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Trump to scrap NASA climate research in crackdown on ‘politicized science’

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I wonder how all these "Bernie or Bust" dipshits that didn't bother to show up to vote feel now.


That train is never late!


So he's interfering as a politician in science to "stop" politicized science?

US - we probably done fucked up in UK and you probably done fucked up too IMHO as things stand.


This makes me feel sick.

I feel like if the whole of NASA, doesnt go on strike then their colluding with Trump and the destruction of the planet. Maybe thats unfair to say but, they must know the importance, and that exploring out there without an earth is just pointless.
I actually cannot believe that a bunch of people wanting factory jobs in rural America is going to be the thing that brings down humanity as a species.

I think you might be slightly over-estimating this. Aside from the fact that the rest of the world will continue with its research, it's also "only" four years. NASA has been the play thing of American administrations since the mid 70's, which goes some way to explaining why so much progress was made in the ten years between 1960-1969 and relatively so much less 1973-Present. Every administration has its own goals (or budgetary concerns) that means ships or probes or rockets were scaled back or changed or pork-barrelled into being built in every state before eventually be killed off in 8 years time, etc. This is clearly a bad thing, but I don't think it's going to "bring down humanity as a species".


"Sorry President Trump, you can't build a sea wall to defend against Global Warming because that isn't a thing because you said it wasn't a thing and cut funding going towards research into it being a thing. Your golf course will have to drown with the rest of us when the sea level rises due to mysterious reasons."

Let him build his wall. If his course isn't flooded, it'll help him see how there isn't anyone on it because they died of Russian permafrost anthrax.
what other reason would there be to deny climate change then money? If you accept it is real then the fossil fuel industry and all its wealth will be in serious trouble. They cannot have that and they make sure they pay the right people to say "NOT REAL"

Bold One

Should we make a list of western governments that are trying to fuck the human race by using politics to deny Science and facts for their own monetary greed?

US is already evident in this thread.

Then there's the UK, Headline: Climate change department closed by Theresa May in 'plain stupid' and 'deeply worrying' move


Then there's Australia:

They made 275 Climate scientists redundant but then some time later:


They want to renew focus on climate change but they can't reverse the job cuts.

Any others to name and shame?

After reading the off topic front page,

Why is it that the UK and US seem to be caught in this death-spiral of regression and ignorance?

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I dont get why oil industries do this, they are delaying the inevitable...
Remember when the Dakotas were laughing at California with its deficit with the oil and gas money? They sure showed us. It's no matter that we have always been a top producer of those products among else.

nel e nel

Wait wait wait wait wait

He says climate research is important but -

Climate research by NASA is being stripped of funding because it's "politicized science" but -

it's still going to be continued at other agencies?

How is it suddenly not going to be "politicized" at a different agency? What makes being at NASA political?


Yeah, that was my question too. They specified that it will be moved to other agencies, which agencies? And what if they end up saying the same thing that NASA has been saying? Or will they choose an agency that is more likely to tell them what they want to hear?


It will be interesting to see all those deplorables complain where their houses get wiped out by increasingly frequent floods and hurricanes caused by the global warming.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
It will be interesting to see all those deplorables complain where their houses get wiped out by increasingly frequent floods and hurricanes caused by the global warming.
They didn't do shit after Sandy. What makes you so sure that they will do anything at sll?


It seems every day there's something new and something worse. "Good science" is apparently just the science that fits your preconceptions or serves your ideology.

I seriously hope some Bill Gates or Zuckerberg type steps up and fills the void. There's nothing more philanthropic than saving the human species.


never left the stone age
We had our chance. Not enough fucking idiots were "inspired" by Clinton.

I want to strangle every idiot who told me "I can't believe these are our two choices :("

Protests have, and will continue to have some sort of effect. Don't just sit in silence. If there's even a tiny chance of changing things for the better you people owe it to the rest of the world.


There's no political interest in burying away even the mere idea that human activity is wrecking the Earth's climate. Zero. None.

For fucks sake.

This fucking projecting from the conservatives just keeps going, doesn't it?
Right-wing projection at it's finest.

A recent study found that of the fifty-six ‘environmentally skeptical books' published in the 1990s, 92 percent were linked to right-wing foundations (only thirteen were published in the 1980s, and 100 percent were linked to the [same] foundations.


I'm pretty sure that most of our research in Exo-Planets was built on the mountain of data accrued during our study of the planet we live on that is also the easiest planet to measure.


