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Trump to scrap NASA climate research in crackdown on ‘politicized science’

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Politicized science? Give me a fucking break. YOU (republicans) were the ones that politicized it in the first place! The rest of the world has had the decency of accepting climate change as factual while you are having your little Neanderthal debates.


“is a view shared by half the climatologists in the world. We need good science to tell us what the reality is and science could do that if politicians didn’t interfere with it.”
Post-truth indeed. I love being lied to.
"politically correct science"

Scientists all around the world are saying the same thing, and these fuckers want to make it seem like they're operating under some sort of common political agenda. Shameful.

I can't believe this is happening.
They've always been anti-science. Sociology especially. This is no surprise.

If you don't accept the scientific approach in one area the whole concept becomes volatile. Edge-Mc-Hardcore has been refusing results on race, gender, crime, immigration etc. etc., thinking that only ”hard science” is worth anything. When you replace peer reviews with ”common sense” (as that's the alternative), shit gets fucked up.


Bob Walker, a senior Trump campaign adviser, said there was no need for Nasa to do what he has previously described as “politically correct environmental monitoring”.

Are you fucking kidding me. I don't even. What. Just. Argh.

I want to punch this man in the throat.

I just had to down some of my clonidine to stop myself from going outside and just screaming FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK at the top of my lungs.

And I still might go do it.

And now my throat hurts.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The real horror of this is that it normalizes claiming the gathering of knowledge about the natural world is suspicious and conspiratorial. It feels like the dawn of peak American anti-intellectualism.

Now the government may claim a scientific project that might reveal data inconvenient to an agenda is merely a political scheme. I could see one chilling effect this would have on scientists being voluntary self-censorship. Repressing data, discouraging areas of study, if fear arises they may be impolitic for the current authoritarian regime. Which would trigger the regime cracking down on funding or taking a chainsaw to a organization.

Basically, degenerate North Korean-style shit. Say, don't half of Americans disbelieve in evolution? I'm pretty sure the evangelical fucknuts infesting the GOP utterly hate that shit. Perhaps they will soon realize they can push to threaten public universities with cut funding unless they drop all that politicized study of biology. Let's stop corrupting fragile young minds with the Darwin Conspiracy.
Paris Agreement is dead

also humankind, Earth will recover

a lot of species that are tens of millions of years old or more, won't. i think it's a fairly big crime if done intentionally.

hmm, should there be a regime change in USA? i mean, they've done it to others so it should be ok. a coalition including China and India and all or most South American countries could try it at least.. maybe get some European countries to join.
Climate change is only a politicized issue by one party. Hint:
It's not the democrats.
The rest of the planet disagrees with them, but hey! There is still enough snow to make a snowball, so...


There's that "dirty label" again, politically correct. It's their new go to phrase for "bad and you should hate it, stupid voter".


Don't worry, the global economic catastrophe that Trump creates will do much more to impede climate change than any government handout.


I'm just going to say this: fuck the 24 hour news cycle and their "fair and balanced" reporting.

Because they give climate change deniers equal time, we now have a president who thinks a pro and con talking head on CNN is the same as 50% of climate scientists think climate change isn't manmade. It's irresponsible and misleading and not fair or balanced properly.

Fuck em.

I'll get out and protest over this with a sign and a NASA T-shirt and everything, all I need is a time and place.

Wait a moment. Broadcasters in the US(other than Fox News) give airtime to climate change deniers? Wowowow if some tv channell were to do that in my country they would be mocked forever at the least.
Wait a moment. Broadcasters in the US(other than Fox News) give airtime to climate change deniers? Wowowow if some tv channell were to do that in my country they would be mocked forever at the least.

CNN is the type to have a debate panel of some kind no matter fucking what.


Ugh, we really are post-truth. Facts and science don't matter anymore to these people.

Something similar happened in Australia the last couple of years with our neo-Liberal right-wing Government; they appointed a Climate Denier Corporate Bro to head the CSIRO (though he believes in Water Divination!) and sacked most of the climate scientists and shut down the most important climate monitoring station in our region. We're fighting very powerful groups in Industry and Business worldwide who think in the short-term only and care about nothing but their own wealth and power, and they are winning. Trump is the most craven (and in on it himself, of course).

