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Trump's Treasury pick targets taxes, trade reforms

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Everyone I know is middle class. Everyone i know neexsnthe morrgage deductions in California. Why does everyone think this deduction only benefits the rich and why does everyone want to get rid of it?

Rural housing is as cheap as dirt, making the mortgage interest deduction only useful for the "rich" there. Of course, a house the size of a shoebox hits the $1M mortgage cap for those living in California/NYC/DC metro areas, but no political points are earned catering to "the coastal liberal elite".


I'm sure someone pointed this out, but tax breaks and trade deal changes in order to reach... The same growth we have?

This sounds awesome

The one hope I have of a Republican president is to clear up some tax rules and fix the corporate tax structure. It disproportionately affects small businesses that can't shuffle and play shell games with profits.


aka andydumi
Everyone I know is middle class. Everyone i know neexsnthe morrgage deductions in California. Why does everyone think this deduction only benefits the rich and why does everyone want to get rid of it?

Because now it unnecessarily benefits the wealthy. If you were to cap it to a primary residence up to 300k in value, and cap household income at 100k, it would be a great step forward. But it still would not eliminate some of the other side effects.


Everyone I know is middle class. Everyone i know neexsnthe morrgage deductions in California. Why does everyone think this deduction only benefits the rich and why does everyone want to get rid of it?

It predominantly benefits the rich. Your argument also applies to the deduction for charitable contributions and lower capital gains tax rate--everyone can benefit from these. The lower class are more likely to rent and do not see any benefit in this. They definitely don't benefit from the fact that you can take the mortgage interest deduction on owning a second home.
Everyone I know is middle class. Everyone i know neexsnthe morrgage deductions in California. Why does everyone think this deduction only benefits the rich and why does everyone want to get rid of it?
Yes, i'm also trying to figure out why as a middle-class homeowner, I need to be fucked out of my mortgage interest deduction.
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