's like a nightmare come true. The house, senate, and Supreme Court are all majority republican. That is the scariest thing here.

Yeah, pretty much. I'm not afraid of Trump himself as much as I am the people he surrounds himself with and gives power to.


Trump might not actively seek to turnback the progress made on LGBT rights but I really doubt he would ever fight to protect them, and given who he surrounds himself with I don't see LGBT+ folks having a good time :/


Being a black bi guy that lives in the UK I haven't had that much trouble. I hope the US would be the same.But then you always get your idiots about.
Even just speaking as a white guy, I've had to sever ties with a disappointingly large amount of my gay white friends over the years for holding racist views. "Sorry I'm only into white guys just a preference" is also a very common phrase you'll see on gay dating apps. These aren't just "trashy white guys" either, they're seemingly "normal" people who sometimes have a lot of economic or social power within the community or the world at large.

There's a certain fetishization of the chameleonic sexuality, "you're gay but you don't look or act gay". An idea which reinforces a very narrow definition of attractiveness: Masculine and white. Putting those two specific qualities on a pedestal has a dark side affect of looking at people who don't fit into that box as other, and therefore lesser.

Then you also just have plain old white privilege. For a lot of people, being gay doesn't just bestow on you the empathy to recognize the plight of minorities facing racism in this country. It can be built into your upbringing, a subconscious belief that other races are inferior that American society not only doesn't challenge, it's reinforced.

Back to the topic: Fuck Trump. He's no ally. If he truly doesn't think that LGBT people don't deserve the same rates as the rest of the world, he wouldn't be assembling Satan's Cabinet of people who'd sooner see us rounded up and executed. He doesn't give a fuck who suffers under these people.


These U-turns will mean nothing to his supporter base as long as he follows through on his immigration policies.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Does it matter that he's back peddling now? The minute he nominates a right wing justice, Repiblicans in Congress can once again mount a legal challenge against Gay marriage right?


An ever receding wall of empathy borne by selfishness if true.
Some white gays are infamous for the extent that they insulate themselves among their own sub-group, hence why they're oblivious to the intersectionality that afflicts other groups of gays and have little interest in pursuing further betterment for the overall movement. It's pretty sad, but qpocs and transwomen of colour are used to that reality by now.


Glad to see his crazyness is being somewhat pushed back. Hopefully come January he'll forget all about it and these next 4 years won't be as crazy as they could be for you guys.

Here is hoping!

Fox Mulder

Does it matter that he's back peddling now? The minute he nominates a right wing justice, Repiblicans in Congress can once again mount a legal challenge against Gay marriage right?

It passed even with scalia alive. They'd need another and then get a case the Supreme Court would rule on again.

Regardless, the republican party has true believers and the stated intent of swinging the court for decades and rolling back civil rights.

Even if trump lied about everything, I refuse to applaud him. Especially as he surrounds himself with truly awful republicans.


These U-turns will mean nothing to his supporter base as long as he follows through on his immigration policies.

supporter and all I care about is jobs and immigration. Don't care what else he does as long as he doesn't have my race picking cotton and getting the whip or take away our rights. The problem is Trump has been shown support for the LGBT community but the other side just didn't care so this isn't really new to his supporters. The liberal media just brainwashed ppl to think he has a problem with them.



These U-turns will mean nothing to his supporter base as long as he follows through on his immigration policies.

I agree. For Trump supporters, It was never about gay marriage or rights except for the very religious ones who were foolish to think Trump was with them in the first place. This was about changing demographics and the perceived "invasion" from minorities. That's where Trump's feet will be held to the fire.
Trump said anything that he thought would get him a cheer and clap depending on where he was.

He'll concentrate on his wall/fence and creating manufacturing jobs. It was those issues that won him the election in the rust belt.


The guy obviously lied his way to the white house. That might mean a more positive outcome on some aspects that we initially expected. I sure hope so. But at this point in time, I have no clue what to expect.


