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Trump to scrap NASA climate research in crackdown on ‘politicized science’

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Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Next up: burning of climatology books at town squares.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
If there was a definitive plan for other agencies to receive adequate funding and take on the role of climate monitoring as their primary objective, then I don't see this as a bad thing. NASA isn't a particularly efficient machine, so a refinement of their aims and goals could do them good.

But instead this appears to be lip service to climate research, which will likely not receive the support they need.


Well you don't want people shining the torch on what you're going to mess up even more so point the torch into the vastness of space!

Do they truly believe people don't see through this shit?

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
I swear the right wing view on climate change is to cry "lalala I can't hear you" when presented with hard evidence but this is a new low.

Rather than ignoring climate science, the Trump regime want to suppress it entirely via funding cuts. Bra-fucking-vo.

The science of climate change is not political, it is factual. How you deal with it is the political challenge. Endangering not only jobs, but lives over a political spat on how to deal with uncomfortable facts should be a red line but frankly this is a post truth world. Trump fans will likely have bought the whole anti expert worldview and thus because climate change is slow and subtle, it must not be happening. Until it totally does.


Queen of Denmark
Liberal science has been ruining this country for decades.

- Climate change
- Keynesian economics
- Gay computers
I really hope with Trump in power, it leads to other countries to take on bigger role in global change.
What? Do you genuinely think the US has been doing the most to combat climate change?

The US has always been lagging far behind in laws controlling your emissions since the last Republican congress started gutting every bill that would see the US pledge to reduce emissions.


I swear the right wing view on climate change is to cry "lalala I can't hear you" when presented with hard evidence but this is a new low.

Rather than ignoring climate science, the Trump regime want to suppress it entirely via funding cuts. Bra-fucking-vo.

The science of climate change is not political, it is factual. How you deal with it is the political challenge. Endangering not only jobs, but lives over a political spat on how to deal with uncomfortable facts should be a red line but frankly this is a post truth world. Trump fans will likely have bought the whole anti expert worldview and thus because climate change is slow and subtle, it must not be happening. Until it totally does.
It's all economics.

There is no justification for addressing an externality if you don't admit that externality exists.

...Though even if they eventually pivot again, like from it's not happening to it's not man made to maybe it is man made, my money will be that they will claim the degree to which man is involved is minimal so any correcting should be minimal. But with a Trump in power the possibility of that pivot got pushed back at least 4 years.

Bold One

The planet is fucked, Oh America...

"in favor of exploration of deep space, with the president-elect having set a goal during the campaign to explore the entire solar system by the end of the century."

i do like this though, lets get off this stinking rock!
"in favor of exploration of deep space, with the president-elect having set a goal during the campaign to explore the entire solar system by the end of the century."

i do like this though, lets get off this stinking rock!

We can't go to space if we're extinct. And gutting NASA's climate change division is an amazingly expedient way to ensure we go extinct.
"in favor of exploration of deep space, with the president-elect having set a goal during the campaign to explore the entire solar system by the end of the century."

i do like this though, lets get off this stinking rock!
There are still a solid 84 years to go. They're going to be a hard, bad 84 years if you know, we can't breathe due to air pollution. Or if we can't build rockets on land due to rising sea levels.
I personally call politicized science having oil and gas companies contributing lots of money to US election campaigns (especially republican) and these companies being consulted on environmental policy. It would be like tobacco companies being consulted on lung cancer research. It is a huge conflict of interest.

But NASA having it's budget squeezed and having to compromise on certain sections is nothing new sadly. Still this focus on space exploration makes it seem that Trump doesn't know that NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration and so only focuses on the last two words of that. Perhaps he should also rename it USASA (United Stats of America Space Administration).


Should we make a list of western governments that are trying to fuck the human race by using politics to deny Science and facts for their own monetary greed?

US is already evident in this thread.

Then there's the UK, Headline: Climate change department closed by Theresa May in 'plain stupid' and 'deeply worrying' move


Then there's Australia:

They made 275 Climate scientists redundant but then some time later:


They want to renew focus on climate change but they can't reverse the job cuts.

Any others to name and shame?


"in favor of exploration of deep space, with the president-elect having set a goal during the campaign to explore the entire solar system by the end of the century."

i do like this though, lets get off this stinking rock!


Don't encourage this shit just because he throws you a bone.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
"in favor of exploration of deep space, with the president-elect having set a goal during the campaign to explore the entire solar system by the end of the century."

i do like this though, lets get off this stinking rock!
We are actually doing both quite well. NASA just launched a weather monitoring satellite operating with NOAA using heavy payload launch systems that are fundamental in also developing systems for human and solar system exploration.

Beyond weather forecasting, GOES-R will be part of SARSAT, an international satellite-based search and rescue network. The satellite is carrying a special transponder that can detect distress signals from emergency beacons.
Why the fuck would you be against this? This isn't even just science for it's sake, it's saving lives.


never left the stone age
Politicized science? Give me a fucking break. YOU (republicans) were the ones that politicized it in the first place! The rest of the world has had the decency of accepting climate change as factual while you are having your little Neanderthal debates.

When even fucking China and Putin agree that climate change is a big deal you know you fucked up. God fucking dammit.


Explore the entire solar system by the end of the century? Yeah the 20th century because it already happened.