Wait, weren't the republicans arguing that NASA should focus on solving "Earth problems" years ago? Now that they found an Earth problem that doesn't align with their business interests, they want them to look away?

Yeah, that was my question too. They specified that it will be moved to other agencies, which agencies? And what if they end up saying the same thing that NASA has been saying? Or will they choose an agency that is more likely to tell them what they want to hear?

It will be moved to agencies without the capability for deploying deep space satellites that can monitor the entire earth at once, of course.


Yeah, that was my question too. They specified that it will be moved to other agencies, which agencies? And what if they end up saying the same thing that NASA has been saying? Or will they choose an agency that is more likely to tell them what they want to hear?

Nah, "it will be moved to other agencies" is classic deflection for "we are entirely defunding climate change research without saying it directly".

Gun violence should not be handled by the CDC, other agencies will do that research. Which other agencies? none.

This is an old play. The GOP have done this before.


Nothings gonna happen to the planet. Leave it alone. Trump is right. Waste of money. People are starving out here. Don't waste money on universe/planet exploring. If all humans didn't even try to explore outside the earth, the world will still rotate and it's not gonna end. Been here years and years before humans and will remain here after millions of years. Who created all dis, earth/planets/uinverse it's in his hands. We can't destroy the earth unless a rock hits us (not the 2020 Rock,lol).
So yea trump is right, don't even bother giving money to Nasa. Who cares if there's a planet out there. We never gonna get there. Waste of time and money.


Nothings gonna happen to the planet. Leave it alone. Trump is right. Waste of money. People are starving out here. Don't waste money on universe/planet exploring. If all humans didn't even try to explore outside the earth, the world will still rotate and it's not gonna end. Been here years and years before humans and will remain here after millions of years. Who created all dis, earth/planets/uinverse it's in his hands. We can't destroy the earth unless a rock hits us (not the 2020 Rock,lol).
So yea trump is right, don't even bother giving money to Nasa. Who cares if there's a planet out there. We never gonna get there. Waste of time and money.
I dont get this post :l
Nothings gonna happen to the planet. Leave it alone. Trump is right. Waste of money. People are starving out here. Don't waste money on universe/planet exploring. If all humans didn't even try to explore outside the earth, the world will still rotate and it's not gonna end. Been here years and years before humans and will remain here after millions of years. Who created all dis, earth/planets/uinverse it's in his hands. We can't destroy the earth unless a rock hits us (not the 2020 Rock,lol).
So yea trump is right, don't even bother giving money to Nasa. Who cares if there's a planet out there. We never gonna get there. Waste of time and money.



Nothings gonna happen to the planet. Leave it alone. Trump is right. Waste of money. People are starving out here. Don't waste money on universe/planet exploring. If all humans didn't even try to explore outside the earth, the world will still rotate and it's not gonna end. Been here years and years before humans and will remain here after millions of years. Who created all dis, earth/planets/uinverse it's in his hands. We can't destroy the earth unless a rock hits us (not the 2020 Rock,lol).
So yea trump is right, don't even bother giving money to Nasa. Who cares if there's a planet out there. We never gonna get there. Waste of time and money.

This makes me feel sick.

I feel like if the whole of NASA, doesnt go on strike then their colluding with Trump and the destruction of the planet. Maybe thats unfair to say but, they must know the importance, and that exploring out there without an earth is just pointless.


im guessing the oil companies promised him a lot of money

And most definitely this... "let's stop corrupt politicians gaiz"


"but both sides are the same"

Most of trump's invested industries and his rural base absolutely depend on NASA's weather research for optimal farming / etc



Yeah, this is exactly where I stand on this.

I believe the overwhelming scientific consensus but let's pretend for a moment that they are wrong. We would then be spending money for a higher quality of life, a healthier environment, etc. Still worth it.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I always wonder why some people think climate change isn't real. Because winters are still cold? Because we still got snow?

*cue senatesnowball.jpg*
I'm frustrated. Beyond frustrated. It's simply unbelievable that politicians can get away with doing and saying these things in the US.
Lets give him a chance. This is a man who thinks at least 84 years in advance. Trump is playing 4D chess here when the rest of the world is still playing checkers. Just give the man a chance.

4 years of this shit, strap in.


This seems awful.

To clarify, is Trump changing the direction of NASA set by the researchers there themselves, or is their climate research division a result of previous execute decisions?
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