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Trump to scrap NASA climate research in crackdown on ‘politicized science’

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I don't know what's worse, he fact that this decision quickened our inevitable demise, or the fact that Trump and his ilk won't love long enough to see their decisions come back and bite them in the ass.

We're fucking doomed. Full stop.
This seems awful.

To clarify, is Trump changing the direction of NASA set by the researchers there themselves, or is their climate research division a result of previous execute decisions?

Some legislation in 1975 required that they start monitoring the upper atmosphere and such, but the specific programs and such are, as I understand, designed and implemented by NASA themselves (in cooperation with partners).
Do I still have to give him a chance?

He had that chance and lost it when he wanted to give the death penalty to the Central Park 5, didn't allow black people to purchase houses, disrespected every minority under the sun and is a sexual predator. Yeah, his chance is long gone.


Some legislation in 1975 required that they start monitoring the upper atmosphere and such, but the specific programs and such are, as I understand, designed and implemented by NASA themselves (in cooperation with partners).

Interesting! Thanks


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I always wonder why some people think climate change isn't real. Because winters are still cold? Because we still got snow?

*cue senatesnowball.jpg*
They believe whatever their politicians sell them and the biggest rat of them all just sold them a pile of shit. And they're buyin hard.
Trump can go to hell. Out of racists and sexists, I probably hate climate change denialists the most. There is no reason why anyone shouldn't believe in doing something about climate change unless they're literally making buckets off of fucking the world over (oil and gas companies, and Trump probably)

EDIT: I really hope this is just talk and doesn't actually happen.
Do you think Trump and his corporate bros look at all the pollution China is getting up to and have rock hard envy erections?

Are they, and I hate to co opt the terminology of the enemy, "pollution cucks"?


So that's why there isn't a reboot of Captain Planet, if the planeteers summoned him he would look around and say, "You guys fucked up." and fly off into space.


Trump is the last President the US will have before the US is finally dethroned by China as the de facto world economic power around 2019-2020ish.

I can believe this. If LePen gets elected in France that means that China will be the only sane and reasonable actor with a vote in the UN Security Council.

At least until it collapses because of its unsustainable demographic/economic system. Whelp.


I remember seeing RT billboards here in Canada luring viewers by asking if climate change is real or a hoax.

Not surprised by Trump's plan!

The deep space exploration thing is a red herring.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
This is depressing :(

America fucking blows, one person shouldnt have this much power.
Should we make a list of western governments that are trying to fuck the human race by using politics to deny Science and facts for their own monetary greed?

US is already evident in this thread.

Then there's the UK, Headline: Climate change department closed by Theresa May in 'plain stupid' and 'deeply worrying' move


Then there's Australia:

They made 275 Climate scientists redundant but then some time later:


They want to renew focus on climate change but they can't reverse the job cuts.

Any others to name and shame?

Thank fuck us Canadians finally pushed so strongly against Harper. Dude was dismantling climate research and muzzling scientists from reporting their findings


What the hell? Isn't this the definition of politically driven? How is global warming research politically driven? The only people denying it are politicians and lobbyists.

Rebel Leader

It's not a super-majority, and I can think of several who would say "No" to this idea and could easily swing the vote against.

It doesn't have to be a super majority when the gop use the nuclear option to stop filibusters


Don't want political tampering with science, so solution is to politically tamper with science. Perfect logic, you stupid piece of shit dumb fucks.





Since Trump doesn't have any deep convictions about anything and changes his stances on issues on a regular basis, my hope is that someone in NASA will explain to him the importance of climate research and he'll backpedal on that too.


Should we make a list of western governments that are trying to fuck the human race by using politics to deny Science and facts for their own monetary greed?

US is already evident in this thread.

Then there's the UK, Headline: Climate change department closed by Theresa May in 'plain stupid' and 'deeply worrying' move


Then there's Australia:

They made 275 Climate scientists redundant but then some time later:


They want to renew focus on climate change but they can't reverse the job cuts.

Any others to name and shame?

This is infuriating.



Junior Member
Every day is a new day to say wtf. 'Give him a chance'.

We did give him a chance. And look at all he's done.

'Give him a chance' is the biggest cherry on top of a white privilege sundae.

Does anyone truly believe that Donald Trump hasn't had a chance? What was lacking in his life was a chance?
I fully believe we will solve climate change and not having NASA monitor it won't affect that outcome.

When we do solve it, USA just won't be a part of the solution.


never left the stone age
I fully believe we will solve climate change and not having NASA monitor it won't affect that outcome.

When we do solve it, USA just won't be a part of the solution.

Maybe this is just a ploy to get every other country to hate the US so they unite and make the world a better place upon when the US will join in with the efforts. Trump is pretty much The Boss.


There was also recent push by the Republicans in the "privatize everything!" to privatize all of the weather -data-. Like, you would literally have to pay a corporation to get weather data, at all, instead of just downloading the raw numbers from NOAA. Because reasons. Because NOAA was "competing" against media corps for weather reporting.
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