"Politically correct environmental monitoring" is one of the more stupid things I've read in what has been a very stupid year.


"in favor of exploration of deep space, with the president-elect having set a goal during the campaign to explore the entire solar system by the end of the century."

i do like this though, lets get off this stinking rock!

Unless you have enough money to buy a ticket or essential enough to be guaranteed a spot... Congrats, you get to go extinct with us.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
That irony of NASA having to spend millions (billions?) on raising KSC due to rising sea levels tho.


The rest of the world gave United States way too much influence and power.

Heck, it's probably the loner here against everyone on climate affairs.

Or maybe more of the world should step up and do more of their own earth research too. If other nations led in this area then you wouldn't rely on that influence and power.


I find it downright offensive this is called ‘politicized science’, as if some of the smartest people in the world are pushing for a (liberal) agenda by trying to counter the many ways we fuck up our planet.


Alright, so who is out there to push back against Trump's status as a Captain Planet villain? I'm already giving to the ACLU, but apparently ruining every social issue wasn't enough for Trump, so now I have to find a champion for the environmental arena too.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Should we make a list of western governments that are trying to fuck the human race by using politics to deny Science and facts for their own monetary greed?

US is already evident in this thread.

Then there's the UK, Headline: Climate change department closed by Theresa May in 'plain stupid' and 'deeply worrying' move


Then there's Australia:

They made 275 Climate scientists redundant but then some time later:


They want to renew focus on climate change but they can't reverse the job cuts.

Any others to name and shame?
Unfortunately we are way past shaming time.
Can we not just launch the US into space instead? I don't want to be associated with a country that voted for fucking up the planet even more. Or just put a dome over it.
Alright, so who is out there to push back against Trump's status as a Captain Planet villain? I'm already giving to the ACLU, but apparently ruining every social issue wasn't enough for Trump, so now I have to find a champion for the environmental arena too.

NRDC is a good one, I think. They've got lawyers and scientists and are primed to sue.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Can we not just launch the US into space instead? I don't want to be associated with a country that voted for fucking up the planet even more. Or just put a dome over it.
We are still pretty much the leader in science and innovation regardless of who is in power.

The ESA and even Russia cooperate in a good way.

Soyuz is used for the ISS and refueling/ restocking missions as well as returning astronauts.


They are.

Then do more then if the person I quoted believe US has too much influence and power in this area. World should not rely on 1 country to do that, which is what I was quoting about originally. I mean if the world is relying on 1 country, and they go belly up the world sholdn't then not have earth research.


Unfortunately we are way past shaming time.

Oh of course. This is for the ironic part in the future when major coastal cities are underwater and the government leaders say, "Why did this happen? Don't we have Scientists that were suppose to predict that this would happen?"
We are actually doing both quite well. NASA just launched a weather monitoring satellite operating with NOAA using heavy payload launch systems that are fundamental in also developing systems for human and solar system exploration.

Why the fuck would you be against this? This isn't even just science for it's sake, it's saving lives.

Because these idiots think NASA is just 'the space agency', and don't understand what it actually does, or why it does those things. Ted Cruz expressed a similar opinion of 'shouldn't you be exploring space?', failing to comprehend that understanding how our planet does rather help when it comes to potentially settling others, or even just getting off of it consistently and safely.

Though your post does rather raise a bit of particular issue if funding is straight up scrapped, instead of merely scaled back. Specifically, what the hell happens to the collection of satellites NASA has in orbit under the EOS? Its not exactly easy to repurpose or recycle that stuff.


hope you assholes feel good about your economic situation as your children live shortened lives on a dying planet

Oh, right, because these people have ever given a fuck about NASA and scientific progress.

This is one thing that Trump can do that can be corrected by the next president. But so much for creating jobs.

how is science political

When you run on a platform that denies climate change.
funniest thing is Trump claiming to have a goal that's 84 years out

this month feels like a nonstop ride through crazytown

every week gets more and more ridiculous

i want off this train


funniest thing is Trump claiming to have a goal that's 84 years out

this month feels like a nonstop ride through crazytown

every week gets more and more ridiculous

i want off this train

And in our own star system which we have known a lot of compared to what Kepler (satellite) is discovering of exoplanets in other parts of our galaxy that is only a tiny portion of our galaxy.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
how is science political
It isn't but scientists can be.
Look at how many Manhattan Project scientists were socialists and became a part of the anti nuclear weapon campaign. Sure, some like Teller became just so ego involved but many just became torchbearers for peace.


So basically: instead of constantly having to deny the evidence for climate change they want to eliminate the search for evidence for climate change all-together.

"There's nothing wrong!"

"We should probably keep looking for evidence, just in case"

"You don't need to look for evidence because there's nothing wrong!"

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Because these idiots think NASA is just 'the space agency', and don't understand what it actually does, or why it does those things. Ted Cruz expressed a similar opinion of 'shouldn't you be exploring space?', failing to comprehend that understanding how our planet does rather help when it comes to potentially settling others, or even just getting off of it consistently and safely.

Though your post does rather raise a bit of particular issue if funding is straight up scrapped, instead of merely scaled back. Specifically, what the hell happens to the collection of satellites NASA has in orbit under the EOS? Its not exactly easy to repurpose or recycle that stuff.
I think those are under contract, but it depends how far out and how solid those contracts are.

Most launches are preplanned years in advance.
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