Does it matter that he's back peddling now? The minute he nominates a right wing justice, Repiblicans in Congress can once again mount a legal challenge against Gay marriage right?

He'd have to wait for Kennedy to retire at a minimum, I'm not even sure what a test case would look like and in any event it would take years to litigate up to the Supreme Court.


supporter and all I care about is jobs and immigration. Don't care what else he does as long as he doesn't have my race picking cotton and getting the whip or take away our rights. The problem is Trump has been shown support for the LGBT community but the other side just didn't care so this isn't really new to his supporters. The liberal media just brainwashed ppl to think he has a problem with them.


First, that flag is upside down, fitting.

Second, if he did support LGBT rights, explain to me why he picked Mike "Electrocute the Gay Away" Pence, and why is a lot of his cabinet filled with anti-LGBT people? Explain to me why he's going to purpose and sign in a law that allows open discrimination of LGBT individuals under the guise of "Religious Freedom"? Explain to me why he's going to likely remove the executive action that Obama did to allow transgender students to be treated with respect to their gender identity in public schools? I'm probably missing a whole lot more, but no, he's not a LGBT supporter. He wouldn't defend gay marriage if the case was taken back to the Supreme Court and overrides it. I wouldn't be surprised if he signs another more powerful DOMA all things considering.
supporter and all I care about is jobs and immigration. Don't care what else he does as long as he doesn't have my race picking cotton and getting the whip or take away our rights. The problem is Trump has been shown support for the LGBT community but the other side just didn't care so this isn't really new to his supporters. The liberal media just brainwashed ppl to think he has a problem with them.


"Trump Chooses Senior Member Of Hate Group As His Top Domestic Policy Adviser"

I guess that means nothing. You can appoint members of an anti-LGBT hate group as an adviser as long as you incorrectly hold the LGBT flag.

Seriously, I swear, you'd take a clip of Trump saying "I love faggots and trannies, they're just so wonderfully fruity" as a support with the literally nonexistent standards you hold for him on LGBT issues.

For fuck's sake, the man exploited a mass shooting at an LGBT night club for his campaign against Muslim immigrants.
supporter and all I care about is jobs and immigration. Don't care what else he does as long as he doesn't have my race picking cotton and getting the whip or take away our rights. The problem is Trump has been shown support for the LGBT community but the other side just didn't care so this isn't really new to his supporters. The liberal media just brainwashed ppl to think he has a problem with them.


He looks like a 3rd grader presenting the class project he made last night

And if all you care about is jobs and immigration than you're still going to be disappointed lmfao
Trump is on both sides of every issue, like any conman

Yup. 60 minutes interview made no sense.

Gay marriage...it's already been decide by Supreme Court.

Roe vs. Wade...I plan on putting people on the court to overturn that ruling.

Dude is sending out very different messages.

He probably knows Scalia was a vote against gay marriage and replacing him is still a 5-4 split for Gay Marriage.

He probably knows abortion rights will be overturned first.

With whom he has surrounded himself with...we should all be terrified.


Does it matter that he's back peddling now? The minute he nominates a right wing justice, Repiblicans in Congress can once again mount a legal challenge against Gay marriage right?
He isn't back peddling. You just weren't paying attention. He said at his RNC nomination speech that he wanted to protect gay rights and even waved a gay rights flag at the freaking RNC.

I never did understand why people thought it was the end of the world for LGBT. Maybe the media convinced the country otherwise.

Also, guys. On him holding he flag upside down. The flag was written with its trump support upside down. Can't blame him for that. Laughable that people are picking that out as a negative.


i have a question, are a lot of the surpeme justices about to retire or die? as far as i'm aware, only one seat is open, but people in this thread make it seem like they are all open once trump gets into office.
He isn't back peddling. You just weren't paying attention. He said at his RNC nomination speech that he wanted to protect gay rights and even waved a gay rights flag at the freaking RNC.

I never did understand why people thought it was the end of the world for LGBT. Maybe the media convinced the country otherwise.