I wonder what's next? I wouldn't be surprised they deny evolutionism and pass a law to start teaching creationism in schools.

Isn't the soon-to-be Secretary of Education a Creationist? So, probably. There's so many shoes to drop with Trump; he's a fucking millipede.


Wait a moment. Broadcasters in the US(other than Fox News) give airtime to climate change deniers? Wowowow if some tv channell were to do that in my country they would be mocked forever at the least.
CNN paid Donald Trump's former campaign manager to comment on Trump during the campaign while he was still being paid by Donald Trump and he was also legally bound by contract to Trump not to criticize Trump while commenting on him.


This is fucking terrifying, and there is nobody that can do something about this.... Although, the second amendment people, maybe there is, i don't know.

I hope it doesn't and doubt it will come to it, but this election has been one hell of a supporting case for the second amendment


Walker, however, claimed that doubt over the role of human activity in climate change “is a view shared by half the climatologists in the world.
Where does this bullshit always come from?
Wait a moment. Broadcasters in the US(other than Fox News) give airtime to climate change deniers? Wowowow if some tv channell were to do that in my country they would be mocked forever at the least.

Not only that, but it's always some idiot "climate skeptic" on one side and Bill Nye on the other. I love Bill Nye, but he isn't a climate scientist and it would benefit the public to have a wider variety of faces debating in favor of climate science so that it doesn't look like it's just one guy who thinks climate change is happening.

Mr. Sam

If it makes you guys feel any better, we were basically already fucked. In scientific terms, we're in a car going a hundred miles an hour and a foot away from a brick wall. What Trump and his surrogates are saying is "Enough of this politically correct "braking" talk; in reality, scientists are split on whether or not we should keep our foot on the accelerator."

Economic anxieties may be particularly acute when cities are underwater and there's not enough food to go around.
If it makes you guys feel any better, we were basically already fucked. In scientific terms, we're in a car going a hundred miles an hour and a foot away from a brick wall. What Trump and his surrogates are saying is "Enough of this politically correct "braking" talk; in reality, scientists are split on whether or not we should keep our foot on the accelerator."

Economic anxieties may be particularly acute when cities are underwater and there's not enough food to go around.

Cities underwater will be the least of our concerns when the Russian permafrost melts and we find out whether there's smallpox hiding underneath.
While this doesn't seem to have official confirmation yet, it is seriously worrying. But we already knew this fat moron was about as myopic as they come. Even with the legitimate concerns of some of his electorate, I still can't get my head around this fucking guy getting elected. He is such a slimeball.

If you care so much (which you should!), then you need to agitate...Seriously, what is happening in the Dakota Pipeline, we will be having to do that soon. If you think you can change much without engaging with it deeply, it ain't going to happen. And this is important.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
So (a good portion of) Americans voted themselves out of existence. It's up to the rest of the planet to save our collective asses.
is there no further media coverage by other outlets regarding this? how can this not be a top story?

I'm speechless, how could this man be elected for president!?
As someone who works for NASA's Earth Science Division; absolutely not. An absolutely shit ton of research and thousands of scientists outputs if not jobs. There's a possibility I may not be able to get paid/layed off if these cuts take place.

NASA does a ton of good work outside of space travel/exploration. Trump wants to take that away. Fuck him, he's a shitstain.
It sucks that politics is going to affect your job, I hope this doesn't come to pass and you can continue doing valuable work.


You've seen people unironically suggest we just get a new planet to live on as the better of the two options? lol / sad

To be fair on a long enough timeline we'd need to move to other planets anyway to surivive.

Of course we have to actually make it to that future on this planet first.


Science is lost on this administration.

And with science, I mean actual science. Not "well, global warming is a hoax because it's fucking cold out." science, but "we have statistics and data that prove our point" science.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Reminds me of Palin's rant against fruitfly research.

Anyone familiar with biology and genetics realized that drosophila is such a damn good resource and paramount to those fields.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
"Politicized Science" is some "Ministry of Truth" Orwell shit.

It wasn't politicized science.... until now, that is.


He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Trump's presidency is going to be exactly as bad as we all said it would be.
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