Can you name Trump's VP

i have a question, are a lot of the surpeme justices about to retire or die? as far as i'm aware, only one seat is open, but people in this thread make it seem like they are all open once trump gets into office.

A few are up in age, including Ruth Bader Ginsburg


He looks like a 3rd grader presenting the class project he made last night

And if all you care about is jobs and immigration than you're still going to be disappointed lmfao

While I'm going to suffer from a Trump presidency because I'm trans, I'm going to have all the schadenfreude in the world once his supporters realize that those jobs aren't coming back and it's likely we're going to lose even more jobs in four years.
Does it matter that he's back peddling now? The minute he nominates a right wing justice, Repiblicans in Congress can once again mount a legal challenge against Gay marriage right?

It won't matter if it's only one Justice that he appoints. He's replacing someone who opposed it, which means that it'll just be a repeat of the original decision; the Justices won't even bother with the case, especially if there's no new compelling argument to make that would suggest it needs to be revisited. In fact, statistically speaking, one of the Justices who opposed it is actually more likely now to vote in such a way that supports it, both because of the above-mentioned non-reasons involved in undoing Oberfell and the general drift conservative Justices make towards the left in their lifetime.

While I'm going to suffer from a Trump presidency because I'm trans, I'm going to have all the schadenfreude in the world once his supporters realize that those jobs aren't coming back and it's likely we're going to lose even more jobs in four years.

Yep. Nothing motivates me to keep going than the joy of seeing how salty disaffected Republicans are over Trump's broken promises.

Fox Mulder

i have a question, are a lot of the surpeme justices about to retire or die? as far as i'm aware, only one seat is open, but people in this thread make it seem like they are all open once trump gets into office.

Three of them are at or near 80.


The success of others absolutely infuriates me.
supporter and all I care about is jobs and immigration. Don't care what else he does as long as he doesn't have my race picking cotton and getting the whip or take away our rights. The problem is Trump has been shown support for the LGBT community but the other side just didn't care so this isn't really new to his supporters. The liberal media just brainwashed ppl to think he has a problem with them.


That's an amazing picture

look at that face, that flag, the scrawled jagged type.


Can you name Trump's VP

A few are up in age, including Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Let's not pretend suddenly like Vice Presidents matter, because no one took them seriously in the past. Trump picked him to secure votes, just like Obama did with Biden to get the working class voter then proceeded to do nothing for that group.
i have a question, are a lot of the surpeme justices about to retire or die? as far as i'm aware, only one seat is open, but people in this thread make it seem like they are all open once trump gets into office.

By recollection...too lazy to look up

Ginsburg, liberal
Stevens, liberal
Thomas, conservative

Are the oldest 3 and most likely to die, retire.

It is already going to be a 5-4 court...could be 7-2 soon enough.
He isn't back peddling. You just weren't paying attention. He said at his RNC nomination speech that he wanted to protect gay rights and even waved a gay rights flag at the freaking RNC.

I never did understand why people thought it was the end of the world for LGBT. Maybe the media convinced the country otherwise.

Also, guys. On him holding he flag upside down. The flag was written with its trump support upside down. Can't blame him for that. Laughable that people are picking that out as a negative.

So to clarify, you are arguing that bringing on a member of an anti-LGBT hate group is not anti-LGBT?


Junior Member
Okay America I have to posit this .... Uhmmm aren't you already politicising this if your justices can swing these key issues one way or another too much . I mean isn't the judiciary supposed to be formed up of level minded ppl who interpret the laws and protect the not guilty and discriminated that's essentially the job of the judicial system isn't it ?

If so maybe it's time to realize your country isn't ready for as progressive with laws if one political swing or another can overturn it . Hey it's okay some countries are more progressive sometimes you can personally want something doesn't mean the whole country is willing for it .

Edit: personally I don't see gay marriage legality being overturned but I did call the trump election wrong roe vs wade maybe let's see
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